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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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What is the argument against background checks among friends and neighbors? Why should this be off limit?

Ted Cruz brought up an example of someone wanting to sell their shotgun on Craig's List and that the government should not intervene.

I think that example really shows difference in thinking between the sides. Some red state guy is probably thinking about selling his shotgun to some other nearby good ole boy. The Blue state person is thinking about selling a shotgun to some random anonymous internet person that could very well be Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for all they know.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ted Cruz brought up an example of someone wanting to sell their shotgun on Craig's List and that the government should not intervene.

I think that example really shows difference in thinking between the sides. Some red state guy is probably thinking about selling his shotgun to some other nearby good ole boy. The Blue state person is thinking about selling a shotgun to some random anonymous internet person that could very well be Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for all they know.

No matter how you buy or sell a car, there's a registration process. I do believe that's the case even if it won't be driven. I can't for the life of me understand why that's deemed okay, but not for guns. At least cars have a useful, constructive purposes. Guns, not so much.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is calling on congressional leaders to find some way — any way — to repeal a $30 billion piece of Obamacare after a symbolic Senate vote last month showed broad bipartisan support for her cause.

Thirty-four Democrats and every Republican voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s 2.3 percent sales tax on medical devices. Klobuchar has since stepped up her heavy lifting for the device industry, which has a strong presence in her home state and has fought the tax tooth and nail, calling for repeal by echoing familiar GOP complaints that the provision was added to the bill abruptly and without full consideration of the consequences.

“Senators have started to see that medical device tax was put in, I would say, somewhat suddenly in that bill, and was set at a level that people hadn’t determined the effect it would have,” Klobuchar told reporters on Capitol Hill late last week. “That there are a lot of people who have now seen that it should either be repealed or reduced. That vote was support for that position, and we now need to move on to negotiate it as some kind of a budget deal.”

Klobuchar, the leading Democratic proponent of repealing what she calls a “hefty tax,” concedes that repeal would “clearly need an offset” and would likely have to be a part of a broader package — such as a budget deal, tax reform or separate health care legislation.

Opponents of repeal contend that the excise tax’s impacts on employment or manufacturing will be minimal, that the device industry was not singled out by the law’s cuts, and that the lost revenue would damage implementation of health care reform. Notably, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) voted against repealing the tax, which means it won’t be an easy task to bring it to the floor.

Klobuchar isn’t fazed.

“There’s always a chance of winning peoples’ votes when they start talking about what it means in their states, and as long as we can find some offset. I think that is Senator Baucus’ concern,” she said. “But we’ve come a long way from people just thinking it didn’t make that much of a difference to people understanding that it involves surgical gloves and all kinds of things. It’s a pretty hefty tax, especially for small companies.”

Despite the wishes of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House leaders aren’t eager to pass a standalone device tax repeal and and it to the Senate. House Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp’s (R-MI) office told Roll Call after the Senate vote that he would like to see the device tax repealed as part of tax reform, the prospects for which are slim.

She is quickly become one of my least liked Senators. First it was her stance on the background checks, now this.


She is quickly become one of my least liked Senators. First it was her stance on the background checks, now this.

It's just signaling. Like she says, they'd need an offset, and a budget or tax reform deal (or a direct bill to fund Obamacare some other way). In other words, the Dems are demonstrating that the medical device tax is on the table for a budget negotiation so that the GOP can claim they repealed one of the job-killing taxes in Obamacare. Remember Lindsey Graham doing the same thing last thread about another tax increase on the rich? It's a mating dance. As long as the final bill doesn't actually end up cutting total funding to Obamacare, it's a cosmetic victory for the Republicans, for which we can potentially get genuine budgeting victories that liberals will decry as cosmetic.

That's it, next time I do the OP I'm going to make an example out of you, you slut!



Ted Cruz brought up an example of someone wanting to sell their shotgun on Craig's List and that the government should not intervene.

I think that example really shows difference in thinking between the sides. Some red state guy is probably thinking about selling his shotgun to some other nearby good ole boy. The Blue state person is thinking about selling a shotgun to some random anonymous internet person that could very well be Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for all they know.

Exemptions for all non-permanent transfers would have gotten my support for Toomey-Manchin. Other items such as allowing a CCW permit in lieu of background check for a private transfer could have solidified my support.

Limiting it to family seems silly since I don't only shoot with or borrow guns from family.

