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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Unconfirmed Member
Apparently the house changed the house rules on October 1st to make sure that only the speaker can bring bills to a vote going by this CSPAN exchange here:


Though I don't get exactly what changed since I know the Speaker always had that power to some extent.


Apparently the house changed the house rules on October 1st to make sure that only the speaker can bring bills to a vote going by this CSPAN exchange here:


Though I don't get exactly what changed since I know the Speaker always had that power to some extent.

There are a few specific situations where a member of the House can move for a vote. A discharge petition is one example; a motion to recommit is another. A third is when the House is voting to go to conference (to "insist" on its bill). Normally, at this time, any member of the House can move for a vote on the Senate's version of the bill, and this motion must be heard.

However, the GOP explicitly restricted such a motion -- for this particular case -- to the Majority Leader.

Costa, on McConnell's gameplan
@robertcostaNRO 14m
Calling it a night soon, will be at Cap in morn w/ updates from Senate... but just heard a few more tidbits from top Sen GOP aide...

@robertcostaNRO 12m
per aide, McConnell's chief fight now is to protect BCA spending levels set in '11

@robertcostaNRO 10m
McConnell's fear is that Dems, if they get some more momentum/House Rs stall, will req change to BCA levels, and he's trying to prevent that

@robertcostaNRO 10m
top Sen GOP aide: "Dems want to spend $80 billion more next year than the BCA allows"

@robertcostaNRO 6m
McConnell's end-'13 goal, per his broader circle, was to only trade sequester relief for entmt ref (Medicare age raise, CPI, etc)

@robertcostaNRO 5m
But the shutdown/CR fight + debt limit showdown pretty much spoiled (for now) McConnell's (and Ryan's) plan for seq/entmt trades

@robertcostaNRO 4m
So McConnell working not just to solve current impasse, but to protect BCA levels--his chief leverage pt for future fiscal talks

@robertcostaNRO 2m
Big pic: McConnell World fears if Ds get seq relief now, that card will be hard to play in future, makes revenue the chief trade option

@robertcostaNRO 2m
and McConnell is never going to "go there" on revenue, same goes for most Rs. so they want to save seq relief for smthg other than CR/DL

@robertcostaNRO 13s
Sen Rs griping that House's stumbles/Cruz's defund push didn't achieve repeal or delay or anything-except now putting BCA levels at risk

Very interesting. Not sure I believe democrats are capable of pulling off such a feat, but if they do it'll be Boehner's fault. If not for this idiotic shutdown game, republicans could have potentially extracted some big concessions from Obama next year. This also casts a new light on the comments we heard earlier today, about senate republicans warning that if Obama breaks Boehner now, there will be no major budget deal/Grand Bargain passed next year. The obvious response to that is that the House is already obstructionist so it doesn't matter....but in light of McConnell's strategy, the other response is that if democrats get everything they want now (or 98%, as Boehner would say), they'll have no need to negotiate anything next year.
Costa's tweets show how stupid the House GOP is. They have no sense of strategy while I hope McConnell loses and the sequester is re-negotiated its clear he's not short-sighted like cruz and the tea part are.
‏@robertcostaNRO 2m
Ds are negotiating now in Sen like a med-device repeal + CR/DL is beneath them, not good enough--and Sen Rs telling House Rs it's serious
Good for the Dems. But it seems like the Senate GOP is delusional for thinking they're gonna trade entitlement cuts for sequester changes sans revenue increases. If anything we're just gonna go CR to CR until single party control. Obama messed up in 2011
Nah, I had to google to figure it out. I want the Democrats to break the Republicans right now. Raising spending levels and breaking the sequester is absolutely imperative.

Yea, hill people tend to use acronyms and euphemisms that aren't widely used outside DC
‏@robertcostaNRO 1m
in short, growing # of Rs could care less about a con$ervative group's threats about not being Cruz-esque/CR warrior when BCA '11 at risk
So screw elections, gotta protect the rich (often themselves) and screw the poor. Got it.

‏@robertcostaNRO 2m
There is a growing acceptance in Hill GOP that regardless of how this ends, it'll end badly, and Rs who back it will be blamed for caving


When's the new thread going up? We've almost hit the post ceiling. If we don't raise it PoliGAF goes into default (although some members here are playing down the effects).


Costa's tweets show how stupid the House GOP is. They have no sense of strategy while I hope McConnell loses and the sequester is re-negotiated its clear he's not short-sighted like cruz and the tea part are.

