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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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The first sentence in this post reads like a Jackson50 post.

Edit: Surprise Krauthammer says Obama's actions (firing the IRS head) aren't enough, "the bare minimum"
What's killing me is Boehner saying people need to go to jail. What a coincidence. I've been saying that since 2009 about the banks and how they fucked over so many Americans. Boehner can eat a dick.
House finally agrees on their own immigration bill, aimed to be introduced beginning of June
Carter told reporters earlier on Thursday that the last sticking point involved whether the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States would get access to government health care benefits. It's unclear how the group resolved that issue.

Carter also said that because Republican and Democratic negotiators were unable to come to an agreement on a program overseeing guest workers, the group decided to leave that issue out of the bill. But both planned to offer their proposals separately, likely as amendments to the main legislation.

Both sides differed on how many worker visas should be allowed for construction companies and other industries relying on low skilled labor workers.

A key test for the bipartisan deal will come when the House Judiciary Committee takes it up, because that panel includes a significant number of conservatives, who have pledged to block any measure that allows a path to citizenship for undocumented workers.
They already said that the House bill is "significantly" different from the Senate bill currently in the Senate judiciary committee, in some areas. I wonder if those are the sticking points mentioned above. Also, does Boehner have enough pull to make the bill pass through the House judiciary committee? I think that will be the real test.



From Fox News

The IRS official who led the tax-exempt organizations unit when Tea Party groups were targeted is now in charge of the IRS office responsible for ObamaCare, two Capitol Hill sources told Fox News.

The acknowledgement comes after the administration announced that the official’s successor -- who had only been on the job a few days -- would be retiring. And it fueled criticism of the agency, as the outgoing IRS commissioner prepared to face lawmakers’ questions at a hearing Friday morning.

“Stunning. Just stunning,” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said in reaction to the latest development.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...-party-scandal/?intcmp=trending#ixzz2TWJwPCzx
Fox News interviewed Donald Rumsfeld for his comments about the IRS, Benghazi, and AP stories.

The man who bungled Iraq.

It's amazing to me that Rumsfeld and Cheney can open their whore mouths and the whole country isn't telling them to shut it.
Fox News interviewed Donald Rumsfeld for his comments about the IRS, Benghazi, and AP stories.

The man who bungled Iraq.

It's amazing to me that Rumsfeld and Cheney can open their whore mouths and the whole country isn't telling them to shut it.

Fox news' military analyst is Oliver North and I've seen G gordon liddy on there too. They have no shame. Only that they were caught


Setec Astronomer
Fox News interviewed Donald Rumsfeld for his comments about the IRS, Benghazi, and AP stories.

The man who bungled Iraq.

It's amazing to me that Rumsfeld and Cheney can open their whore mouths and the whole country isn't telling them to shut it.
Kai Ryssdal of Marketplace had a great interview with Rumsfeld where he basically went "you're bullshitting me here, aren't you?"


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Heard a rebroadcast on the radio driving home tonight. Haven't looked for the online version.


This is glorious.

I bet Rumsfeld unleashed a string of vulgar words as soon as that call ended. Ryssdal's just like, "no, seriously, how do you live with yourself?"

The first printed quote is misquoted. In the audio Rumsfeld says he long ago reached the conclusion that the US was not equipped for nation-building.

Edit: The question about apologizing might be a step over the line, at least in this context. The rest is perfectly appropriate given Rumsfeld himself is the fool who brings up supposedly learning lessons decades ago that he then completely disregarded as Secretary of Defense.


Is it republican fantasy that a 4 man squad would have 100% saved the last 2 Americans who died in Benghazi? At best you can say they'd have a chance, but my favorite guy Bolling declared that they would have been saved if not for telling them to stand down.

It's known that the last 2 men were already dead before this so-called stand down order was given. This is yet another spin on the issue.



