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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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It's about 8 million bew cars per year in the US.

Seems it rose from the last time I saw data. This is new cars.

I did find corroboration of 36-37 million used cars.

I had no idea so many used cars were sold each year. This numbers seems high. Do a lot of people go from used car to used car every year or two? Or is this because a lot of people lease a car and after 2 or 3 years change?
You assume it's an economic professor and not something else!

Got a source for the 40 million used cars sold each year? In a country of 310 million (with a lot incapable of driving) that figure seems pretty high. I know it's like 6 million new cars sold per year.
Since prices were being discussed I assumed economics. But I guess it could be a professor of other things . . . but who else would talk about prices?

Used car number is hard to find. This source said 41 million in 2000:

But even if we assume it is just something equal to new car purchases (people sell their old car), that number becomes like 5% of the used cars sold. Still not enough to make a big change in the market . . . especially compared to the more relevant factors listed in my post (new car purchase rate and car salvage rate).
You are completely correct. Your professor sounds like a partisan ideologue. The economics profession barely ranks above theology. Want to know the answer to an economic issue? Ask 3 different economists and you'll get 5 different answers.

The cash for clunkers program was not large enough to have any noticeable affect on the used car market. I suspect the guy just hates Obama and will shit on anything Obama did even if it was something he would have agreed with if some other person did it.

There were 690,114 cars turned in for cash-for-clunkers. There are like 40 million used cars sold each year. So that's like 1.7% of the used car market.


Used cars are more expensive because with a bad economy, families can't afford new ones. People are holding on their old cars and not buying new cars.


And that is one of the reasons why they had a cash for clunkers program. To get people to buy new cars. Yes, they destroyed the old cars. They destroyed them by destroying the engine block but the rest of the car could be used for spare parts. Your professor is retarded or a liar.

Not surprised. I mean I hardly heard of the program before. I also once had a professor (not related to eco-science though) claim that global warming was fake and that while reading a highly ranked science journal he discovered a flaw in a study that stated that arable farmland was decreasing in China yet he found data stating that their was more food exports in China then ever before. He mailed this "fatal flaw" to the science journal and never got a reply back because they were too snobby and were much too backed by the global warming lobby. He told this story with a smirk on his face. The frightening part wasn't that he claimed this, but that after stating this the class had an "oh so thats what its all about" moment followed by "it figures" expressions.

I swear I learn so much more about subjects just by browsing the net for reliable resources and looking/asking question on message boards.
Not surprised. I mean I hardly heard of the program before. I also once had a professor (not related to eco-science though) claim that global warming was fake and that while reading a highly ranked science journal he discovered a flaw in a study that stated that arable farmland was decreasing in China yet he found data stating that their was more food exports in China then ever before. He mailed this "fatal flaw" to the science journal and never got a reply back because they were too snobby and were much too backed by the global warming lobby. He told this story with a smirk on his face. The frightening part wasn't that he claimed this, but that after stating this the class had an "oh so thats what its all about" moment followed by "it figures" expressions.

The guy is an idiot.
1) They probably also have much larger imports of food too! That is what free trade is all about. Trade what you make well for other things made better elsewhere.
2) You can have less arable land and yet more food production. Just improve your crop yields and collect more seafood.

His point didn't even make a decent case.
Since prices were being discussed I assumed economics. But I guess it could be a professor of other things . . . but who else would talk about prices?

Used car number is hard to find. This source said 41 million in 2000:

But even if we assume it is just something equal to new car purchases (people sell their old car), that number becomes like 5% of the used cars sold. Still not enough to make a big change in the market . . . especially compared to the more relevant factors listed in my post (new car purchase rate and car salvage rate).

Oh, i'm not disagreeing with your premise about the CFC program.

That 40 million number just jumped out at me. With new cars and light trucks, that's 50+ million cars moving. That's at least 1 car for every 4 eligible drivers.
Oh, i'm not disagreeing with your premise about the CFC program.

That 40 million number just jumped out at me. With new cars and light trucks, that's 50+ million cars moving. That's at least 1 car for every 4 eligible drivers.

yeah, the number sounded high to me too. I figured that it would be around the same as the new car sales (since they sell their old car). But as Penguin pointed out, there are also a lot of leased cars and they get sold used eventually too. And families do have multiple cars. So I guess it adds up.


has calmed down a bit.
Cash for clunkers helped me get a new car for my wife. Definitely worked as intended in my case. Although I hope to never have to finance a car again. Or buy new either.

Hagel vote uncertain.

