Can we all agree that for all the talk about zingers, they were pretty lame?
So I just started watching it after getting chicken little vibe from here and I think most are over reacting. I'm sure the conversation here changed the shit pre debate opinion but coming in thinking he was destroying Obama it seems to me like Romney is appealing to the GOP.
Cut PBS, merging fat and cut taxes to 0 infinite revenue arent winning topics
Romney is making my blood boil.
Obama is a great debater? Really?
Wasn't he supposed to stomp Romney?
Yeah guys, the race isn't over.
Obama is a great debater? Really?
Wasn't he supposed to stomp Romney?
Yeah guys, the race isn't over.
Fair enough.
So fact checkers who is lying about what in the debate, and why isn't Obama calling him out on it?
Obama is a great debater? Really?
Wasn't he supposed to stomp Romney?
Yeah guys, the race isn't over.
It's over. Romney's been surprisingly adequate, in addition to highly disingenuous, but the race is over.Obama is a great debater? Really?
Wasn't he supposed to stomp Romney?
Yeah guys, the race isn't over.
This is very true. Obama seemed to stutter. Almost like he believed he was going to stomp Romney and just wasn't ready.To an intelligent guy, Obama won. However you have to concede that Romney talks more like a salesman that will seem more effective to more ignorant/less intelligent people.
Heh it is over debates don't matter.Obama is a great debater? Really?
Wasn't he supposed to stomp Romney?
Yeah guys, the race isn't over.
Neil deGrasse Tyson ‏@neiltyson
Cutting PBS support (0.012% of budget) to help balance the Federal budget is like deleting text files to make room on your 500Gig hard drive
Bill Maher will probably rage at Obama not attacking Mittens
Bill Maher will probably rage at Obama not attacking Mittens
We're really not. :/
To an intelligent guy, Obama won. However you have to concede that Romney talks more like a salesman that will seem more effective to more ignorant/less intelligent people. I am raging at Obama not attacking Mitt, he should go hard, his Democrat audience isn't going to mind...we all understand the need to appeal to lesser people.
He's attacked him plenty. People are just getting too caught up on Obama taking his time to speak and explain his comments.
IN FACT, it's the same bullshit Obama was lambasted for during his primary run in '08 against Hillary and it made zero fucking difference. Voters haven't bought into the rhetoric thus far, and this debate won't change shit.
No, Obama missed opportunities to really attack Romney back. Best thing i read was Obama is talking to the nation, Romney is talking to Obama.
Obama should have gone after him directly some.
No, Obama missed opportunities to really attack Romney back. Best thing i read was Obama is talking to the nation, Romney is talking to Obama.
Obama should have gone after him directly some.
It's never been his style. Expect to see some attack ads in the next week, though. "I've sent plenty of jobs overseas." and "get the federal government out of education"
I think Romney was good, but not good enough to change the game.
To an intelligent guy, Obama won. However you have to concede that Romney talks more like a salesman that will seem more effective to more ignorant/less intelligent people. I am raging at Obama not attacking Mitt, he should go hard, his Democrat audience isn't going to mind...we all understand the need to appeal to lesser people.
Because Romney came off like he had an actual record and well-thought out ideas to a regular Joe, IMO.
Obama should have said he has no real plan. He should have directly said things weren't true. He almost got to it at one point but pulled back.
He should have called out Romney for flip-flopping and even the 47% stuff. This was a debate the end of the election was possible and Obama whiffed.