This word 'redistributed' is quite misleading. Only a tiny fraction of people would suggest actually taking money from rich people and giving it to poor people beyond the existing welfare programs. The 'redistribution' that should occur is tax the rich more and use the money on public works projects building bridges, roads, a smart grid, green energy, energy conservation projects, etc. CREATE JOBS not just give money.
Sanders for president
I'd be a waste of money for Warren to run in 2016. Nothing stops the Hillary train.
Biden shouldn't even bother.
I mean I want Warren to run badly because we really need a good amount of social democracy in the US. It's worked in pretty much every other first world capitalist country so why wouldn't it work here?
Also I doubt Clinton will be EXACTLY in terms of policy like Obama because Obama tried to be bipartisan while Hillary made it clear when she was running for President that she wasn't interested in being bipartisan.
Hell, if Hillary were President we might have gotten a larger stimulus and a public option, and maybe we could've gotten larger majorities in Congress in 2008 because her margin of victory would've been larger due to her appeal to white people. Hillary probably would've taken Kentucky, West Virgina, Missouri, Georgia and Montana along with what Obama got.
You hear that tea partiers? The Republicans are becoming more moderate! Soon they'll help Obama pass more deals in Congress!Vice President Joe Biden during a speech in North Carolina cited the outcome of the Republican runoff for the special election for Alabama's first congressional district as a sign that the Republican Party is moving back to a more "mainstream conservative" position.
"Your father's Republican Party is trying to come back," Biden said Friday according to a White House pool report. "The business community came along and said enough is enough. You are going to see the Republican Party wrestle back eventually to a mainstream conservative position and that's good."
Biden was referring to the business-backed state Sen. Bradley Byrne (R) who beat conservative activist Dean Young in the Republican runoff for the special election for Alabama's first congressional district. Byrne's victory was hailed as a win for the more business-aligned fraction of the Republican party and a defeat for social conservative Republicans.
Biden continued that there needs to be a "strong Republican Party" so that Democrats "have somebody we can look across the aisle and make a deal with."
I agree that she probably would have been able to carry more states than Obama in 2008 because of the racism directed against him, but I have my doubts she would have been able to sustain that additional popularity going forward. I think she probably would have ended up near the same place Obama did in 2012 in terms of electoral success. My sense is that given current demographics and economic conditions, the national electorate has been at somewhat of an equilibrium since 2000 where, absent significant events like wars, financial crises, and unpopular attempts to change programs like Social Security and Medicare, the tide is slowly shifting towards Democrats, but elections are still close.
Like I said before, I think Hillary would've been more willing to use her political muscle, she would've realized early on that the GOP had no interest in working with her, and would've probably used her congressional majorities more effectively. She wouldn't. for example, let the princesses from Maine gut the stimulus. Believe it or not I think the economy would be better off today if Hillary were President.
Wow, how did I miss Juan Williams' Fox News article on the ACA on the 5th?
There. Can you all shut your pork traps, now?
It is on this subject that many on the political left deeply hold some serious anti-scientific beliefs. Set aside the fact that twice as many Democrats as Republicans believe in astrology, a pseudoscientific medieval farce. Left-wing ideologues also frequently espouse an irrational fear of nuclear power, genetic modification, and industrial and agricultural chemistryeven though all of these scientific breakthroughs have enriched lives, lengthened lifespans, and produced substantial economic growth over the last century.
There. Can you all shut your pork traps, now?
Not sure if you posted this seriously, but:
"Gordon Crovitz of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page reopens the ancient debate over who invented the Internet with a column Monday calling out the notion that it was the government as an 'urban legend.'
"And while I'm gratified in a sense that he cites my book about Xerox PARC, 'Dealers of Lightning,' to support his case, it's my duty to point out that he's wrong. My book bolsters, not contradicts, the argument that the Internet had its roots in the ARPANet, a government project."
The best part of that was that one of the dudes who really was instrumental in creating the internet who he sourced wound up debunking his claims.
Did you guys know the civil war wasn't about slavery?
Slavery only played a small part. And the confederate flag isn't racist? It only represents an admirable political tradition.
I hope the guy who killed that poor girl didn't think "since zimmerman got away i can too."
She was killed because she was black, plain and simple.
Glad to see others who have seen through the PC historyAlso the slaves weren't forced into bondage they gave up their freedom gladly and with a happy song.
'Reasonable person'? Well, Richard Cohen is a expert on that. What would Richard Cohen think?
I hope the guy who killed that poor girl didn't think "since zimmerman got away i can too."
She was killed because she was black, plain and simple.
'Reasonable person'? Well, Richard Cohen is a expert on that. What would Richard Cohen think?
'Reasonable person'? Well, Richard Cohen is a expert on that. What would Richard Cohen think?
Like I said before, I think Clinton would've had bigger majorities in Congress because she would've had a larger margin of victory cause she was white.
I wanted to know if what I was doing with my 401k is right, since I'm an utterly useless noob when it comes to investment. Was worried over my rate of return and the allocations. Opiate and Piecake helped guide me into mutual funds in an investment thread and I made a small bit of bank thanks to them.What kind of advice you looking for?
