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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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I think that, perhaps, for some people, the idea that they were lied to by the government, even if it were only for 5 days and on an issue that's basically not important, isn't someone one simply "gets over". The idea that you have leaders comfortable with lying when it's convenient for them to do so is not one that sits well with a lot of people, even if they would - or have - done the same.
Oh, dear. Nobody lied. It's just that nobody knew what was going on.


We got to be a superpower by our policies, ones that promoted social mobility and a social safety net (and with quite a bit a luck that we have the best land on earth). We gave that up in the 80s and have been furiously giving shit away to appease corporate america ever since.

Could you elaborate ? I was under the impression that there was either very small net or none at all in the period when US became superpower.
I haven't posted in a PoliGAF thread for a loooong time, but what is GAF's opinion of Sen. Elizabeth Warren?

To me, she's the only politician with balls these days, and my only beacon of hope left in politics. Is she getting enough attention from both liberals and conservatives?


I haven't posted in a PoliGAF thread for a loooong time, but what is GAF's opinion of Sen. Elizabeth Warren?

To me, she's the only politician with balls these days, and my only beacon of hope left in politics. Is she getting enough attention from both liberals and conservatives?

To me, her and Bernie Sanders come off as being the only two who stand up for what the believe in and not what donors or their parties believe in. At least they seem to be the only two who are visible to me. I'd have more faith in government if I knew there were more of them out there and being elected.
I haven't posted in a PoliGAF thread for a loooong time, but what is GAF's opinion of Sen. Elizabeth Warren?

To me, she's the only politician with balls these days, and my only beacon of hope left in politics. Is she getting enough attention from both liberals and conservatives?

There was a lot of discussion about her around when her "you didn't build that" speech was taped, and a lot more when she was either going to be the head of the CFPB or in the Senate. I think that the general consensus is that she's awesome and she has more of a platform to be awesome in the Senate than she would embroiled in the appointment nonsense surrounding the CFPB director.


I haven't posted in a PoliGAF thread for a loooong time, but what is GAF's opinion of Sen. Elizabeth Warren?

To me, she's the only politician with balls these days, and my only beacon of hope left in politics. Is she getting enough attention from both liberals and conservatives?

I'm pretty sure PoliGAF loves her. She reminds me a bit of Sanders. I wish either of them would or could run for president and have a shot at winning.

But her position now in the Senate is, I think, a pretty good one for her talents. She'll do good work and ask tough questions of people. Hopefully she gets attention from the mainstream about some of those questions, too.


I haven't posted in a PoliGAF thread for a loooong time, but what is GAF's opinion of Sen. Elizabeth Warren?

To me, she's the only politician with balls these days, and my only beacon of hope left in politics. Is she getting enough attention from both liberals and conservatives?

If PoliGAF were the electorate, Warren would be the next president.

(And Huntsman would probably be her vice president.)


Carville dropping truth bombs

“That’s what they’re down to,” Carville said. “Remember that the earth is warming, and that the economy is growing, the deficit is shrinking, that health care costs are flattening out, that Benghazi was nothing and as I said, there may be something amiss in the Cincinnati office of the IRS. If there is, we should find out about it and fix it and if somebody did something wrong, they should be fired or brought to justice.”

Republicans clearly plan on the IRS scandal — in which staffers unfairly scrutinized conservative groups’ applications for tax-exempt status — lasting more than a month. The first hearing on the unfair targeting is set for Friday, and the GOP appears eager to use the issue in the run-up to the 2014 midterms and link it to the IRS’ role in implementing Obama’s signature health care reform law.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...-all-over-in-30-days-91481.html#ixzz2TTT4aQnh

and to the last paragraph. Please proceed GOP, continue doing the only thing you can do to actually have a chance at losing the house.


The Autumn Wind
The GOP is just sad at this point. Even when they have legitimate issues, they can't help but overreach and try to use them against policies they don't like.

Boston bombing? "The problem is immigration and welfare!"

IRS hullabaloo? "How can we go forward with Obamacare knowing this?!"

It's like they're playing a demented game of Madlibs.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
1. Hindsight that was NOT 20/20
2. Subpoena'd phone records as part of an investigation into the release of classified mateiral.
3. An IRS audit filtering criteria that contained selection bias and was implemented without management approval.

