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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Dammit the condition is not getting any better :(

Romney Backtracks On Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment
After the second presidential debate, Bay Buchanan, a top adviser to Mitt Romney, told reporters the GOP presidential candidate supports leaving the issue of gay marriage up to the states. Romney, she said, is a "strong advocate for the Tenth Amendment" and believes marriage is "a state issue." That constitutes a reversal from his earlier view that he would support an amendment to the constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. The significance of Buchanan's remarks were first noted by BuzzFeed's Chris Geidner.
Is it sad that President Camacho's 3 point plan from Idiocrary has more detail than anything Romney has offered?

President Camacho: Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.
South Carolina Representative # 1: That's what you said last time, dipshit!
South Carolina Representative # 2: Yeah, I got a solution, you're a dick! South Carolina, what's up!

President Camacho: Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.
Congressman #1: Break it down, Camacho!
President Camacho: Number 1: We've got this guy Not Sure. Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE. and Number 3: He's going to fix EVERYTHING.


Pete Truth ‏@PeteTruth
#PURE #EVIL!! #OCTOBER #SURPRISE! #NYT Reports #Obama Admin got #Iran to agree to #Nuclear Talks! YEAH RIGHT!!! THIS IS INSANE!!! TOTAL #BS!

Jana Shellman ‏@wishladya
U.S. Officials Say Iran Has Agreed to Nuclear Talks But They'd Rather Wait & Deal with President Romney!


Oh it gets worst

Adviser Reaffirms Romney Support For Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment
"Governor Romney supports a federal marriage amendment to the Constitution that defines marriage as an institution between a man and a woman," Buchanan told BuzzFeed. "Governor Romney also believes, consistent with the 10th Amendment, that it should be left to states to decide whether to grant same-sex couples certain benefits, such as hospital visitation rights and the ability to adopt children. I referred to the Tenth Amendment only when speaking about these kinds of benefits – not marriage."

I am not kidding,he actually backtrack on this backtrack.
as buzzfeed points out, since 1980 the person receiving this endorsement has won both OH and the election.
Oh snap son.

Pete Truth ‏@PeteTruth
#PURE #EVIL!! #OCTOBER #SURPRISE! #NYT Reports #Obama Admin got #Iran to agree to #Nuclear Talks! YEAH RIGHT!!! THIS IS INSANE!!! TOTAL #BS!

Jana Shellman ‏@wishladya
U.S. Officials Say Iran Has Agreed to Nuclear Talks But They'd Rather Wait & Deal with President Romney!
Obama could fucking cure cancer and these asshats wouldn't believe it.


Can't wait for the GOP response to the Iran Oct. Surprise. Announcing it now is obviously political to screw Romney's plans for the debate but will the GOP play down or refuse a chance of talks? If so, Dems can say, "they want another war".


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Romnesia is getting incredible play. I have been outside only two times today (omg outside) and both times in my car I heard Romnesia on the news. Once was to get gas to allow me to drive to GameStop and the other was to Gamestop.
Can't wait for the GOP response to the Iran Oct. Surprise. Announcing it now is obviously political to screw Romney's plans for the debate but will the GOP play down or refuse a chance of talks? If so, Dems can say, "they want another war".

Since Romney has been getting intelligence briefings, would he be aware that this was developing?
The problem is that when the "firewall" has essentially been downgraded to a shield with a +1 advantage for Obama if not a tie in most cases, that's not a "firewall" with a lot of muscle. It could collapse quite easily.
Holy fuck, Diablos. It is not a "+1 advantage" after one poll. YESTERDAY a poll showed Obama ahead by three. Which do you trust more? Why weren't you panicking then? What changed from yesterday to today? Why is this one poll?



