with 68-31 to break fillibuster, it will
How? More than likely, most of the Republicans who voted to break the filibuster will switch their votes to no on the next vote.
with 68-31 to break fillibuster, it will
How? More than likely, most of the Republicans who voted to break the filibuster will switch their votes to no on the next vote.
How? More than likely, most of the Republicans who voted to break the filibuster will switch their votes to no on the next vote.
There were only two Democratic defections (Pryor and Begich), so there are still enough Dems to pass it with no Republicans.
Man, Obama promised us global warming. This is my driveway today
thats apparently blocked by my work, but there is a good chance its of snow. It was 91 in Philly yesterday.
It's impossible to know if Obama or the GOP stepped into a trap. Clearly the white house believes the GOP is stepping into a trap by demonstrating their completely unwillingness to compromise while the GOP feels it has Obama on record to attack him by.
fucking mess.
I'm surprised. CNN actually did some reporting. I was just downstairs getting lunch and saw a report where CNN went into gun shows and bought guns without having to present IDs or anything else like that.
I don't think a lot of people who haven't bought guns realized how absolutely INSANE it is that being at a gun show means you can buy a weapon without having to present ID. The fact that people are fighting something like this is INSANE.
I have friends who have felonies and have bought guns at gun shows. A weapon that isn't traceable is the same thing as one that has the serial number scratched off. This shit is bananas. Good on CNN for actually SHOWING people how simple it is to get a gun. People always break it down into "Well, criminals are going to be criminals and they'll get guns however!" Letting people side step back ground checks just because they're at a gun show is sheer insanity, and it invalidates back ground checks in the first place. ANYONE can get a gun at a gun show. A crazy person, a criminal, anyone.
Wasn't the chained CPI the GOP idea? Couldn't Obama simply go "I took their ideas and now they don't want to use them. What's it going to take?"
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/club-for-growth-brands-nrcc-chair-rino?ref=fpbClub For Growth Brands NRCC Chair A RINO
The conservative advocacy group Club for Growth placed Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) on notice Thursday, branding him a "Republican In Name Only" for opposing President Obama's proposed cuts to Social Security.
Walden, who chairs the National Republican Campaign Committee, was placed on the group's www.primarymycongressman.com website, which seeks to solicit primary opponents to lawmakers opposed to the conservative agenda. It lists extensive complaints with Walden's record:
Guns, cars and booze.So apparently if we took out fatal injuries from life expectancy the United States ranks #1.
What am I missing here?
This isn't old. This has happened everytime. The gop screws themselves.Obama's decision looking a lot less dumb right about now
Lots of people.That article is stupid. Who argues that the US system doesn't have good outcomes.
Obama's decision looking a lot less dumb right about now
Obama's decision looking a lot less dumb right about now
Not at all. I'm far from relieved that people who want to cut benefits for the poor and give money to the rich agree with Obama wanting to cut benefits for the poor.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on Thursday told reporters that he disagrees with the criticism of President Obama's budget from Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), who called the President's proposal "a shocking attack on seniors."
"I've made it clear that I disagree with what (National Republican Campaign Committee) Chairman Walden said," Boehner said at a press conference. "He and I have had a conversation about it. This is the least we must do to begin to solve the problems in Social Security."
Walden criticized Obama's proposed adoption of Chained CPI, which essentially cuts Social Security benefits. Walden has faced criticism from the right, including from the Club for Growth. The NRCC on Thursday said that Walden stands by his comments.
So apparently if we took out fatal injuries from life expectancy the United States ranks #1.
What am I missing here?
Its especially questionable since Sweden had a much higher life expectancy in general in 2000. Only one year after the study. http://www.indexmundi.com/g/g.aspx?c=sw&v=30
EDIT - Wait why the fuck would REMOVING fatal injuries DECREASE life expectancy for most countries?
So apparently if we took out fatal injuries from life expectancy the United States ranks #1.
What am I missing here?
Its especially questionable since Sweden had a much higher life expectancy in general in 2000. Only one year after the study. http://www.indexmundi.com/g/g.aspx?c=sw&v=30
EDIT - Wait why the fuck would REMOVING fatal injuries DECREASE life expectancy for most countries?
Because the numbers are completely made up.EDIT - Wait why the fuck would REMOVING fatal injuries DECREASE life expectancy for most countries?
It's a Forbes article that links to a PowerPoint presentation hosted by the American Enterprise Institute with no listed methodology, so it could really be anything. My educated guess is that they averaged out homicide and accident fatalities among the listed countries and the second chart calculates life expectancy as if they all had the same rate. Since the US has extremely high homicide and accident fatality rates, this will naturally make us look better.
I'm curious to as of how they got those numbers to begin with. Why would Japan and other nations go DOWN? That makes no sense.
Not really. When campaigning starts for mid terms and the GOP runs on Obama cutting SS nobody will care about this.
