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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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That Obama statement...jesus fuck. I understand he can't say whatever he wants, I'm not mad about that. But it's amazing how utterly weak and ineffective he sounds when talking about just about anything relating to race. Capped off by the utterly pathetic refusal to straight up answer whether he'll go to Ferguson or not. You have to wait and see how things play out? Get the fuck off my television.

It's amazing at how he shrinks whenever given the opportunity to do or say anything of importance, or take a risk. There's truly nothing historic about him but his race. I'm ranting but that statement put the icing on a shitty cake tonight, fuck it.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Hannity:

As Sean Hannity anchored Fox News’ breaking coverage of Ferguson tonight, he reminded guests that back in August, President Obama sent three White House aides to Michael Brown‘s funeral back in August “in their rush to judgment, before any evidence was presented.”

Hannity noted how Obama sent these representatives “for a guy that––pretty much, this grand jury determined––reached for an officer’s gun and may have had the intent of killing him.”

And so, Hannity asked, “What does that say about the White House?”
That Obama statement...jesus fuck. I understand he can't say whatever he wants, I'm not mad about that. But it's amazing how utterly weak and ineffective he sounds when talking about just about anything relating to race. Capped off by the utterly pathetic refusal to straight up answer whether he'll go to Ferguson or not. You have to wait and see how things play out? Get the fuck off my television.

It's amazing at how he shrinks whenever given the opportunity to do or say anything of importance, or take a risk. There's truly nothing historic about him but his race. I'm ranting but that statement put the icing on a shitty cake tonight, fuck it.

I hate to agree with this but that statement was kind of a low point in Obama's presidency.


That Obama statement...jesus fuck. I understand he can't say whatever he wants, I'm not mad about that. But it's amazing how utterly weak and ineffective he sounds when talking about just about anything relating to race. Capped off by the utterly pathetic refusal to straight up answer whether he'll go to Ferguson or not. You have to wait and see how things play out? Get the fuck off my television.

It's amazing at how he shrinks whenever given the opportunity to do or say anything of importance, or take a risk. There's truly nothing historic about him but his race. I'm ranting but that statement put the icing on a shitty cake tonight, fuck it.

My #1 complaint about him has consistently been that he's been too much of a wimp. He's George H.W. Bush with an electoral college buff.

The office may constrain, but the bully pulpit is there waiting for him, and he's been woefully, pathetically inadequate in that department.

The moment Obama opens his mouth the issue is partisan even more so than it already is. The issues dies.

Social media is doing better than he could ever do. Obama is a community organizer, he understands this. He can give a great race speech (see a more perfect union, he could be my son) but sees the youth and media reporting and sharing what needs to be shared.

What would he add besides making it about him and not about mike brown and Ferguson and police overreach?


The moment Obama opens his mouth the issue is partisan even more so than it already is. The issues dies.

Social media is doing better than he could ever do. Obama is a community organizer, he understands this. He can give a great race speech (see a more perfect union, he could be my son) but sees the youth and media reporting and sharing what needs to be shared.

What would he add besides making it about him and not about mike brown and Ferguson and police overreach?

If social media were doing so allegedly well, we wouldn't have seen historically piss-poor turnout. His opponents are going to politicize every issue he touches (no matter how mildly he touches them), but he could've done a hell of a lot better in whipping-up his own base.

Not just on this issue. He's been far too cowardly in forcefully advocating his side of various debates. I understand completely why he did it prior to 2012, but once he secured his second term, he's been entirely too weak.
If social media were doing so allegedly well, we wouldn't have seen historically piss-poor turnout. His opponents are going to politicize every issue he touches (no matter how mildly he touches them), but he could've done a hell of a lot better in whipping-up his own base.

Not just on this issue. He's been far too cowardly in forcefully advocating his side of various debates. I understand completely why he did it prior to 2012, but once he secured his second term, he's been entirely too weak.

He should just be in fuck it mode and lay into it.
If social media were doing so allegedly well, we wouldn't have seen historically piss-poor turnout. His opponents are going to politicize every issue he touches (no matter how mildly he touches them), but he could've done a hell of a lot better in whipping-up his own base.