Good for the Dems. But it seems like the Senate GOP is delusional for thinking they're gonna trade entitlement cuts for sequester changes sans revenue increases. If anything we're just gonna go CR to CR until single party control. Obama messed up in 2011

How did Obama mess up in 2011?


When's the new thread going up? We've almost hit the post ceiling. If we don't raise it PoliGAF goes into default (although some members here are playing down the effects).

We're waiting for Representative GhaleonEB to close this one down, but he's holding us hostage!


So screw elections, gotta protect the rich (often themselves) and screw the poor. Got it.

Well, in fairness, when they were going with the conservative pressure groups we slammed them for supporting big money over the poor. Now at least they're actually concerned about polls! Let's call it a step in the right direction.

@robertcostaNRO said:
There is a growing acceptance in Hill GOP that regardless of how this ends, it'll end badly, and Rs who back it will be blamed for caving

Ted Cruz, hero of the GOP.
He enabled the GOP's hostage taking by negotiating with them.

In retrospect Obama made the right call. If he pushed harder in '11 there's a real chance a standoff would have tanked the economy, giving us President Romney. Now he's re-elected and can start undoing the bad from 2011 and protect Obamacare.
Costa's tweets show how stupid the House GOP is. They have no sense of strategy while I hope McConnell loses and the sequester is re-negotiated its clear he's not short-sighted like cruz and the tea part are.

Good for the Dems. But it seems like the Senate GOP is delusional for thinking they're gonna trade entitlement cuts for sequester changes sans revenue increases. If anything we're just gonna go CR to CR until single party control. Obama messed up in 2011

This is the biggest thing. McConnell is easily one of the smartest most formidable Republicans out there. The hilarious thing is if the Tea Party succeeds with their primary it'll be such a huge blow to the Senate GOP.


Costa, on McConnell's gameplan

Very interesting. Not sure I believe democrats are capable of pulling off such a feat, but if they do it'll be Boehner's fault. If not for this idiotic shutdown game, republicans could have potentially extracted some big concessions from Obama next year. This also casts a new light on the comments we heard earlier today, about senate republicans warning that if Obama breaks Boehner now, there will be no major budget deal/Grand Bargain passed next year. The obvious response to that is that the House is already obstructionist so it doesn't matter....but in light of McConnell's strategy, the other response is that if democrats get everything they want now (or 98%, as Boehner would say), they'll have no need to negotiate anything next year.

Seems to me that if McConnell could sell his caucus in the Senate on his previous Debt Ceiling proposal - in effect, disarm the DL bomb - then that might be something the dems might grab at instead of BCA levels being shifted around. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if establishment GOP-types wouldn't welcome having the DL's teeth pulled so that they never find themselves in this mess again at the hands of the TP. Of course, they can't do anything about shutdowns, but the DL would be nice. Otherwise, dems should (and had better) just remove the DL when they hold enough power again.
"We just need someone who can properly message conservative values and ideals."

It's like that RedState article from earlier:

Isn’t it interesting that when Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint were touring America to fight against Obamacare, the popularity of the GOP was going up and the popularity of Obamacare was going down.

But now that John Boehner and the Orange Man Group of Capitol Hill are the faces of the GOP, Obamacare’s popularity is going back up and the GOP’s popularity is going back down.

GOP Leaders, by caving, are signaling they want us to primary them.

Just had a discussion with RNC workers. Have no fear they didn't learn anything from 2012

They are radicalized. That's not going to go away until they are severely electorally defeated over a decently long period of time (and basically socially shunned for their ridiculous opinions).
Best bit-

Me- Did self deportation hurt? How could Romeny have won more Hispanics?

Them- obama had a better ground game, he made more contacts with hispanics.

Me- So it wasn't policy? if romeny had more spanish ads and more contacts with the hispanic community he would have won?

Them- yes. its what the polls say, he won hispanics that self identified as conservatives/republicans


Best bit-

Me- Did self deportation hurt? How could Romeny have won more Hispanics?

Them- obama had a better ground game, he made more contacts with hispanics.

Me- So it wasn't policy? if romeny had more spanish ads and more contacts with the hispanic community he would have won?

Them- yes. its what the polls say, he won hispanics that self identified as conservatives/republicans

Yeah, both of them.
Yeah, both of them.
The complete confidence that their is some inherent conservative majority that just needs to be activated was the most amazing thing.

That and their belief that ads and obama's 'defining' of Romney moved voters. rather than just reinforcing already established ideas
The complete confidence that their is some inherent conservative majority that just needs to be activated was the most amazing thing.

That and their belief that ads and obama's 'defining' of Romney moved voters. rather than just reinforcing already established ideas

shit, they have Mega Evolutions too?
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