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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Aren't senators supposed to be servile to the people?
Well Minnesota has the biggest medical device manufacturing industry in the country. True that a tax on medical devices would really only affect those on top but it still represents a large portion of our economy. IIRC Franken's a big proponent of repealing the tax too and he's far more liberal than Klobuchar.
“The worst secret in D.C. is Cruz is going to run for president, and he’s going to lean in hard against immigration to separate himself from all other 2016-ers.”
Fuck yeah!

The clown car is being loaded!

Yes . . . that Tea Party uber-patriot who was actually born in Canada.

He's that great GOP Latino outreach . . . even though he looks like a white insurance salesman and can't speak Spanish.

He thinks that anyone should be able to sell their shotgun to anyone else on Craig's List with no background check! "Here you go Mr. Al-Qaeda Bin Laden, happy hunting!"

He's very worried about Chuck Hagel's non-existent funding from the fictional group "Friends of Hamas"

Clown #1, enter the ring!
Fuck yeah!

The clown car is being loaded!

Yes . . . that Tea Party uber-patriot who was actually born in Canada.

He's that great GOP Latino outreach . . . even though he looks like a white insurance salesman and can't speak Spanish.

He thinks that anyone should be able to sell their shotgun to anyone else on Craig's List with no background check! "Here you go Mr. Al-Qaeda Bin Laden, happy hunting!"

He's very worried about Chuck Hagel's non-existent funding from the fictional group "Friends of Hamas"

Clown #1, enter the ring!

I love how every 1st term senator thinks they can now follow obama and become president.


The Autumn Wind
Too bad senators don't have to give up their seat to run for president. We could have killed two birds with one stone.
So apparently Obama's sequester is shutting down our air system?

The chickens have come home to roost.

FAA reducing air traffic control. It will be an interesting feed-back mechanism. How long will the travelling legislators and their wealthy business patrons accept this before they cry uncle.

BTW, the sequester is Bipartisan. . . . but I would say it is more the GOP's. They are the ones that seemed to be fine to let it go into effect. (Which is actually kinda admirable since it does have defense cuts.)
FAA reducing air traffic control. It will be an interesting feed-back mechanism. How long will the travelling legislators and their wealthy business patrons accept this before they cry uncle.

BTW, the sequester is Bipartisan. . . . but I would say it is more the GOP's. They are the ones that seemed to be fine to let it go into effect. (Which is actually kinda admirable since it does have defense cuts.)

It was Obama's idea! He proposed it AND he signed it!

That was 9/10 of the yahoo news comments. Im guessing its what fox is running?
Baucus votes against the background checks, THEN he announces he's retiring? What an asshole. Though I shouldn't expect more than the senator who, more than anyone else, has more staff become lobbyists.

Run, Schweitzer. Please run!


Woo hoo, GTFO Baucus.

Was there any major issue he DIDN'T backstab the dems on in the last 5 years?

He was kind of becoming the new Lieberman. Yglesias thinks he'll be able to move towards the Dems now that he's not worrying about reelection. I worry that the opposite is equally likely, since he might be angry about getting primaried out so hard it caused him to resign a year before it even happened.


Fuck yeah!

The clown car is being loaded!

Yes . . . that Tea Party uber-patriot who was actually born in Canada.

He's that great GOP Latino outreach . . . even though he looks like a white insurance salesman and can't speak Spanish.

He thinks that anyone should be able to sell their shotgun to anyone else on Craig's List with no background check! "Here you go Mr. Al-Qaeda Bin Laden, happy hunting!"

He's very worried about Chuck Hagel's non-existent funding from the fictional group "Friends of Hamas"

Clown #1, enter the ring!

His father fought for Fidel Castro.


Waaaaait Baucus is out??!!!!! Thank you jesus!!!!

Praise Jebus for Ted Cruz running for President! RUN TED RUN!!!


It's as though he's staring into my soul and knows exactly how to get me all hot and bothered.
Man Baucus kind of sucks but if Schweitzer ends up not running he's doing a great disservice to the Democrats.

Then again it's Baucus so that was probably intentional.

Max Baucus said:
I've been "serving" the great state of Montana in the U.S. Senate since 1978. You'll notice I put "serving" in quotes, because, let's face it, I suck. My wife has been pleading with me not to say this publicly, insisting that it's not true, that I'm a capable and dedicated public servant, blah, blah, blah. Bless her dear heart, but she's just being nice. Because, folks, I am telling you, I am hands-down the shittiest senator in the history of the Senate. The worst.


