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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Especially since the state is already socialist. You get money from the state government just for living there!

I love that. I'm surprised Republicans never made any noise about his language in his books or used clips out of context. I guess, like the eating dog meat story, few of them ever read it to notice.


Why don't Republicans ever bring up the Supreme Court and how important it is to stop Obama from replacing retiring Justices with activist librul judges? Am I just not hearing this from my usual sources?

I'd also like to thank Kosmo for returning to the thread and asking a substantive question, instead of driving by with another false equivalency. The thread has been a congratulatory celebration for about 10 pages with no dissent.

I'm pretty sure he was trying to set up a gotcha moment, but was surprised that people actually had legitimate responses.


I'm pretty sure he was trying to set up a gotcha moment, but was surprised that people actually had legitimate responses.

I think this was the case, as well. I know republicans are going to continue with the "lol no record to run on" thing, but I think last week showed that there are several things this administration has done that democrats are very proud of.


lol, drudge is trying too hard with this as a big headline

The comments on Drudge links are always funny, too. Someone pointed out 538, and no one believed him.

Also, someone said this "You can't fix stupid ,private contractors have built everthing .Have never seen a road or bridge building co named uncle sam to date!"


also this: "Thank you, Michael Baram. I am an eighty-two year old southern, conservative female, and don't have the tattoos, but am with you on everything you said. May God bless you. BTW, I am beginning to think that it was a mistake to allow women to vote. So many of them think with their emotions, rather than with their intellect."
If I was the Obama campaign I'd put a ton of pressure on Biden to practice and really prepare for that debate. Sure it's just a VP debate, but if he annihilates Ryan it'd be on headlines everywhere. If I was Obama I'd just say to Biden "Don't hold back. I want him to be metaphorically limping out of that room when you're done with him."

I also think if Biden actually does have presidential aspirations then that debate is pretty crucial for him.
Do VP's only do one debate? If Biden can pull it off and there's only one debate, that would be amazing. It's the moment to finish Ryan off.
Also, someone said this "You can't fix stupid ,private contractors have built everthing .Have never seen a road or bridge building co named uncle sam to date!"

Damn... That's sad.
This sounds pretty big. Good stuff.
In 2008 did we see Obam'a candidacy described as the "Obama-Biden" ticket constantly? It feels like "Romney-Ryan" is odd, but maybe it's my partisan blinders.


Do VP's only do one debate? If Biden can pull it off and there's only one debate, that would be amazing. It's the moment to finish Ryan off.

Yep, there's only one.

In 2008 did we see Obam'a candidacy described as the "Obama-Biden" ticket constantly? It feels like "Romney-Ryan" is odd, but maybe it's my partisan blinders.

"See?! There's a real conservative on the ticket, we swear!"


Mitt's campaign must be hitting themselves over the head for not choosing T-Paw or Rob Portman. That was horrendous.

Portman would've just set up a different line of attack -- something along the lines of "Mitt Romney's so excited to bring back the failed economic policies of George W. Bush, he even hired Bush's budget director." That also would've worked against Mitch Daniels.

Pawlenty probably would've been a good choice. He's boring enough to make Romney look exciting by comparison, and, at the same time, bland enough that nothing bad would stick to him since no one would remember who he was. He wouldn't win votes, but he wouldn't have given Obama the choice election the Democrats were hoping for.

The Ryan pick really must've been borne out of the GOP believing their own anti-Obama propaganda/their crazy epistemic closure. I can't think of any other reason for him.


So as Romney is looking increasingly fucked, do you think it likely that Republican donors will stop donating in such large numbers? Romney's apparent weakness could affect the amount of money superpacs have available for house and senate races. On the flipside, if Obama polls/pulls too far ahead of Romney, this could negatively affect donations to Democrats.
The Ryan pick really must've been borne out of the GOP believing their own anti-Obama propaganda/their crazy epistemic closure. I can't think of any other reason for him.

My thoughts on Ryan pick:

  • Lookism - if we learned anything from the Palin fiasco is that they have a hard on for our beloved term "lookism". Maybe they thought they could get the women's vote or the youth vote or just look less old.
  • Well known name - Ryan's name had been circulating in the media for a while due to his budget
  • Appease the base - Ryan's positions are far enough to the right of Romney's background that it strengthens the far right's appeal


So as Romney is looking increasingly fucked, do you think it likely that Republican donors will stop donating in such large numbers? Romney's apparent weakness could affect the amount of money superpacs have available for house and senate races. On the flipside, if Obama polls/pulls too far ahead of Romney, this could negatively affect donations to Democrats.

