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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It will empower them to complain even more though, "look what the feds are doing in our state!" and "why cant we control it" when it reality they had the chance to and refused.

Here in TN, the governor is floating a plan/request to Washington to still get the Medicaid money but instead of expanding Medicaid, use it to subsidize private plans. Interesting but from what I read about it essentially funneling tax payer money to private industries without the same levels of benefits being provided.

That sounds like exactly what Paul Ryan and the GOP are trying to do to Medicare (because it is).

The entire reason why Medicare was created in the first place is because the employer-based health insurance model left retirees out of the system, forced to purchase their own individual coverage. Because of their age and medical problems, though, they could not afford these plans, and 1/3rd of senior citizens died in poverty because of their medical bills, and 51% died without insurance prior to medicare being enacted.

Similarly, medicaid is in place to assist low-income families, children, pregnant women, disabled persons, and seniors. These are also people who the employer-based model failed and who can not afford individual plans.

So what the GOP is essentially doing is turn medicare and medicaid into functioning in the exact broken way that they were created for the purpose of eliminating.

It's not "interesting." It's destructive social and economic policy that reduces the standard quality of life in America.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Those who are hurt, holler. Among people who report no personal impact of the sequester, 66 percent say economic recovery is under way, and six in 10 are optimistic about the economy’s prospects in the year ahead. Among those who report major harm from the cuts, by contrast, just 36 percent see recovery, and optimism drops to 40 percent.

Those favorable numbers are bolstered by ignorance, too. I mean literal ignorance. I've been affected by sequestration. As a result, my local coffee shop lost a revenue stream of about $60/month that I previously provided it but made a decision to cut out to save that money. Of course, the owner doesn't know that he has lost this business specifically as a result of sequestration. He may well (wrongly) think himself unaffected by sequestration.

This is how reductions in net government spending negatively affect the private sector.
It's hard to tell whether this is a victory for Obama, or a victory for the Republican attempt to suggest that Obama is responsible for the sequester. It kind of looks like both sides just think the other guys are to blame.

I say a win because turnout will be lower among republicans in 2014 compared to 2010. They will see the drop in total votes similar to what Obama saw in 2012 where people annoyed with where they stand but they also won't vote for the other guy so they stay home.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Can we move past the whole "Is this a win for team A or a win for team B?"

This is a loss for everyone. Fuck the political game.
I say a win because turnout will be lower among republicans in 2014 compared to 2010. They will see the drop in total votes similar to what Obama saw in 2012 where people annoyed with where they stand but they also won't vote for the other guy so they stay home.
I wonder what effect passing immigration reform will have on Republican turnout in 2014. It seems like such a charged issue for many conservatives and if Republicans are complicit in passing "amnesty for illegals" that could have severe repercussions.

Perhaps the GOP will get some props by pro-immigrant voters, but Obama will get the lion's share. For better or worse the president always gets credit. I think passing it will have worse consequences for the Republicans than if they don't.


Well, "paid into." The money paid by current workers goes to current recipients. I think there should be income limits for who actually gets money "back" out of Social Security. I know one guy who makes several hundred thousand a year yet still gets Social Security. There's no reason for that.

You're talking about a very small number of beneficiaries, it's not worth exposing a good program to the funding / accessibility risks all welfare programs face in the U.S. because of them.


This is semantics, and nothing more
You're talking about a very small number of beneficiaries, it's not worth exposing a good program to the funding / accessibility risks all welfare programs face in the U.S. because of them.

Can you expand on this? Specifically, what funding/accessibility risks do you think would be introduced?
A host of the Fox News show The Five was so angry that the Justice Department had investigated one of the network's reporters that she told her viewers on Thursday to find anyone who voted for President Barack Obama and "punch them in the face."

"Fox said, we're targets, clearly Media Matters and others have put us on a target list," Fox News host Andrea Tantaros explained on the Thursday edition of her radio show. "And they said, 'Oh, Fox is just crazy! They're just paranoid!' Really? Are we?"

"This is what is happening to our press! This is Obama's America! It's like the Soviet Union," she continued. "He said he would change the country. He said it. And a lot of people voted for him."

"And if you see any of those people today, do me a favor, punch them in the face."

They really are in a contest to see who can be more of a dick than the next pundit aren't they? It is like a contest to see how much of a dick you can be without going over the line that gets you kicked off the air.