Who's Baucus' successor in terms of being the next Lieberman for the Dems?
At least Baucus is from Montana, he has a reason for that crap, the man represent more conservative voters than the average Democrat senator, but Liberman?
That asshole did it because he was butthurt about the 2004 primaries and because he loved that pharma money, fuck him, he's ten times worse than Baucus.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I don't understand, if Ted Cruz wasn't born in America, how can he run for president?

Inb4 that didn't stop Obama

I'm not an expert, but I don't think there's an issue. He was born to US citizens. He became a citizen at birth. While the courts have never explicitly defined "natural born citizen" as the exact same thing as gaining citizenship at birth, it's hard to see that not ultimately being the case. So it's kind of murky, but the 'not born in the US' is more a general misunderstanding of citizenship than anything.

That's my understanding, someone please correct me if I'm misreading things.


The Autumn Wind
Either way, it's gonna be hilarious watching hardcore Tea Partiers argue that he's eligible to run.
It's worth noting that Schweitzer is very pro-gun. I like him but he's not a complete liberal; he's as liberal as someone can be in Montana, which is good enough for me.

On Cruz...it's worth noting that he's pretty damn smart and good at what he does; he's no Bachman, he's far more talented and thus dangerous - not to democrats, but to republicans. If he runs he's going to force the field far right, just as Bachman/Santorum/Gingrich did last year.
Bush is Back

It took less than 4 1/2 years of the Obama presidency for President George W. Bush to mount his comeback. While doing absolutely nothing on his own behalf (he’s been the most silent ex-president in my lifetime), his approval is up to 47 percent according to The Post/ABC poll. That’s up 14 points from his final poll in office. For comparison’s sake President Obama’s RCP average is a tad over 49 percent.

Why the shift? Aside from the “memories fade” point, many of his supposed failures are mild compared to the current president (e.g. spending, debt). Unlike Obama’s tenure, there was no successful attack on the homeland after 9/11. People do remember the big stuff — rallying the country after the Twin Towers attack, 7 1/2 years of job growth and prosperity, millions of people saved from AIDS in Africa, a good faith try for immigration reform, education reform and a clear moral compass...He is responsible for one of the most popular and fiscally sober entitlement plans, Medicare Part D. He did not foist a grandiose unpopular and exorbitant program like Obamacare on the public.

$10 to the person who can guess the author without clicking on the link.


The Autumn Wind
Unlike Obama’s tenure, there was no successful attack on the homeland after 9/11.
That conservative pundits can keep repeating this without a hint of irony is so infuriating.
Bush is Back

$10 to the person who can guess the author without clicking on the link.

I'm going to say Malkin. But it could be a number of people. EDIT: Whoops, wrong.

I also like the two huuuuuuge gaps she is leaving out:

"After 9/11*, no terrorists attacks!" - *9/11 biggest terrorist attack on US, under Bush's watch
"7 1/2 year* of economic growth!" - *suffered biggest recession of the past 60 years in last 1/2 year of his presidency.

Keep fuckin that chicken.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
7 1/2 years of job growth and prosperity

This one's pretty great too. I mean, aside from the fact that we had the slowest rate of job growth since WWII during Bush's 2 terms, there was that whole financial crash thing that wiped away almost all of the gains he received during that time. It's like someone bragging about their academic success in high school cause their freshman year was pretty decent, while ignoring the fact that they stopped going to class for the remaining 3 years.
Chait: A Fond Farewell to Max Baucus
Jonathan Chait said:
That leaves Baucus with about a year and a half of auditioning for clients while also serving as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, while his lobbyist trainees frantically cash in before their most lucrative window closes. Finally, Baucus’s self-interest and the national interest are aligning behind one decision: He is leaving elected office.
I'm going to say Malkin. But it could be a number of people. EDIT: Whoops, wrong.

I also like the two huuuuuuge gaps she is leaving out:

"After 9/11*, no terrorists attacks!" - *9/11 biggest terrorist attack on US, under Bush's watch
"7 1/2 year* of economic growth!" - *suffered biggest recession of the past 60 years in last 1/2 year of his presidency.

Keep fuckin that chicken.
Also weren't we in a recession for the first couple years of Bush's presidency? And the recession started at the end of 2007, that's not half a year.
This one's pretty great too. I mean, aside from the fact that we had the slowest rate of job growth since WWII during Bush's 2 terms, there was that whole financial crash thing that wiped away almost all of the gains he received during that time. It's like someone bragging about their academic success in high school cause their freshman year was pretty decent, while ignoring the fact that they stopped going to class for the remaining 3 years.

from the media matters comments

It was a great cruise until we hit the iceberg...
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