Obama outraised Romney in August. If it does turn out that the big money donors abandon the Romney ship, then the fears of Obama being massively outspent in the final months may prove unfounded.
The Ryan pick really must've been borne out of the GOP believing their own anti-Obama propaganda/their crazy epistemic closure. I can't think of any other reason for him.
The biggest thing lacking in Mitt Romney was the conservative vote, and in an economy election, the biggest thing they needed was someone who can solidify Romney as a serious economic alternative. Ryan has solid Teaparty cred, and Republicans have deluded themselves into believing that he is a "serious thinker", thanks to writing a fantastical GOP budget proposal, also thanks to media who has labeled him as such. His only weakness was Medicare, but Rovian tactics have been in effect with regards to that. So, small risk - high reward. He made the perfect sense.


I mean, he'll still be a multi-millionaire, so yeah, there's always that.

He's devoted the past couple of decades of his life to this. I don't believe for a second that he was ever really interested in being a senator or a governor; his aim was always to do what his father couldn't. He'll go back to his wealthy lifestyle and maybe work in the private sector again, but that's stuff he takes for granted. The Presidency is what he truly wants and will never get.

But his son is apparently gearing up to try when Mitt fails, so I guess we can look forward to three generations of this shit.


Other than the fact he'll have hundreds of millions of dollars and multiple mansions.

Again, he clearly takes that shit for granted. He's never wanted something he couldn't have. If he's denied this, I think it'll be a severe blow to his ego and his morale.


The Ryan pick really must've been borne out of the GOP believing their own anti-Obama propaganda/their crazy epistemic closure. I can't think of any other reason for him.

After the Walker recall vote, they thought Ryan could help them win Wisconsin. Also, the election was supposed to be all economy so he didn't pick someone to help the ticket's foreign policy credentials.
Again, he clearly takes that shit for granted. He's never wanted something he couldn't have. If he's denied this, I think it'll be a severe blow to his ego and his morale.

I picture his life after the elections to be like Nicholas Cage's character in the weatherman--random bystanders throwing milkshakes at him in public. Well that's how I hope it will be anyway.
The biggest thing lacking in Mitt Romney was the conservative vote, and in an economy election, the biggest thing they needed was someone who can solidify Romney as a serious economic alternative. Ryan has solid Teaparty cred, and Republicans have deluded themselves into believing that he is a "serious thinker", thanks to writing a fantastical GOP budget proposal, also thanks to media who has labeled him as such. His only weakness was Medicare, but Rovian tactics have been in effect with regards to that. So, small risk - high reward. He made the perfect sense.

That's what I meant by epistemic closure -- because the right has become so insular and inward-looking, they took it as articles of faith that:
1) Obama is not only a colossal failure as president, but also generally disliked as a person; and
2) the general public has a hankering for genuine conservatism, and will vote for someone who gives them that.

Even though there's not any real world evidence to support either of those presuppositions. He makes perfect sense only when you come from that "deluded" point of view...otherwise, he's huge risk. (And NY-26 should've been their first hint that people didn't agree with them.)


Even though there's not any real world evidence to support either of those presuppositions. He makes perfect sense only when you come from that "deluded" point of view...otherwise, he's huge risk. (And NY-26 should've been their first hint that people didn't agree with them.)

I still think the argument is that it's better to lose with you in charge than win with somebody else in charge. There are a good number of Republicans that would rather run on an ultraconservative platform than a moderate one even if the moderate one would be more successful. In fact, that's kind of the whole problem they're facing. Because they're not all Fox News watchers -- some of them are Fox News writers.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

According to a PPP poll of likely Ohio voters, 15 percent of Republicans in Ohio think Romney is “more responsible” for bin Laden’s death than Obama, while 47 percent of Republicans are “not sure” whether Obama or Romney deserves more of the credit.

Six percent of the overall respondents gave Romney credit where credit is not at all due. Thirty-one percent of them weren’t sure whether the president or the candidate deserves more credit.



Dat bump: New CNN poll has Obama up by six over Romney among likely voters.

Unbelievable crosstabs. Obama's score among registered voters remained almost exactly the same as last poll -- but the spread between registered and likely dropped from 8% to 1%. In other words, a huge chunk of that gain comes from registered but unlikely voters deciding they're going to vote after all this year.

Also worth noting that Obama's up by 8 among likely voters when when third-party candidates are considered.


Lead is 8 points amongst LV with Gary Johnson & Jill Stein on the ballot.

Obama over Romney on the Economy & on taxes! Romney barely leads on the Debt

Also Dems more ethused about voting than Republicans.
Dat bump: New CNN poll has Obama up by six over Romney among likely voters.

52-46 Obama-Biden among likely voters? Wow.

53-45 among registered.

Also, with Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, it's 51-43-3-1 among likely voters. GJ is taking votes from Mitt by a significant amount.



Can't win campaigns when half your votes are not for you but against the other guy. LOL
Now, we just need to cross our fingers for some good House gains.
So if you look at the favorable ratings for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, you'll see the Democrats are at 51% approve and Republicans are at 42%. While it's not exact, this probably represents something of a baseline for the Congressional races. By comparison in 2008 the split was 53-42, an election in which Democrats picked up 21 seats, on top of the 31 picked up in 2006.

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