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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I can't believe Larry Summers is being considered for chairman of the Fed . The guy is exactly the kind of person that should be behind bars for what happened in '08 and he's a colossal fuck-up too boot. He's also a reprehensible human being in general.

like, what the fuck.


Unconfirmed Member
I can't believe Larry Summers is being considered for chairman of the Fed . The guy is exactly the kind of person that should be behind bars for what happened in '08 and he's a colossal fuck-up too boot. He's also a reprehensible human being in general.

like, what the fuck.

Which is pretty much why he's certain to get the job. Nothing good ever happens in the fed government now. Absolutely nothing. If you expect the worst every single last time, you're going to be very close to batting 1.000.


I can't believe Larry Summers is being considered for chairman of the Fed . The guy is exactly the kind of person that should be behind bars for what happened in '08 and he's a colossal fuck-up too boot. He's also a reprehensible human being in general.

like, what the fuck.
For realsies?





Oh well... Ugh, I really think we have a legit government shutdown incoming. The House controls the funding of PPACA, correct? You cannot truly think the GOP is going to have anything to do with that... ugh, what a fucking disaster.

Also I really hate my state. Corbett is a horrible Governor and the state GOP is even worse. Sometimes they even reject his requests for funding and whatnot to our decaying infrastructure across the state. So that combined with the worse Congress in US history arguably is pretty fucking depressing to me.

Sometimes I'm hopeful but then I read about the next manufactured crisis in Washington and I really think we're living in the midst of the end of our prosperous society as we know it.

If we can't stop the GOPers despite arguably the most gifted Democrat since FDR and JFK getting elected to the White House twice, how can we stop them now?
I have almost no fear or concern about a shut down happening. The senate won't play ball, meaning we'll have the senate and White House against the House on another "cliff" situation; the last few of those have ended with the House on the losing side. Maybe the government will shut down for a day, maybe a week. But it won't be some long term nightmare considering there are about 20 House republicans who aren't insane.

I'm kinda looking forward to it, given how tough it'll be for Mitch McConnell as he fends off a tea party challenger.
Oh well... Ugh, I really think we have a legit government shutdown incoming. The House controls the funding of PPACA, correct? You cannot truly think the GOP is going to have anything to do with that... ugh, what a fucking disaster.

Also I really hate my state. Corbett is a horrible Governor and the state GOP is even worse. Sometimes they even reject his requests for funding and whatnot to our decaying infrastructure across the state. So that combined with the worse Congress in US history arguably is pretty fucking depressing to me.

Sometimes I'm hopeful but then I read about the next manufactured crisis in Washington and I really think we're living in the midst of the end of our prosperous society as we know it.

If we can't stop the GOPers despite arguably the most gifted Democrat since FDR and JFK getting elected to the White House twice, how can we stop them now?

Oh well... Ugh, I really think we have a legit government shutdown incoming. The House controls the funding of PPACA, correct? You cannot truly think the GOP is going to have anything to do with that... ugh, what a fucking disaster.

Also I really hate my state. Corbett is a horrible Governor and the state GOP is even worse. Sometimes they even reject his requests for funding and whatnot to our decaying infrastructure across the state. So that combined with the worse Congress in US history arguably is pretty fucking depressing to me.

Sometimes I'm hopeful but then I read about the next manufactured crisis in Washington and I really think we're living in the midst of the end of our prosperous society as we know it.

If we can't stop the GOPers despite arguably the most gifted Democrat since FDR and JFK getting elected to the White House twice, how can we stop them now?
I'll echo mr. bolton. lulz

Please have more of these when shit starts hitting the fan in regards to shut down. I need my diablosing. I can't wait till 2014
I have almost no fear or concern about a shut down happening. The senate won't play ball, meaning we'll have the senate and White House against the House on another "cliff" situation; the last few of those have ended with the House on the losing side. Maybe the government will shut down for a day, maybe a week. But it won't be some long term nightmare considering there are about 20 House republicans who aren't insane.

I'm kinda looking forward to it, given how tough it'll be for Mitch McConnell as he fends off a tea party challenger.

I think a day or two shut down might be good. It will further cement the insanity of the GOP. The last one also pushed them to "compassionate conservatism" and away from the more insane contract with america.

As much as I hate bush at least he wasn't cutting benefits and government like this tea party wants to.

GOP's "white" gamble for '16: O lost white/wmn by 14; new @maristpoll shows #HRC trails Christie w/them by 6, Jeb by 7, and leading Rubio.