The lede spins it for Walker (+62k jobs in two years, yeah!), but dig deeper and you find Wisconsin lost 22,000 jobs in April. Combine that with the numbers for Jan-March and you get under 50k, pretty low for Mr. 250,000 jobs in my first term.

man too bad PD's not here

Whats even better is that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel changed the headline to better appease Walker (the orignal headline meantioned the 22000 is jobs loses in april for Wisconsin). The republicans in the state are going to have an awful hard time explaining why Walker is concentrating on a power grab for the GOP and not focusing on jobs. I wonder what eznark thinks about this? lol
Across the pond, recent news emanating from Europe illustrates the degree in which austerity policies have hindered growth. In the Eurozone in general, the recession has officially become the longest on record for the single currency bloc, and unemployment has spiked to a record high of 12.1%. Particularly worrisome are GDP rates in France, Spain, and Italy that are still lingering in negative terrority. France, for instance, has entered its third recession in four years and President Francois Hollande is frantically trying to conjure up measures to instill confidence in both the market and his besieged and unpopular government. Although Monsieur Hollande advocates such reasonable reforms such as control of fiscal and monetary policy under the purview of a Eurozone president and a currency wide budget, it is doubtful such measures will brook much debate given the election pressures Chancellor Merkel faces in the lead up to Germany's September elections.

And in the UK, David Cameron seems increasingly held hostage by his own party and what was once a fig leaf to his Euro-skeptic backbenchers regarding UK leaving the Eurozone via a referendum contingent on him winning in 2015 has only become a cudgel for those same Tory backbenchers to club him with.

Silver lining? A great exchange rate for Americans..


Across the pond, recent news emanating from Europe illustrates the degree in which austerity policies have hindered growth. In the Eurozone in general, the recession has officially become the longest on record for the single currency bloc, and unemployment has spiked to a record high of 12.1%. Particularly worrisome are GDP rates in France, Spain, and Italy that are still lingering in negative terrority. France, for instance, has entered its third recession in four years and President Francois Hollande is frantically trying to conjure up measures to instill confidence in both the market and his besieged and unpopular government. Although Monsieur Hollande advocates such reasonable reforms such as control of fiscal and monetary policy under the purview of a Eurozone president and a currency wide budget, it is doubtful such measures will brook much debate given the election pressures Chancellor Merkel faces in the lead up to Germany's September elections.

And in the UK, David Cameron seems increasingly held hostage by his own party and what was once a fig leaf to his Euro-skeptic backbenchers regarding UK leaving the Eurozone via a referendum contingent on him winning in 2015 has only become a cudgel for those same Tory backbenchers to club him with.

Silver lining? A great exchange rate for Americans..

The silver lining isn't here yet, there is no great exchange rate



The lede spins it for Walker (+62k jobs in two years, yeah!), but dig deeper and you find Wisconsin lost 22,000 jobs in April. Combine that with the numbers for Jan-March and you get under 50k, pretty low for Mr. 250,000 jobs in my first term.

man too bad PD's not here

I just love that it says Republicans are applauding his performance. He's not up to his own promise for one, which I suppose I could let go if he was still doing well enough... but Wisconsin's 44th in the nation in job creation. How the fuck are you applauding that? A democratic governor with that record now would be thrown under the fucking bus.

I really hope the idiot gets booted out next election, but I still don't know who can actually take him on. I fear he still has too solid of a hold on the idiot base of republicans here.


No Scrubs
So I just heard that Louie Gohmert asparagus thing. I don't know what I expected, but that made absolutely no sense. Like none at all. I'm confused.


Edit: The question about apologizing might be a step over the line, at least in this context. The rest is perfectly appropriate given Rumsfeld himself is the fool who brings up supposedly learning lessons decades ago that he then completely disregarded as Secretary of Defense.
No it isn't.
His feet must be held to the fire about Iraq every time he gets out from under the rock he's been hiding.
Especially if he gets out to sell something.

Angry Fork

Across the pond, recent news emanating from Europe illustrates the degree in which austerity policies have hindered growth. In the Eurozone in general, the recession has officially become the longest on record for the single currency bloc, and unemployment has spiked to a record high of 12.1%. Particularly worrisome are GDP rates in France, Spain, and Italy that are still lingering in negative terrority. France, for instance, has entered its third recession in four years and President Francois Hollande is frantically trying to conjure up measures to instill confidence in both the market and his besieged and unpopular government. Although Monsieur Hollande advocates such reasonable reforms such as control of fiscal and monetary policy under the purview of a Eurozone president and a currency wide budget, it is doubtful such measures will brook much debate given the election pressures Chancellor Merkel faces in the lead up to Germany's September elections.

