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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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That's because Pittsburgh sucks. You live on the wrong side of the state.

I'm in center city philly. Looking forward to voting, declining to show ID, and getting a high five for doing so.
Hey now. Pittsburgh (the city) has a come a long way, it's pretty nice. It's when you get outside of the city and closer to outside of Allegheny county when you get that Pennsyltucky vibe.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
We all need to understand at this stage, stuff like this gay marriage amendment thing isn't an example of incompetence from the Romney campaign. This is a deliberate attempt to allow Mittens to be on both sides of an issue at any given moment.

Exactly, it's quite disgusting. I'd like to see what Kevevity or some other republican has to say about this practice


Hmmm...sounds like Ohio is worse off than Romney thought so he's looking for alternate routes to 270.

I could be wrong tho.
Well Obama went from +5 to +1 in PPP, and after factoring in early voting, it's basically 48O/48R in the state

So that's why there's some panic.

In better news a poll did have Bams up +2 in VA, which is pretty nice.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
OK guys I'm starting to get a little nervous here. I was curious how much did Obama outperform the polls in 08 due to the ground game? Is it possible that a few of these states that are lean romney go to Obama because of this?


Star of Scott Brown TV ad calls Obama a "faggot" and Warren a "douchebag" among other things.

A current Scott Brown TV ad features a man who identifies as “a union construction worker.” The man, George Patriarca, has a very active Facebook page*, and on it has called President Obama a “faggot,” a “Muslim,” and Elizabeth Warren a “douchebag,” according to the Huffington Post.

Patriarca also appears to call President Obama a “filthy corrupt slimy piece of shit,” a “muslim illegal alien commie douchebag,” First Lady Michelle Obama “the first Wookie,” Obama campaign spokesperson Stephanie Cutter “a lying KHUNT,” MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell a “Khunt,” and DNC Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz a “sleazeball,” and “a stupid khunt.”

Patriarca also writes, “What do you call 10 thousand lamestream media reporters found slaughtered like fucking swine? a great fucking start!”

One image, below, titled “Celebrate Diversity,” features multi-colored ammunition, and the comment, “lock and load, people.”


Hey, like Scott Brown says, he has normal folks in his ads, unlike Warren who hires actors to play asbestos victims.

True. I applaud Scott Brown for finding your ordinary, real-life, Republican voter whereas Scott hires local talent trying to get into Hollywood.


Hmmm...sounds like Ohio is worse off than Romney thought so he's looking for alternate routes to 270.

I could be wrong tho.
That's my hunch. Reminds me of McCain's desperation as time dwindled in '08.

He probably knows he can't crack Ohio (after throwing everything at it, the best he can get is a tie every once in a while? ha!)(this, and he knows Obama's Ohio GOTV ops are legendary) , so it's time to move into a state where voters perhaps aren't as hardened in place.


McCain wasted his last few days in PA and we know how that turned out. Hopefully Romney uses everything he's got there.
Fool's gold.

I think Diablos is starting to be like PD, except using Polls.
No I'm just getting way too much anxiety and often getting confused with the fuckton of polling data/analysis thrown at us daily now. This cycle has been really crazy. I just want this to be over and with an Obama victory.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Probably most of them are coming out here to western PA. I see Romney signs everywhere. I can't remember the last time I saw so many signs for a GOPer. Probably 2004 when Bush ran. It's ridiculous. I see no Obama signs.

And for some reason a lot of the local Obama/Democratic campaign offices are putting up signs for local Dems but not Obama. Which is very strange.
They were not doing that four years ago...

I hope eastern PA shows up because I'm not even so sure about my county at the moment. Obama should win it, Dems always do, but this year has been so crazy.


GOP winning that state would be like Obama taking Indiana again.


I will feel better after there are no more debates. I think Obama is a lot better at traditional campaigning than Romney whereas they are about equal as far as debate skills go.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fool's gold.

No I'm just getting way too much anxiety and often getting confused with the fuckton of polling data/analysis thrown at us daily now. This cycle has been really crazy. I just want this to be over and with an Obama victory.

Diablos, if Romney wins PA, then it's because romney has won OH and IA and we're fucked anyway. I'm not worried about PA.


Too much stress. It already looks like Colorado, Iowa, and certainly Nevada are all but done for Obama. If we start Election Night with Obama winning New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia are gravy.