I promise to not shit up the thread :)

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Exemptions for all non-permanent transfers would have gotten my support for Toomey-Manchin. Other items such as allowing a CCW permit in lieu of background check for a private transfer could have solidified my support.

Limiting it to family seems silly since I don't only shoot with or borrow guns from family.

I promise to not shit up the thread :)

For law enforcement, it helps knowing which people own which type of gun at any point in time. Even of the CCW holder doesn't use it in a crime, it might be stolen or "borrowed" by a friend or family member.
Stockman's Earth Day tweets make me want to cry. https://twitter.com/steveworks4you/status/326441058491846656
I hate when conservatives do shit like this. They pull up old doomsday statements that basically amount to "If we don't do something about [relevant issue], we'll be in some serious shit!", cut off the first half, and laugh at Those Crazy Liberals for being so hyperbolic. Even though it's thanks to the efforts of environmentalists that a good many species haven't gone extinct (who likes the bald eagle?).

It's a deliberately misleading tactic to try and paint conservatism as the common sense approach to everything when it clearly isn't.
Oh jesus


Colbert-Busch (D) 50
Sanford (R) 41

In a district Romney won by 18. 16 seats to go!

Opposing background checks is a big loser for the GOP:

Unfortunately Colbert-Busch might just be a one-term (or really, one-and-a-half term) representative even if she wins. Hopefully she can maintain popularity and Stephen can fund raise for her

Edit: Just found out my old state director for OFA is down in Charleston for SC-1. Colbert-Busch has this locked up

She is quickly become one of my least liked Senators. First it was her stance on the background checks, now this.

Senator from state with big medical device manufacturing opposes a tax on said devices. News at 11



Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Read Miranda Rights In Bedside Proceedings

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was read his Miranda Rights during an initial proceeding at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center where the suspect is being treated for gunshot wounds, according to a transcript of the proceedings.

In the same proceedings before Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler, Tsarnaev was also informed of the charges against him and maximum penalties.

Tsarnaev responded "no" when asked if he could afford a lawyer. Judge Bowler then provisionally appointed public defender William Fick to represent him.

At the end of the proceedings, custody of Tsarnaev was transferred from the FBI to the U.S. Marshals Service. The defendant agreed to a probate cause hearing scheduled for May 30 at 10 a.m.

Just seeing this now, on the way out the door. I'm hoping that by the time I get home McCain and Graham have had their public aneurysm about it, if the haven't already.


No Scrubs
Sorry for the double post but someone is seriously arguing Red Dawn (well a version of it where the US goes full Stalin on the populace and average joe decides to fight back) would be a reality in the OT. It's just great comedy, either I've been dealing with a joke character or the world is a lot crazier than I thought it was.


Obsidian fan
Sorry for the double post but someone is seriously arguing Red Dawn (well a version of it where the US goes full Stalin on the populace and average joe decides to fight back) would be a reality in the OT. It's just great comedy, either I've been dealing with a joke character or the world is a lot crazier than I thought it was.

I just had a look in.

some massively dumb shit goin on in there
Aren't senators supposed to be servile to the people?

Who do you think employs a significant number of people in Minnesota that would be affected by this tax?

This is basically the reason why people like Cruz oppose federal aid for Hurricane Sandy relief, but demand it for the disaster in West, Texas. Their constituents want something - less taxes or spending or whatever - but they don't want it at the expense of their own jobs and welfare. It's basically the problem at the core of American politics, in my opinion, because of tragedy of the commons
Sorry for the double post but someone is seriously arguing Red Dawn (well a version of it where the US goes full Stalin on the populace and average joe decides to fight back) would be a reality in the OT. It's just great comedy, either I've been dealing with a joke character or the world is a lot crazier than I thought it was.

What thread?

User 406

Sorry for the double post but someone is seriously arguing Red Dawn (well a version of it where the US goes full Stalin on the populace and average joe decides to fight back) would be a reality in the OT. It's just great comedy, either I've been dealing with a joke character or the world is a lot crazier than I thought it was.

Look on the bright side, it's a nice break from all the zombie apocalypse preppers.


No Scrubs
What thread?


Later on in the thread. There's also the follow up http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=544956

Head meet desk.

Look on the bright side, it's a nice break from all the zombie apocalypse preppers.

It was argued in one of the two above threads that the world of The Walking Dead would be a fine place to live (sans zombies).

The guy may be trolling, actually I hope he is.
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