This would be my guess but why would the life expectancy go down in many countries? That's what blows my mind. The use of standardized mean I guess.
Because they have lower accident and homicide statistics than the mean, yeah. Basically, the study says that if Switzerland had as many murders and car accidents as America, assuming that the rate of death from such events is consistent across health care systems, they'd have worse life expectancy than we do.
Because they have lower accident and homicide statistics than the mean, yeah. Basically, the study says that if Switzerland had as many murders and car accidents as America, assuming that the rate of death from such events is consistent across health care systems, they'd have worse life expectancy than we do.
dat eleventh dimension chess
It's a Forbes article that links to a PowerPoint presentation hosted by the American Enterprise Institute with no listed methodology, so it could really be anything. My educated guess is that they averaged out homicide and accident fatalities among the listed countries and the second chart calculates life expectancy as if they all had the same rate. Since the US has extremely high homicide and accident fatality rates, this will naturally make us look better.
The very presentation cited says that, at BEST, the American system is the same as everybody else's system except way more expensive for patients, so I don't consider this a particularly good argument. It still means we have the worst return on health care dollars spent of any OECD country.
Could be. He gets them to fight amongst themselves. Divide and conquer.
11th dimensional chess? Maybe. Or maybe Obama is just a moderate Republican. Who knows?
Meaning if Switzerland had the same rate of murders and car accidents, or the same absolute number?
It's a little silly either way, but using the latter is especially asinine because the US has more people and thus would have more accidents and just pasting that number into a country with a lower population would massively skew it.
Yeah.This is so ridiculous that my brain can't comprehend this. I mean what? You know forget it. My head hurts.
Math is not about accuracy, it's about feelings, and man, that feels very right, isn't?UPDATE: A number of mathematically astute readers have asked why some countries have increased average life expectancies once you take out fatal injuries. I asked Robert Ohsfeldt about this, who responded that the adjustment factor was based on fatal injury rates relative to the average. Hence, the adjusted numbers shouldn’t be seen as hard numerical estimates of life expectancy, but rather as a way of understanding the true relative ranking of the various countries on life expectancy excluding fatal injuries.
No. He got one guy to go off script. What he did really accomplish is change the discussion from "Should we cut Social Security/Medicare?" to "How much should we cut from Social Security/Medicare?"
Math is not about accuracy, it's about feelings, and man, that feels very right, isn't?
That argument is to math what this scene is to computer science.
All their economic world view is based on a theory that rejects empiricism, they use graphs, numbers with decimal point and other things that make them look scientific, but this is mainly because try as they might, the public at large prefer empiricism over rationalism (the public obviously doesn't often think on those terms, I think it's mostly come down to the fact we're more impressed with results we got from the former).So basically, the AEI is just making shit up to support their ideological view instead of doing actually research. Why am I not surprised.
The bipartisan Senate compromise on background checks appears to suffer from a crucial flaw that could reduce its effectiveness, experts and gun control advocates fear, although they broadly say its an important step toward preventing criminals from obtaining guns.
The proposal unveiled Wednesday by Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) would expand mandatory background checks to gun shows and Internet sales. But it would exempt criminal checks for private, non-commercial sales of firearms or transfers between friends or family members. The legislative language is not final yet but the senators have promised those exemptions to background checks for gun purchases.
Adam Winkler, a law professor at UCLA and author of Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America, told TPM that the proposal doesnt close the private sale loophole but merely reshapeit.
Private sales still wont require a background check, so long as they occur outside a gun show or without a publicized advertisement, Winkler said. Theres nothing in the law that prevents someone from going to a gun show, finding the gun he likes, then meeting the seller off-site to complete the sale without a background check.
Holy shit at that quote! He literally just made up numbers.Yeah.
Math is not about accuracy, it's about feelings, and man, that feels very right, isn't?
That argument is to math what this scene is to computer science.
LOL, mathematically astute?
You don't need to be Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to figure out that excluding fatal injuries should increase the life expectancy, not decrease it.
In fact, it has nothing to do with math.
Mathematically, it's perfectly possible to go the other way, for example, it would be true if the average age of dying of a fatal accident is higher the average age of dying from other reasons, it's our knowledge about the world that inform us that it is wrong, not our knowledge of math, but I guess the writer has neither.
So basically the legislation, if it even passes the house, is fucking useless on any practical level?
This would still be progress because it would make it (slightly) harder. But yeah, it would still be a huge loophole.That gun control progress
More at the linkPrivate sales still wont require a background check, so long as they occur outside a gun show or without a publicized advertisement, Winkler said. Theres nothing in the law that prevents someone from going to a gun show, finding the gun he likes, then meeting the seller off-site to complete the sale without a background check.
Nothing will ever get done without a complete repeal of the 2nd Amendment.So basically the legislation, if it even passes the house, is fucking useless on any practical level?
Fuck this country so hard for letting the problem get this bad and STILL are taking half-ass steps to address it.