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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Its not overt and intentional most of the time (for the vast majority) its the fact they've been feed stereotypes that are racist. Most people don't sit there and think I hate blacks to be fair

Um, yeah, a lot of whites have been conditioned to accept white predominance in the social, political and economic system, and to believe that white predominance is a preferable arrangement for the society in which they live, the neighborhoods in which they live, the places where they work, etc.

It's subconscious internalized racism.
We're not stingy at ALL. Period. Americans LOVE welfare and and public works.....until minorities start receiving benefits.

I agree 100%. However why are people so stingy now when it comes to minorities than before? If people were getting more liberal, why would these things become less favorable over time?
Um, yeah, a lot of whites have been conditioned to accept white predominance in the social, political and economic system, and to believe that white predominance is a preferable arrangement for the society in which they live, the neighborhoods in which they live, the places where they work, etc.

It's subconscious internalized racism.

symbolic racism

someone on the board plugged this book and its amazing for really deconstructing racism today in america. I think it was the mod who always is in the race and gender threads. Don't recall the name.

Racism without Racists, the book will make you uncomfortable
Um, yeah, a lot of whites have been conditioned to accept white predominance in the social, political and economic system, and to believe that white predominance is a preferable arrangement for the society in which they live, the neighborhoods in which they live, the places where they work, etc.

It's subconscious internalized racism.

This reminds me of a facebook encounter I had last night.

I'm the person on the bottom.
EDIT - I can try fixing the image if the text resolution makes your eyes hurt.


"Wisconsin being broke due to illegals", was my favorite part.

The sad thing is that if it was a black or hispanic couple they wouldn't be sympathetic and say "damn blacks and wetbacks are taking MY hard earned money so they can't pop out kids to try and get welfare!"
I wonder if it has to do with this? Just found it posted on Facebook. http://www.libertynews.com/2013/05/...hold-muslim-sharia-anti-blasphemy-laws-in-tn/

"The first Holder Department of Justice push to publicly defend Islamic Shari’a’s anti-blasphemy laws is scheduled for June, 4, 2013, in TN."

What? There is just no shame.

They crazy. Dem black people gonna take our gunz and make us follow Sharia! And when I say that, I run into Poe's law because that is apparently not an exaggeration, it is literally what they think!

The actually meeting sounded like a bland "Don't be fucking assholes to Muslims" meeting.

A special meeting has been scheduled for the stated purpose of increasing awareness and understanding that American Muslims are not the terrorists some have made them out to be in social media and other circles.

“Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd.

Special speakers for the event will be Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and Kenneth Moore, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Knoxville Division.

Sponsor of the event is the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee — a 15-member board formed two years ago when the General Assembly was considering passing legislation that would restrict those who worship Sharia Law, which is followed by Muslims.

Killian and Moore will provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Since we're on the subject:

According to the [ethics] complaint, Judge Jones, 64, who was nominated to the bench by President Ronald Reagan, and who until recently was the chief judge of the Fifth Circuit and mentioned during Republican administrations as a possible Supreme Court nominee, said that "racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime."

One of the affidavits accompanying the complaint is from Marc Bookman, a veteran death penalty lawyer in Pennsylvania, who attended the lecture. He quoted Judge Jones as saying, "Sadly, some groups seem to commit more heinous crimes than others." When asked to elaborate, Judge Jones "noted there was no arguing that 'blacks' and 'Hispanics' far outnumber 'Anglos' on death row and repeated that 'sadly' people from these racial groups do get involved in more violent crime," the affidavit said.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You're probably thinking of Mumei.

Dude! He said he couldn't remember which mod it was. This would have been a perfect opportunity to take credit for it. Could have made off like a bandit. Tsk tsk, Cyan.
Good point. I do wonder this. My mother has become MUCH more liberal as time has gone on. Ten years ago she was very homophobic, ranted about black people and illegals, religious, and hated social loffers taking the money of hardworking Americans. She didn't vote Republican, but those things did bother her. Today she's likely for gay marriage (probably due to my sister being bi-sexual, that was an event for the family), is sympathetic toward Mexican immigrants ("they just want to look for a better life here because their country sucks"), practically an atheist (I introduced her to Bill Maher), and favors wealth distribution.

I just wonder why we are so much more stingy now when it comes to say welfare or nationalization than 30 years ago?

I don't think it's becoming more "liberal" or "conservative" as much as it is, just getting used to stuff. For instance, it's hard to remember that support for interracial marriage didn't hit above 50% with whites until the late 70's. Mainly because, people got used to it, especially those who were softly 'against' 10 years earlier. It's the same thing with gay marriage.

On economic issues and such, it's harder for a variety of reasons.
Since we're on the subject:

I love the argument I heard today that "Well, the stats show those are the ones committing the crimes". I just wanted to say, "That doesn't mean they are predisposed to doing it!" But this guy's pretty much a doofus, it's not worth it.
I don't think it's becoming more "liberal" or "conservative" as much as it is, just getting used to stuff. For instance, it's hard to remember that support for interracial marriage didn't hit above 50% with whites until the late 70's. Mainly because, people got used to it, especially those who were softly 'against' 10 years earlier. It's the same thing with gay marriage.