Washington (CNN) - Chuck Hagel&#8217;s bid to lead the Pentagon faces an uncertain outcome on a critical vote Friday as Democrats attempt to break a GOP filibuster of the defense secretary nominee.

Despite optimism from administration officials, who believe Hagel will get the five GOP votes he needs to end the filibuster, senior congressional sources in both parties are less positive. They told CNN they now are not sure he will get the votes.

Doubts were raised Wednesday after Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, said he was reconsidering his pledge not to filibuster Hagel because the Obama administration was refusing to provide key details about the president&#8217;s actions on the night of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

McCain&#8217;s vote is important because he is one of the leading Republicans on military matters and other senators are expected to follow his lead. But he was also one of just five GOP senators who publically announced they would not filibuster Hagel. If he supports the filibuster, it could be impossible for Hagel to get 60 votes.

&#8220;I&#8217;ve always said I just want an answer to the question,&#8221; McCain explained. &#8220;We deserve answers before we move forward with nominees. That&#8217;s been the standard I&#8217;ve pursued for the past 26 years.&#8221;

Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Michigan, said he expects the administration will provide a response to the Benghazi question before Friday&#8217;s vote.

Filibusters of cabinet officials are extremely rare, largely because senators typically believe a president has a right to pick the leaders of his government.

&#8220;This is the first time in the history of our country that a presidential nominee for secretary of defense has been filibustered,&#8221; Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. &#8220;What a shame.&#8221;

The administration isn't budging, and an official insisted to CNN Hagel won't withdraw his nomination.
Although I believe Chuck has the 60 votes, McCain is still salty. What an asshole.


“This is the first time in the history of our country that a presidential nominee for secretary of defense has been filibustered,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. “What a shame."

If only there was some mechanism you could have used to prevent something like this from happening.


Its true, yeah.

Program was a massive transfer of wealth away from the poor, like many washington programs.

The $1,500 beater that your average poor buys? Destroyed and turned into a Rav4 for Miss upper-middle class.

So Mr poor now needs to buy a $6,000 car or is shit out of luck.

The cash for clunkers program provided a much-needed boost for the auto industry, but in the end all it did was pull in demand a few months. People who were putting off a car purchase for a bit took advantage of the deal. It was not funded at a level nearly large enough to have that kind of impact on the used car market, now years later. It was a one-month pop.

Monthly sales rates are actually above the level of the one-month cash for clunkers impact right now, which was nearly four years ago. (It also pulled older vehicles off the roads and replaced them with more fuel efficient ones. But not in large numbers.)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
States can't compete.

Congress takes in 20% of GDP historically via taxes (lower now though). Since states cannot print their own money, states have to tax to spend (they can borrow short term but eventually would default).

But states cannot raise enough revenues to cover what the feds pay for. I mean, they could, but everyone would be out of a job quickly The fact that the federal gov't controls most taxes the way it does, makes it not realistically feasible in today's world for the States to say "thank but no thanks" if the US gov't imposed regulations on anything it wanted conditional to all spending.

The states really have no choice. It's either accept the money or get rid of transportation, education, etc or a massive scaling back.

But all state taxes are deductible for federal income taxation purposes (Not payroll taxes, though).

The highest marginal income tax rate in any of the 50 states is 11% (On income over $200k in Hawaii, and on income over $250k in Oregon). In other words, at least 89% of your income ends up being subject to federal income taxes, regardless of what state you live in. The states are free to tax as much, or as little, as they want, and as you can see, they've opted for the latter (especially since we've seen a race-to-the-bottom effect as corporations and the upper class blackmail local and state governments).

States have deferred to the federal government for nearly everything except education. The states enjoy letting the federal government administer programs and distributing them through the state's agencies. They actively choose to act as the middlemen between the citizens and the federal government.

It's not coercion by the federal government at all. The effects of a unified monetary system, the increased geographical mobility of individuals and businesses thanks to technological devleopments over the centuries, and a race to the bottom out of competition to lure tourism, businesses, and individuals from other states, are the primary contributors. And these flaws are not due to federalsim, but because of the duality of having two pseudo-autonomous levels of government instead of a clear and distinct chain.


What does one do after all the flailing? Ly dow of course.

"If he's got such good ideas, his party in the Senate could pass it," Boehner told The Associated Press in an interview in his Capitol office. "Then we'd be happy to take a look at it."


"Frankly, every time I've gotten into one of these high-profile negotiations, you know, it's my rear end that got burnt," Boehner says.


"I've got to tread carefully," Boehner acknowledges. "But there's nobody that has more guts to take on his own party than I do."


"It's good to let these members continue to work. If I weigh in on one side or the other, all it does is make it more difficult."

