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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Sorry, not seeing it.


At another point, List emailed Ginni Thomas an idea for an anti-Obama ad that he thought could go viral:

A 15 sec internet [YouTube ad] featuring ethnically diverse children on a merry-go-round [soft music]…
Nuclear explosion.
Two bullet points on the facts.
Call to action:
Tell President Obama & Congress not to cut our nation's defense.

Mondale did it too:



Overnight is overnight, the election isn't that soon. Those numbers are a reaction to the event, it may look different once people have been allowed to simmer on it. We won't know what the landscape will look like until next week at the earliest.

True true. It may change.

Dirty Weiner shouldn't give up all hope quite yet.


No Scrubs
Ok, I thought you guys could use a laugh and the Onion's got this awesome new article about Uncle Joe and his buddy Worm.

Biden Has Guy Named Worm Sit In For Him At Cabinet Meeting

WASHINGTON—Claiming that he had “a major shitstorm” he had to deal with, Vice President Joe Biden reportedly had a guy named Worm sit in for him at a cabinet meeting Thursday, assuring senior officials in the administration that his buddy was “a top-notch dude.”

“Worm is cool, he can handle it, no problemo,” said Biden, who informed cabinet members that Worm would “get the lay of the land real damn quick.” “Listen, I would stay for this little powwow, but I’m neck-deep in some stuff that I just gotta take care of in a big way.”

“Worm says he’s clean now, because of some stupid probation thing,” continued the vice president, announcing that Worm received “Diamond Joe’s” seal of approval. “Don’t worry, I warned him not to bring that smelly-ass dog of his, and I never really talk at these things anyway. I’ll definitely try to catch the next one.”

I fucking died reading this.
Ghaleon, this will make you happy

As conservatives escalate their efforts to shut down the government if Obamacare is not defunded, a familiar voice of reason is returning to the fray to send them a message: Dream on.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), a deputy majority whip, has taken to the airwaves over the last 24 hours to pour cold water on GOP attempts to demand that the party withhold support for keeping the federal government open after Sept. 30 unless Obamacare is gutted.

He has dismissed the conservative effort as a “temper tantrum” and likened it to “blackmail.”

“Seems to me there’s appropriate ways to deal with the law, but shutting down the government to get your way over an unrelated piece of legislation is political equivalent of throwing a temper tantrum,” he said Wednesday on Fox News. “It’s just not helpful. And it is the sort of thing that creates a backlash and could cost the Republicans the majority in the House, which is after all the last line of defense against the president. And it could materially undercut the ability of the Republicans in the Senate to have the majority in 2014 which they have a decent chance to do.”

Cole made the same point to National Review in an article published Thursday.

“I don’t think you ought to try to blackmail the administration on a fight that they won politically in the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court by threatening to shut down the government,” he said.
The five-term congressman was responding to a House effort by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), backed by influential conservative groups, to push for defunding Obamacare in the annual spending bill that must pass by Sept. 30 in order to avoid a government shutdown.

Cole, an ally of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), similarly pushed conservatives late in 2012 to back off their hardline stance against permitting high-income taxes to rise in an agreement to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff. They eventually did.

“We will continue to do everything we can to defund [Obamacare], to repeal it,” Boehner told reporters Thursday. But he kept his powder dry on whether he’ll push for it in the continuing resolution: “No decisions have been made about how we’re going to deal with the CR.”
I'm looking forward to the whole funding Obamacare/government shutdown chaos. Americans *hate* sore losers, this has the potential to backfire on the GOP in spectacular fashion.

If Boehner has any sense he will take one for the team and bring the budget with Obamacare to a floor vote. That's an enormous "if" though.
I'm looking forward to the whole funding Obamacare/government shutdown chaos. Americans *hate* sore losers, this has the potential to backfire on the GOP in spectacular fashion.

If Boehner has any sense he will take one for the team and bring the budget with Obamacare to a floor vote. That's an enormous "if" though.
I wonder at what point will it be enough for Boehner to receive a speakership challenge.



Yeah, I remain dubious that we will see a government shutdown over Obamacare implementation. And if we do, I think it will backfire. Neither Boehner nor McConnell will go down that path, and enough of the GOP recognize the degree to which it is self defeating that they will avert it. I'm not at all worried about it.

I still think the ACA will be a pretty strong success. As PD said, one of the main reasons people can't get insurance is cost. If costs come down, more people will come to the market. (The other major reason being, pre-existing conditions, a limitation which also goes away.) All indications are participation in the exchanges will be at a high enough level to drive costs down. I was just taken aback at how brazen the strategy was. I shouldn't have been, considering the GOP's pattern since Obama was elected. But it was still jarring.
Yeah, I remain dubious that we will see a government shutdown over Obamacare implementation. And if we do, I think it will backfire. Neither Boehner nor McConnell will go down that path, and enough of the GOP recognize the degree to which it is self defeating that they will avert it. I'm not at all worried about it.

I still think the ACA will be a pretty strong success. As PD said, one of the main reasons people can't get insurance is cost. If costs come down, more people will come to the market. (The other major reason being, pre-existing conditions, a limitation which also goes away.) All indications are participation in the exchanges will be at a high enough level to drive costs down. I was just taken aback at how brazen the strategy was. I shouldn't have been, considering the GOP's pattern since Obama was elected. But it was still jarring.

Yep. Agreed on all points. I still laugh at so many GOP members actually stating that they're going to repeal this after the insurance companies have invested so much money and time while also having hired so many people to handle the load of the incoming tidwal wave of business.
In other words, I'm not sure there will ever be a time to replace Ginsburg, because anyone like Ginsburg simply won't get past today's conservatives.

