I wonder if Romney would go through with these negotiations if elected president. That has to be a major question for monday
it's a reverse Iran hostage crisis. Iran knows a Romney presidency means war. They want Obama instead. Disgusting but that's geopolitics.Iran is obviously being forced into this by Obama's thugs from chica...
wait a minute...
it's a reverse Iran hostage crisis. Iran knows a Romney presidency means war. They want Obama instead. Disgusting but that's geopolitics.
Iran would rather talk with Obama then Romney.
Think about that
Just in time for Obama to aplogize directly to Iran.
Iran supports Obama
Iran is obviously being forced into this by Obama's thugs from chica...
wait a minute...
this and the cia report before the debate?
this and the cia report before the debate?
Just got done voting. 4 more for Obama here in Nevada.
Just got done voting. 4 more for Obama here in Nevada.
Just got done voting. 4 more for Obama here in Nevada.
Good job. I wish I lived in a swing state so my vote mattered.Just got done voting. 4 more for Obama here in Nevada.
Gallup out yet?
Just got done voting. 4 more for Obama here in Nevada.
This posted yet? Republican operative caught dumping voter registration forms in Virginia?
This posted yet? Republican operative caught dumping voter registration forms in Virginia?
Because what he's doing benefits the republican party.How is this not treason? Dude should be banished from the country if not worse.
You voted four times?? VOTE FRAUD
keep going
4 more what sir?Just got done voting. 4 more for Obama here in Nevada. – The Justice Department said Wednesday that it has joined a lawsuit against The Gallup Organization alleging the polling company filed false claims on contracts with the U.S. Mint, the State Department and other government agencies.
A fired Gallup employee who became a whistle-blower, Michael Lindley, alleges in the lawsuit that he discovered shortly after going to work for the polling company that it had engaged in widespread fraud against the government.
Honored as "Rookie of the Year" at Gallup in 2009, Lindley says he was fired six months later when he told colleagues that if the company didn't report overbilling practices to the government, Lindley would do so himself.
His lawsuit, filed nearly three years ago and unsealed Wednesday in federal court, says Gallup routinely submitted inflated cost estimates which enabled the company to reap huge profits from its government business.
In addition to its polling work, Gallup provides consulting services to government, corporate and other clients around the world.
The Justice Department said it was stepping into the case with respect to Gallup's contracts with the Mint and the State Department.
In response, Gallup general counsel Steve O'Brien said, "We believe that the allegations and the legal theory that the Justice Department is using are entirely meritless."
O'Brien said the work involved fixed-price contracts that were all competitively bid and paid for as agreed. Now, said O'Brien, the government is saying "the price should have been something else."
O'Brien is among those named in Lindley's lawsuit. According to Lindley, when he asked O'Brien why he had been fired, O'Brien said "When you start talking about going to the Department of Justice, I don't trust you anymore."
On Wednesday, O'Brien called Lindley's assertion "a total and complete fabrication."
According to Lindley's lawsuit, on a $2 million-a-year sole-source contract with the Mint, Gallup inflated the number of hours required to complete the work, usually by a multiple of two or three times the number justified by historical experience. Gallup was hired to conduct market research for the sale of newly issued coins.
The State Department work involved the U.S. Passport Agency. During negotiations on a $25 million sole-source contract, Gallup allegedly submitted detailed budgets with vastly inflated hours on the time to complete the work for the agency. Gallup was hired to conduct surveys to predict the level of passport applications stemming from changes in border laws governing travel to Mexico and Canada.
Separately, Lindley alleges that Gallup exercised undue influence over the award process on a $15 million contract with the Army's Joint Contracting Command in Iraq.
The lawsuit says Gallup actually wrote the request for proposal that the Army's contracting officer issued. Gallup wrote the proposal so the contract could be awarded only to a company with characteristics that were unique to Gallup, according to Lindley's allegations.
In a $10 million contract with a Health and Human Services Department agency, Gallup allegedly shifted costs from some of its fixed-price government contracts to a cost-plus contract with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
In a $2 million-a-year contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a Gallup executive allegedly submitted inflated estimates of the hours required to complete various tasks, inflating the contract price.
Or maybe they want to try someone/something different. Or maybe, just maybe, they're intelligent enough to understand that Obama's policies haven't brought this country back on it's feet again. You're asking people to stick with someone whose policies haven't noticeably improved their lives.
The lead is tightening a lot more than anticipated. Going from +5 to +1 in just a week, in the most critical state, is not anything to scoff at. That's why PoliGAF is panicking.Obama's leading in the majority of swing states and poligaf is in panic mode. Too funny.
This is exactly right. I said as much after the third debate. BO was all about hope and change last time around, with a vision for the future. None of that this time around - BO has been reduced to silly word games. That does not win elections.
The EV count ticked up just a tiny bit.Wow at Obama thuggery at Gallup. He just shot himself in the foot.
Also, 538 forecast unchanged. 67.9%.
Yet after today's "awful" as you've described it polling numbers, Obama has a nearly 2/3 chance of winning reelection.The lead is tightening a lot more than anticipated. Going from +5 to +1 in just a week, in the most critical state, is not anything to scoff at. That's why PoliGAF is panicking.
Princeton's update for today:
Obama's down .08% today.
Gaf has a character limit... :/
Hey Kevitivity, can you explain to me exactly what Mitt is proposing beyond the five bullet points? Try to make us believe there's actually substance behind what he's doing. Romney runs around the country with a 9th Grade GOPer powerpoint presentation yet insists he actually has a "plan". What a fucking facade.
You know, its shit like this and 538 that keep me from losing it.
The problem is that when the "firewall" has essentially been downgraded to a shield with a +1 advantage for Obama if not a tie in most cases, that's not a "firewall" with a lot of muscle. It could collapse quite easily.Yup. We're in good shape. While I daydream about the election coming down to Nevada or Colorado sealing it, there's still a good chance that winning Virginia or Florida early on in the evening shows us how it'll go.
Heck, if we win New Hampshire, the non-OH/VA/FL route looks pretty damn solid at this point, too.
The fundamental idea that Obama has so many options and Romney so little room for error is still alive and well, and we should be keen to frequently remember this.
these pics of NV early voting is so cool, latino kids dancing, playing violin etc #thugtear