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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Ladies and Gentlemen, we've officially entered an alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and nickleback is awesome.

I don't even...
His logic went in several different places and didn't go anywhere. "Is Obama ready to defund Obamacare!? HUH?"

"Oh btw, we should fund our military." *has nothing to do with Obamacare*

"We should fund the government!"

"BUt not Obamacare! Democrats agree with me!" *Dems are the only reason it passed*

Da fuq?


The Autumn Wind
so desperate to appease the right after his immigration debacle. would be hilarious if it weren't so goddamn transparent. this guy is a clown and going to get run off the stage by paul and cruz.
Yeah, I read this article the other day, which mentions he's pretty much stepped away from lobbying efforts for immigration since things shifted to the House.
Maryland released their Obamacare exchanges.


...the lowest price for a Bronze plan for a 25-year-old in Maryland was $114, compared to $134 in Virginia, $146 in Colorado, $163 in Ohio, $167 in Washington State, and $174 in California.

Among Silver plans for middle-aged adults, Maryland rates were lower than those proposed or approved in all other states except New Mexico. For example, the lowest price for a Silver plan for a 50-year-old in Maryland is $260, compared to $319 in New York, $329 in Virginia, $343 in Colorado, $374 in Ohio, $376 in California, $392 in Washington State, and $400 in Rhode Island.

Really good news. Maryland is the cheapest, yet.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I see what you are saying. I just see Blue Cross as just acting in their own best interest, which requires a different public demeanor than Wall Street. Before the law passed, the insurance industry wanted to weaken the regulations as much as possible. They got some but not all of what they wanted. Now that it's passed, the only way they get to soak up those lovely federal premium subsidies is if people actually participate. That means they need to understand the law and buy coverage. So, they're playing that role. My understanding is they are still lobbying hard for their preferred implementation of the regulations. But they've moved that behind the scenes. Publicly, they're rounding up customers, and I don't think they'd round up as many if they were going around making the law sound like a disaster. (Put differently, they need the law to be a success if they're to make a lot of money.)

With the financial industry the less people understand, the more they can be screwed over. So regulations really cut to their bottom line. They don't really need the public on their side to make out. But with the ACA, people need to get comfortable with the law for them to participate. "We're here to help" kind of image. So Blue Cross has a vested interest in not freaking out to much, or at least too publicly.

Yeah, that's a good point. This is one of the few times that regulation would in a way massively benefit a company.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we've officially entered an alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and nickleback is awesome.

I don't even...

Dude, you REALLY gotta stop posting stuff right when I'm about to. I'm actually getting a little creeped out now. :lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is the "No u" defense.

This too:

Republicans are hoping the latest picture of Anthony Weiner's genitals -- along with his confession this week that he continued his online sex chat habit well after he was first caught in 2011 -- will give momentum to their effort to throw the "war on women" attack line back in the Democrats' faces. [...]

With a flurry of public memos, tweets, and op-eds, the RNC is working to make the Democratic Party take ownership of Eliot Spitzer, who resigned the New York governorship after a prostitution scandal and is now running for city comptroller; San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, now facing allegations of sexual harassment; and Weiner, whose online sexual dalliances have driven the political news cycle all week, and given RNC communications director Sean Spicer some irresistible ammunition.

Is there a list of what plans in each of the bronze, silver, gold levels provide.

I don't think so, probably not till on or around Oct 1st. This is the closest I could find: http://www.mdinsurance.state.md.us/sa/consumer/md-health-connection-plans.html

Gives the product IDs but google hasn't helped with that. I'm curious to see the plans themselves, as well.

I forgot to note those are pre-subsidy, of course.

Dude, you REALLY gotta stop posting stuff right when I'm about to. I'm actually getting a little creeped out now. :lol

Welp Mario Rubio:

The GOP push to hold government funding hostage to gutting Obamacare appears to be losing steam in Congress as a growing chorus of Republicans and conservative writers are coming out of the woodwork to urge hardliners within their party to be realistic.

“I think it’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard of,” Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) told reporters in the Capitol on Thursday. “Listen, as long as Barack Obama is president, the Affordable Care Act is going to be law.”
Republicans in the House and Senate are working to corner colleagues into withholding support for keeping government open after the lights go out on Sept. 30 unless Obamacare is defunded. And a growing number of pragmatic conservatives — in and out of Congress — recognize that’s a suicide mission that threatens the GOP’s credibility as well as its electoral prospects ahead of a promising midterm election.

