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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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I was reading Dutch news about how his convention speech was less hope and change and more its going to be a long hard road and I thought about his inauguration speech. Wasn't it basically the same? As I remember it it was as he says the truth that he told. That it was going to be hard and long. I don't know why people are getting all up in his face for with the hole 'oh so now he says it's going to be hard'. Bitch his inauguration speech was the same thing. Or am I wrong?

You're absolutely right.

But I'm glad, because people are finally seeing things realistically instead of clinging to "Obama needs to outperform Superman" theories of governance (while failing to appreciate that he inherited the single largest domestic problem in 80 years).
Bad news for Obama after all then.

I was reading Dutch news about how his convention speech was less hope and change and more its going to be a long hard road and I thought about his inauguration speech. Wasn't it basically the same? As I remember it it was as he says the truth that he told. That it was going to be hard and long. I don't know why people are getting all up in his face for with the hole 'oh so now he says it's going to be hard'. Bitch his inauguration speech was the same thing. Or am I wrong?

As opposed to Bush's inauguration speech where he stated that his economic plan would completely pay off the deficit in 10 years.


gotta love Dick Morris...

Obama Thugs Rough Up Gallup For Polls They Don’t Like


or the one from a few days ago

It’s Advantage Romney After Obama Fails To Move The Needle


Dick Morris is a hilarious piece of garbage. Like, not only is he an incredibly shitty pundit, one of the worst in the business (which is saying a hell of a lot), he became a pundit out of spite after being fired for not being able to keep his love of prostitute feet on the down low.
So he lost one of Bill Clinton's 1996 endorsements? Or are you suggesting he should be clamoring for W and McCain type support?

Which raises a question: Should public sector unions even be allowed to offer endorsements?

Sigh. I take back the nice thing I said earlier. Regardless of whether you agree with the legality of giving the endorsement, don't you find it troubling, as a Republican, that the Republican nominee isn't getting the endorsement of police officers? What does that say about the Republican message/brand these days?
Dick Morris is a hilarious piece of garbage. Like, not only is he an incredibly shitty pundit, one of the worst in the business (which is saying a hell of a lot), he became a pundit out of spite after being fired for not being able to keep his love of prostitute feet on the down low.

lol, wut?

I can't believe this guy gets paid for his awful opinions. But he is entertaining for the lulz.

holy fuck. Republicans attack yelp page of pizza owner who hugged Obama.

It looks like Yelp removed them, though a bunch of other people came in to give 5 star reviews to balance it out.

Well.. I'd eat there but after seeing the owner grab our leftist President I felt compelled to disrespect his establishment as much as the President disrespects our constitution. Shame on you Scott Van Duzer for thumbing your nose at all the small business owners this President has disrespected for the last four years. I guess you DIDN'T BUILD IT!
I hope you're prepared for many more Yelps like this!!! Maybe you weren't thinking, or maybe you are the only liberal pro Obama business owner, who knows.. but you won't get mine or anyone else's business for your treachery.

Cottonwood, AZ
1.0 star rating
Talk about committing business suicide. After picking up Obama, your books are gonna be in the red pretty soon. Not too smart.

I dont buy for one second that he’s a Republican either. No way would ANY Republican vote for Obama

"I do feel extremely comfortable with him," said Van Duzer
Kind of a queer thing to say: they just met.

The Ambiguously Gay Duo: Scott and Barry
Well I guess we know Barry is a bottom now.



A google search also reveals he has created a charity called the “van duzer” foundation that collects blood or something.

I s’pose he can collect blood from a bunch of Democrats from now on...there are other charities out there that can get blood and plasma from people who work for a living.

By the way, maybe we ought to visit this clown’s place and just dine and dash....after all, he didn’t build that business, and aren’t we all entitled to the fruits of his labor?


I've been watching Dick Morris' videos on Youtube recently out of morbid curiosity. The guy is delusional. The fact that he hawk his products so hard in each video tells me he's in it for the money more than anything else.
I've been watching Dick Morris' videos on Youtube recently out of morbid curiosity. The guy is delusional. The fact that he hawk his products so hard in each video tells me he's in it for the money more than anything else.
Dick Morris dont care about anything that's not Dick Morris. Him, Alex Jones and Glenn Beck earn their bread by spouting nutty conspiracies.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

Israel consider Jerusalem to be its capital, but it's recognized by practically no one, including the US, and there are no embassies in Jerusalem.

I'm lost in this picture? Who is FDR shaking hands with that filter down to JFK?
Paul Ryan: bla bla bla Democrats voted to cut trillions in defense spending!