Not just on this issue. He's been far too cowardly in forcefully advocating his side of various debates. I understand completely why he did it prior to 2012, but once he secured his second term, he's been entirely too weak.

are you talking about ferguson or the midterms. I'm talking about ferguson
Obama has never really opened up about the racial inequalities in America, how the majority of wealth was built on slaves, how blacks were shut out of the postwar dream. White people need to hear the issues of black people outside of that fucking Bill Cosby speech where he blames all black people for the problems they face.
Obama has never really opened up about the racial inequalities in America, how the majority of wealth was built on slaves, how blacks were shut out of the postwar dream. White people need to hear the issues of black people outside of that fucking Bill Cosby speech where he blames all black people for the problems they face.

The problem is that White People only take race issues seriously when a white person is calling them out on it.

If a black man does it, they'll just assume he's playing the race card and therefore what he says is invalid or hyperbole.
This is true, but look at it this way: Win or lose, it will finally get this city to take public transportation seriously.

at the very (and good LORD do I mean very) least, it might get the city to finally get on implementing easily-accessible public transportation to Port Columbus that doesn't amount to "hope you scheduled a flight during the two weeks all year that the #52 runs" or "live east of Bexley"


So it looks like the GOP here in PA is flirting with gerrymandering the EV before Corbett leaves office.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did it.
Obama takes the black vote for granted, just as democrats have for 30+ years. From the asinine comments he makes to shame black people into voting to the utter disinterest in discussing black issues, I'm just tired of it. I understand he can't say what Holder says, I get that. But he looked like an utter fool last night, a man with little conviction. Are you going to Ferguson or not.

No wonder some people actively complain that he shows love to Hispanics and gay people yet won't even do basic things with the black community, didn't seem to recognize the power of his mere presence until his second term, etc. How's that Brother's Keeper program going. I've had enough.
To be fair I think Cornell West is an idiot on many political issues, however I'm going to assume he's on point concerning last night. It was a disgrace and made me sick. I'm not going to talk about it anymore.

A couple hours before the fiasco Brian Beutler posted an article about how powerful it would be for Obama to go to Ferguson....talk about bad timing. You can kiss that fantasy goodbye after that waffling bullshit.
To be fair I think Cornell West is an idiot on many political issues, however I'm going to assume he's on point concerning last night. It was a disgrace and made me sick. I'm not going to talk about it anymore.

A couple hours before the fiasco Brian Beutler posted an article about how powerful it would be for Obama to go to Ferguson....talk about bad timing. You can kiss that fantasy goodbye after that waffling bullshit.

say he goes.

What does he say? How would they deal with the increased security, who is going to provide it? St Louis police? Could they're be more mishaps? What if what he says doesn't please who he is talking to? What if the right over reacts and pulls back on some signs they are wanting to tackle police over reach and sentencing disparities and mandatory minimums?

What does it accomplish? Obama isn't a civil rights leaders and he's not going to lead on this. He never has after the beer summit became a joke because white america doesn't want to talk about these issues. They have to be forced into them with community action that forces attention. LBJ and Eisenhower didn't take the lead in civil rights. They were forced into it by community action. Who cares how 'powerful' it would be? How would it help and change anything? That's what the focus IMO should be on.

Obama has talked about these things, he's talked about his fear for his daughter and hypothetical son, he's talked about how things he's done could have gotten him killed, he's talked about being profiled.

There's this idea that Obama is some kind of MLK Jr type figure that can heal the nation and fix issues with a great speech. Its wishful thinking and ignorant of what Obama always has been which is never a civil rights leader, he stopped being a community organizer when he won office, his role changed. Real civil rights leaders are still dragged through the mud and made a mockery off (look at Jackson and Sharpton and their image in white america, especially in conservative media). You want Obama to follow in that? I'm sure you can say he can do stuff different and sharpton and jackson have done some stuff that justifies some of the reaction but to think Obama will be free from that vitriol?

I wish obama could do that and give a speech which can explain the situation to the millions ignorant of it. But he can't and its green latern thinking to think he can.

Civil rights movement has never come from politician lead movements. Emancipation came from years and year and years of agitation from anti-slavery activists which included violence and severe suppression before any sort of 'free-soil party'was formed, civil rights took years and years before the courts would even begin to change things, let alone politicians. The police and justice by and large in the American public discourse have been held to be role models, it is only in smaller communities where these issues have been tackled. Its just started to leak over.

