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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For us, we were required to have one semester of U.S. government and one semester of economics in our senior years (oddly enough, taught by the same teacher). My teacher was pretty kickass and he helped explain things in a way that made you understand the why as opposed to just asking you to memorize random facts.

I enjoyed the class well enough, but I never really had any interest in it and at the time, I would have been just fine never taking another poli sci class again. That is, until I started college, and we were required to take a poli sci class as well. Amusingly enough, it was one of the classes I dreaded all throughout my CC years, since everyone I spoke to said it was boring as hell. But it turned out to be one of the best and more life changing classes I had taken so far. My professor was pretty damn awesome, while at the same time not letting his biases interfere with the coursework. It was at that point that I started following politics more closely (coincidentally, this also happened during the time that Obama won the nomination). If it weren't for that, I probably wouldn't be posting in poligaf.

Kinda funny how that all works out.
Ours did that too. Also a Democrat.
I find that Republican or conservative leaning teachers join the system as a way of fighting what they perceive as liberal bias in the curriculum, which they counter by endorsing right-wing positions and not hiding their own beliefs at all.

Liberal teachers tend to understand the importance better of a student getting a complete, neutral experience. The ones in polisci anyway, in the arts they're more open about their personal beliefs because who cares.
I find that Republican or conservative leaning teachers join the system as a way of fighting what they perceive as liberal bias in the curriculum, which they counter by endorsing right-wing positions and not hiding their own beliefs at all.

Liberal teachers tend to understand the importance better of a student getting a complete, neutral experience. The ones in polisci anyway, in the arts they're more open about their personal beliefs because who cares.

Yep. Had a history professor who was pretty awful. He spent a large amount of time parroting Fox News/Conservative talking points without actually teaching anything, or anything he did was always related back to America and how Obama was destroying the country etc.

it was like he was there to "present the other side" but did a really terrible job, and was more political in class than any other teacher/professor I've had to date, even the super liberal ones. That of course was reflected in his review, not like it did much but if gave me the satisfaction of ripping him a new one.
Yep. Had a history professor who was pretty awful. He spent a large amount of time parroting Fox News/Conservative talking points without actually teaching anything, or anything he did was always related back to America and how Obama was destroying the country etc.

it was like he was there to "present the other side" but did a really terrible job, and was more political in class than any other teacher/professor I've had to date, even the super liberal ones. That of course was reflected in his review, not like it did much but if gave me the satisfaction of ripping him a new one.
I think generally conservatives don't know how to engage on an intellectual level, because conservative media has turned every issue into us vs. them and treats them with the same derision or hysteria (see: "happy holidays" or Michelle Obama's anti-obesity efforts). We're not going to see eye to eye on anything if we're making issues out of small shit like using incandescent lightbulbs in government facilities.

As much as we complain about "fair and balanced" on CNN or MSNBC, liberals are more conditioned to be receptive to other viewpoints, think through their own and add nuance, and understand when not getting our way on something isn't the end of the world. Republicans want all the marbles.


No Scrubs
I think generally conservatives don't know how to engage on an intellectual level, because conservative media has turned every issue into us vs. them and treats them with the same derision or hysteria (see: "happy holidays" or Michelle Obama's anti-obesity efforts). We're not going to see eye to eye on anything if we're making issues out of small shit like using incandescent lightbulbs in government facilities.

As much as we complain about "fair and balanced" on CNN or MSNBC, liberals are more conditioned to be receptive to other viewpoints, think through their own and add nuance, and understand when not getting our way on something isn't the end of the world. Republicans want all the marbles.

I want to disagree, but then I see the insane rage over the Hilary Clinton documentary and I can't help but agree.


I think generally conservatives don't know how to engage on an intellectual level, because conservative media has turned every issue into us vs. them and treats them with the same derision or hysteria (see: "happy holidays" or Michelle Obama's anti-obesity efforts). We're not going to see eye to eye on anything if we're making issues out of small shit like using incandescent lightbulbs in government facilities.

As much as we complain about "fair and balanced" on CNN or MSNBC, liberals are more conditioned to be receptive to other viewpoints, think through their own and add nuance, and understand when not getting our way on something isn't the end of the world. Republicans want all the marbles.

That's bullshit. No credible science supports the oft-used assertions that Republicans can't reason. Ideology has nothing to do with a person's resistance to change, inability to rationally discuss topics or think independently of dogma.


That's bullshit. No credible science supports the oft-used assertions that Republicans can't reason. Ideology has nothing to do with a person's resistance to change, inability to rationally discuss topics or think independently of dogma.

But Science has shown that democrats and republicans show different responses to takin risks. Your brain can actually change depending on your political leaning.



aka andydumi
As if Republicans care about that.

I agree. What I meant is that you are worried about your premiums going up, when I am actually surprised you found insurance to begin with. Then again, from nothing to any insurance will also surely be argued as "premium went up". Just not in percentages.

