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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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One last note, here is what the GOP tweeted out in response to Obama's economic plan to add jobs: http://majorityleader.gov/blog/2013...row-jobs-and-strengthen-the-middle-class.html

How many jobs does this plan add in the next year, best case scenario? 200k? 400k if we're being generous? How is this a plan at all? We've got million of people who are looking for work and their response is a jobs plan that doesn't even add 500k jobs in the near term? What fucking clowns.

I love this part:

Furthermore, if gas prices just returned to what they were the day President Obama took office, that would equate to an increase in take home pay of $200 per month for the average middle class family.

If prices would just return to those levels, gosh-darnit!
Obama's America.

Keystone pipeline is a mess. You don't have to have a degree in petrochemical engineering or economics to know that output doesn't equate to a drop in prices.
Of course he' ll win. And it will be a class action suit.

Did you miss the landmark case a few weeks ago?
I'm not going to do anything like that. I'm already interning for the government and signed a paper saying I know I'm not getting paid.

I think internships should be paid but I do understand that if they were many would go away. Btw I'm only talking about public sector internships. I think the best solution is some kind of financial aid so it can help boost people who have more limited economic means. I can take care of myself and I'm gonna network and probably get a job. Others can't take a free job and that's not really fair and promoting meritocracy.

(this isn't to say I'm rich, and am by no means. but I'm lucky to have friends and family that can help me and make it less of a hardship)
I love this part:

If prices would just return to those levels, gosh-darnit!

In defense of the GOP, their current policies would bring gas prices to those levels

thanks to causing another recession

Keystone pipeline is a mess. You don't have to have a degree in petrochemical engineering or economics to know that output doesn't equate to a drop in prices.

The actual economist who works for the Pipeline itself has claimed we'd at best see a 3 cents drop in price. Maybe. lol.
Carlos Danger would prematurely ejaculate during phone sex
According to Richie, the woman said Weiner would orgasm in under a minute and she therefore did not enjoy their sexual phone conversations.

"She told me in discussions, that the phone sex was not good with Anthony Weiner because he would have an orgasm...within a 30-second period," Richie told HuffPost Live host Marc Lamont Hill. "She would never get the opportunity to get off."
A controversial proposal to restrict how the National Security Agency collects telephone records failed to advance by a narrow margin Wednesday, a victory for the Obama administration, which has spent weeks defending the program since media leaks sparked international outrage about the agency’s reach.

Lawmakers voted 217 to 205 to defeat the proposal by an unlikely political pairing: Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), a 33-year old libertarian who often bucks GOP leadership and Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), an 84-year old liberal stalwart and the chamber’s second longest-serving member. Usually divergent in their political views, they joined forces in recent weeks in response to revelations about the NSA’s ability to collect telephone and Internet records that were leaked by Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor who is seeking asylum in Russia..

The plan would restrict how the agency can collect bulk phone records and metadata under the Patriot Act. Agency officials would be able to continue collecting telephone records, but only for people connected to relevant ongoing investigations.
The proposal also would require that secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court opinions be made available to lawmakers and that the court publish summaries of each opinion for public review.

Conyers said the proposal “would curtail the ongoing dragnet collection and storage of the personal records of innocent Americans.”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) blasted the Amash-Conyers proposal Wednesday, calling it “inflammatory and certainly misleading.”

We ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal.

What's that Johnny boy?

It should be noted a majority of Dems voted for defunding.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So Dana Milbank wrote kind of a dumb-ish article on Obama's speech (which I haven't listened to) saying that by repeating ideas he's already supported, this means he's out of ideas.

Aside from the obvious issue of there being nothing wrong with supporting old policies that happen to, you know, WORK, there really are only a few options that are available at all, right? I mean, forget what Obama wants, I'm just talking about any politician or any political party. In order to induce some economic change, you have at your disposal: taxation, spending, or have the fed tinker with interest rates. I mean, that's really IT, isn't it?
So Dana Milbank wrote kind of a dumb-ish article on Obama's speech (which I haven't listened to) saying that by repeating ideas he's already supported, this means he's out of ideas.

Aside from the obvious issue of there being nothing wrong with supporting old policies that happen to, you know, WORK, there really are only a few options that are available at all, right? I mean, forget what Obama wants, I'm just talking about any politician or any political party. In order to induce some economic change, you have at your disposal: taxation, spending, or have the fed tinker with interest rates. I mean, that's really IT, isn't it?

You think that's bad? http://www.nationaljournal.com/colu...and-the-economy-what-could-have-been-20130724

That said, you left out regulations.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

Right, forgot about that one.