Mike M

Nick N
So that One America news channel for people who think Fox News is too libetal is launching July 4th. Didn't we already have some sort of attempt at a Tea Party news network funded by Adleson? I seem to remember that their debut was supposed to be election night coverage from Vegas? What happened to that?
Well, "paid into." The money paid by current workers goes to current recipients. I think there should be income limits for who actually gets money "back" out of Social Security. I know one guy who makes several hundred thousand a year yet still gets Social Security. There's no reason for that.

I've got no problem with it. Retirement insurance is a universal benefit to people who contributed to society through their labor. If the person worked, he is entitled to the benefit.

So that One America news channel for people who think Fox News is too liberal is launching July 4th.

Fox News: the new center.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Krugman said:
And think about the political dynamics. Because the Supreme Court decided to let states opt out of the Medicaid expansion, some states — notably Texas — will have a pretty dysfunctional version of Obamacare in 2014, although even those systems will provide significant benefits to many people. Still, the whole political calculus was supposed to be that Republicans in red states could point to the horrors of Obamacare and ride them to political victory. Instead, it looks as if we’re going to see blue-state residents reaping the benefits of a functional health care system, while red-state residents are denied many of those benefits, for what looks like no better reason than mean-spirited spite — because what’s going on is, indeed, mean-spirited spite.


Enjoy your "freedom", teabaggers.
Goddamn it! Those idiots better not fuck up the insurance exchanges.
Even if Democrats do lose this one they'll still have a 2/3rds majority in the Senate.

Of course, if they end up winning that'd be even better. All the other candidates (two Democrats, one Peace & Freedom) seem to be left-leaning anyway, so Perez could pull this off.
So that One America news channel for people who think Fox News is too libetal is launching July 4th.
How is that even possible? I would think that if you go further right than Fox then you are simply in Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, & Michael Savage crazy territory.

Such a channel would be cavalcade of racism, gun porn, and conspiracy theories. Your one-stop shop for all hating needs of hating Muslims, Mexicans, gay people, college professors, scientists, Europeans, etc.


No Scrubs
How is that even possible? I would think that if you go further right than Fox then you are simply in Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, & Michael Savage crazy territory.

Such a channel would be cavalcade of racism, gun porn, and conspiracy theories. Your one-stop shop for all hating needs of hating Muslims, Mexicans, gay people, college professors, scientists, Europeans, etc.

On the bright side The Daily Show and Colbert Reports will have a lot of material to work with.

I should see if I can get a job there, I think if I pull my best Colbert they won't figure me out and I can get paid for trolling.
Wait, they STILL have a 2/3 majority even with this current loss? That's a little less worriesome, then.
Yeah. I'm not Californian as well so I don't keep up with the politics there, but it seemed like Democrats got most everything passed they'd need for the next two years anyway.

Mike M

Nick N
How is that even possible? I would think that if you go further right than Fox then you are simply in Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, & Michael Savage crazy territory.

Such a channel would be cavalcade of racism, gun porn, and conspiracy theories. Your one-stop shop for all hating needs of hating Muslims, Mexicans, gay people, college professors, scientists, Europeans, etc.
I know, I can't wait.

Yeah, I actually had dinner with a bunch of old people the other day. They were saying "They need to pay their student loans . . . we paid for our education." I just didn't have the heart to argue with them and point out the difference is education costs.

Two things have gone up like crazy . . . college costs and medical costs. Those old people get free medicare. They just don't get it.
Wish they'd try for single-payer again. :(

Good thing I live in LA county. If it wasn't for that public health system, I'd of probably died. It's heartbreaking to see how I am privileged in that sense.

I get access to a psychiatrist, a counselor and an occupational therapist.
LA County has a public health system? What's it like?

I can only speak for myself but great. I got my anti-depressants covered, and semi-annual check-ups too. Once I get a stable pay check, I wouldn't mind paying the new coverage, though in my opinion, they seem a still too high for those just above the medicaid limit.

I got coverage as an unemployed 24 yo, one year after I graduated UC Riverside, and it still covers my bill a year later (25 now) until I have enough earnings.
Yeah, I actually had dinner with a bunch of old people the other day. They were saying "They need to pay their student loans . . . we paid for our education." I just didn't have the heart to argue with them and point out the difference is education costs.

Two things have gone up like crazy . . . college costs and medical costs. Those old people get free medicare. They just don't get it.
They also told their kids to go out and get big houses and cars on crappy loans that blew up in their faces. They promised them they could live the rich lifestyle without actually being rich.


re: Gov. Brewer... did I wake up in a parallel universe? WTF?? +1

Oh btw, everyone in my office is afraid that next year they will be forced to work for <35 hours so that my employer can avoid Obamacare.
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