The funny thing is that in blue states that embraced ACA, the lower premiums will reinforce the blue-ness while in red states that spurned the ACA, the increased premiums will also reinforce the red-ness.


I agree. What I meant is that you are worried about your premiums going up, when I am actually surprised you found insurance to begin with. Then again, from nothing to any insurance will also surely be argued as "premium went up". Just not in percentages.

The funny thing is that in blue states that embraced ACA, the lower premiums will reinforce the blue-ness while in red states that spurned the ACA, the increased premiums will also reinforce the red-ness.

I thankfully have insurance through my university. It isn't the greatest, but I want to go to any doctor outside of the student health center I need a referal or have to pay a lot dor the visit.


aka andydumi
That's bullshit. No credible science supports the oft-used assertions that Republicans can't reason. Ideology has nothing to do with a person's resistance to change, inability to rationally discuss topics or think independently of dogma.

I think his argument is not ability but willingness. As in they are unwilling to analyze, even if able to.


I don't think it's BS to suggest that people with different education levels or personality types might migrate to different political leanings.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think generally conservatives don't know how to engage on an intellectual level, because conservative media has turned every issue into us vs. them and treats them with the same derision or hysteria (see: "happy holidays" or Michelle Obama's anti-obesity efforts). We're not going to see eye to eye on anything if we're making issues out of small shit like using incandescent lightbulbs in government facilities.

As much as we complain about "fair and balanced" on CNN or MSNBC, liberals are more conditioned to be receptive to other viewpoints, think through their own and add nuance, and understand when not getting our way on something isn't the end of the world. Republicans want all the marbles.

Back in 2009, there was a survey released by Pew that asked college professors what their political affiliations were. Wanna guess how many referred to themselves as strong Republicans?


That survey has always stuck with me ever since. At first I found that number really shocking, but after thinking about it, it does make a lot of sense.

The Left and Right have completely different approaches to education, and I don't mean public schools vs. vouchers or whatever. I mean differences in the way a person is a supposed to be processing information. Liberals encourage critical, analytical thinking, using empirical data and such, as well as being more open minded to opposing viewpoints.

Conservatives, on the other hand, seem to find education useful, only to the extent that it helps reinforce conservative ideology. Anything that doesn't is considered unncessary and thus disposable. Liberals would have no problem talking about the positive accomplishments from Ronald Reagan, whereas conservatives would have zero problem ditching most of the 20th century.

Mind you, removing information isn't just because they find it superfluous, but in fact, harmful as well. Much of the 20th century directly contradicting many core conservative beliefs. If you've been raised on a diet of Fox News for most of your life, growing up with the impression that high taxes will always destroy growth and you go to one of these fancy elitist community colleges and you learn about the history of tax rates, you're gonna be wondering why we haven't been in a perpetual recession from Teddy Roosevelt up until Reagan. Now, for whatever reason, this person may not change his views, but the threat of someone questioning conservatism is too great a risk to take.

It's no coincidence why religion and right-wing economics seem to operate under the same principles.

I'm sure they're just focusing on the "human" elements of the man.

Maybe they don't like him cause he was a philanderer?
But Roberts said racism was dead.

They just really like butter down there.

Maybe they don't like him cause he was a philanderer?

That's bullshit. No credible science supports the oft-used assertions that Republicans can't reason. Ideology has nothing to do with a person's resistance to change, inability to rationally discuss topics or think independently of dogma.
I'm not saying conservatives are incapable of being rational human beings, I'm saying they either are conditioned not to be or they choose not to be.

We're all brainwashed to a certain degree and there are many liberals who are complete idiots, but people who are genuinely concerned about a department store saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" are not thinking rationally, or at the very least lack perspective. This isn't just something Bill O'Reilly talks about, I've met plenty of people who have a problem with your choice of seasonal greetings, and they tend to be more conservative on other issues.


I understand people being frustrated with some of Obama's actions. I think buying into the deficit hysteria back in 2010/11 was stupid, I think the drone program is at the very least overused and lacks proper restraint, and I think the NSA programs are too great an invasion of privacy. However, that's like 3 issues out of a hundred. I voted for Obama and would again, despite not liking his stance on some issues, because I agree with him about 70+% of the time as opposed to nearly 0% for the Republicans. It just seems like more and more people have this black and white mentality where everything is either exactly how you want it 100%, or it's complete shit and just like everything else you don't like. There are no degrees.

I am under no illusions that there would be fewer skulls for the skull throne under different (Republican) political leadership, but 2 of the 3 things you listed are rather large issues, and the costs of 1 are barely borne* by Americans themselves, which makes it even more revolting. If you're willing to engage in cold calculus to stem the advance conservative vanguardism at home, be my guest, but let's not pretend people are getting bent out of shape over just a few minor things.

*Some get it rather bad, however.


As President Barack Obama spoke in Phoenix Tuesday about responsible home ownership, hundreds of people stood outside protesting his policies, many shouting and carrying racially charged chants and signs.

"Bye Bye Black Sheep," the protestors shouted at one point, a reference to the president's skin color, according to the Arizona Republic.