Norah O'Donnell: In the bill that you voted for

Ryan: No I voted for the Budget Control Act

O'Donnell: Which contains the spending cuts that you're griping about


Saw Jim Graves closing in on Bachman on KOS. He's gonna pull it out I think. MN-08 will flip too and maybe MN-02 if the Republicans stay home.
7-1 Minnesota delegation would be wicked and probably indicative of a House takeover, but we'll be lucky to get an extra seat beyond MN-08. Kline and Bachmann are both vulnerable but have the edge right now.

Although there haven't been any polls out in MN-02.


He's been in the Congress since 1999 and he cant handle these easy interviews. Why to people think hes going to be some master class debater again?


Wow, I didn't even see Romney's Jay Leno interview, I saw the clip on Hardball just now, his health care answer about a hypothetical guy with a heart condition, was just horrible.

First pic is FDR shaking hands with LBJ.

edit: ^

gotta say LBJ looked a liiiittle bit different then.
He's been in the Congress since 1999 and he cant handle these easy interviews. Why to people think hes going to be some master class debater again?
He's been coddled nicely in Wisconsin media where his talking points stick with people. National media is a whole new different ball game, so he's coming off unprepared for follow-up questions. The unrelenting glare of 24/7 news cycle must also seem new to him. Mitt must have had some exposure to national media at least. But he just sucks.


Bachmann, Alan West, and Joe Walsh. My greatest desire, besides Obama's re-election, is those three getting kicked out of office.


talk about an avalanche of bad news today

"Shares your values:" Obama +2 two weeks ago, Obama +7 today (5 pt swing)
"Strong and decisive leader:" Romney +5 two weeks ago, Obama +6 today (11 pt swing)
"Has an optimistic vision for our country's future:" Romney +4 two weeks ago, Obama +10 today (14 pt swing)
"Has a clear plan": Romney +6 two weeks ago, Obama +6 today (12 pt swing)
"In touch with middle-class Americans:" Obama +6 two weeks ago, Obama +20 today (14 pt swing)
"Can manage government effectively:" Romney +4 two weeks ago, Obama +3 today (7 pt swing)

Now that's a convention bounce.


looking at a graph someone posted pages ago
amazing how effective the bain attacks were

was at fisherman's wharf yesterday and saw a beggar with a sign saying "help me or i'll vote for romney" XD
Think there's a new SurveryUSA poll in MN. Had headphones on while on the computer while the TV is on(yes, wasting energy) and the local news who affiliates with them were talking about a new poll that started the last day of the DNC. Only thing I caught was Obama is up in every region(not sure how they're classifying them...CD???)) of the state but the south.

Can't find anything on the news website or SurveyUSA.


Its kindof painful to watch, since you can see the unmitigated glee on Norah O'Donnell's face at the blood in the water. She's got her Cheshire grin gotcha moment and she's savoring every bit of it.

"I'm gonna have to correct you Norah." lol

"We can get into this nomenclature" doood proper nomenclature!


Unconfirmed Member
Because there is an inherent hazard to the tax payer when a public union supports the election of a particular individual, who then has the power to negotiate said union's salary/benefits with the only one who is at risk is the general tax payer.

I'm not saying members of those unions should not be able to endorse candidates on an individual basis, but I don't think they should be offering endorsements as a union.
wouldn't there also then be an inherent hazard to the taxpayer if a corporation could endorse or fund with unlimitted spending a candidate? I mean that candidate could slash regulation or engage in no bid contracts in conflict areas

I'm not saying employees of that corporation couldn't endorse someone :p


It's not that so much as not expecting great things from Biden. Biden unscripted often seems to result in Biden saying something dumb.

And a lot of people seem to be hanging their hats on Biden having gone easy on Palin. I'm not sure I buy that now that he can really attack his opponent, he'll suddenly be a genius debater.

I dunno. Debates seem to be more optics than anything, and I think it's likely that Ryan will come out looking prettier than Biden.

Even if Ryan gets mad? remember Ryan is used to people not engaging him out of intimidation. Not to mention he has to tow the same line as Romney or it is going to cause more headaches.

Biden merely needs to get Ryan to say what he really thinks or defend a position that Romney is against and the work will be done. Biden does not need to beat Ryan, Ryan will beat himself.
I like Ryan though, because he likes classic rock, I mean not many people like that stuff, and, Zeppelin, I mean, I made so many interesting friends in college by liking Zeppelin, in fact, I almost bought a Zeppelin CD once, but instead I just stare at my dad's Zeppelin LPs, plus they had that one song with Puff Daddy and Ma$e, talk about classic!

I say, Rock on Ryan!

I love youuu Zeppelinn!!

I watched a news segment about the time when the rumors were starting to solidfy around Ryan that he'll help with the youth vote because, and this was said with a straight face, he likes hip music like AC/DC.

AC FUCKING DC. Since the fuck when is that considered "new music?" What, do these people think that Louis Armstrong is just starting to go out of style?
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