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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I'd rather it not pass/die in the House. If it passes and we have another shooting in a month or year, the talking point will be "see, gun control doesn't work."

But that is just bad logic and people are a bit smarter than that. Such a measure is not 'gun control' . . . it is moving the line by small amount. 'Gun control' would be be banning (controlling) all guns. It is right there there in the name 'gun CONTROL'.

People are stupid but most are not as stupid as you make them out to be. (Though some are.)
Sadly you are right, we either do this right or not at all.

What is "right"? There is no "right" . . . there are only various choices among the spectrum. In a world with zero guns there would be no gun deaths. But obviously that is impossible. In countries with strong gun control like Japan there are only a TINY number of gun deaths. But that is impossible in the USA given our gun culture and the 2nd amendment. Banning semi-autos would probably be impossible given our gun culture and political situation.

So all we have available are small ways to move the needle. Do we do that or do we do nothing? We might end up doing nothing but it seems silly not to at least try.
But that is just bad logic and people are a bit smarter than that. Such a measure is not 'gun control' . . . it is moving the line by small amount. 'Gun control' would be be banning (controlling) all guns. It is right there there in the name 'gun CONTROL'.

People are stupid but most are not as stupid as you make them out to be. (Though some are.)

I'd say people are indeed very stupid, made worse by a media that won't report news. If Obama does a big signing with the Newtown families, republicans on stage, etc that would make it even worse. You know he's going to do that; that's not a criticism of Obama, any president would make a show of signing legislation like this.

That's why I wanted the focus to be on trafficking, which is a law & order type issue most voters support. Get police, mayors, etc involved and attempt to work with some moderate republicans, and way more congress outreach (this is an inside game, not an outside game). I'd love to also see Obama go somewhere like...Oklahoma, for a town hall meeting, alongside a republican; not just to talk to the fiercest opponents but to expose some of the brain dead hatred from the far right. Give them an opportunity to insult the president live and look like complete fools.


Hmm? Not sure what you're referring to with "rationalism" here. I'd assume a rationalist would use empiricism. Or are you talking about Austrian-school types and praxeology?
I mean rationalism in the philosophical sense, not the conversational one.

Further reading:

This is like the first result from google, I have not read it to make sure it doesn't say something I strongly disagree with. I don't usually do that, but it's Stanford and I'm short on time.
Holy shit at that quote! He literally just made up numbers.

I mean at least most places at least try to invent bullshit mathetatics ala South Park's TMI to back up their points.
He didn't just made up numbers.
He made up numbers that will agree with his political opinion, this is a deliberate process.

Also, most of the "advance math" "proofs" have as much merits as this bullshit, only most people run and high whenever they smell calculus.
So apparently Progress KY recorded the conversation at McConnell's campaign office by recording them through the walls. LOL

More details:


Jacob Conway, who sits on the executive committee of the Jefferson County, Ky. Democratic Party, told WFPL that Shawn Reilly and Curtis Morrison of Progress Kentucky bragged to him about recording the meeting from outside the room where it was held.
Conway said Reilly and Morrison told him that they did not attend the open house, but overheard the meeting from outside the room. According to WFPL, the door leading to the room where the meeting was held has a vent at the bottom and a large gap underneath, which is presumably how Reilly and Morrison recorded the meeting.

"They were in the hallway after the, I guess after the celebration and hoopla ended, apparently these people broke for lunch and had a strategy meeting, which is, in every campaign I've been affiliated with, makes perfect sense,” Conway told WFPL. “One of them held the elevator, the other one did the recording and they left. That was what they told to me from them directly."

Conway continued, "Apparently the gentlemen overheard the conversation and decided to record it with a phone or recording device they had in their pocket. Could've been an iPhone, could've been a Flip camera or something like that."

He did an admirable job last time. Remember, other than being a financial businessman, he had no real visibility. That race was tight (4000 votes) and I definitely think this is a seat that can flip. While its a midterm, I'm pretty confident in Graves. He's a likable guy and almost took down a GOP representative with a ton of out of state money coming to her.
Well when your unemployment rate is low, there's only one direction for it to go!
Mm, I can taste those 250,000 jobs now.

There are 23 states with lower unemployment rates than Wisconsin (which is tied with four other states, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado and Delaware), including noted commie strongholds such as Minnesota, Massachusetts, Hawaii and Vermont. What's Walker's excuse? Wisconsin's economic situation isn't exactly dire, but I wouldn't call shedding jobs faster than any state in the nation winning.

Then again, I wouldn't call Romney losing "winning" either but there you go.


Stephanie Cutter on Real Time with Bill Maher tomorrow. Also, Saru Jayaraman is on to spit hot fire about the need to raise the minimum wage for restaurant employees - something anti minimum wage GAF should watch.

But in usual Real Time style, David Stockman will be on to talk about the crushing debt and the gold standard.
But in usual Real Time style, David Stockman will be on to talk about the crushing debt and the gold standard.

Glad Bill Maher is inviting folks with legitimate concerns about government debt on to his program. It's an issue that's not really covered in the mainstream press.


Ah, ok. Yeah, that sounds like praxeology.
Yep, praxeology is a rationalist methodology through and through.

I guess the way I use the term is very different from the philosophical sense.
You, me and everyone else, I should've qualified it.