They are idiots. There's no way for them to move anywhere with whites. They have to attract minorities.
The GOP and the Albatross of White Racial Panic

GOP's "white" gamble for '16: O lost white/wmn by 14; new @maristpoll shows #HRC trails Christie w/them by 6, Jeb by 7, and leading Rubio.
There’s a little Twitterese. So in case there’s any unclarity, according to these very early polls, Hillary Clinton is polling substantially better among white women than President Obama did in 2012. And remember, Obama won. Also notably, the relative percentage of white women in the electorate will probably be a bit smaller in 2016 than it was in 2012.

Now, Hillary is a white woman. So the fact that she does better than Obama isn’t entirely shocking. It’s also 3+ years from now. And Hillary has name recognition (good and bad, to be fair) well beyond any of these guys. But it still captures the challenges, to put it generously, what Brownstein calls the GOP’s ‘white gamble’. There simply don’t seem to be enough whites to make up for the rapid growth of America’s non-white population which is trending heavily toward the Democrats. Or, to put it more precisely as a recent analysis by Ruy Teixeira and Alan Abramowitz shows, the numbers and the history show little evidence that Republicans can drive up their margins with white voters high enough to offset the growing numbers of non-white voters if they those non-whites voters continue to vote Democratic in such outsized numbers.

As I wrote a month ago, the biggest news of the earlier 21st century in American politics isn’t that there’s more racism or less but that the political impact of racial division has changed. For decades, the irresistible political catnip of the right was the political appeal - more or less veiled - to racial division. It was, in most cases, undeniably good politics.

But that’s not clear at all any more. Two factors are at work. One is a process we’re all happily familiar with: the declining role of racism in our society. We see it in public opinion data - especially among the young, the rise of interracial marriages, willingness to vote for non-white candidates and many other ways. We all realize that in racial terms we’re not living in 1955 or even 1995 for that matter.

But talking about less ‘racism’ is too muddled and imprecise a way to put it, though it’s fine as a short hand. What we’re really talking about is a declining percentage of the white population that believe whites are or need to be the dominant social group in the country. To be clear, the converse of that doesn’t mean instituting apartheid or hating blacks or Hispanics or Asians or anyone else. It simply means, at a basic level and on a spectrum of meanings, who’s in control and whether whites need to be the ones in control. And being ‘in control’ can be as simple as making up the overwhelming percentage of the population.

At the moment we’re moving toward one party that is genuinely multi-racial in composition and another that is increasingly a white persons’ party, albeit having limited minority representation and a small number of non-white officeholders. There’s a small but substantial minority of the population that finds a new America where whites really aren’t the overwhelmingly dominant group, simply in numbers, very frightening. I’d put the number at somewhere between 20% and 25% of the population. And they are overwhelmingly in the Republican party or they’re right-leaning independents who vote Republican.

And that’s what brings you to the what we might better call the Steve King problem, the guy who’s in trouble today for saying that virtually all DREAMers are drug mules and criminals. He’s now been denounced by John Boehner, Raul Labrador (one of the biggest border security hawks in Congress) and others. And I don’t doubt the sincerity of their rebukes. But King is speaking for the raw, undomesticated voice of that slice of the electorate for whom these social and population trends spell a basically non-stop state of white panic expressed through Obama conspiracy theories, fears of marauding Mexican hordes, hyper-opposition to primarily Latin American immigration and so much more.

Yes, King is more intemperate and perhaps more hateful than most. But he speaks for the relatively small slice of the electorate which makes up a pretty big slice of the GOP electorate and keeps the GOP anchored in opposition to immigration reform and to policies which put most of the non-white population off-limits to the party indefinitely. That’s why the whole plan to ‘double down’ on the ‘whites only’ strategy now increasingly favored by Republicans isn’t so much of a strategy as a recognition that it can’t break free or discipline that mammoth part of its voter base.

I don't agree with his assessment on racism being on the decline but overall he makes a good point. 2016 is going to feature two white candidates unless something really crazy (Ted Cruz) happens. If Hillary Clinton only loses the white female vote by only 7-8 points there's almost no logical or mathematical way for her to lose the election.

I'm baffled that apparently no one on the right can look at this white-only strategy and call bullshit. Sure I shouldn't be baffled BUT come on: it doesn't take a genius to determine many of those white votes are in southern states, and that Hillary Clinton will almost certainly do better with white voters than Obama.
The GOP and the Albatross of White Racial Panic


I don't agree with his assessment on racism being on the decline but overall he makes a good point. 2016 is going to feature two white candidates unless something really crazy (Ted Cruz) happens. If Hillary Clinton only loses the white female vote by only 7-8 points there's almost no logical or mathematical way for her to lose the election.

