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PoliGAF 2013 |OT2| Worth 77% of OT1

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Usually I just lurk this thread, but I just wanted to throw my hat into the Wisconsin discussion a few pages back and say fuck this noise. It's crazy how much more vicious politics have gotten around here the past few years, and just about everyone I know is sick of it.

Walker's policies haven't exactly been helping matters.


No Scrubs
Looks like a wave of them were clipped. It's a dangerous time, but that's why they have that big marketing budget!

It's like a bloodbath...

Do you really believe the PS4 will be much different? Maybe. Sony is even more desperate for money than MS. But that could work either way. Will Sony go with less DRM in a bid to get more customers? Or will Sony implement pretty much the same policy and hope it makes them more money from license fees? Could go either way. But right now, it looks like Sony has more impressive hardware spec so perhaps they'll go with the same DRM plan and fight it out based on specs.


Pretty much what I expect to happen.
Must have been a dozen baaasheep that were banned. It was like the first wave of a middle ages battle.

Speaking of.....who thought those battles would ever end well?
Do you really believe the PS4 will be much different? Maybe. Sony is even more desperate for money than MS. But that could work either way. Will Sony go with less DRM in a bid to get more customers? Or will Sony implement pretty much the same policy and hope it makes them more money from license fees? Could go either way. But right now, it looks like Sony has more impressive hardware spec so perhaps they'll go with the same DRM plan and fight it out based on specs.


My biggest dislike is the required online check.

I buy a lot of my games through PSN so the resale thing doesn't hurt me as much I guess.
Steam, smartphones, PSN and the Kindle have really made an impact on me. I think I just buy a few physical games a year. I can always get online so I don't really pay attention to DRM fights as long as it isn't intrusive rootware shit.
Usually I just lurk this thread, but I just wanted to throw my hat into the Wisconsin discussion a few pages back and say fuck this noise. It's crazy how much more vicious politics have gotten around here the past few years, and just about everyone I know is sick of it.

Walker's policies haven't exactly been helping matters.

Wisconsin is under assault by the right. Fight back, brother.
Just build a PC. Join the master race.

vote republican
Maybe. At this point I don't have the time, nor the money, nor the will to learn all the doo-dads and specs and whatnot it takes to run a PC. I just want to plug something in and play. :(
I don't get why this thread is still so active even when virtually nothing substantial is going to happen for like the next 5 years except more gridlock. You're all masochists right?
Laws don't have to be passed for a political thread to be active.
Do you really believe the PS4 will be much different? Maybe. Sony is even more desperate for money than MS. But that could work either way. Will Sony go with less DRM in a bid to get more customers? Or will Sony implement pretty much the same policy and hope it makes them more money from license fees? Could go either way. But right now, it looks like Sony has more impressive hardware spec so perhaps they'll go with the same DRM plan and fight it out based on specs.


The gaming industry has little competition. I expect the PS4 to have many of the same policies. I mean, where else are gamers going to go?
I need to stop browsing gaf with multiple windows so i can stop making accidental posts in the wrong place...

Anyhow while I'm here, this NSA stuff is the first thing that has really gotten me pissed off at Obama's administration since the whole wikileaks thing. It's pretty damn ridiculous how much information they feel entitled to and how little information they feel we are entitled to.
I too am pissed at the Obama admin right now, what a massive asshole he is.

I am dead serious.


Usually I just lurk this thread, but I just wanted to throw my hat into the Wisconsin discussion a few pages back and say fuck this noise. It's crazy how much more vicious politics have gotten around here the past few years, and just about everyone I know is sick of it.

Walker's policies haven't exactly been helping matters.
Since the badger state been getting some hating in this thread I just wanted to chime in and say that I always liked it.
Not enough to live there, but I had good time in Milwaukee and Madison pretty much every time I've been there.
Plus you have a communist football team!
I too am pissed at the Obama admin right now, what a massive asshole he is.

I am dead serious.

Obama is a quintessential elite liberal. He has progressive personal opinions--most likely--but he thinks "the office"--as defined mostly by conservative elites over the last several decades--trumps those "personal" opinions. His "role" as president is not what his "role" as Senator was. To some extent, and in an ideal society, this might be true. But he fails to understand that what is needed is somebody with the fortitude to change what the office of the presidency is about. He has fundamentally failed to be transformative. That's hardly the worst criticism that could be leveled at somebody, but it's true. That said, his extension of executive power is truly vile such as grabbing the power to assassinate American citizens without trial.