Oh by the way, since I mentioned the Fed, what's everyone's thoughts on how good a job Bernanke's been doing? I didn't really feel strongly about him one way or another, but Krugman seems to really like him.

Now I hear that he'll be leaving and Larry Summers is on the short list for successors.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Has anyone fallen up more than Larry Summers, in the history of the United States of America?

Just found out I'm gonna be interning on capitol hill this fall (it's in the house though, so it'll be even more fun)! Pretty excited to be going to DC finally and leaving the south since I've been here my whole life. Hope to find a job right after as its really hard to network politically in Florida.

Sucks it's unpaid but I'm lucky to have a good support network.

Where are you staying (just curious - apartment rates are rough here)? Definitely try to volunteer for VA Gov this fall if you have time - good networking opportunities there too (even if you're like me and find Terry McAuliffe to be a boring candidate)

keep careful notes of your work and hours so you can sue for backpay.

Nah, the U.S. government exempts itself from having to pay interns. They have literally no rights. It's why I find those fighting for a minimum wage increase to be hypocritical.



[QUOTE="Barack 'the Islamic Shock' Obama]Now, there are others who will dismiss every idea I put forward either because they’re playing to their most strident supporters, or in some cases because, sincerely, they have a fundamentally different vision for America -- one that says inequality is both inevitable and just; one that says an unfettered free market without any restraints inevitably produces the best outcomes, regardless of the pain and uncertainty imposed on ordinary families; and government is the problem and we should just shrink it as small as we can.

In either case, I say to these members of Congress: I’m laying out my ideas to give the middle class a better shot. So now it’s time for you to lay out your ideas. You can't just be against something. You got to be for something.[/QUOTE]

Just finished the speech. So much red meat.
Where are you staying (just curious - apartment rates are rough here)? Definitely try to volunteer for VA Gov this fall if you have time - good networking opportunities there too (even if you're like me and find Terry McAuliffe to be a boring candidate)
That's what I don't know. I literally got the email this afternoon, I'm gonna start looking tomorrow. I really have no idea where to start though.

And yea the VA Gov. race is something I'm gonna be doing. The internship isn't full time so I'm planing on volunteering a bunch to give myself something too do. Are you working with the campaign?

And on the pay thing I do understand that its educational but there is a hardship involved, I'm lucky enough that I'm not to worried about that. I have money saved up and a support network.
Just 23% of Americans under 35 said they considered themselves Republicans, compared with 50% who see themselves as Democrats.

The GOP is beyond fucked. I realize independents and yadda yadda yadda, but the fact that you can double this percentage and it would still be a minority says it all.

The UK, but that grandfather was from Eastern Europe. (World War 2 / NKVD refugee.)

I notice most of these communist refugees tend to be so anti-left that they will vote for the right wing party to matter how right wing said left party is. I notice this with many except the Chinese. They don't seem to bothered.

Why are college educated whites the lowest? :(


Unconfirmed Member


Dem numbers. Wow.[/QUOTE]

I agree with a target of 10.00 minimum wage with a tie to some sort of cost of living or inflation index. But I'm not sure its best to increase it that much all at once.

People aren't entirely wrong that raising the minimum wage would cause unemployment. There has to be some amount of people that really do only provide 8 or 9 dollars of percieved value from their employers. I also don't think we need to throw all human rights out just in the name of small changes in unemployment rates.

All you can say is you hope that those unemployed will just find a different (now better paying) job, but that'd be a lot harder if all of the edge cases are back in the job market all at the same time. A slower increase would allow for the job market to absorb those edge cases a little better.

I'd also ease off the sticker shock so that any increases in prices aren't so shocking to consumers that they end up buying less, and make those idiot managers (you know there's plenty of them in the country) less likely to completely overreact and start laying off people in spite even if that's not what's best for their business.

Still rather pull the bandage now than keep it this low forever and making the bandage even harder to pull later, but it's something to think about.


No Scrubs
I agree with a target of 10.00 minimum wage with a tie to some sort of cost of living or inflation index. But I'm not sure its best to increase it that much all at once.

People aren't entirely wrong that raising the minimum wage would cause unemployment. There has to be some amount of people that really do only provide 8 or 9 dollars of percieved value from their employers. I also don't think we need to throw all human rights out just in the name of small changes in unemployment rates.

All you can say is you hope that those unemployed will just find a different (now better paying) job, but that'd be a lot harder if all of the edge cases are back in the job market all at the same time. A slower increase would allow for the job market to absorb those edge cases a little better.

I'd also ease off the sticker shock so that any increases in prices aren't so shocking to consumers that they end up buying less, and make those idiot managers (you know there's plenty of them in the country) less likely to completely overreact and start laying off people in spite even if that's not what's best for their business.