It's entirely up to Democrats whether anyone like Ginsburg gets appointed. Democrats have a majority in the Senate.


Ohio Republicans are digusting shitlords. News at 11.

Ohio Plans Unspeakably Cruel Appeal Of Dying Man’s Last Wish

John Arthur is dying. He is in the terminal stages of Lou Gehrig’s disease and has entered hospice care. Arthur is also gay, and in a 20 year relationship with a man named Jim Obergefell. Because the couple’s home state of Ohio will not allow them to marry, Arthur and Obergefell recently flew to Maryland together and were legally married on the tarmac — just weeks after the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage equality decision in United States v. Windsor. Arthur was unable to rise from his hospice bed.

In his final days, Arthur wants to honor his commitment to his husband. He wants his own death certificate to list Obergefell as his “surviving spouse.” And he wants to die knowing that his partner of 20 years can someday be buried next to him in a family plot bound by a directive that only permits his lawfully wedded spouse to be interred alongside him. And, on Monday, a federal judge ruled that Arthur should indeed have the dignity of dying alongside a man that Ohio will recognize as his husband.

And now, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R) wants to take that dignity away from Mr. Arthur. The day after a judge issued a temporary restraining order requiring Ohio to list Arthur’s husband as his “surviving spouse” on his death certificate, DeWine announced that he would appeal this decision and try to strip a dying man of his final wish.

There are marriage equality cases with sweeping national implications. This is not one of them. The judge’s order is limited exclusively to Arthur and Obergefell. Indeed, as the judge explains, “there is absolutely no evidence that the State of Ohio or its citizens will be harmed by the issuance” of an order requiring Ohio to acknowledge the two men’s marriage. “No one beyond Plaintiffs themselves will be affected by such a limited order at all.”

There are also marriage equality cases where a great deal of money is at stake. But this is not one of those either. In Windsor, plaintiff Edith Windsor sought $363,053 in estate taxes she was forced to pay because the federal government would not acknowledge her marriage to a woman. Arthur, by contrast, hardly has an estate to tax. He and his husband had to raise donations to cover the cost of their flight to Maryland.

Yet, while Ohio has nothing to gain from simply complying with the judges’ order, Arthur and Obergefell have a tremendous amount to lose. Thanks to DeWine’s appeal, Arthur will spend his last days unsure whether he and his husband can someday lie together in his family burial plot. The two men’s final moments will be poisoned by uncertainty over their lawsuit. And Obergefell will likely be forced to spend his first weeks as a widower caught up in discussions with his lawyers about the litigation itself. The couple also could lose their case. Most of the judges on the appeals court that will hear their case are Republicans.

There is a common refrain among marriage equality’s opponents that discrimination is necessary to remove some kind of “threat” equality poses to straight couples’ marriages. This case is a put up or shut up moment for these voices. Who, exactly, will divorce because Ohio will acknowledge one gay couple’s marriage? What strife will result when Obergefell someday is laid to rest next to Arthur? Where is the wife that will leave her husband because Arthur died alongside his? Who does DeWine think he is serving by filing this appeal?

Someday very soon, Obergefell will go home, lie in an empty bed, and confront for the first time the prospect of a life without his husband. In that moment of loss, he believes he will find some comfort if the State of Ohio acknowledges that he feels the same pain that he would have felt if he were married to a woman. That’s what DeWine wants to take away. And it will gain the people of Ohio nothing.

Absolutely fucking tragic. These people can be downright heartless.
I want to repeat this point, the GOP actively trying to make Obamacare fail - a position distinctly differently from believing it will fail - which means the GOP is actively trying to make insurance less attainable for the less fortunate.

This is a position rank of evil. There is no other way to effectively describe this.

The Democrats need to hammer home how much their tactics are to intentionally screw the middle and lower class.
Wow. That's both hilarious AND a big deal. Wasn't Blue Cross really against Obamacare?

I don't remember them being against it. They're poised to make a killing. I'm surprised they haven't lobbied hard against republicans here, given the literal monopoly they have over the Michigan healthcare industry.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, Uncle Joe needs to stay as far away from the presidential race as possible. I wouldn't mind if he ever became president, but the dude's a major liability at this point.

I don't remember them being against it. They're poised to make a killing. I'm surprised they haven't lobbied hard against republicans here, given the literal monopoly they have over the Michigan healthcare industry.

Of course they are. But that didn't stop many insurance companies from endlessly bitching about Obamacare during the debate.


This stuff makes me rage.

Regardless of position on gay marriage, that seems to be the most fundamental "dude, why are you going out of your way to be a jerk" moments someone can have. "Yeah, I know this doesn't really affect me but I'd really like to just screw with you a little more while you're still ticking."


You know, I was thinking...

The red states are already borrowing money from the blue states.So far, obamacare is working in states that allow it to work. If any further disputed legislation that us important splits along party lines, will there be two Americas? Like a healthy one, and an unhealthy one?
You know, I was thinking...

The red states are already borrowing money from the blue states.So far, obamacare is working in states that allow it to work. If any further disputed legislation that us important splits along party lines, will there be two Americas? Like a healthy one, and an unhealthy one?

And then the unhealthy ones will cry for free healthcare and well whisper "no".
A rumor seen around the Internet says all Americans will be implanted with a microchip in the hand or neck in 2013, under Obamacare rules, thus "making America the first nation in the world" to require a chip "for the purpose of controlling medical care," as Newswithviews.com puts it.

Some versions of the rumor claim the chips will link to bank accounts and health records, and make it possible for the government to track people.

It's false, assures such myth-busting sites as Snopes.com and WafflesatNoon, as well as ObamaCareFacts.com, a site run by private citizens.

The GOP is so obviously desperate...lol
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