And in the UK, David Cameron seems increasingly held hostage by his own party and what was once a fig leaf to his Euro-skeptic backbenchers regarding UK leaving the Eurozone via a referendum contingent on him winning in 2015 has only become a cudgel for those same Tory backbenchers to club him with.

Silver lining? A great exchange rate for Americans..

Silver lining is more and more people are fed up with neoliberal capitalism.
I have a question.

So how does food stamps work?

When they give you the card that has $200 or so on it does that mean that's $200 already spent or pending to spent?

As in if I spent only $100 on that card will only $100, instead of $200, be taken out of the government budget? Or is it essentially like them giving me a $200 bill as its all already spent from the budget?


I have a question.

So how does food stamps work?

When they give you the card that has $200 or so on it does that mean that's $200 already spent or pending to spent?

As in if I spent only $100 on that card will only $100, instead of $200, be taken out of the government budget? Or is it essentially like them giving me a $200 bill as its all already spent from the budget?

It's basically a prepaid debit card, so it's spent out of the budget before the person even receives it.


Everyone's favorite Florida nutjob has a new job. Can you guess where?

The same place all nutjobs end up.

Former Rep. Allen West Joins Fox News As A Contributor

Really Fox? Shameful. I thought Herman Cain replaced Palin, and now they are adding Allen West?

Also, this IRS hearing thing is interesting, people keep acting like the IRS is blatantly attacking people at a whim, i don't consider sham organizations wanting to be tax-free "social welfare" groups to be an "attack on the american people"


Really Fox? Shameful. I thought Herman Cain replaced Palin, and now they are adding Allen West?

Also, this IRS hearing thing is interesting, people keep acting like the IRS is blatantly attacking people at a whim, i don't consider sham organizations wanting to be tax-free "social welfare" groups to be an "attack on the american people"

Yeah. I've been wondering about this too. 501C4 groups are only allowed tax-exempt status if their main focus is for social welfare, not politics. The law is poorly written, but it generally means less than 50% can go to political campaigns, lobbies, etc. I'm sure loopholes abound.

But isn't it the IRS's job to ensure these groups are following that rule? And wouldn't it make sense that a group with "tea party" in their name might be a little more than 50% politicized?

The outrage over this, from both sides, makes me feel like I'm missing something. Because it seems relatively legit. Especially since there were like 280+ applications that were held and only 75 or so were tea party (forgive me if my numbers are off). Why aren't the other 205 groups pissed off?


But isn't it the IRS's job to ensure these groups are following that rule? And wouldn't it make sense that a group with "tea party" in their name might be a little more than 50% politicized?
It's like with racial profiling.

It's really important that the IRS have ideologically neutral standards for deciding who to investigate, even if it is actually the case that people with particular ideologies are particularly likely to need investigating. What you're saying here is that groups who sympathize with certain political movements should, because of that, be given more scrutiny. That's problematic.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
No it isn't.
His feet must be held to the fire about Iraq every time he gets out from under the rock he's been hiding.
Especially if he gets out to sell something.

I mean, yes, I have no problem with going after him hard, but I think it's tough to make the leap to asking for an apology when in the context of the interview he's only admitted to vague unspecified mistakes. Ideally you'd bridge that gap more, otherwise it's easy to come off as having a biased agenda.


It's like with racial profiling.

It's really important that the IRS have ideologically neutral standards for deciding who to investigate, even if it is actually the case that people with particular ideologies are particularly likely to need investigating. What you're saying here is that groups who sympathize with certain political movements should, because of that, be given more scrutiny. That's problematic.

I see your point, but I'm not so sure it's quite like racial profiling. Although if corporations are people, then maybe super PACs are too. And singling out a PAC-Corp-person for their political beliefs is unconstitutional.

What I just typed makes me want to throw up in my mouth...


I mean, yes, I have no problem with going after him hard, but I think it's tough to make the leap to asking for an apology when in the context of the interview he's only admitted to vague unspecified mistakes. Ideally you'd bridge that gap more, otherwise it's easy to come off as having a biased agenda.
I don't think it's a biased agenda to to demand he answers for his actions.
He can defend the Iraq war if he wants.

