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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Unconfirmed Member
I disagree, Romney has a perfectly coherent message on health care. He just thinks that the individual mandate was the right policy for MA and the wrong policy for America because it was unconstitutional no wait nevermind well just because it's constitutional doesn't make it good policy and anyone who lost their health care should be so lucky to live in MA I will repeal Obamacare well some of it HEY LOOK OBAMA IS CUTTING MEDICARE I support the Ryan plan and would sign it as president Paul Ryan is not at the top of the ticket we don't have to agree on everything SOCIALISM anyway Romneycare and Obamacare are completely different I don't know why everyone keeps saying this I didn't change anything in my book and will bet ten thousand dollars. Shut up. Fuck you. Obama went on an apology tour.

See? Simple.
This is amazing


Did you check the date of that article? It's a year old, brah.

Bah, damned reddit. That's what I get for fucking around over there while tired after work. Wonder why the hell they're posting it now?

Do you remember Palin? Romney is miles ahead of that trainwreck and he has a chance to win

Yeah, Palin herself was a trainwreck I remember, but was the rest of the campaign as bad? I really wasn't paying nearly as much attention.


Okay America, let's play a game of "Are you stupid enough to elect this man?"

Seriously. That line right there is SO off putting. Then again, it comes from a man who was a CEO of a company who thinks the world should revolve around him. So it's not really surprising.

His handlers and advisers should just lock him in a room for 3 days and coach him on basic speaking skills and not coming off as a complete douche.


Yeah, Palin herself was a trainwreck I remember, but was the rest of the campaign as bad? I really wasn't paying nearly as much attention.

It was pretty bad. Like McCain suspending his campaign to pretend he was going to fix the economy. And he had some Romney-esque moments, like when he forgot how many homes he owned.


McCain campaign -

Brutally outspent
Spent too much time on stupid stunts that made them look like idiots
Handily lost every debate
Palin was an insane person
Had to follow extremely unpopular republican president
Had no idea how to handle economic crisis, utterly crushed on this issue

Did actually succeed in getting a convention bounce
Celebrity ad was pretty effective?
Got to coast for a long while while Bams and Hills fought it out
Timing of VP announcement blunted DNC bounce pretty well - actually succeeded in taking the lead
Uh, made effective use of surrogate Joe the Plumber? (yeah I got nothing)



Oh man, reading this thread today is bringing back all the awesome from Fall 08 leading up the election. I'll never forget those few months, so many good memories.

I had to use some google-fu to find this again, but this was my absolute favorite thing leading up to the Biden/Palin debate.

If that PPP poll is accurate and Obama is only losing white voters by 4 points, he'll handily win Ohio. McCain won the white vote by 6 points there
It was pretty bad. Like McCain suspending his campaign to pretend he was going to fix the economy. And he had some Romney-esque moments, like when he forgot how many homes he owned.

That is very hard to surpass. The absurdity of that moment was unreal. Haha, and then Obama made him look like a child in the White House meetings with Bush.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
This is a shitty deal.
A Florida police officer involved in setting up security for U.S. President Barack Obama's motorcade was killed on Sunday after his motorcycle was hit by a pickup truck.

Palm Beach County Sheriff's spokeswoman Teri Barbera said the officer was entering a major roadway when he was hit by a Ford F-150 truck.

The officer was part of the security team responsible for setting up a rolling roadblock for the president's motorcade, Barbera said.

The officer was taken to a local hospital, where he died.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the accident happened ahead of the president's motorcade and no other vehicles were involved. An ambulance that was part of the motorcade was released immediately to assist on the scene, he said.
I hate to see stuff like that. I'm sure it weighs heavily on Obama too.


^^^ Sorry to hear that.

PPP North Carolina
Obama - 49 (+1)
Romney - 48 (-)

As per 538, North Carolina is a VERY inelastic state -- few persuadable/swingable voters -- hence it always being close.

Also, McCain was a far better candidate than Romney, imo. Or maybe not. I don't know what it is, exactly.

I think, if I absolutely HAD to make some kind of comparison, is that McCain was a decent candidate who ran a really poor campaign.

Romney's actual campaign isn't TERRIBLE (although I think it's pretty bad), but I genuinely think Romney is a terrible candidate. He literally has nothing going for him except he was a "businessman" and that he has access to unlimited amounts of SuperPAC money. He has no ideas, no values, no personality, no spine -- he's just an awful candidate.


Will the tears from the right be more salty than 08 or will 2012 beat it out?

Oh god, Facebook is going to be GLORIOUS!

08 will always be the saltiest. Not that many Republicans are gungho about Romney like they were w/Palin.

No, 2012 will be much saltier.

In 2008, even die-hard conservatives could admit that their party didn't deserve four more years after Bush.