THESE are the defining "scandals" of "the most corrupt administration ever", and the hindsight scandal is the biggest scandal of them all!

LOL @ our political discourse.



I feel really bad for these marines holding these umbrellas. It's painful to hold something with one hand with your arm outstretched like that for long periods of time.
The GOP is just sad at this point. Even when they have legitimate issues, they can't help but overreach and try to use them against policies they don't like.

Boston bombing? "The problem is immigration and welfare!"

IRS hullabaloo? "How can we go forward with Obamacare knowing this?!"

It's like they're playing a demented game of Madlibs.

What's fucking infuriating is that there was none of this outrage during the Bush years. They're all hypocritical sacks of shit.

Imagine if you will, Obama's first term mirrored Bush's.

  • His very first election, he’s “elected” President when the United States Supreme Court overrules
  • Florida’s Supreme Court call for a statewide recount, thus becoming President of the United States—even though he lost the popular vote.
  • 8 months after he took office we experienced the worst terrorist attack in United States history,
  • and there was solid evidence presented that he had intelligence saying that a terrorist group was planning on attack on United States soil—but did nothing.
  • Video was shown of his reaction to being told that the United States was under attack, and he sat there for a few minutes with a blank look on his face—doing nothing.
  • Our economy went from a balanced budget, and a budget surplus, back to deficits—every year he had been President.
  • The longest period of economic growth in American history—came to an end.
  • We started a war with Iran. About 2 months after the start of the war he then decidesto land on an aircraft carrier (in a flight suit) to declare “Mission Accomplished.” Yet 2 years later, over 10,000 American soldiers had died and not a single weapon of mass destruction had been found.
  • 12 years after the 9/11 attack, Osama bin Ladin has still not been captured.
  • Reports, and photos, of abuse by the U.S. Army against Iranian prisoners surfaces at the Abu Ghraib prison.
  • We see 5 different attacks on American embassies.
  • Attorney General Eric Holder appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss the first leaked pieces coming to light of communication within the intelligence community about the authorization of torture on prisoners of war to extract information
  • Told Iranian insurgents to “Bring it on.”

Just imagine if President Obama did all of that—what would the likes of Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh be saying? How many investigations and impeachment hearings would Republicans be calling for?

If they’re “shocked” by some of the events that have occurred during Obama’s first 4 years, most of which had nothing to do with President Obama and were completely right-wing fabricated controversies, just imagine what they would be like if Obama pulled the same kind of crap Bush did in his first 4 years.

But we all know how they reacted to Bush’s antics. They weren’t appalled, shocked, or disgusted and they never called for an impeachment—oh, no…

They re-elected him.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The tea party is deeply unpopular. Wouldn't people being more careful with their tax returns be popular?
I feel really bad for these marines holding these umbrellas. It's painful to hold something with one hand with your arm outstretched like that for long periods of time.

hahaha I know the dude holding the umbrella for the president. Saw that on TV and was like WTF.


I find it pretty fucking ridiculous how blown out of proportion this "trio of White House scandals" has become.

The IRS thing may have some legitimacy (though I think they definitely should have been giving more scrutiny to groups labeling themselves with politically inclined names like "Tea Party." If anything, I think the wrongdoing may have been not also targeting more liberal political groups as well") but doesn't even tie in to the higher ups at the IRS, let alone the White House. There were no laws broken in the AP thing, so I'm not sure what the scandal there is, unless you agree with the White House that the law ought to be changed.

And Benghazi is still nothing, as far as I can tell. It doesn't seem like any new revelations or evidence of lying have come about (please correct me if I'm wrong) and I still don't see what political advantage the Obama administration would have gained by supposedly lying about the cause of the attack for a few days. It makes no fucking sense and the much less convoluted answer is that they just legitimately didn't know exactly what happened immediately after the attack.

I get the impression that all of the furor over these mostly manufactured and overblown scandals has two main factors:

1. The media has been dying for an Obama scandal since he won reelection. I remember tons of stories shortly after his inauguration such as "Second term curse: Will Obama be plagued by scandals?" and "What will Obama's scandal be?!" With gun control dead, talks on the Grand Bargain dead, and immigration reform looking less and less likely, the media needs something to talk about, and a White House plagued by scandal is perfect for the narrative they've been building since November. These are the same people who wonder why Obama can't pass his entire agenda by just having a drink and game of golf with John Boehner.

