Black Mamba
I just don't buy this. The White House's gameplan since 2010 has been to send Obama out to give speeches about various issues and shame congress for not doing x,y,z. I don't remember the last time it worked. This year valuable time was wasted on a shitty gun bill and a pie-in-the-sky Pre K. When the WH pivoted back to the economy (due to NSA/IRS problems), there was very little focus outside of speeches. I don't want to hear about a Jobs Bill that went nowhere - it should be obvious the House will not pass a White House bill. The goal should be to work with the senate on smaller bills that can pass the House.
Does anyone think a corporate tax cut couldn't pass? Or tax reform in general. It's a pinata Paul Ryan has wanted to pop for awhile. Likewise Dave Camp has been trying to make moves on tax reform, but was shut down by Boehner apparently. Democrats can't get the ball rolling in the senate, with the White House nudging them a bit?
Empty Vessel time: eliminate the payroll tax for employers and employees; the big reason the GOP didn't like the past payroll tax holiday was because it was temporarily and thus increased "uncertainty" (lol, I know). End it outright then.
I don't see any focus from the White House on anything, economically.
1. The GOP will NEVER eliminate the payroll tax. Are you high? It's a direct tax on the middle and lower class, something the GOP loves. Remember, the GOP is not opposed to tax hikes for regular folk (see airline fee hike), they're solely opposed to taxes on "job creators" aka the elite. They are very much in favor of hiking taxes on the middle to lower classes.
2. Passing a corporate tax cut is useless unless it is accompanied with closing loopholes, which again the GOP will not pass.
FFS, Ryan refused to name a single deduction he'd eliminate during their election run. Reason being he only wanted to eliminate deductions for children and such, not mortgages and charity.
Stop with this pie in the sky bullshit. Nothing of consequence is ever getting through the House unless their control of the House is directly affected by it (ie debt ceiling). None of these smaller bills are possible.
The only card Obama has is to use the bully pulpit and slowly erode or eliminate their advantage through election. Any other reasoning is purely delusional.