In 2012, we've had four years of the Marxist Kenyan Muslim. Four years of chain emails that a lot of idiots regard as Gospel. You've got crotchety old conservatives sitting at their computers wondering why everyone can't see the same truth that's so obvious to them, thinking that if everyone could just read this email that Cousin Bubba just forwarded, the entire country would be marching on Washington to overthrow this radical anti-American dictator.

So when Obama wins a second term in spite of all the hate, in spite of all the FUD, in spite of all the Rush and all the Hannity and all the "FWD: Obama a Muslim plant?", the saltiness will reach levels that we've never seen before.


^^^ Sorry to hear that.

PPP North Carolina
Obama - 49 (+1)
Romney - 48 (-)

As per 538, North Carolina is a VERY inelastic state -- few persuadable/swingable voters -- hence it always being close.

If Obama takes North Carolina again, in this political climate, despite all of Romney's money, I don't think I'll be able to contain my laughter.


No Scrubs
No, 2012 will be much saltier.

In 2008, even die-hard conservatives could admit that their party didn't deserve four more years after Bush.

In 2012, we've had four years of the Marxist Kenyan Muslim. Four years of chain emails that a lot of idiots regard as Gospel. You've got crotchety old conservatives sitting at their computers wondering why everyone can't see the same truth that's so obvious to them, thinking that if everyone could just read this email that Cousin Bubba just forwarded, the entire country would be marching on Washington to overthrow this radical anti-American dictator.

So when Obama wins a second term in spite of all the hate, in spite of all the FUD, in spite of all the Rush and all the Hannity and all the "FWD: Obama a Muslim plant?", the saltiness will reach levels that we've never seen before.

Which is why it will be AMAZING. I only wish I lived in a small conservative town instead of NYC where everyone is gonna get laid after Obama gets reelected. Wait a minute what am I saying?


If Obama takes North Carolina again, in this political climate, despite all of Romney's money, I don't think I'll be able to contain my laughter.

I think, more than anything, I want Obama to win by a lot to show those fucking Republican billionaires you can't win an election by just buying it.

Is anyone else tired of hearing about these fucking billionaires, because now I have to care about what they do and how they spend their money? Koch brothers, Sheldon Adelson, etc. Just irritating.


You'd best start preparing to laugh.

Obama will haunt the Republicans' dreams for an entire generation. I mean North Carolina is one step away from Deep South™.

I think, more than anything, I want Obama to win by a lot to show those fucking Republican billionaires you can't win an election by just buying it.

They couldn't buy a better candidate because nothing better was up for sale.


Also, McCain was a far better candidate than Romney, imo. Or maybe not. I don't know what it is, exactly.

I think, if I absolutely HAD to make some kind of comparison, is that McCain was a decent candidate who ran a really poor campaign.

Well I remember in 08 the Obama camp wanted Romney as his opponent over McCain.


Which is why it will be AMAZING. I only wish I lived in a small conservative town instead of NYC where everyone is gonna get laid after Obama gets reelected. Wait a minute what am I saying?
This is where living in a deep-blue city in the South pays-off. The entertainment value is supreme here.

While the vast majority of city dwellers will be deliriously happy at Obama being re-elected, complete with fireworks/car horns honking/public dancing/hugging/people generally acting like we've won WW2/etc.. as soon as you step outside of the city limits into the suburbs, it'll be salty, salty bitterness. And the bitterness will be mixed with genuine confusion as to how the socialist got enough votes to win, as most folks out in the southern burbs & rural areas don't know many people who like "that evil man."

The reactions will be gold. Most of them that I know in real life actually think that Obama is absolutely toast. Mind you, this certitude isn't borne of statistical evidence or scholarly analysis, but rather mainly because no one they know likes him. So their utter shock, their horror.. to realize that yes, there is a silent majority that rejects their rednecky thinking? It will be delectable.
Not even in 24 hours go by before Mitt Flipped again. How the hell are you this incompetent?! You've been hammered on your flip flops for years and your two months away from a potential presidency and yet you still haven't found anything to stick to your guns with!?
Thing about NC is that by all measures, it really shouldn't have gone blue in NC. Obama greatly ramped up minority turnout and even then he only barely eked out a win. So it's not very surprising he didn't get a huge bump there, as his path to victory is all about making sure those people who turned out in 08 for the first time turn out this year too.

786110 said:
Obama/DNC raised $114 million in August
Romney/RNC raised $111 million
Nice. Hopefully this stops some of the hand-wringing.
North Carolina isn't very important. If Obama wins it will be an unnecessary addition on the way to a crushing victory in the electoral college.
What are the important down ticket races in NC? I'm not familiar with the house races there.
NC-07 (McIntyre) NC-08 (Kissell). They both got hosed in redistricting. Blue dogs, but if it makes the difference between Speaker Pelosi and Speaker Boehner, I'll take it. Otherwise I don't really care. Every other seat is safe dem or safe gop.

There's also the gubernatorial contest between Walter Dalton and Pat McCrory. It's probably McCrory's though, even if Obama does win.
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