I'm baffled that apparently no one on the right can look at this white-only strategy and call bullshit. Sure I shouldn't be baffled BUT come on: it doesn't take a genius to determine many of those white votes are in southern states, and that Hillary Clinton will almost certainly do better with white voters than Obama.

On your point about racism being on the decline it thing it is in the sense that people are more willing to look past their stereotypes to look at the "character" of people but I think the stereotypes haven't diminished too much. Though the youth is changing much faster.

Also the last paragraph shows why they can't call bullshit
That’s why the whole plan to ‘double down’ on the ‘whites only’ strategy now increasingly favored by Republicans isn’t so much of a strategy as a recognition that it can’t break free or discipline that mammoth part of its voter base.
They have a large proportion of their base which is racist. Its hard to play to racist and minorities.
Racism has been on a steady decline since forever. It's just a slow decline, and discussion of it gets muddied up with people who want to deny or minimize the very real effects of racism.

When institutional problems like unequal pay, poverty and incarceration rates are so bad, it's hard to believe it could be worse. But when I was a kid, an interracial couple walking down the street was unheard of. And the news now is that there are people upset about a Cheerios ad, not that the ad exists.

And I think the fact that we elected a black president, while not ending racism or anything, is a pretty huge deal and could not have happened even 10 years earlier.

The trend is good, and it's real. But the resistance to it is real, too.
Poll: More Americans Support Restricting Abortions To 20 Weeks, But Not Restricting Providers

More Americans said they'd support a 20-week ban on abortions rather than current law's 24-week benchmark even as they oppose burdensome restrictions on abortion providers, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Thursday.

Of those surveyed, 56 percent said they would rather have abortions "legal without restriction" up to 20 weeks compared to 27 percent who would rather have unrestricted abortions up to 24 weeks, which is the general period allowed under the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision.

The poll found that more Americans oppose state measures that make it difficult for abortion clinics to run, however, by a margin of 54 percent to 45 percent.

The poll accompanies a slew of Republican-supported abortion legislation recently passed in states like Texas, North Carolina and Wisconsin that tackle both 20-week abortion bans and operating standards for abortion providers.

welp, didn't expect this.
Just saw uncensored weiner :(.

I don't get 20 weeks or any numerical limit. Viability is the only thing I can support which I think is 23-25ish. But a doctor has to determine that not politicians.

One thing I am surprised though is how much more liberal US abortion laws are than the US. Though Europe does actually have sex ed and good family planning which we lack.


So the GOP is now turning from trying to sabotage the ACA law, to trying to sabotage the way the law is structured by encouraging people to stay out of the exchanges and thus drive up health costs for everyone.


It's times like this when I have to temper my language. They've so clearly lost any connection to caring about governance, policy and the impact on the lives of people. They just want to score points. It's reprehensible.

I don't think it will work, at least beyond the margins of their base who seem okay voting to make their lives worse.
Bams is suing to force Texas to pre-clear their voting changes

The Obama administration announced Thursday that it will attempt an aggressive end-run around the Supreme Court’s recent ruling striking down a key part of the Voting Rights Act.

In a speech to a National Urban League conference in Philadelphia, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Justice Department will urge a federal judge to subject the State of Texas to the pre-clearance procedure the court largely wiped out last month.

The federal government’s request is expected to be made in a lawsuit Latino state lawmakers filed challenging Texas’s redistricting plan based on the 2010 census.

“Based on the evidence of intentional racial discrimination….as well as the history of pervasive voting-related discrimination against racial minorities that the Supreme Court itself has recognized, we believe that the state of Texas should be required to go through a preclearance process whenever it changes its voting laws and practices,” Holder said.
The new request would require Texas to continue to preclear those changes for the next decade

Texas attorney general Greg Abbott quickly announced plans to push back. “I’ll fight #Obama’s effort to control our elections & I’ll fight against cheating at (the) ballot box,” he wrote on Twitter Wednesday.
So the GOP is now turning from trying to sabotage the ACA law, to trying to sabotage the way the law is structured by encouraging people to stay out of the exchanges and thus drive up health costs for everyone.


It's times like this when I have to temper my language. They've so clearly lost any connection to caring about governance, policy and the impact on the lives of people. They just want to score points. It's reprehensible.

I don't think it will work, at least beyond the margins of their base who seem okay voting to make their lives worse.

I'm amused these anti-government patriots would rather pay a tax to the government than pay a private company for a service they should have anyway. Fuck 'em. When Democrats get power back, they can raise the penalty and tie it to income to make it progressive.

Edit: just remembered the penalty already is progressive; so it can be made even more progressive.