The free pass that idiot is getting from the press is significantly more biased and agenda driven than that interview.
I mean fuck, the only reason why that asshole is famous and is able to get such book deals is because of his tenure as the secretary of defense, not only is it fair game, it's the fairest of games.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You would think that dipshit Bob Woodward would have the sense to stop opinionatin' on scandals after whining to Fox that Gene Sperling broke his thumbs.


This is glorious.

I bet Rumsfeld unleashed a string of vulgar words as soon as that call ended. Ryssdal's just like, "no, seriously, how do you live with yourself?"

The first printed quote is misquoted. In the audio Rumsfeld says he long ago reached the conclusion that the US was not equipped for nation-building.

Edit: The question about apologizing might be a step over the line, at least in this context. The rest is perfectly appropriate given Rumsfeld himself is the fool who brings up supposedly learning lessons decades ago that he then completely disregarded as Secretary of Defense.

Thanks. That was great.


Yeah, I'm not sure what Woodward's angle is. Talking about the changing of talking points as somehow Nixonian in nature, as if it's not a routine conversation any time talking points are generated.


I see your point, but I'm not so sure it's quite like racial profiling. Although if corporations are people, then maybe super PACs are too. And singling out a PAC-Corp-person for their political beliefs is unconstitutional.

What I just typed makes me want to throw up in my mouth...

But it's not really about targeting corporate entities. It's about targeting particular sorts of people because those people have a tendency to organize particular sorts of corporate entities.

It's not nearly as problematic to target organizations with "shopping" or "grocery" in their names. The people behind these organizations have no reason to be attached to labels like these. But the people behind organizations with "tea party" in their names are backing these organizations because of their ideologies.

Now, yes, the standards for what constitutes a "social welfare" organization are almost certainly too loose, but the organizations of people who have a particular conception of "social welfare" shouldn't be targeted merely because other people with similar ideologies sometimes cheat.

Edit: Whatever you think of Citizens United, it would obviously be even more wrong for the government to only allow unlimited campaign spending by corporations supporting one (but not the other) political party.
Yeah, I'm not sure what Woodward's angle is. Talking about the changing of talking points as somehow Nixonian in nature, as if it's not a routine conversation any time talking points are generated.
For real.

Like this General John R. Allen Reportedly Exchanged 20,000 to 30,000 Pages of 'Potentially Inappropriate' Emails With Jill Kelley

It is so quick and easy to bounce stuff back and forth and these agencies are so huge it would actually be a problem if they were not modified along the way.
I just love that it says Republicans are applauding his performance. He's not up to his own promise for one, which I suppose I could let go if he was still doing well enough... but Wisconsin's 44th in the nation in job creation. How the fuck are you applauding that? A democratic governor with that record now would be thrown under the fucking bus.

I really hope the idiot gets booted out next election, but I still don't know who can actually take him on. I fear he still has too solid of a hold on the idiot base of republicans here.
Just repeating the lie - "The economy is getting better!" It's so bad it's just become the conventional wisdom that WI has a booming economy, whereas anyone who actually looks at the numbers can see that's obviously not the case if you're shedding 22k jobs a month in a mid-sized state.

I don't know any candidate who can really take him on, but they need to zing him hard on his promise. I think people were more willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in the recall.


But it's not really about targeting corporate entities. It's about targeting particular sorts of people because those people have a tendency to organize particular sorts of corporate entities.

It's not nearly as problematic to target organizations with "shopping" or "grocery" in their names. The people behind these organizations have no reason to be attached to labels like these. But the people behind organizations with "tea party" in their names are backing these organizations because of their ideologies.

Now, yes, the standards for what constitutes a "social welfare" organization are almost certainly too loose, but the organizations of people who have a particular conception of "social welfare" shouldn't be targeted merely because other people with similar ideologies sometimes cheat.

Edit: Whatever you think of Citizens United, it would obviously be even more wrong for the government to only allow unlimited campaign spending by corporations supporting one (but not the other) political party.

I don't disagree with you, but I'm struggling to get on the same page w/ you. Maybe I've gotten a tad off topic.

My primary point is that I think it's reasonable for the IRS to give a 501C(4) application additional scrutiny if it has reason to believe the organization's primary focus is not intended to be social welfare. The terms "tea party" and "patriot" would qualify as reasonable doubt, in my opinion.
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