Hey, like Scott Brown says, he has normal folks in his ads, unlike Warren who hires actors to play asbestos victims.



prediction for the next two weeks:

obama wins debate #3. nobody really cares, but the race remains mostly where it is right now, with obama fluctuating between 1 and 3 points. wins ohio by 3 points, iowa by 2 points, colorado by 3 points, nevada by 4-5 points, new hampshire by 1-2 points, and virginia by 1 point.

ohio, virginia, iowa, and new hampshire will be too close to call until about the time polls close pst. nevada, california, oregon, and washington will be called for obama at the same time. there's a 253-235 split going into the evening. ohio gets called sometime after 11est/8pst, and obama is reelected, while other states remain too close to call.
prediction for the next two weeks:

obama wins debate #3. nobody really cares, but the race remains mostly where it is right now, with obama fluctuating between 1 and 3 points. wins ohio by 3 points, iowa by 2 points, colorado by 3 points, nevada by 4-5 points, new hampshire by 1-2 points, and virginia by 1 point.

ohio, virginia, iowa, and new hampshire will be too close to call until about the time polls close pst. nevada, california, oregon, and washington will be called for obama at the same time. there's a 253-235 split going into the evening. ohio gets called sometime after 11est/8pst, and obama is reelected, while other states remain too close to call.

At which time no one will give a fuck about the other states.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Haha I just saw a Romney ad on 270towin


He's got ads on msnbc. He sucks at managing money. What did he start with? For all of the slimy stuff he's done, I bet someone putting money into stock ETFs that mostly invest in good businesses would beat his personal performance.

I still think that Ohio and Iowa will be the pair that seals the deal on election night.

Yep. The internals show these states virtually locked to an Obama win.

Romney's focus on Penn is the campaign flailing around as it's falling apart.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009


On the "the electorate is stupid" thing from a few pages back:

It's actually much worse than "think of the average person, then understand that 50% of the public is dumber than that". Even smart, reasonable people can be badly misinformed and can completely misunderstand the way our politics works. It actually takes a lot of time to sort out which sources are generally trustworthy, starting from scratch, because what look like the most reasonable sources - CNN, NYT, etc. - are surprisingly bad, and all but the most partisan media make no effort to help voters decide who's actually to blame for various things.

I was recently at a conference with a bunch of science PhDs on NASA grants. Smart people, who have more reason than most to pay attention to politics. We're all naturally very concerned about budget cuts, and there were a couple special sessions entirely about the effects of various cuts to NSF and NASA programs and about what actions we could take to make things better. Something like half the comments from attendees (and presumably only the people most confident of their opinions commented) were of the "if only the parties would work together there wouldn't be any problems" variety, suggested action basically boiled down to "write letters to Congresspeople/Obama", and I remember only one comment that attempted to get at the real reason why Obama submitted a tighter budget than allowed by the continuing resolution.


My gut tells me Obama will win Ohio but just barely and everyone here will be on the edge of their seats. The first major meltdown will be when Florida is called for Romney. I still say about 50-50 popular vote split.


If Iowa does go red with the early voting so heavily dominated by Obama and the ue rate at 5%, my point was that we have much bigger problems.

A Romney win in Iowa would simply make no sense to me. They have an unemployment rate that is the envy of the nation, thanks largely to Obama's wind policies. They share Midwestern roots with the President. And of course, they have a long and warm history with him.

Meanwhile Romney is a robotic, wealthy Northeastern elitist with no core principles who they never liked much anyway.

It would truly boggle my mind if Iowa flipped this year.


If Iowa does go red with the early voting so heavily dominated by Obama and the ue rate at 5%, my point was that we have much bigger problems. He wouldn't win Virginia.

But I am optimistic that does not happen! Wonder why the WH is denying the Iran stuff.


A Romney win in Iowa would simply make no sense to me. They have an unemployment rate that is the envy of the nation, thanks largely to Obama's wind policies. They share Midwestern roots with the President. And of course, they have a long and warm history with him.

Meanwhile Romney is a robotic, wealthy Northeastern elitist with no core principles who they never liked much anyway.

It would truly boggle my mind if Iowa flipped this year.

cultural issues.
A Romney win in Iowa would simply make no sense to me. They have an unemployment rate that is the envy of the nation, thanks largely to Obama's wind policies. They share Midwestern roots with the President. And of course, they have a long and warm history with him.

Meanwhile Romney is a robotic, wealthy Northeastern elitist with no core principles who they never liked much anyway.

It would truly boggle my mind if Iowa flipped this year.

obama black tho


The cultural issues should favor their fellow Midwesterner over the Northeastern elitist.

lots of iowans have socially conservative views that lead them to favor the republican party, it's not that complicated. it's not even that he's black, people there don't even care it about those things much, it's more abortion/gay marriage.
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