Or just enact single payer, which would be the sensible and obvious thing to do.
So the GOP is now turning from trying to sabotage the ACA law, to trying to sabotage the way the law is structured by encouraging people to stay out of the exchanges and thus drive up health costs for everyone.


It's times like this when I have to temper my language. They've so clearly lost any connection to caring about governance, policy and the impact on the lives of people. They just want to score points. It's reprehensible.

I don't think it will work, at least beyond the margins of their base who seem okay voting to make their lives worse.
Well Grayson was right when he described the GOPs health care plan


Just saw uncensored weiner :(.

I don't get 20 weeks or any numerical limit. Viability is the only thing I can support which I think is 23-25ish. But a doctor has to determine that not politicians.

One thing I am surprised though is how much more liberal US abortion laws are than the US. Though Europe does actually have sex ed and good family planning which we lack.

Oh? Whose?

Edit: ....Ooooooh...


No Scrubs
So the GOP is now turning from trying to sabotage the ACA law, to trying to sabotage the way the law is structured by encouraging people to stay out of the exchanges and thus drive up health costs for everyone.


It's times like this when I have to temper my language. They've so clearly lost any connection to caring about governance, policy and the impact on the lives of people. They just want to score points. It's reprehensible.

I don't think it will work, at least beyond the margins of their base who seem okay voting to make their lives worse.

Holy...that's....I actually can't think of a way to describe how I feel about this without getting banned...


tpm said:
That’s why the whole plan to ‘double down’ on the ‘whites only’ strategy now increasingly favored by Republicans isn’t so much of a strategy as a recognition that it can’t break free or discipline that mammoth part of its voter base.
Yup, exactly this. GOP lost control of their monster. Party needs to be completely broken for American politics to work.
PPP 2016 Presidential election

GOP primary - Rand Paul 16, Jeb Bush 13, Chris Christie 13, Paul Ryan 13, Ted Cruz 12, Marco Rubio 10, Rick Santorum 4, Bobby Jindal 4, Susana Martinez 2

Dem primary (with Hillary) - Hillary Clinton 52, Joe Biden 12, Elizabeth Warren 6, Kirsten Gillibrand 5, Cory Booker 3

Dem primary (without Hillary) - Joe Biden 34, Elizabeth Warren 13, Andrew Cuomo 10, Cory Booker 4

Dem primary (without Hillary or Uncle Joe) - Elizabeth Warren 20, Andrew Cuomo 11, Cory Booker 8, Kirsten Gillibrand 5

Hillary 43
Christie 42

Hillary 46
Ryan 44

Hillary 44
Bush 41

Hillary 45
Rubio 40

Hillary 47
Paul 39

Biden 39
Christie 45

Biden 41
Bush 45

Biden 43
Ryan 46

Biden 43
Paul 43

Biden 42
Rubio 42


Carlos Danger's career is over, but what else is new.

I've been reading some rumblings of Republicans doing a government shutdown over ACA but obviously that can't happen, that's like asking for a 2014 slaughter.


No Scrubs
Carlos Danger's career is over, but what else is new.

I've been reading some rumblings of Republicans doing a government shutdown over ACA but obviously that can't happen, that's like asking for a 2014 slaughter.

I agree, but there's a little voice in the back of my head telling me to wait for some numbers before writing Carlos Danger off.

As far as a shut down leading to a 2014 slaughter, the House is so gerrymandered that the GOP can literally take a steaming shit on the Declaration of Independence and wipe their collective ass with the Constitution and still hang onto the House.
Carlos Danger's career is over, but what else is new.

I've been reading some rumblings of Republicans doing a government shutdown over ACA but obviously that can't happen, that's like asking for a 2014 slaughter.
Hey man, let's not jinx it. If a temp government shutdown is what it would take for Democrats to recapture the House it'd be worth it in the long run.
PPP 2016 Presidential election

GOP primary - Rand Paul 16, Jeb Bush 13, Chris Christie 13, Paul Ryan 13, Ted Cruz 12, Marco Rubio 10, Rick Santorum 4, Bobby Jindal 4, Susana Martinez 2

Dem primary (with Hillary) - Hillary Clinton 52, Joe Biden 12, Elizabeth Warren 6, Kirsten Gillibrand 5, Cory Booker 3

Dem primary (without Hillary) - Joe Biden 34, Elizabeth Warren 13, Andrew Cuomo 10, Cory Booker 4

Dem primary (without Hillary or Uncle Joe) - Elizabeth Warren 20, Andrew Cuomo 11, Cory Booker 8, Kirsten Gillibrand 5

Hillary 43
Christie 42

Hillary 46
Ryan 44

Hillary 44
Bush 41

Hillary 45
Rubio 40

Hillary 47
Paul 39

Biden 39
Christie 45

Biden 41
Bush 45

Biden 43
Ryan 46

Biden 43
Paul 43

Biden 42
Rubio 42

Please run hilldawg


I agree, but there's a little voice in the back of my head telling me to wait for some numbers before writing Carlos Danger off.