I generally hate talking about the attributes of individual politicians, because I think they're largely irrelevant to what happens politically. It is far less relevant than what is happening among organized citizens and what demands are being loudly made and even threatened by them. Obama is constrained by the political environment in this regard, but it's no excuse for being a dick. As well, the ultimate problem is ours. We haven't made our voices opposed to this nonsense loud enough.

So let's fucking do it.
I was banned at the time of the Xbox One revealing at the time so I can now chime in on how I feel about the console.

...that is seriously the worst console I've ever seen. It almost makes the Wiiu look good.

Wisconsin is under assault by the right. Fight back, brother.
But that would mean the brown and black people from Milwaukee and the black people from Racine will get my money! Nothing on Earth could be worse than that! This would result in tons of wasteful spending and have us become one of the slowest growing states (economic wise) in the country. That's why I'm voting for Scott Walker.


Since we're being recorded every post from now on has to be disinformation. If it's urgent use pig latin.
אחותך זונה. קוקסינלים מתרגמים עם גוגל.


Translation: I'm a terrorist.
You can always count on the American intelligence community to not having the required language skills.
For real, it's shocking that only at the end of the cold war did they manage to build something resembling a credible Russian program, and I think we're all aware of how ill prepare they were to deal with Arabic and Farsi speaking people.

This had cost lives, repeatedly.


If the terrorists can't be bothered to learn English they can get out.
The terrorists did get out, I jumped off this sinking ship and moved to China.
Half the political parties, double the fun!

So you assholes better start posting screenshots the tweets you're talking about.


+175K, UE revised upward to 7.6%

March revised upward: 142K from 138K
April revised downward: 149K from 165K.

ugh. I guess it makes wall street happy because they were worried about scaled back QE... but we need to get out of the mid 100's doldrums


ugh. I guess it makes wall street happy because they were worried about scaled back QE... but we need to get out of the mid 100's doldrums

And as long as the jobs numbers don't turn negative, the impetus to repeal the sequester isn't there.


What's this about immunity?

In order to secure a company's cooperation, you would have to offer them immunity, in case a future president/administration comes in and wants to prosecute them for cooperating. Like, if the Supreme Court overturned the provisions of the PATRIOT act and then they were retroactively illegal. That would also eliminate the possibility of private litigation.


...this NSA stuff is the first thing that has really gotten me pissed off at Obama's administration since the whole wikileaks thing. It's pretty damn ridiculous how much information they feel entitled to and how little information they feel we are entitled to.

As I understand this NSA business, it has been happening for 7+ years and it transcends the Obama Admin. It is perfectly legal thanks to the Patriot Act. They are allowed to collect phone records, but the law requires a search warrant for them to actually use the records.

It's entirely understandable to be pissed at the Obama admin for allowing this to continue. Just know they didn't create it.

Also, I love how conservatives are hating on this issue now. But when liberals were making the same complaints during the Patriot Act debate, they were sitting on their hands saying "freedom isn't free".

It's as much the institution of the presidency as it is Obama.

Well said, Dax.
David Simon offers a defense of the NSA's actions. He doesn't see a problem with it because nobody is listening in on phonecalls or seeing text messages.

Allow for a comparable example, dating to the early 1980s in a place called Baltimore, Maryland.

There, city detectives once began to suspect that major traffickers were using a combination of public pay phones and digital pagers to communicate their business. And they took their suspicions to a judge and obtained court orders — not to monitor any particular suspect, but to instead cull the dialed numbers from the thousands and thousands of calls made to and from certain city pay phones.

Think about it. There is certainly a public expectation of privacy when you pick up a pay phone on the streets of Baltimore, is there not? And certainly, the detectives knew that many, many Baltimoreans were using those pay phones for legitimate telephonic communication. Yet, a city judge had no problem allowing them to place dialed-number recorders on as many pay phones as they felt the need to monitor, knowing that every single number dialed to or from those phones would be captured. So authorized, detectives gleaned the numbers of digital pagers and they began monitoring the incoming digitized numbers on those pagers — even though they had yet to learn to whom those pagers belonged. The judges were okay with that, too, and signed another order allowing the suspect pagers to be “cloned” by detectives, even though in some cases the suspect in possession of the pager was not yet positively identified.