-Limp Boehner


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
What does one do after all the flailing? Ly dow of course.

-Limp Boehner

He's referring to the deficit proposals, right?

Doesn't he know that the house is supposed to act before the senate on these matters?

I mean, yes, there is a back and forth between the senate and house in combining legislation and appropriations, but generally, the senate is supposed to be the reactive chamber, and the house of representatives the proactive one, on budgetary matters.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Harry Reid pulled the same crap 2 years ago.

I wish the democrats would abandon using seniority as criteria for leadership positions. Policy wonks like Al Franken should be in charge.


He's referring to the deficit proposals, right?

Doesn't he know that the house is supposed to act before the senate on these matters?

I mean, yes, there is a back and forth between the senate and house in combining legislation and appropriations, but generally, the senate is supposed to be the reactive chamber, and the house of representatives the proactive one, on budgetary matters.

Mostly yea, but he seems to be on the "show me your cards first" mentality for any kind of legislation.

Fucking wow at the GOP with the hagel confirmation.


So has anyone posted about the Hillary Clinton Panda sex tape yet?

An internal investigation of FreedomWorks—the prominent conservative advocacy group and super-PAC—has focused on president Matt Kibbe's management of the organization, his use of its resources, and a controversial book deal he signed, according to former FreedomWorks officials who have met with the private lawyers conducting the probe. One potential topic for the inquiry is a promotional video produced last year under the supervision of Adam Brandon, executive vice president of the group and a Kibbe loyalist. The video included a scene in which a female intern wearing a panda suit simulates performing oral sex on Hillary Clinton. [Author's note: The previous sentence contains no typos.]

Now Jennifer Rubin is hyping a story about Hagel allegedly saying the State Department is completely run by Israel. I'd imagine that would be the end of this saga, if true. But given the "Friends of Hamas" bullshit I'm more inclined to believe this is a last ditch effort of desperation.


No Scrubs
Now Jennifer Rubin is hyping a story about Hagel allegedly saying the State Department is completely run by Israel. I'd imagine that would be the end of this saga, if true. But given the "Friends of Hamas" bullshit I'm more inclined to believe this is a last ditch effort of desperation.

I seriously doubt he's said that. Odds are they are just looking for a way to excuse the filibuster they've got on his nomination.
President Obama visited a classroom at College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center in Decatur, Ga. on Thursday as part of his push to expand child preschool programs, announced in this week's State of the Union address. Via the White House pool report:

Within a few minutes, the president was escorted into the room by teacher Lauren Parks.

Mr. Obama walked over to the first group of kids who were playing with blocks, and asked, "Can I help?" The children greeted him and asked him to play with them.

During the photo-op, one of the boys asked, "Are you our teacher?" Another boy said, "Welcome, Mr. President." and another child said, "I saw you on TV."

at the first table, two boys eventually became engrossed in a video screen with their backs to the president and were encouraged by a teacher to rejoin the president of the United States.

Mr. Obama gave one girl a high-five, and a fist-bump to another boy.

"You are doing great!" the president said.

At a second table, the president sat in the tiny chair and played with a magnifying glass. Pool couldn't hear what the game was, but POTUS said, "This is sort of like 'I Spy.' I remember 'I Spy.'"

College Heights is a learning center for infants through pre-K, and Obama visited 16 children ages 4 and 5, per the pool report.



The Autumn Wind
Just fired off an email to Reid telling him how disappointed I am that he let these practices continue and that maybe it's time he stepped aside and let someone that can do the job better take the helm. Let's see how he responds.
Just fired off an email to Reid telling him how disappointed I am that he let these practices continue and that maybe it's time he stepped aside and let someone that can do the job better take the helm. Let's see how he responds.

Are you a constituent in Nevada? If you aren't they don't care at all


Kids are awesome. They can't yet comprehend how incredible it is to shit down with the POTUS, but hopefully they will one day.

I would not be star-struck meeting some sort of celebrity or musician. I would be super stoked to meet Obama and give him a fist bump though. I hated Bush, but would have probably felt something similar for him as well.

Man, these kids really do need Pre-K if that's their current social etiquette!
Kids are awesome. They can't yet comprehend how incredible it is to shit down with the POTUS, but hopefully they will one day.

I would not be star-struck meeting some sort of celebrity or musician. I would be super stoked to meet Obama and give him a fist bump though. I hated Bush, but would have probably felt something similar for him as well.

When PD was peddling his Republican Obama bs about Rubio, I told you all he was clown shoes.

Glad to see non-Floridians got to see it live and in action.
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