On economic issues and such, it's harder for a variety of reasons.

I think that is going to change eventually. If all the wealth continues going to the top and we get to a point where the top 1% owns more than half the country, I think even a lot of conservatives will start realizing that the system is just not working.


Uh, isn't that an example where Republicans compromise their position? I agree that if the GOP lets a bunch of nominees through it will stop Reid from changing the rules. That seems pretty obvious to me!
Right. If Republicans largely capitulate, why change the rules? That is why Senate Republicans refrain from utter obstruction. If some appointees are confirmed, the incentive for reform is weaker. But the Democrats should initiate reform regardless. The Senate will eventually become majoritarian. The Democrats might as well benefit while they possess power.
Susan Rice to NSA, Samantha Power to UN Ambassador. I'm a fan of these moves, redemption of sorts.
I'll not feign enthusiasm over their appointments. They are gaining greater power as the list of prudent realists within the Obama Administration dwindles. However, Rice's nomination is a subtle repudiation of the GOP's deplorable smear campaign. Although I disagree with her general ideological orientation, she has been a fairly effective representative at the U.N. And she deserves better than a reputation tarnished by the fatuous aspersions of Republicans.
i would assume they have those vote ranges over the last x elections and you could see if it just stays semi static or there is a swing as generations get older. My guess that if there has been a shift, its very very small
Black Mamba referenced interesting research about individuals becoming more liberal as they age. The data is limited as the GSS uses different samples for each frame. A panel study would be superior, but they are expensive. Nonetheless, the correlation between aging and greater conservatism seems a myth. Regarding aggregate trends, the data is sparse. However, the data indicates cohorts typically deviate around their baseline without a general trend towards conservatism.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Jon Chait made an excellent point about health insurance that I haven't heard anyone use before:

That’s the whole dysfunction of our horrendous health-insurance system. The individual health insurance market is a tragic mess: People who need insurance the most can’t buy it, while the only people who can afford insurance don’t need it. That’s the reason for health-care reform.

The objections to health-care reform present themselves as if they’ve uncovered some kind of nightmarish bureaucratic inefficiency. What they’ve actually discovered, to the extent that they aren’t simply misleading people, is that a functioning insurance system takes money away from people who are healthy. Likewise, fire insurance screws people whose houses will never burn down.


Whole thing's worth a read.
Fox News host Andrea Tantaros wants to know why MSNBC is “prioritizing” sexual assaults in the military over a scandal at the Internal Revenue Service.

As competing hearings in the Senate Armed Services Committee and the House Appropriations Committee were underway on Tuesday, Tantaros said on her radio show that she couldn’t understand why MSNBC wasn’t devoting more time to the House Republicans’ fourth IRS hearing.

“What are they the place for breaking? Breaking wind? Breaking what? I mean, what are they doing over there?” she asked. “Sex crimes in the military, they are a real issue. There’s no doubt about that. I’m not going to just poo-poo it. What baffles me, though, is the way they prioritize these issues, the timing and tone of this.”

“Why is MSNBC devoting time to this issue?” Tantaros, who also hosts Fox News’ The Five, wondered. “There are so many other issues to deal with.”

“And MSNBC has been on this sexual assaults in the military, like, basically all afternoon, every day for weeks,” Tantaros’ co-host added. “They’re devoting, like, and inordinate amount of time to this. They’re obsessed with it, because that’s what they see when they look at the military.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Tantaros agreed. “I mean, it’s the way that they prioritize these things. It’s unbelievable what they consider to be priorities. And by ‘them,’ I mean the administration and MSNBC because they are the same thing. MSNBC is an arm of the administration.”

A Media Matters analysis of Tuesday’s cable news coverage found that MSNBC devoted 1 hour and 21 minutes to sexual assaults in the military, while spending 1 hour and 13 minutes on the IRS hearings. Fox News spent almost 4 hours on the IRS hearing and less than 14 minutes on sexual assaults in the military.

Last month, Tantaros instructed her radio listeners to find anyone who voted for President Barack Obama and “punch them in the face.”

It's like we're in bizarro world. Fox accuses MSNBC for being the arm of the White House and being obsessed with meaningless issues...

I don't even...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, if you think about it, delaying approval for an organization's tax exempt status is simply another kind of rape.
However, the data indicates cohorts typically deviate around their baseline without a general trend towards conservatism.

Well shit. So much for that. Glad to be part of the most liberal generation in generations. Wonder what happened to the Clinton people in 2004?


No Scrubs
It's like we're in bizarro world. Fox accuses MSNBC for being the arm of the White House and being obsessed with meaningless issues...

I don't even...

So they are mad at MSNBC for splitting their time evenly between the two stories and not jumping on the conspiracy wagon?

Fuck me...
War on Women.

Are you calling science a war!?!?

speak of the devil (science being the devil, of course)

A new study by the Pew Research Center finds that the GOP is alienating scientists to a startling degree.