Another protestor carried a sign that said "Impeach the Half-White Muslim!"

“He’s 47 percent Negro,” one protestor shouted.

“We have gone back so many years,” Judy Burris told the Republic. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”

Obama supporters were also rallying outside the high school where the president spoke.

“There’s so much extremism in Arizona,” said Jonathan Rines, a retired member of the U.S. Navy, of the 'Black Sheep' chant. “The people who are doing that are a vocal minority.”

I am under no illusions that there would be fewer skulls for the skull throne under different (Republican) political leadership, but 2 of the 3 things you listed are rather large issues, and the costs of 1 are barely borne* by Americans themselves, which makes it even more revolting. If you're willing to engage in cold calculus to stem the advance conservative vanguardism at home, be my guest, but let's not pretend people are getting bent out of shape over just a few minor things.

*Some get it rather bad, however.

They're large issues to _you._ To most American's, they don't give a crap about the NSA or drones bombing some brown people. This idea that Obama's approval rating would go up to 70% if he told the NSA to quit spying and removed soldiers from all our bases is fantasy. The civil libertarian isolationist position is only a big view on the Internet and nowhere else.
Stupid Lady said:
“We have gone back so many years,” Judy Burris told the Republic. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”
Yeah, who would have thought electing a black president would make so many white assholes lose their shit.

And it's totally his fault.


“We have gone back so many years,” Judy Burris told the Republic. “He’s divided all the races. I hate him for that.”

Is she completely unaware of the irony in saying this while protesting with a group holding racially charged signs?

Also this line of attack that Obama's the real racist, and it's his fault that racists are loosing their shit and are being more outspoken is incredible. That requires an amazing level of projection to come to that conclusion.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If there's one lesson from the Wisconsin recall it's that Americans hate sore losers.

Hopefully. But redistricting + American people's goldfish-like memory doesn't give me much hope.

Is she completely unaware of the irony in saying this while protesting with a group holding racially charged signs?

Also this line of attack that Obama's the real racist, and it's his fault that racists are loosing their shit and are being more outspoken is incredible. That requires an amazing level of projection to come to that conclusion.

This is like the racist equivalent of "keep your government hands off of my medicare!"


What's happening to me? I used to be a semi-regular around here last year with heavily liberal sympathies but ever since I've switched my profession to finance (mostly financial markets, equities, ETFs, and so on) and delved into it so heavily I'm clearly changing. It's like a sickness, I can acknowledge that finance is inevitably a destructive thing that must be restrained, but I've almost got this Mitt Romney syndrome now where I'm like "If the markets screw you over it's because you didn't play the game and win! It's your own fault you're poor!!".

I can almost feel it, what it'd be like to be a Koch-level billionaire. It's like a poker player who just won the tournament, is high on adrenaline and has little sympathy for those who lost. "They almost did me in a dozen times over", you think. If you make your fortune in the markets long enough everybody else in life is just the guy who would've beaten you if he'd have had the better skill.


No Scrubs
Looks like someone's gotten in trouble for calling Abby Huntsman "hon." Erick Erickson replies that he thinks "hon" is sexist but not "sweet heart." Although if "hon" in this instance is sexist, I personally don't understand why one is sexist and the other isn't, but whatever.

Yea, they're both sexist. That's fairly obvious to anyone with a brain, they only point in using either is to point out the person you're arguing with is a girl.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Santorum argued that the pro-choice movement infuses passion about abortion rights into "every aspect of their life." He said that because of this, showering at a gym had become an "uncomfortable" prospect for students.

"They make it uncomfortable for students who come to Austin to shower at a Young Men's Christian Association, YMCA, gym," he said. "Because they live it. They're passionate, they're willing to do and say uncomfortable things in mixed company. They're willing to make the sacrifice at their business because they care enough."

Looks like someone's gotten in trouble for calling Abby Huntsman "hon." Erick Erickson replies that he thinks "hon" is sexist but not "sweet heart." Although if "hon" in this instance is sexist, I personally don't understand why one is sexist and the other isn't, but whatever.

This is the best reply:

Elisha ‏@ElishaKrauss 33m
@EWErickson @JasonMattera both are pretty derogatory but she prob deserves it.

It's sexist but she deserves sexism!


I don't understand what is going on here. link?

edit: is he saying pro-choice people talk about abortion while naked in the gym and it makes the anti-abortion people uncomfortable?


Obsidian fan
Is she completely unaware of the irony in saying this while protesting with a group holding racially charged signs?

Also this line of attack that Obama's the real racist, and it's his fault that racists are loosing their shit and are being more outspoken is incredible. That requires an amazing level of projection to come to that conclusion.

Reminds me of this nugget from over here

Context: EDL bigwigs totally fabricated a story about MOOZLUMS raping some girls and told everyone to spread it. (Not the first time they've done this either, which pompts the question: if the Muzlamics are so bad why do you need to make shit up?)


*I am not liable for any brain degeneration that results from reading the above image.
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