The Librarian
Dan gender gap.
Is this unexpected? Women are smarter than men. ;D
Dan gender gap.
Not about everything -Is this unexpected? Women are smarter than men. ;D
Not about everything -
Is this unexpected? Women are smarter than men. ;D
Are you sure men are more likely to watch men's tennis over women's?
personally, I prefer the female game. The men's game is overpowered. Too many aces.
And i'm sure a lot of men watch for the uniforms...
WNBA isn't useable. Only 7 people in America watch it.
man, i don't know i don't watch sports
Don't watch sports. Don't wear bikinis. Haven't seen any good movies. Don't like Zelda.
I have no idea what purpose you serve.
And in you go.
And in you go.
Have you thought about letting your hair grow? And wearing glasses?
So that's your fetish
Is anyone talking about the fact that we're probably gonna launch some missiles at Syria?
Don't tell me you're just now realizing this? Need I remind you?
I don't think too many people believe that we will actually do it. Even I am a bit skeptical.
Someone has to. Who else is gonna suffer an hour's worth of Newt Gingrich?you gonna be our go to guy for crossfire?
Don't tell me you're just now realizing this? Need I remind you?
Someone has to. Who else is gonna suffer an hour's worth of Newt Gingrich?
you gonna be our go to guy for crossfire?
I guess both Kamiya and Dax ruined your fetish then
How is there possibly deflation? Isn't the fed still handing out money for free?
Whatever, excuse me while I buy property when the economy bounces back
Yes, they're doing it in part to help stave off deflation.
DamnAnd in you go.
You look 20 times older than your current age with that hair...
It's the lighting making my face look red, trust me. I'm one of the youngest-looking people I know. And yes, I'm growing my hair out. Big mistake getting it cut so short last time. >.< I thought I'd like it as much, but alas! I like it in it's own way.Dax looks older than I pictured. And taller.
It's the lighting making my face look red, trust me. I'm one of the youngest-looking people I know. And yes, I'm growing my hair out. Big mistake getting it cut so short last time. >.< I thought I'd like it as much, but alas! I like it in it's own way.
Also, I'm 5'10. Did I meet your expectations?![]()
Was this seriously something that aired on Fox News? Regardless, I do think Fox News is basically a purveyor of soft porn of the kind that is acceptable to old people. It's a porn channel for the older generation.
I'm one of the youngest-looking people I know.
I propose it becomes your new avatar.
Trust me, this is only annoying til you're like 25. After that, it becomes awesome forever.
Dax being 5'10 explains so much, though. So so much.
I've already apologized and sent you a PM months ago, explaining I didn't know. I'm an asshole, but not that type of asshole.HEY PD JUST WONDERING IF YOU STILL THINK I'M PRETENDING TO BE A GIRL
No new avatar; Sophie stays. And explains what? Explains what?! Don't be vague with me!
Hot Republican women?Don't tell me you're just now realizing this? Need I remind you?
Was this seriously something that aired on Fox News? Regardless, I do think Fox News is basically a purveyor of soft porn of the kind that is acceptable to old people. It's a porn channel for the older generation.
How is there possibly deflation? Isn't the fed still handing out money for free?
The Fed isn't handing out free money (and never has). It is just swapping reserves (which aren't really money) for bank assets. It has no direct or meaningful impact on the economy. Monetary policy in general is not an effective manager of aggregate demand. Fiscal policy--spending and taxing--is.
I still don't see the appeal of S.E. Cupp. Everyone else seems to drool all over her, but she does nothing for me.
It is buying back govt backed securities, no? Bonds that aren't worth anything because interest rates are close to zero. Hence "free money". Are you not a Keynesian?
And you don't believe monetary policy has an effect on the economy? I don't believe it "trickles down", but I do think there's a supply-side effect; it boosts private investment.
Though I suppose we could be arguing different points. What are your indicators for a recovering economy? Personally, I look to things like structral unemployment combined with the gist of the stock market. Unscientific, but generally gives me a desent idea.
This is some absurd revisionism. Obama wanted a much bigger and consistent stimulus. All he got out of the Congress was $800 billion over 2 years (or $400 billion each year for 2 years) at which point the GOP took over and prevented it from continuing. And because of the GOP, some of that stimulus were worthless tax cuts (in terms of stimulating the economy) and not actual spending.
And despite this, the ARRA probably saved about 3 million jobs from disappearing..
I suppose you believe the GOP forced Obama to hire folks like Larry Summers and Tim Geithner as well...
400 billion was not spent each year. The economy needed at minimum 9-10 million jobs. Not 3. Additionally, apart from automatic stabilzers in the US being greater than ARRA's impact in FY09/10, other economies had a similar countercyclical reversal in 2009. It's absurd and revisionist to claim the GOP is primarily at fault when Summers is one of the architects of the stimulus and played a big role in creating a criminogenic environment in the financial sector to begin with. Very amusing that you think Obama was at all concerned with a full recovery driven by fiscal stimulus. He's waiting for a credit expansion.
Dax01 said:No new avatar; Sophie stays. And explains what? Explains what?! Don't be vague with me!