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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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So Romney's already flopped on his Obamacare flip flop re:pre-existing conditions and children on parents' plans:

"I'm sorry, did you think I'd force insurance companies to do those things? Heavens no. Free market magic will fix those."

Why even send Romney to television shows at this point if you're just going to deny everything he says the same day? Just have Sununu go on Meet the Press.


The most disturbing thing about this thought process is that it makes no sense for Obama to bribe or threaten any pollster -- he doesn't need to win the polls, he needs to win the votes. They have completely lost track of the idea that these numbers are not scores.

The thinking is that it's a ploy to demoralize Romney voters so they don't vote lol


50-45 in ohio

So yeah, just topping his 08 margin, as expected. Not really game changing -- he was up 3 last time they came by -- but solid. They also note that the Dem/GOP spread is +4 in the poll but was actually +8 in 2008, so they could be low balling the eventual results.
So yeah, just topping his 08 margin, as expected. Not really game changing -- he was up 3 last time they came by -- but solid. They also note that the Dem/GOP spread is +4 in the poll but was actually +8 in 2008, so they could be low balling the eventual results.
If it solidifies there, Romney's done. If he's matching his 08 margin in Ohio he probably is in the other swing states too.
I'm assuming Obama's boost is more about reassembling his base than convincing independents to vote for him, although that's probably happening too.

I heard "register to vote" as a google search doubled after his speech.

Yeah, but that probably means little. I mean, how many people were Googling "register to vote" during the conference? How much would doubling that produce?

Maybe a few thousand over an hour to a few thousand more?


Was this posted?

Ryan: ‘I Have More Foreign Policy Experience’ Than Obama Four Years Ago
"I have more foreign policy experience coming into this job than President Obama, who sat on the Senate Foreign Relations committee, did coming into his," Ryan said on "Face the Nation." "I've voted to send men and women to war. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan. I've met with our troops to get their perspectives. I've been to the funerals, I've talked to the widows, I've talked to the wives, the moms and the dads. That's something. That matters."

Maybe he was instrumental in shipping Team 6 overseas.


So got my first of the new blast of Romney commercials in NC.

"The Mitt Romney plan: Reverse Obama's job-killing policies, create 350k new jobs"



Maybe he was instrumental in shipping Team 6 overseas.
buzfeed reporting they flipped again, jesus fucking christ

After Mitt Romney said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday that there were certain parts of Obamacare that he liked, a campaign aide confirmed to BuzzFeed that one of the elements that a Romney health care overhaul would be a guarantee that people with pre-existing conditions can't get kicked off their health insurance plans.

"Gov. Romney will ensure that discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions who maintain continuous coverage is prohibited," the aide said.

But the 2010 health care law goes much further: It bars discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions who are applying for health care.

The new statement appears to amend a report in National Review Online earlier Sunday, which quoted an anonymous aide saying Romney would allow "the martketplace" to sort out coverage for such people.

The aide pointed to an occasion earlier this summer when Romney firmly staked out support for insuring people with pre-existing conditions in the context of a bill he says will "replace" ObamaCare.

However, without an individual mandate — which Romney has repeatedly opposed — it's unclear how he would ensure such coverage.

UPDATE: National Review has now updated its coverage with a similar statement.

team obama said:
Where does @mittromney stand on health care? His own campaign doesn't know- 3 different answers in one day. Sad.
Was this posted?

Ryan: ‘I Have More Foreign Policy Experience’ Than Obama Four Years Ago



I don't know why he's even wasting time. From a foreign policy perspective, Obama has been a baller. Ryan hasn't worked a real job in his life. I'm sorry, but visiting Afghanistan and talking to veteran's families doesn't make you a foreign policy guru Paul.

Anyway, who gives a shit about Ryan's credentials. With each passing day, we're reminded why the VP is largely irrelevant in helping the presidential candidate. All of that euphoria about Ryan being picked is wearing out real quick.
A few crosstabs

Obama approval - 48/48, Romney favorability is 44/49

Romney leads 46-44 with independents, but Obama has a more unified party (86/11 with Democrats vs. Romney's 83/13 with Republicans)

Obama trails 48-46 with men, 50-46 with whites, leads 49-47 with seniors


How in the hell can the Romney camp still not have a coherent message on HCR?

One would think that would be one of the first fucking meetings they'd all have and hash out the details to. The fact that they still don't have a clear message is just insane.

Seriously, the McCain/Palin campaign wasn't this bad was it? I mean I knew I wasn't paying nearly as much attention then as I am now, but this is so freakishly embarrassing I can't even imagine a worse campaign unless they were trying.


How in the hell can the Romney camp still not have a coherent message on HCR?
Because the campaign doesn't really have a coherent message on anything.

Get that Carter/Reagan shit out of here. If Mittens can pull something like that out of his ass I'll lose my mind.


Curious if the press will call him out for showing up for interviews, giving the easy - and false - answer face to face, and then walking it back quietly after. I think it has less to do with the campaign not being coherent as it does Romney going off the cuff to hand interviewers answers that sound good at the time. No wonder he does so few.

Mitt Romney argued Sunday that voters should have enough of a sense of his principles to have confidence in how he'd handle the nitty-gritty details of taxes, spending and health care as president.



It's not secret that most people vote on likability and messaging. Could that person be my boss? A local cop? My minister? The manager at my grocery store? The nice bank teller down the street? The guy who pumps my gas. A local teacher or my next door neighbor? These are the internal questions people ask themselves. Would they want someone the could trust in their local community, to be the leader of our nation? Messaging is key too, since it encapsulates the basic theme of one's policies and why they think they're superior to their opponent. Romney is betting on that people will vote for him because the incumbent is ineffective and that he isn't Obama. That isn't enough. Obama is validating the last four years but also selling the next four years and beyond. Saying what you're going to do is more effective than saying what hasn't been done.

The average person doesn't use policy as a means to make a decision at the ballot . Most people, quite frankly, don't have the time or interest to follow politics that much. They don't have the capacity to critically compare and contrast each candidates' plans or their value systems. Only those who care enough and have the luxury to spend time going deep in this stuff, are the ones who (maybe) vote based on policy or overall philosophy.

The fact that Romney is awkward, robotic and stand offish is bad enough. But not having a consistent and clear message this late in the election is bad, really bad. Even worse is not being on the same page as your running mate or your party.


Romney literally had years to make and build a counter message on HCR that's coherent and doesn't pis off the GOP base. We're 8-9 weeks away from election day, and he and his team are still struggling to pin down a position on HCR is just baffling.


Because the campaign doesn't really have a coherent message on anything.
I disagree, Romney has a perfectly coherent message on health care. He just thinks that the individual mandate was the right policy for MA and the wrong policy for America because it was unconstitutional no wait nevermind well just because it's constitutional doesn't make it good policy and anyone who lost their health care should be so lucky to live in MA I will repeal Obamacare well some of it HEY LOOK OBAMA IS CUTTING MEDICARE I support the Ryan plan and would sign it as president Paul Ryan is not at the top of the ticket we don't have to agree on everything SOCIALISM anyway Romneycare and Obamacare are completely different I don't know why everyone keeps saying this I didn't change anything in my book and will bet ten thousand dollars. Shut up. Fuck you. Obama went on an apology tour.

See? Simple.
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