Full story behind Biden's doughnut visit:


VPOTUS dropped in on an Obama/Biden campaign field office at 516 East Colonial Ave in Orlando. It was on the second floor, a warren of small rooms with tables of volunteers making phone calls. Lots of signs on the walls: Hispanics for Obama, LGBT for Obama, Women for Obama. Per the campaign, this field office is regional hq for East Central Florida and a hub for reaching out to the growing Hispanic population in the area. It has been open for more than a year.

VPOTUS and his daughter, Ashley Biden, arrived with large brown “Boxes of Joe’’ from Dunkin Donuts. In addition, VPOTUS carried a large white bag of donuts.

As VPOTUS entered, people applauded, and he told the room, “This is what you call interfering with productivity.’’

“We wanted to come to the epicenter of the epicenter, man,’’ he continued. “Forida, you guys produce, we win Florida, we win Florida, this is all history, man.

“Thank you so much, thank you so much for what you’re doing,’’ he continued. “Barak and I can’t tell you how much we appreciate, for real.’’

“I’ll tell you what, I’m feeling good,’’ he said.

“From here we’re going to, where am I going? I’m going to Ohio. Back to Ohio. I’ve been living in Ohio. We’re going to win Ohio.’’

The volunteers cheered and applauded.

“Now you guys push Florida over, this thing becomes not close,’’ VPOTUS said.

“Thank you so much. I just wanted to come by say hi.’’

“I’m interrupting, like I said. Getting out there cavasisng, is that what people are doing today? Look it’s amazing, I actually wrote the numbers down.’’

He pulled a card out of his pocked and read statistics about the camaign’s field operation in the state.

“We’ve got 104 offices here,’’ he said. “You’ve alread done over 20,000, not countin this morning, phone banks. 20,000 statewide. 14,263 voter registrations. You guys are amazing. Really. Look. The reason we’re going to win, I mean this sincerely, the reason were going to win is because of you.’’

“The single most signifcant thing we can do to counter the incredible money they have and these godawful super Pacs is you,’’ he said. “It’s the only counter.’’

VPOTUS removed his blazer and folded it. A volunteer seated in front of him took it for him.

“Thank you,’’ VPOTUS told her. He rolled up the sleeves of his blue-striped dress shirt.

“But seriously,’’ he continued, telling volunteers that to counter “those scurrilous ads you’ve seen from one of their super PACS” is to have “you folks knocking on the door. Seriosly, it’s one of your folks knocking on the door and saying look I vouch for these guys.’’

“I come from a state where you campaign door to door,’’ he said. “It matters. The thing that matters the most, when you show up at the door you’re not just asking vote for us, you’re vouching for us. That’s the thing I want to thank you most for. The hardest thing for a man or woman to do in my opinion is to associeate themselves, to say I vouch for you.’’

VPOTUS hugged a young woman who was smiling at him, Marissa Priceman, 17. She started to cry.

“Thank you,’’ she said through her tears.

“The reason we win this elecection is we have the best ground game in the history of presidential politics,’’ VPOTUS went on.

The volunteers and staff applauded.

“I tell you what,’’ VPOTUS said. “We’ve got a lot of press here. I wanted them to see you guys.’’ (Press included just CNN and CBS embeds and your pooler). “But one of the thing is, you guys deserve answers to questions. Things you may have in your mind. So I tell you what, if we can, I don’t know if I’im allowed to do this, ask the press to go eat some donuts.’’

“By the way, these guys have been great,’’ he added, meaning the press. “They’ve picked up every mistake we’ve all made.’’

The room laughed.

“Of course you know I never make any mistakes,’’ VPOTUS said.

At that point pooler was escorted out. He was not offered a donut.

VPOTUS stayed in the field office for about 30 more minutes.


Holy fuck, Diablos. It is not a "+1 advantage" after one poll. YESTERDAY a poll showed Obama ahead by three. Which do you trust more? Why weren't you panicking then? What changed from yesterday to today? Why is this one poll?

i don't know, there's been so much polling. i'm so confused, i'll admit. i've never seen anything like this.

and file me under the "jaded 2004" column. This is like PTSD election year shit right here.

hold me


Wow, looks like the crowd is all young people.