All of that — even in the less fevered, pre-Patriot Act days of yore — was entirely legal. Why?

Because they aren’t listening to the calls.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Obama unsurprisingly defends PRISM.

Disappointing, but this is the main problem right here:

"The programs are secret in the sense that they are classified. They are not secret, in that every member of Congress has been briefed," he said during a speech in San Jose, Calif. "These are programs that have been authored by large bipartisan majorities repeatedly since 2006."

Our congress is awful. I can't wait for the feigned outrage by Republicans in congress over this as another attempt to create a controversy for the WH. The main issue I see here, the real controversy, is that our congress authored these bills allowing this to happen. People should be outraged at them, and push them to repeal these programs. :/


I see the outrage from the Right has already began. Obama is such a terroris sympathizer!


No Scrubs

The thing I most hate about the NSA stuff is it lets all the high and mighty people spout the BS about "I don't vote for anybody!" "they're all the same" "the US is beyond repair" "I've been saying this forever."

It does nothing but make these people feel that their SOO much better than the rest of US. I especially hate the idiots who are saying "well i'm never voting for a democrat again" because there is a hell of a lot Obama does that's not this (economy, war, social policy, etc.) and that stuff is important too.
Question about Udall and Wyden's hinting at this program.

How can they be prevented from speaking. Don't they have constitutional protections to be free from prosecution in their role as senators

They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

Or would that be a felony? Isn't that how the pentagon papers got out after the Nixon admin tried to block the NYT from publishing?
+175K, UE revised upward to 7.6%

March revised upward: 142K from 138K
April revised downward: 149K from 165K.

over 400k more people in the labor force this month, 300k more people working (population survey).

UE only went up because more people are returning to looking for work. Again, this is a good sign.

The "not in labor force" number dropped by 200k, which is huge. Discouraged also dropped by 55k.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
And as long as the jobs numbers don't turn negative, the impetus to repeal the sequester isn't there.

If jobs numbers were negative, the only thing that would come out of it is the argument to revert back to the Bush tax rates on the rich.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
The thing I most hate about the NSA stuff is it lets all the high and mighty people spout the BS about "I don't vote for anybody!" "they're all the same" "the US is beyond repair" "I've been saying this forever."

It does nothing but make these people feel that their SOO much better than the rest of US. I especially hate the idiots who are saying "well i'm never voting for a democrat again" because there is a hell of a lot Obama does that's not this (economy, war, social policy, etc.) and that stuff is important too.

He didn't even really do this, as in start it, he just continued it... as it would have continued if McCain had been president. Not that I am excusing it, but the change has to start in congress and how they view the Patriot act, the "fight against terror" and our civil liberties. This is pretty much 95% congress at fault here. In my eyes.
If jobs numbers were negative, the only thing that would come out of it is the argument to revert back to the Bush tax rates on the rich.

And the deficit is hurting, more cuts!

For the austerians, the data always supports their conclusion. Whatever the jobs number is, it would be better with less spending and less taxes. Always.
He didn't even really do this, as in start it, he just continued it... as it would have continued if McCain had been president. Not that I am excusing it, but the change has to start in congress and how they view the Patriot act, the "fight against terror" and our civil liberties. This is pretty much 95% congress at fault here. In my eyes.

No if anything its 50%- 50%. Obama can ignore the authority he's been given. He didn't.

the guardian got another leak about Bamas drawing up cyber war plans. this is the first the leaks when I feel is outrageous and serves no purpose other than embarrassment especially with its timing and meeting with Xi. I have no problem with the president drawing up war plans. And this leak only serves to weaken the country.

I have a feeling these all come from one person and they're just leaking everything to greenwald. the other articles were free from hyperbole this one isn't.
This document leak has been kind of nuts. My company basically turned off the internet today aside from (surprisingly) gmail and GAF and we were sent an e-mail explicitly telling us not to look at the documents from home.

you work in the government or contracting?
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