So, yeah, the shutdown was the best thing to happen to Obama, Dems, Reid. the ACA, EVERYONE.
This backfired on them hilariously
This backfired on them hilariously
Speaker Pelosi, baby.So, yeah, the shutdown was the best thing to happen to Obama, Dems, Reid. the ACA, EVERYONE.
This backfired on them hilariously
So, yeah, the shutdown was the best thing to happen to Obama, Dems, Reid. the ACA, EVERYONE.
This backfired on them hilariously
OT3 | We Have To Get Something Out Of This
I was just thinking, what if Boehner waits until the last second to pass a clean debt ceiling raise, and Cruz does his faux filibuster thing to delay it for a day?
Sen. Lindsey Graham is angry. Hes frustrated. Hes upset. In his own words, hes very dangerous.
With the government shutdown now in its 12th day, and a possible U.S. debt default looming on Oct. 17, the veteran Republican was in the mood to lash out at everyone Saturday. President Barack Obama, House Republicans, Senate Democrats, Senate Republicans they were all the target of Grahams ire.
The president is a pathetic leader. Hes only engaged in the last couple of days, Graham said after the Senate blocked action on a Democratic plan for a clean debt-ceiling increase through 2014. Every time you get close to getting a deal over here with our Democratic friends, they move the ball because some poll comes out. Our friends in the House apparently cant muster the votes to send something over here to open up the government. So its dysfunction at every level.
But the 58-year-old Graham wasnt through venting yet. You can blame us [Republicans], weve overplayed our hand, thats for damn sure, Graham said. But their response, where the president and [Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid] basically shutting everybody out, and when you try to negotiate, they keep changing the terms of the deal its very frustrating.
This is a very frustrated Lindsey Graham, he added. Which is a very dangerous thing.
The South Carolina Republican, who is up for reelection next year, warned that the twin government shutdown-debt ceiling fight has gotten to be a real crisis for the country. But everybody keeps changing their position based on politics.
Graham was pleased that Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had taken over the negotiations to solve the fiscal stalemate, but that development only came about because discussions between Obama and Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) had broken down Friday.
Graham was one of several Senate Republicans who made their way to Boehners office on Friday afternoon, where they warned the speaker that House Republicans should cut a deal with Obama or they would.
By Saturday afternoon, Graham suggested he may try to attach a version of Sen. David Vitters (R-La.) amendment ending health-care subsidies for lawmakers and congressional staffers to any Reid-McConnell agreement. Graham knows its a potential poison pill for any deal, but he is that unhappy right now.
I am going to look at offering the Vitter language on anything that comes out of the Senate, Graham told reporters. If were going to screw up the whole country, we might as well throw ourselves in the mix.
Graham had just come off the Senate floor where at least 15 senators huddled in bipartisan group discussing the current state of play and how to break the deadlock.
There were how many, 15 people? There were 13 ideas, Graham joked. Two guys didnt have an idea. They were the smart ones. They were the ones that kept their mouths shut.
Graham then excused himself to go home and watch a football game.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...m-vents-frustrations-98226.html#ixzz2hXpWB9cc
I was just thinking, what if Boehner waits until the last second to pass a clean debt ceiling raise, and Cruz does his faux filibuster thing to delay it for a day, forcing us to hit the debt limit?
politico said:Each of the conferences is charting its own course to end the saga and evade a debt limit crisis on Oct. 17. But after two weeks of intraparty turmoil, neither side seems to trust the other about what the way out should look like. Senior senators describe little coordination between Republicans on each side of the Capitol on important decisions like spending levels and how long the government should be funded and the debt ceiling raised.
The lines are so crossed that GOP senators asked President Barack Obama during a White House meeting on Friday to fill them in on the House plan, senators attending the meeting said. They simply hadnt seen it.
I enjoyed this Politico quote:
Agreed. It blew up in the GOP's faces and now they're trying to salvage anything they can. Democrats need to hold strong and continue to offer them nothing.So, yeah, the shutdown was the best thing to happen to Obama, Dems, Reid. the ACA, EVERYONE.
This backfired on them hilariously
Hahahaha reading all those Graham quotes in Jon Stewart's southern belle voice made my day. What a piece of shit, I hope he has an aneurysm.
Agreed. It blew up in the GOP's faces and now they're trying to salvage anything they can. Democrats need to hold strong and continue to offer them nothing.
dude.... not even funny. I am not a fan of his either but that's uncalled for.
McConnell would probably shoot him.
Reid has come out looking the best out of this,imo. Rigid spine. No folding. Obama's looking like he's got in itchy trigger finger on the fold-gun.
Lol oh come on, afaik he doesn't have the power to cause aneurysms![]()
Obama just wants people to get back to work and people to get their federal assistance back.
His position means that he's constantly hearing about people that suddenly can't feed their kids and that would be tough.
He doesn't want to fold, per say. He just wants this to end in the least possible way.
Hahahaha reading all those Graham quotes in Jon Stewart's southern belle voice made my day. What a piece of shit, I hope he has an aneurysm.
Now there's a new political precedent I can get behind!
He just needs to remind himself that giving in would mean those kids will go hungry every 6 months whenever republicans need a hostage, and maybe even permanently if republicans someday demand a permanent end to such programs.
Let's take things down a notch.
Now there's a new political precedent I can get behind!