In recent days, Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), a deputy majority whip, has derided the conservative effort as a “temper tantrum” and compared it to “blackmail.” Appearing Wednesday evening on Fox News, he warned that “it is the sort of thing that creates a backlash and could cost the Republicans the majority in the House.”
Meanwhile, two well-read conservative writers — Byron York of the Washington Examiner and Ramesh Ponnuru, a columnist for Bloomberg View — put the kibosh on this plan Friday.
In an article titled “No, the GOP is not going to defund Obamacare,” York reports that Republicans privately admit they’re embarking on a fool’s errand but have to show conservatives they’re sparing no effort to fight Obamacare.

Ponnuru calls the plan “disastrous” and warns that “it will backfire.” He lists several reasons why the public “would almost certainly blame Republicans” if the government shuts down — all of which are well understood by pragmatic Republicans who witnessed the Newt Gingrich-led shutdowns of the 1990s.

RedState.com editor and Fox News contributor Erick Erickson is on the warpath against any perceived wobbliness on the cause from Republicans or even outside conservative advocates.

“The establishment and base have moved so far apart the base is about ready to go third party or sit at home,” Erickson lamented in a blog post Friday. “We have seen this before. The GOP leadership will cave and dazzle the base with shiny objects.”

More at link
yes, I know his name is Marco
In a perfect storm scenario, the conservative base would actually form a third party and run in the general elections, siphoning GOP votes away and not leaving the election out of "purity" or whatever idiocy they want to cite.

Then the Dems pick up large numbers as a result and we can all LOLGOP for a long time.


In a perfect storm they would actually shut down the government, completing the final check box for losing the house next year
In a perfect storm scenario, the conservative base would actually form a third party and run in the general elections, siphoning GOP votes away and not leaving the election out of "purity" or whatever idiocy they want to cite.

Then the Dems pick up large numbers as a result and we can all LOLGOP for a long time.

They're halfway there with the Tea Party.

Also, ithappening.gif. The GOP fissure is the end of the lockstep adherence to message and strategy that they've maintained since 2008. Which means a possible return to sensible ideas and policy from the GOP.

It's like the pragmatic part of the party has finally said "enough of this shit. We tried it your way, it doesn't work."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In a perfect storm...

Actually, wouldn't it be great if the Republicans were actually caught in a storm?


In a perfect storm scenario, the conservative base would actually form a third party and run in the general elections, siphoning GOP votes away and not leaving the election out of "purity" or whatever idiocy they want to cite.

Then the Dems pick up large numbers as a result and we can all LOLGOP for a long time.

It makes me all the more hopeful Hilldawg utterly buries the GOP in 2016


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I hate how not being willing to destroy the global economy qualifies a Republican to be classified as "moderate".
If the NJ monthly rates are anywhere near MD's, I'm going to need to cancel my insurance and go on the exchange. I'm working for the state, and will be paying about $390 every month for a plan with a $4,000 yearly deductible. It's nuts, especially because I never go to the doctor. I hope I'm allowed to drop the state insurance at any time.


socially liberal appears to be "i accept gays" now. If you are fiscally conservative, you can't really be socially liberal, since it would cost money

Well, I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I guess it depends what definition of "conservative" you mean (and the whole 'let's pay attention to deficits during a recession' idea is stupid.)

In normal situations, not running massive deficits seems like a perfectly reasonable idea. What spending people try and cut is more a matter of priorities.
Cubans have to be some of the worst rightists ever. No, Communism is NOT coming to America. Socialism /= bad. Just because Castro lied to everybody during the phases of his "revolution" doesn't mean that every left leaning president has a secret single party Communist state in store.
Goddammit, Weiner. Why is it that men have such a hard time controlling their penises? Answer me, men of PoliGAF!

It's the tradeoff that was made in order for us men to control your vaginas.

Also, welcome back. The place was starting to smell rank (link never showers when you're not around).


Ladies and Gentlemen, we've officially entered an alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and nickleback is awesome.TANTAROS: Are you, Senator Marco Rubio, willing to shut down the government over ObamaCare? Because when you talk about the budget, you know better than anyone, that means shut down, potentially.

RUBIO: I think the real question is: Is Barack Obama willing to shut down the government over ObamaCare? In essence, I think we should pay our military. I think we should fund the government. I just don’t think we should fund ObamaCare. And what the President is saying is we either fund ObamaCare or we don’t fund anything. And I think that’s an unreasonable position. And that’s the position he’s taken and the Democrats have taken.