So does that make 2014 the reckoningThe only two close races was the Martin/Chambliss race in Georgia (refer back to my talk about Georgia) and Kentucky, which McConnell won by 6%.
Dammit why is piecake banned? I wanted some 401k advice from him
Edit: I guess I will bother Opiate
I wanted to know if what I was doing with my 401k is right, since I'm an utterly useless noob when it comes to investment. Was worried over my rate of return and the allocations. Opiate and Piecake helped guide me into mutual funds in an investment thread and I made a small bit of bank thanks to them.
I think thats what I did. Opiate suggested to spread it evenly. Previously it was 100% bonds. Now for future allocations its 25% bonds, 25% large cap index, 25% small-mid cap index and remaining 25% international stocks.I'll fill in.
Invest in index funds.
There, done.
Absolutely.If y'all didn't have your fill with the stupid false equivalencies this week, here's another one -
Democrats are equally as anti-science as Republicans:
There. Can you all shut your pork traps, now?
No, it's more subversive. Alternative medicine, anti GMO, and the like.yeah, everyone knows forcing astrology in classrooms is a big part of the democratic party platform
No, it's more subversive. Alternative medicine, anti GMO, and the like.
Doesn't mean Hillary would have wasted months playing kick-the-football with Olympia "Lucy" Snowe on healthcare. Nor would she be an atrocious negotiator, ie constantly giving up concessions before even reaching the table, thus allowing debates to be fought on conservative territory.Again. It doesn't matter if Hillary, Obama, or emptyvessel was President, Ben Nelson was still the 60th vote and Joe Lieberman is still an asshole. There's your issue.
If y'all didn't have your fill with the stupid false equivalencies this week, here's another one -
Democrats are equally as anti-science as Republicans:
It is on this subject that many on the political left deeply hold some serious anti-scientific beliefs. Set aside the fact that twice as many Democrats as Republicans believe in astrology, a pseudoscientific medieval farce. Left-wing ideologues also frequently espouse an irrational fear of nuclear power, genetic modification, and industrial and agricultural chemistryeven though all of these scientific breakthroughs have enriched lives, lengthened lifespans, and produced substantial economic growth over the last century.
Derp derp.
Empty Vessel doesn't understand that using the name of a random victim that is the exact same as a very well-known person in the Muslim world is incredibly stupid messaging that is only going to be preaching the choir of people that obsessively follow the issue and will be misunderstood by the vast majority of the population.
Edit: Actually . . . your posting is a great example of the problems with the far-left. "We are the terrorists." No. I am not a fucking terrorist. I don't know what you do in your spare time but I don't target innocent civilians with violence for political reasons.
But calling your fellow Americans terrorists? People are just going to say "Fuck you, you loony." You are just going alienate the people you are trying to persuade. It is known as the "Blame American first" problem.
Isn't it true that Hillary privately admitted she wouldn't even try to tackle healthcare until she secured a second term? Not sure, either way I don't think she would have spent as much time on it as Obama allowed.Doesn't mean Hillary would have wasted months playing kick-the-football with Olympia "Lucy" Snowe on healthcare. Nor would she be an atrocious negotiator, ie constantly giving up concessions before even reaching the table, thus allowing debates to be fought on conservative territory.
Would Hillary get healthcare passed? Who knows. She would have gotten some major policy passed I'm sure, just as any democrat president would have in that situation (soon to be 60 senate super majority, majority in house).
When my husband moved here (to Canada) he was a Chilean living in Spain. When he first arrived, he couldnt believe how little we had to work for such money, and how we had the audacity to complain about being overworked. He was surprised that he could make enough to pay bills, buy groceries, pay rent, and still afford a social life and luxuries like our xbox while working as a pizza chef. Back home, he was working 12-16 hour days 6 days a week, with an extra 6 hour shift on Sundays, and he was making half as much. He had to work 8 months (while living with his mother) to afford the ~$4000 that constituted his plane tickets and first two months living expenses.
Now, he is lazy and entitled like the rest of us.
I saw this before and it enraged me.If y'all didn't have your fill with the stupid false equivalencies this week, here's another one -
Democrats are equally as anti-science as Republicans:
Doesn't mean Hillary would have wasted months playing kick-the-football with Olympia "Lucy" Snowe on healthcare. Nor would she be an atrocious negotiator, ie constantly giving up concessions before even reaching the table, thus allowing debates to be fought on conservative territory.
Would Hillary get healthcare passed? Who knows. She would have gotten some major policy passed I'm sure, just as any democrat president would have in that situation (soon to be 60 senate super majority, majority in house).
Doesn't mean Hillary would have wasted months playing kick-the-football with Olympia "Lucy" Snowe on healthcare. Nor would she be an atrocious negotiator, ie constantly giving up concessions before even reaching the table, thus allowing debates to be fought on conservative territory.
Would Hillary get healthcare passed? Who knows. She would have gotten some major policy passed I'm sure, just as any democrat president would have in that situation (soon to be 60 senate super majority, majority in house).