Still rather pull the bandage now than keep it this low forever and making the bandage even harder to pull later, but it's something to think about.

Nobody is saying to raise it all at once. All the plan's I've heard have it going up incrementally over a few years.
That's what I don't know. I literally got the email this afternoon, I'm gonna start looking tomorrow. I really have no idea where to start though.

And yea the VA Gov. race is something I'm gonna be doing. The internship isn't full time so I'm planing on volunteering a bunch to give myself something too do. Are you working with the campaign?

And on the pay thing I do understand that its educational but there is a hardship involved, I'm lucky enough that I'm not to worried about that. I have money saved up and a support network.

If you can, definitely try to find other people to share an apartment (otherwise you're probably looking at $1k a month minimum). A good way might be to find the pages of the colleges in DC - usually people are always looking for roommates.

I'm not working with the campaign, but I will probably be volunteering. There's always NoVa, which is very close to DC obviously, but chances are there will be opportunites to go down to say, Virginia Beach (usually paid for by the campaign). There's definitely a lot of connections to be made, especially if you make yourself a regular at the office in Alexandria. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to get into politics - volunteer on as many campaigns as you can, as often as you can. I've had numerous friends start out as volunteers on a campaign and end up as paid field organizers on the same campaign a couple months later.

If you want anymore advice, feel free to PM me since its getting a bit offtopic. But hopefully you can get everything settled because its a pretty cool experience to have.
Oh by the way, since I mentioned the Fed, what's everyone's thoughts on how good a job Bernanke's been doing? I didn't really feel strongly about him one way or another, but Krugman seems to really like him..

The Fed has minimal influence on the economy. It sets the price of money (short term interest rate) and that's it. Congress has primary responsibility for the health of the economy via its spending and taxing powers. And it's doing a terrible job.


I notice most of these communist refugees tend to be so anti-left that they will vote for the right wing party to matter how right wing said left party is. I notice this with many except the Chinese. They don't seem to bothered.

I am unfamiliar with any studies about those demographics, but in my case it's hard to have a problem his beef given his experiences with the NKVD. On a mildly amusing note, his allegiances were not unquestioned by federal authorities, even after he'd been here for some time. Dat Cold War hysteria.

Big fan of the educated in Soviet / Soviet-aligned schools ---> come to America ---> be successful in a STEM field ---> have far less successful children ---> think the old country was wrong about everything dynamic in Eastern European expat communities though.
Meh no-one likes Indiana

I was a bit disappointed to see my hometown voted no, but them I remembered that Paul Ryan is still our rep...god I can't wait for that to change

Give Paul Ryan an opportunity to shut down Obama's massive, federal, civil-rights destroying bureaucratic machine.

And he votes with Obummer.

If theres anything positive about this, is that I sincerely hope a thousand tea party wackos come up to challenge the GOP incumbents who votes no.

I can see that ads now "When push came to shove, Paul Ryan stood by Obama and Feinstein and defended a massive government program that spies on innocent Americans. We need real conservatives in Washington"
The Fed has minimal influence on the economy. It sets the price of money (short term interest rate) and that's it. Congress has primary responsibility for the health of the economy via its spending and taxing powers. And it's doing a terrible job.

Hey Empty,

Can you provide the two links that you usually provide when explaining debt, why the government isn't/shouldn't be run like a household financially, description of a fiat currency, etc.? I can't seem to find the links.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The Fed has minimal influence on the economy. It sets the price of money (short term interest rate) and that's it. Congress has primary responsibility for the health of the economy via its spending and taxing powers. And it's doing a terrible job.

Well, that being the case, was Bernanke good at his job?
Well, that being the case, was Bernanke good at his job?

Overall, I think so. I think he could have been more aggressive at the start of the recession and I think he's not been vocal enough regarding Congress' stupidity and directing the economic debate. Sure, he'll say things in a politically correct manner at a hearing or at the occasional University Invitation but I wanted him to go on TV and say what's needed to be said. He's tried to be so apolitical he went too far with it.

He's actually gotten better of late by directing specific unemployment targets before easing up on the monetary policy course taken.

I'd prefer Janet Yellen to take over for a few reasons. She seems to be someone who might be a bit more outspoken going forward than Summers (who is also a known commodity). She'd also be more concerned with employment than inflation and is someone who understood what was happening in 2008. And finally, I'd love Obama to put a woman in charge of the Fed. Obviously, not someone unqualified or even not as good, but given that she's as qualified as anyone out there, go with the woman. I think putting a woman in charge of the Fed says a lot.
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