For the record it was just a joke about the ridiculousness of a political government being run like that. I wasn't trying to joke about the shooting of one man, though i guess it could have been seen like that.
Sorry, I should have been more clear.
You were both clearly joking, but give how heated things can get, I'd rather we not start going down the road of even sarcastically wishing violence/death on politicians.
I think wishing for mild food poisoning is fair.
Poisoning caused by usda furloughs
Presidential Paddling.
What's going on?
Clintoncrat for Palin
2 hours ago
I'm glad Barack Hussein rejected this deal. It was a stupid deal... for us. And I hope we don't huddle up and pow-wow, "What else do we have to give him that he would accept?" What kind of deal-making is that? We're not the ones that want to raise the debt-level! He is! If he wants us to raise the debt-level against our wishes, he is the one that has to give us what we want to offset us doing what we don't want to do! He is the one that is supposed to be thinking, "What do I have to give these people to get them to give me what I want?" Not just sit around rejecting offers until it gets sweeter and sweeter. PUMA.
What kind of person do you have to be to be called "Clintoncrat for Palin?"
Tourists returned to the Grand Canyon on Saturday after Arizona officials along with several counterparts agreed to a federal government plan to reopen national parks, which had been closed as a result of the partial government shutdown.
But the Obama administration's OK to reopen tourist areas across the nation came with a big caveat: States must foot the bill with money they likely won't see again.
So far, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Arizona and New York have agreed to open parks that had been closed since the beginning of the month. Meanwhile, governors in other states were trying to gauge what would be the bigger economic hit paying to keep the areas operating or losing the tourist money that flows when the scenic attractions are open.
South Dakota and several corporate donors worked out a deal with the National Park Service to reopen Mount Rushmore beginning Monday. Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard said it will cost $15,200 a day to pay the federal government to run the landmark in the Black Hills. He said he has wired four days' worth of donations.
In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his state will pay $61,600 a day to fully fund Park Service personnel and the Statue of Liberty will open Sunday.
In Arizona, Republican Gov. Jan Brewer balked at spending about $112,000 a day for a full reopening of the Grand Canyon. She said a partial reopening would be much cheaper while allowing tourists to visit and businesses to benefit.
"The daily cost difference is enormous, especially without assurances that Arizona will be reimbursed," said Andrew Wilder, a spokesman for Brewer.
In the end, Arizona agreed to pay the Park Service $651,000 to keep the Grand Canyon open for seven days. The $93,000 a day is less than the $112,000 the federal government had said was needed to fund park operations each day.
In additional to state money, cash provided by the town of Tusayan, just outside the South Rim entrance, and private business would also be included in the funding.
At this time of year, the Grand Canyon draws about 18,000 people a day who pump an estimated $1 million a day into the local economy.
The town of Tusayan, and area businesses have pledged $400,000 to help reopen the canyon, but Wilder said it was unclear if the Interior Department could accept private funds.
In Utah, federal workers rushed to reopen five national parks for 10 days after the state sent $1.67 million to the U.S. government with the hope of saving its lucrative tourist season.
Zion National Park superintendent Jock Whitworth said staff members began opening gates and removing barriers and expected to have the park fully operational Saturday.
.“This is a very frustrated Lindsey Graham,” he added. “Which is a very dangerous thing.”
GOP Civil War is a go!
Does anyone else think/hope this could backfire spectacularly against the Tea Party? I know they have been good at putting up primary challengers and have money/support, but aren't they stupid trying to wage a full scale electoral war against the GOP? They've certainly got the backing of guys like Hannity and Rush, but I don't think it would be wise to try to go up against the RNC fundraising machine. Just think how amazing it would be if the RNC and guys like Rove, instead of going after Dems, spend the next election cycle in a full out electoral/fundraising war with the Tea Party, actively trying to de-seat them. I've always seen as the GOP/Tea Party partnership as more of a relationship of political expediency, i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but it smacks of a little hubris if the Tea Party thinks they can launch a full-scale war against the current GOP.
Just imagine if guys like Rove took a scorched earth policy. It would make the swift-boating of John Kerry look like child's play.
This is a very frustrated Lindsey Graham, [Lindsey Graham] added. Which is a very dangerous thing.
Hahahaha reading all those Graham quotes in Jon Stewart's southern belle voice made my day.
The Midwest? No way dude. Pretty much any part of that region that would go Republican already has. Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are all pretty safe Dem states, at least in presidential elections. There were some oopsies in 2010 but those will come undone.Hi guys, just subscribing to the thread. Looking forward to seeing the Tea Party sweep the south in 2014 and the Republicans pick up the Midwest while the Dems take control of the rest of the US. This is amazing.
Hi guys, just subscribing to the thread.
Your timing is impeccable!
I'm talking about the North/South belt that Santorum won in the '12 primaries (minus the former Confederacy). I assumed those bits are part of the Midwest. Apparently, I was wrong.What makes you think the Republicans would pick up the Midwest?
I dont like his avatar, lets all go somewhere better
I'm talking about the North/South belt that Santorum won in the '12 primaries (minus the former Confederacy). I assumed those bits are part of the Midwest. Apparently, I was wrong.
Foreign geography fail
EDIT: New thread? Oh bother.
The Poligaf thread will be shutdown until we get something out of this.