As far as a shut down leading to a 2014 slaughter, the House is so gerrymandered that the GOP can literally take a steaming shit on the Declaration of Independence and wipe their collective ass with the Constitution and still hang onto the House.

Huffington Post with an eye catching front page title "DIRTY WEINER PLUNGES IN POLLS" cites an overnight Wall Street Journal Poll where only 30 percent of registered NYC Democrats view Carlos favorably. In the primary, Carlos now trails Christine Quinn, 16 to 25.

Although there is still time for a Weiner comeback, maybe Quinn has her own phone sex scandal waiting in the wing.

And by slaughter I guess a slaughter in the sense that Republicans lose seats that can generally be contested...though I'm not sure how many of those seats exist atm. However if Republicans do take a hot shit on the constitution while swearing their undying oath to Islam, and pissing on Reagan's grave, there might actually be a good chance here lol. *crosses fingers*
So the GOP is now turning from trying to sabotage the ACA law, to trying to sabotage the way the law is structured by encouraging people to stay out of the exchanges and thus drive up health costs for everyone.


It's times like this when I have to temper my language. They've so clearly lost any connection to caring about governance, policy and the impact on the lives of people. They just want to score points. It's reprehensible.

I don't think it will work, at least beyond the margins of their base who seem okay voting to make their lives worse.

On paper it seems like the best strategy to kill the law. Obamacare WILL fail if no one signs up. Who knows how the private market will work out, but I definitely believe people will at least look at the prices. Especially young people. The problem is that young people are doing pretty bad right now...

Still I'm hopeful. People search for cheaper insurance, and if Obamacare offers it then folks will sign up.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Sheryl Kaufman, the communications director for Rep. Jim Bridenstine, chimed in that she was fond of a phrase derived by MonCreif: "'OBAMAGRATION'—I love it!! Communicates the similarity with Obamacare."

Yes, please make that mistake again. Please.


So the GOP is now turning from trying to sabotage the ACA law, to trying to sabotage the way the law is structured by encouraging people to stay out of the exchanges and thus drive up health costs for everyone.


It's times like this when I have to temper my language. They've so clearly lost any connection to caring about governance, policy and the impact on the lives of people. They just want to score points. It's reprehensible.

I don't think it will work, at least beyond the margins of their base who seem okay voting to make their lives worse.

Leave it to the GOP to try and capitalize on the stupidity of people...

Yes, please make that mistake again. Please.

It's like the entire Republican party is in 3rd grade...


No Scrubs
Huffington Post with an eye catching front page title "DIRTY WEINER PLUNGES IN POLLS" cites an overnight Wall Street Journal Poll where only 30 percent of registered NYC Democrats view Carlos favorably. In the primary, Carlos now trails Christine Quinn, 25 to 16.

Although there is still time for a Weiner comeback, maybe Quinn has her own phone sex scandal waiting in the wing.

And by slaughter I guess a slaughter in the sense that Republicans lose seats that can generally be contested...though I'm not sure how many of those seats exist atm. However if Republicans do take a hot shit on the constitution while swearing their undying oath to Islam, and pissing on Reagan's grave, there might actually be a good chance here lol. *crosses fingers*

Overnight is overnight, the election isn't that soon. Those numbers are a reaction to the event, it may look different once people have been allowed to simmer on it. We won't know what the landscape will look like until next week at the earliest.


Meh, nothing will get accomplished between 2014 and 2016 anyway, let's be real here. Biden has the tie-breaker vote if any nominations are allowed to proceed (which they won't be). The only issue is SCOTUS. Ginsburg needs to retire NOW.

2016 will be a bloodbath in the other direction if Hillary runs.

There's apparently considerable blowback about the potential of Nina Pillard joining the DC appellate court (a woman with a similar litigation history to Ginsburg, in that she fought consistently for women's rights, including in front of the Supreme Court).

In other words, I'm not sure there will ever be a time to replace Ginsburg, because anyone like Ginsburg simply won't get past today's conservatives.

As another note, here is Ruth Ginsburg in the 1950s:



You know, Obama's name fits quite well with all of these nicknames. They will certainly go down in history of potentially good policies that people finally accepted.

Economic Obamary (recovery)

Much so than Bush:

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