2. Republicans have nothing to run on. They have no popular policy positions other than tax cuts, and they've just helped to successfully scare independents about the deficit enough to make tax cuts seem irresponsible. The Republicans can't run on anything, they only run against things. They've successfully killed gun control and look to have no interest in passing immigration reform, so how do they scare their base into voting in 2014 if they can't fear monger about those two pieces of legislation? With manufactured scandals and pending impeachment proceedings of course! They're already promising that the hearings will last until the 2014 midterms.


In regards to the AP wiretap scandal/issue: Does the Dept. of Justice need Obama's approval to do this or can they do it on their own accord? Granted this is something that shouldn't be legal, but I'm wondering how Obama is to blame.

Here's a decent history lesson on the issue if you can stomach Rachel Maddow.


They do not need the President's approval at all, and if investigating a leak within the Government, I'd imagine people shouldn't want him to be involved.


No Scrubs
In regards to the AP wiretap scandal/issue: Does the Dept. of Justice need Obama's approval to do this or can they do it on their own accord? Granted this is something that shouldn't be legal, but I'm wondering how Obama is to blame.

Here's a decent history lesson on the issue if you can stomach Rachel Maddow.


They didn't wiretap the AP, they just got phone records for 20 lines. There is a huge difference, what the Justice Department did had nothing to do with the Patriot Act wiretapping shit.
There is no fucking way the GOP loses the House
Probably not, though I think if the Republicans lose even 1 House seat (in a year where everyone expects them to gain), it'd be enough to force Boehner into resignation of his post.

Not that it'll make anything better, Cantor would be less likely to play ball with Obama. But it'd be funny as hell to watch!


They didn't wiretap the AP, they just got phone records for 20 lines. There is a huge difference, what the Justice Department did had nothing to do with the Patriot Act wiretapping shit.

Right. My bad. They obtained months and months of phone records though. They weren't listening in real time.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Right. My bad. They obtained months and months of phone records though. They weren't listening in real time.

Its worth noting also that the records didn't contain content like audio files or transcripts or anything, they were just dialer, reciever, and duration information. They got more then they probably neaded, and should be reprimanded, but its not really a travesty of justice.


Its worth noting also that the records didn't contain content like audio files or transcripts or anything, they were just dialer, reciever, and duration information. They got more then they probably neaded, and should be reprimanded, but its not really a travesty of justice.

So it's safe to say that the media, even the liberal side, is overreacting a bit? After watching the Maddow piece I linked above, she insinuates that the DoJ got transcripts and all. Good info GaF. Thanks again.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
In regards to the AP wiretap scandal/issue: Does the Dept. of Justice need Obama's approval to do this or can they do it on their own accord? Granted this is something that shouldn't be legal, but I'm wondering how Obama is to blame.

Here's a decent history lesson on the issue if you can stomach Rachel Maddow.

There was no wiretapping. The DoJ was looking at call records (timestamps of calls placed, numbers, and call length).

And to answer your question:
No. Obama is the chief executive of government. He wouldn't be involved in the particulars of a DoJ investigation into the AP for leaking classified info. At least, he shouldn't be.

If you work for a large corporation, does everything you do at work involve the CEO's input?


The Autumn Wind
So it's basically the same as picking up someone's cellphone and looking at their recent calls list.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The powers of fox news, ladies and gentlemen.

People now think the white house was wiretapping the AP. -_-
I'm glad to hear about the positive responses to Elizabeth Warren.

As the establishment candidate, I'll likely be voting for Hillary in 2016, but if they go head to head in the primaries, I'll be on the ground supporting the campaign for Warren.


I'd rather see Warren take Reid's place. I think she could do really well there. Not sure if she could get the proper amount of fire to be President.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'd rather see Warren take Reid's place. I think she could do really well there. Not sure if she could get the proper amount of fire to be President.

I'd rather see Al Franken.

Policy wonks like him deserve to be in leadership positions in the legislature.


I'm glad to hear about the positive responses to Elizabeth Warren.

As the establishment candidate, I'll likely be voting for Hillary in 2016, but if they go head to head in the primaries, I'll be on the ground supporting the campaign for Warren.

How badass would a Clinton/Warren ticket be?

Heh, she'd probably get more done in the Senate, though...
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