And just so we're clear, there's nothing inherently wrong with rationalism, euclidean geometry is for the most part a rationalist exercise, it's just that for the sake of advancing human knowledge, its uses are significantly more limited than empiricism.


Glad Bill Maher is inviting folks with legitimate concerns about government debt on to his program. It's an issue that's not really covered in the mainstream press.

Government debt is not an issue covered by the mainstream press? Are you living up to your tag?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So apparently if we took out fatal injuries from life expectancy the United States ranks #1.



What am I missing here?

Its especially questionable since Sweden had a much higher life expectancy in general in 2000. Only one year after the study. http://www.indexmundi.com/g/g.aspx?c=sw&v=30

EDIT - Wait why the fuck would REMOVING fatal injuries DECREASE life expectancy for most countries?

Isn't that the same argument that dumbass chick who created the death panels (NOT Palin) tried to make to Jon Stewart, after which he mocked her relentlessly?

So apparently Progress KY recorded the conversation at McConnell's campaign office by recording them through the walls. LOL

That's hilarious but will they get in trouble?


Incognito, let me tell you something...

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

True story.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If Stockman's the closest thing to a right-winger on the panel, tomorrow's episode is gonna be pretty lame.

Whoa, what? Are you living up to Incognito's tag?

Sad that she has to take up two personas to make up for posting inequity.

This wouldn't have happened if Romney were president.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is just lol:

QUESTION: Mr. Speaker, NRCC Chairman Walden called the Obama budget a "shocking attack on seniors." You and your party have often said that we need to reign in entitlement spending. Are Republicans going to run against Democrats next year for trying to slow the growth of entitlement spending?

SPEAKER BOEHNER: I've made it clear that I disagree with what Chairman Walden said and he and I have had a conversation about it. And I expect that, uh. This is the least that we must do to solve the problems in Social Security.

QUESTION: Would you call on Republicans next year to not attack Democrats?
BOEHNER: I've talked to Chairman Walden. Chairman Walden and I have had a conversation and we'll leave it at that.


So Boehner disagrees with Walden but doesn't appear to support the idea of not attacking the Democrats for SS cuts if this deal goes through. Come on, Obama. This couldn't get any clearer.


bitch I'm taking calls.
People are so out of touch with reality in that Korean thread it almost isn't funny. Every small news bit and military drill and suddenly:

"So it's war after all..."

"Let's end NK"


Give me a break. Even the worst of poli-GAF isn't that immature and naive.
People are so out of touch with reality in that Korean thread it almost isn't funny. Every small news bit and military drill and suddenly:
"So it's war after all..."
"Let's end NK"
Give me a break. Even the worst of poli-GAF isn't that immature and naive.
Yeah, all I can do is post jokes in there. And laugh at the animated GIFs. It is such a non-situation. It would be like totally freaking out of Israel assassinated a Hamas leader or a Palestinian blew up a bus. It really sucks but that is just way it goes in that region and the situation has been that way for some 20+ years.
I was changing channels and stumbled onto Fox News with Greta and she had Steve Forbes on to talk Obama budget and he said this, summed up:

A. Obama budget is phony
B. Economy sucks because of too much increase in gov't spending
C. Economy also sucks because we are taxing producers of capital
D. Obamacare



I was changing channels and stumbled onto Fox News with Greta and she had Steve Forbes on to talk Obama budget and he said this, summed up:

A. Obama budget is phony
B. Economy sucks because of too much increase in gov't spending
C. Economy also sucks because we are taxing producers of capital
D. Obamacare


Does the GOP have any other talking points?
I was changing channels and stumbled onto Fox News with Greta and she had Steve Forbes on to talk Obama budget and he said this, summed up:

A. Obama budget is phony
B. Economy sucks because of too much increase in gov't spending
C. Economy also sucks because we are taxing producers of capital
D. Obamacare


Steve Forbes is a fucking idiot. I was listening to an Intelligence Squared debate on 'strong dollar policy' and I could not believe the stupid shit coming from his mouth.

It was him and a Gold Standard wingnut on one side.

Steve Forbes would yammer on how an inch has to remain an inch and we need standard weights & measures so just like we need a consistent inch length and consistent pound weight, we need a consistent dollar.

Wait a minute . . . you are supposed to be a free-market guy. The dollar should be allowed to float. You don't even make arguments that are consistent with yourself.
Holy smokes. This map was in another thread. Wow is this nation polarized. Even something as random as a 'missed connections' map seems to correlate with an electoral college map. Look at the WalMarts.



It's true though, Nebraska has a shitton of supermarkets. Sometimes it feels like once you get out of sight of one there's another.. and sometimes there's 5 of them clustered within a half mile of each other. I don't know how we support all of them. We have like 7 or 8 WalMarts in one city, so that should tell you how many regular supermarkets we have if they're overcoming the Walmart factor

edit: I guess Californians all have memberships to 24 hour fitness


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Holy smokes. This map was in another thread. Wow is this nation polarized. Even something as random as a 'missed connections' map seems to correlate with an electoral college map. Look at the WalMarts.


I'm seriously trying to figure out how the fuck could you find love at Wal-Mart FFS.

My mind is full of fuck. And this is common amongst multiple states?

Da faq?
I don't at all understand how THE CAR is listed for my state of GA---that would be a handy way to handwave away my inability to find anybody on account of not being able to drive for years now, but seriously? A car, at the least, is not a public venue for conversation and such compared to even a damned wal-mart.
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