I don't even...
That is such painful, perverse logic. And what's most aggravating is that many dim conservatives perceive it as a clever riposte. Obama's the obdurate, uncompromising extremist imperiling America to protect his healthcare scheme. Also, I thought this was another frivolous bluff at first. But I fear they might actually take us to the brink of another budget apocalypse. They are approaching a fever pitch of stupidity over the impending implementation of the ACA's meatier provisions.


The Autumn Wind
Cubans have to be some of the worst rightists ever. No, Communism is NOT coming to America. Socialism /= bad. Just because Castro lied to everybody during the phases of his "revolution" doesn't mean that every left leaning president has a secret single party Communist state in store.
It's really only the older Cubans who still believe that.

It's the tradeoff that was made in order for us men to control your vaginas.

Also, welcome back. The place was starting to smell rank (link never showers when you're not around).
Hey, that's not true! ...I never shower anyway.


Cubans have to be some of the worst rightists ever. No, Communism is NOT coming to America. Socialism /= bad. Just because Castro lied to everybody during the phases of his "revolution" doesn't mean that every left leaning president has a secret single party Communist state in store.

What's funny is that Cuban emigres have been driving bizarre US policy towards Cuba since the 19th century. It's really not a communism thing; before the reds it was the Spanish.
It's the tradeoff that was made in order for us men to control your vaginas.

Also, welcome back. The place was starting to smell rank (link never showers when you're not around).

Thanks! Got most of my schoolwork done. Just got some slight editing to do on one paper and studying for an easy final.


A question about the VRA:

How come under Republican administrations the Justice department didn't act, let's say, more flexibly in allowing states covered by the VRA to institute changes to voting practices?

As the court's oldest justice and with an early surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2009, Ginsburg is accustomed to questions about her health. She has broken a pair of ribs in consecutive springs but has not missed any time on the job. She exercises regularly and is traveling extensively this summer, including to Cooperstown, N.Y., in pursuit of her favorite pastime, opera.

She also did not shy from discussing, in her words, "when is she going to retire?"

"My answer is, as long as I can do the job full steam, I will," Ginsburg said. "At my age, you can't say, you have to go year by year."

As much as Ginsberg has been great on recent rulings, I hope she would consider stepping down before the next election.
McCrory is going to sign all of those bills.

Excuse me while I go the nearest beach and put my head in the sand.

being a woman on the beach and considering the physical position that would entail, I'd highly recommend against that.

Well, looks like more court battles. GOP sure loves them court battles.



David Axelrod on Friday labeled House Speaker John Boehner’s approach to government: “squeal and repeal.”

“The speaker said last week before the president made his speech that he’s going to be judged by the laws he repeals, not by the laws he passes,” Axelrod said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Well if ‘squeal and repeal’ is your approach to government, then we have a problem.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/john-boehner-david-axelrod-94798.html#ixzz2aCH4CM8s

Not bad.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Gotta watch out for Weiners.

Just don't wear your...frock :)X) and you'll be good.

Welcome back, btw.

In other news, I'm surprised to see this:

enior White House officials are discussing a budget strategy that could lead to a government shutdown if Republicans continue to demand deeper spending cuts, lawmakers and Democrats familiar with the administration’s thinking said Thursday.
The posture represents a more confrontational approach than that of this spring, when President Obama decided not to escalate a fight over across-the-board reductions known as sequestration in an earlier budget battle with Republicans.

The change in tone has been evident in repeated and little-noticed veto threats over the past few weeks by Obama, who has rarely issued the warnings with such frequency. He has made it clear that he will not sign into law Republican spending bills that slash domestic programs even more deeply than sequestration.

Granted, there's no way in hell it'll be passed, but it's good he's putting it out there.


Sorry, NC beaches forbid anything more revealing than a one piece.

Try a burka. Wouldn't want to have women dress to revealing. It's just inviting them to get raped. Then they would have to accept their new terrible gift from God since they wouldn't be able to abort it. Nor would they have money for healthcare for the baby since healthcare costs have skyrocketed.

The slope is slippery, my friend.


No Scrubs
Try a burka. Wouldn't want to have women dress to revealing. It's just inviting them to get raped. Then they would have to accept their new terrible gift from God since they wouldn't be able to abort it. Nor would they have money for healthcare for the baby since healthcare costs have skyrocketed.

The slope is slippery, my friend.

What are you? Some kind of muslin? We can't have none of that sharia law!
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