The amount of young people getting roped into libertarianism honestly scares me.

70+% of them probably only care about weed. And a lot of them grow up to be Dem voters when they start looking into other issues and realize libertarianism is a disgusting and selfish ideology not at all based in the realm of fact (in my experience anyway. I have no data to back up this completely anecdotal evidence).

In their defense though, when you're a teenager who doesn't know or care much about most political issues, and you try weed for the first time and realize it's not the dangerous evil super drug both major parties portray it as, it's easy to get roped into the group who supports your right to smoke it.

Ideally, the Democratic party would just endorse marijuana legalization already. IIRC, nationwide approval for legalization just reached 50%, so I can't imagine both parties continuing to be opposed to it for too much longer.


By the way, PD asked me for a link on Charlie Cook's #s and I realize I never got back to him on that.


I'll put it into easy form:

Colorado: Obama +1 to Obama +5
Florida: Romney +2 to Obama +1
Iowa: Romney +1 to Obama +7
Michigan: Obama +7 to Obama +8
Nevada: Obama +3 to Obama +6
New Hampshire: Obama +2 to Obama +5
North Carolina: Romney +1 to Romney +2
Ohio: Obama +4 to Obama +7
Wisconsin: Obama +3 to Obama +7
Pennsylvania: Obama +7 to Obama +9
Virginia: Even to Romney +2

Pretty damn skippy.




all right, this has got to be the best one

James Madison ‏@SpiritOfMadison
Hoping for a better deal with Neville Chamberlain then Manly Mitt! RT @yagbebi U.S., Iran agree to one-on-one nuclear talks @jeczaja
I'll put it into easy form:

Colorado: Obama +1 to Obama +5
Florida: Romney +2 to Obama +1
Iowa: Romney +1 to Obama +7
Michigan: Obama +7 to Obama +8
Nevada: Obama +3 to Obama +6
New Hampshire: Obama +2 to Obama +5
North Carolina: Romney +1 to Romney +2
Ohio: Obama +4 to Obama +7
Wisconsin: Obama +3 to Obama +7
Pennsylvania: Obama +7 to Obama +9
Virginia: Even to Romney +2

Pretty damn skippy.
Like I said, even Mitt's internals have Obama winning with 284 electoral votes. And Iowa should go to bams.

In 2008, OFA sent their internal polling numbers to 538. I wonder if that's happening this year.
So apparently a right wing radical is ahead in the Honolulu mayoral race.

His number 1 election priority?

Kill the mass transit project.

Its well underway


$500 million have already been spent, with $2 billion committed in contracts.

And if he wins, he will pull a chris christie and simply knock it down.

WTF is wrong with this country?

In some good news, Illinois has its first section of 110mph track ready to go, with passenger service to begin next month. Thats up fro 79mph and is thanks to Obamabux that was spread around in 2009 and is finally showing results.
Obama's final push
(CNN) – President Barack Obama will embark on a whirlwind tour of battleground states Wednesday in Iowa before becoming the first sitting president in modern history to cast an early ballot in-person.

Seeking to motivate his supporters to go to the polls, Obama will cast his ballot early in his hometown of Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday. First lady Michelle Obama submitted her absentee ballot on Monday in Illinois.

On the "non-stop" tour, Obama will rally supporters and volunteers in key swing states and try to appeal to undecided voters. The president will make phone calls to undecided voters while aboard Air Force One in between his tightly packed schedule of campaign stops.

During the tour, the president plans to visit six of the nine battleground states, making stops
Wednesday in Denver, Colorado, and Las Vegas, Nevada, before heading to Tampa, Florida, and Richmond, Virginia, on Thursday. He will end the 48-hour tour in Cleveland, Ohio, on Thursday.

Recent polls in several battleground states underscore how tight the race is between Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney.
Note, Wisconsin and North Carolina is off his list.
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