Only six percent of America's scientists identify themselves as Republicans; fifty-five percent call themselves Democrats. By comparison, 23 percent of the overall public considers itself Republican, while 35 percent say they're Democrats.


The ideological discrepancies were similar. Nine percent of scientists said they were "conservative" while 52 percent described themselves as "liberal," and 14 percent "very liberal." The corresponding figures for the general public were 37, 20 and 5 percent.


edit: Just noticed only 23% consider themselves GOP overall. Oh man. I know some of those are now Tea Party, but it still demonstrates the problem.


Setec Astronomer
These charts are fascinating:

This was a regular topic in SciAm.

During Bush you had scientists claiming politicization of science funding, and now during Obama you have conservative pundits claiming politicization. Conservative pundits are obviously better in tune with what's actually going on in America.


Older scientists less likely to believe in God or higher power than younger ones. Never would have guessed that.

This is pretty common everywhere in academia, as far as I know. Very educated people are especially religious now relative to the somewhat recent past.



Wisconsin and Minnesota are neighboring states with long traditions of caring for the least fortunate, but, at the moment, only one of them is concerned about the health of the poor and uninsured.

In February, more than 130,000 Minnesota residents who lack health insurance became eligible for coverage when the state expanded its Medicaid program under the health care reform law. That will save the state $129 million in the first two years alone.

Wisconsin, however, has chosen to take the path of indifference. On Tuesday, the Republicans who control the State Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee voted to reject the expansion of Medicaid, even though it would have covered 85,000 people at less cost to the state. The committee was marching in lock step behind the governor, Scott Walker, who claims to be worried that federal financing will run out. What’s really going on, of course, is that state Republicans have made poor people the victims of their ideological resistance to President Obama and his health care law.

Hah, eat it you stupid cheeseheads!
Was this posted?

Its like the poligaf wetdream

5 Scary Myths You Probably Believe About the Economy


Before reading I'm going to guess:

- Public Debt Matters
- The Stock Market = How Well the Economy is Doing
- Spending = Lost Money
- China Owns Most of Our Debt
- Taxes are Abnormally High for the Time

EDIT - Only two out of five. But I knew all on the list already.
People were quite stingy about welfare 30 years ago; it's partially why democrats lost so many elections between 1968-1988. Blacks and Hispanics have been scapegoated over welfare for very a long time.

Ironically food stamps do more to stimulate the US economy than the policies many republicans advocate.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'm seeing a lot of my college friends from Wisconsin just staying in Minnesota. I know people from Minnesota and Wisconsin often relocate between the two states, but it feels like I don't know anyone who relocated from MN to Wisconsin on a permanent basis.

Nearly everyone I know from high school who went to school in Madison has either moved back here to the Twin Cities, or gone somewhere else in the upper midwest (Chicago, St Louis, Omaha, etc).

Wisconsin seems to be driving away a lot of people.
The Technomancer said:
Fuck Walker. So ashamed of my home-state for letting that moron in
How did that even happen? They went from electing Walker and Johnson in 2010 to Obama and Baldwin in 2012. Look, I know 2010 was crazy, but really?

I heard of any state, Wisconsin's senators have the largest ideological divide between them. Hopefully Feingold can come back in 2016 and rectify that

I'm seeing a lot of my college friends from Wisconsin just staying in Minnesota. I know people from Minnesota and Wisconsin often relocate between the two states, but it feels like I don't know anyone who relocated from MN to Wisconsin on a permanent basis.

Nearly everyone I know from high school who went to school in Madison has either moved back here to the Twin Cities, or gone somewhere else in the upper midwest (Chicago, St Louis, Omaha, etc).

Wisconsin seems to be driving away a lot of people.
Well yeah. It's Wisconsin. MN seems to have far more culture than beer and cheese land, but maybe that's a personal bias.

We definitely have more jobs, anyway.
Wisconsin is a shit state. NOBODY likes it here. You know that Ohio meme ("Welcome to Ohio! Haha now you're stuck in Ohio!")? I'm amazed it hasn't caught on for this state. Its nothing but hilly open fields, dinky small outdated cities (e.g. Kenosha and Green Bay), and only one sizable city Milwaukee which is the definition of a Rustbelt. The ONLY decent thing about Wisconsin is Madison. Its a pretty nice city, but I really don't like the college because it reeks of "pro-white liberalism" or "hypocritical liberalism", whatever term you prefer...
Wisconsin is a shit state. NOBODY likes it here. You know that Ohio meme ("Welcome to Ohio! Haha now you're stuck in Ohio!")? I'm amazed it hasn't caught on for this state. Its nothing but hilly open fields, dinky small outdated cities (e.g. Kenosha and Green Bay), and only one sizable city Milwaukee which is the definition of a Rustbelt. The ONLY decent thing about Wisconsin is Madison. Its a pretty nice city, but I really don't like the college because it reeks of "pro-white liberalism" or "hypocritical liberalism", whatever term you prefer...
i like to think of MN as Springfield and WI as Shelbyville

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