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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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What seems to be up with Harper now? I don't follow Canadian politics much at all but IIRC he had been maintaining his position due to divide amongst the Left parties/unification of the Right, and the usual various scapegoating/fearmongering. IIRC his election happened because of something similar to Australia just now--were people "disenchanted" with the Liberal Party there?

As I remember it, the Liberals got hit by a series of major Quebec-centric scandals all at once right around the time the PCs merged with the Canadian Alliance to form the current Conservative behemoth... and then kept bleeding support for the next decade.

The same situation seems to be happening with the Conservatives now, at least in terms of the constant state of scandal (though in this case they're Senate-centric and potential election fraud-centric rather than Quebec-centric), and combined with Justin Trudeau's installment as LPC leader they've been trailing in the polls all year (though, of course, there's no election for two years).

(Fun fact: I started interning in an NDP office the very same day the RCMP got involved in the aforementioned Senate scandal, and let me tell you that was one hell of a spring session.)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Was listening to the Young Turks and Cenk said that Wall Street actually backs the idea of Janet Yellen being fed chair. In fact, they preferred her over Summers. Pretty crazy...


Was listening to the Young Turks and Cenk said that Wall Street actually backs the idea of Janet Yellen being fed chair. In fact, they preferred her over Summers. Pretty crazy...

no one besides obama actually preferred summers. so dodged a major bullet there.
Was listening to the Young Turks and Cenk said that Wall Street actually backs the idea of Janet Yellen being fed chair. In fact, they preferred her over Summers. Pretty crazy...
She'd not be much different than summers practically. She supported chained cpi, deregulation, etc. I think the backlash against summers was more about not wanting to reward poor performance because cronyism.

Chait has a good overview why the GOP today is waging class warfare against the poor as evidenced by yesterday's vote. It seriously makes me angry that they demonize the less well off while writing checks to themselves. I don't understand why people don't see this.

I understand fiscal conservatism, I disagree but I understand it but this isn't that this is greed and socialism for the rich (GOP voters see this and heritage does too). It's taxing the poor, taking their resources, and giving them to the rich.
She'd not be much different than summers practically. She supported chained cpi, deregulation, etc. I think the backlash against summers was more about not wanting to reward poor performance because cronyism.

Chait has a good overview why the GOP today is waging class warfare against the poor as evidenced by yesterday's vote. It seriously makes me angry that they demonize the less well off while writing checks to themselves. I don't understand why people don't see this.

I understand fiscal conservatism, I disagree but I understand it but this isn't that this is greed and socialism for the rich (GOP voters see this and heritage does too). It's taxing the poor, taking their resources, and giving them to the rich.

I normally hate reading comments, but this one of that article you linked made me laugh:

As I was shopping at the farmers market I see a 24 year old skinny bottle blonde white lady with no breasts holding a one year old child in some kind of designer pouch, tattoos all over the place, Toms on her feet, yoga mat and yoga pants. She pulls out and EBT card and proceeds to buy organic kale, edamame, artisanal pies, and root vegetables I couldn't even identify. Then she walks across the street, brings the baby into a bar, orders a bloody mary and challah french toast with bacon. I'm just about to hit on her when her boyfriend? shows up in a Black Flag T-shirt and a guitar boasting about how he's "going on tour" but she can crash for free at his rent stabilized loft apartment in a doorman building with expansive views of manhattan. Free parking. I stop playing chess and hit the nearest black person.
Oooooookay. I bet those who have healthcare that are trying to get rid of healthcare for those who don't have it are truly, truly fighting for the greater good of an oppressed set of people.


So for those who are for healthcare reform, I guess that'd make us the modern day Strom Thurmond
You answered 11 of 13 questions correctly.

I got
About what percentage of seats in the U.S. Congress are currently held by women?

You answered "About 30%"

The correct answer is "About 20%"


Also, since when does NY allow gay marriage?

After telling TPM this week that forcing a showdown over defunding Obamacare was futile, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tweeted Friday that he supported the House-passed bill stripping funding from the health care reform law.

I support the House-passed bill to Defund Obamacare. #SenateMustAct

That endorsement would appear to clash with Graham's comments earlier in the week.

"I just think we know how this movie ends," Graham told TPM Tuesday. "I don't see us being able, in the Senate, to successfully carry the day. There are only 45 of us here. I don't see the president, at the end of the day, agreeing to defund Obamacare. I just don't see him agreeing to defund his signature issue. They had a campaign on it. I don't think he's going to say, 'well, now, everything I said all those years -- forget it, I'm willing to let it go.' I just don't see that being a good tactical choice."
Also, since when does NY allow gay marriage?
Since 2011



No Scrubs
You answered 11 of 13 questions correctly.

I got
About what percentage of seats in the U.S. Congress are currently held by women?

You answered "About 30%"

The correct answer is "About 20%"


Also, since when does NY allow gay marriage?

Gay Marriage was one of the first thing Cuomo started working on when he took office. There was a big article in the NYTimes after we legalized it outlining the wheeling and dealing it took to make it happen.
That day will be November 4th, 2014.
We need to stop deluding ourselves, this is going to be around past 2016. The problem won't be solved by the dems winning but the GOP purging the crazy with a strong leader. A GOP presidency would actually force them to govern. Not that I want that but I have no illusions about this fever dying out soon.

It's here to stay
The House sure is celebrating. I guess it makes sense: they've handed the time bomb to Cruz/senate, avoiding blame. Allegedly the next step, after the senate sends a clean CR back, is to fund Obamacare but add some goodies republicans want like a conscience clause for providers. But...that's going to get stripped out by the senate too...

So the final battle will be over the debt ceiling I guess. Good luck, Boehner.


So apparently the new plan is for the GOP in the Senate to filibuster the continuing resolution the GOP House just passed.

rollcall said:
Sen. Ted Cruz said Friday that Republican senators should, in effect, filibuster the House-passed continuing resolution in the Senate.

The Texas Republican is calling on his colleagues to oppose limiting debate on it, warning against what he calls procedural trickery.

“Step two is the Senate, where all accounts suggest Harry Reid plans to use procedural gimmicks to try to add funding back in for Obamacare,” Cruz said. “If Reid pursues this plan — if he insists on using a 50-vote threshold to fund Obamacare with a partisan vote of only Democrats — then I hope that every Senate Republican will stand together and oppose cloture on the bill in order to keep the House bill intact and not let Harry Reid add Obamacare funding back in.”...

Cruz’s statement also came shortly after the head of the Senate Conservatives Fund said likewise.

“Harry Reid needs 60 votes to approve his plan to fund Obamacare. If 41 Republicans stand strong and oppose cloture, they can defeat Reid’s plan to fund Obamacare. However, if Republicans waffle and vote for cloture, it will grease the skids for Reid’s plan to fund Obamacare. It’s pretty simple — any Republican who votes for cloture is voting to fund Obamacare,” SCF Executive Director Matt Hoskins said.

By asking Republicans to oppose any motion to invoke cloture, and thus limit debate, on the stopgap spending bill passed Friday by the Republican-led House — the one that does defund the health care overhaul — Cruz and Hoskins are literally calling for Republicans to filibuster the bill and, possibly, shut down the government in the process...

Of course, if GOP senators actually follow Cruz and Hoskins’ advice, they will, in effect, be voting against a bill that includes Obamacare defunding. The vote to strike that language is not expected until after cloture is invoked, and it will take only 51 votes to succeed. That’s why Cruz may ultimately be proved correct when he says Democrats have the votes to send the measure back to the House, without Obamacare funding.

This'll be fun to watch.



The House sure is celebrating. I guess it makes sense: they've handed the time bomb to Cruz/senate, avoiding blame. Allegedly the next step, after the senate sends a clean CR back, is to fund Obamacare but add some goodies republicans want like a conscience clause for providers. But...that's going to get stripped out by the senate too...

So the final battle will be over the debt ceiling I guess. Good luck, Boehner.

In a more logical world, if the government did shutdown, people would blame the people who caused it: House Republicans.

But, this is 'Murrica, so Obama will be blamed.


“Harry Reid needs 60 votes to approve his plan to fund Obamacare. If 41 Republicans stand strong and oppose cloture, they can defeat Reid’s plan to fund Obamacare."

That's....not actually how it works. Obamacare is funded - for the most part - even if they shut the government down, beacuse most of the funding was not tied to annual appropriations. These people can't even delude themselves correctly.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Congress hasn't done shit ever since republicans took over the house of representatives in January 2011.

Fuck conservatives, and fuck independents, and fuck everyone on the left who thinks they're "above" politics or that "both sides are the same"


Seems like a random and silly question to include in a quiz to know if you're news proficient.

She was kind of a big deal this year, I even think I read about her in Der Spiegel of all places.

e: Yup, here and here.

Should I buy PoliGAF some periodical subscriptions to break the crippling chains of wonk-preoccupation?


No Scrubs
She was kind of a big deal this year, I even think I read about her in Der Spiegel of all places.

e: Yup, here and here.

Should I buy PoliGAF some periodical subscriptions to break the crippling chains of wonk-preoccupation?

I already get the Times delivered. And Time, mostly to flip through unless they have a good piece of reporting like that Healthcare article a few months back (I don't think enough people wound up reading that).


What seems to be up with Harper now? I don't follow Canadian politics much at all but IIRC he had been maintaining his position due to divide amongst the Left parties/unification of the Right, and the usual various scapegoating/fearmongering. IIRC his election happened because of something similar to Australia just now--were people "disenchanted" with the Liberal Party there?
Huckster more or less covered it, heh. Though left-leaning as I am, I can see the value in setbacks like these taking place, it keeps us alert and ardent for starters.


I already get the Times delivered. And Time, mostly to flip through unless they have a good piece of reporting like that Healthcare article a few months back (I don't think enough people wound up reading that).

Which Times? London, Financial, of India / Economic, Irish?
This is a rhetorical question.


I already get the Times delivered. And Time, mostly to flip through unless they have a good piece of reporting like that Healthcare article a few months back (I don't think enough people wound up reading that).

Fareed Zarkaria is a smart guy. I'd recommend his podcast as well. He's a traditional Realist and Economic Liberal with a ton of perspectives to back his views.
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