I can't tell someone who's been harrassed by the police, looked at fearfully, etc to 'be patient' or 'understand'. Its not my place and I'm not the victim of the violence and inhuman actions go a head and be angry, protest, complain, fight for change, but these changes have happened and what many are asking for by going to the president ignores how every other change has come about which is through people organizing and forcing change not politicians changing hearts and minds


say he goes.

What does he say? How would they deal with the increased security, who is going to provide it? St Louis police? Could they're be more mishaps? What if what he says doesn't please who he is talking to? What if the right over reacts and pulls back on some signs they are wanting to tackle police over reach and sentencing disparities and mandatory minimums?

What does it accomplish? Obama isn't a civil rights leaders and he's not going to lead on this. He never has after the beer summit became a joke because white america doesn't want to talk about these issues. They have to be forced into them with community action that forces attention. LBJ and Eisenhower didn't take the lead in civil rights. They were forced into it by community action. Who cares how 'powerful' it would be? How would it help and change anything? That's what the focus IMO should be on.

Obama has talked about these things, he's talked about his fear for his daughter and hypothetical son, he's talked about how things he's done could have gotten him killed, he's talked about being profiled.

There's this idea that Obama is some kind of MLK Jr type figure that can heal the nation and fix issues with a great speech. Its wishful thinking and ignorant of what Obama always has been which is never a civil rights leader, he stopped being a community organizer when he won office, his role changed. Real civil rights leaders are still dragged through the mud and made a mockery off (look at Jackson and Sharpton and their image in white america, especially in conservative media). You want Obama to follow in that? I'm sure you can say he can do stuff different and sharpton and jackson have done some stuff that justifies some of the reaction but to think Obama will be free from that vitriol?

I wish obama could do that and give a speech which can explain the situation to the millions ignorant of it. But he can't and its green latern thinking to think he can.

Civil rights movement has never come from politician lead movements. Emancipation came from years and year and years of agitation from anti-slavery activists which included violence and severe suppression before any sort of 'free-soil party'was formed, civil rights took years and years before the courts would even begin to change things, let alone politicians. The police and justice by and large in the American public discourse have been held to be role models, it is only in smaller communities where these issues have been tackled. Its just started to leak over.

I can't tell someone who's been harrassed by the police, looked at fearfully, etc to 'be patient' or 'understand'. Its not my place and I'm not the victim of the violence and inhuman actions go a head and be angry, protest, complain, fight for change, but these changes have happened and what many are asking for by going to the president ignores how every other change has come about which is through people organizing and forcing change not politicians changing hearts and minds
All this + the rise of Fox News.
I was talking with an old white guy the other day who was saying that Obama had brought America's race relations 50 years back, and that everything was fine before he took office.

I don't know how to deal with that kind of person.
I was talking with an old white guy the other day who was saying that Obama had brought America's race relations 50 years back, and that everything was fine before he took office.

I don't know how to deal with that kind of person.

Tell him Obama didn't do anything. His reaction to obama did.

edit: its from last week


I was talking with an old white guy the other day who was saying that Obama had brought America's race relations 50 years back, and that everything was fine before he took office.

I don't know how to deal with that kind of person.

This has been a conservative talking point ever since Obama came into office. It is just an excuse people make for themselves to be racist. He's basically saying Obama's mere existence "forced" him to be a bigot, which is laughable if it weren't so sad.
say he goes.

What does he say? How would they deal with the increased security, who is going to provide it? St Louis police? Could they're be more mishaps? What if what he says doesn't please who he is talking to? What if the right over reacts and pulls back on some signs they are wanting to tackle police over reach and sentencing disparities and mandatory minimums?

What does it accomplish? Obama isn't a civil rights leaders and he's not going to lead on this. He never has after the beer summit became a joke because white america doesn't want to talk about these issues. They have to be forced into them with community action that forces attention. LBJ and Eisenhower didn't take the lead in civil rights. They were forced into it by community action. Who cares how 'powerful' it would be? How would it help and change anything? That's what the focus IMO should be on.

Obama has talked about these things, he's talked about his fear for his daughter and hypothetical son, he's talked about how things he's done could have gotten him killed, he's talked about being profiled.

There's this idea that Obama is some kind of MLK Jr type figure that can heal the nation and fix issues with a great speech. Its wishful thinking and ignorant of what Obama always has been which is never a civil rights leader, he stopped being a community organizer when he won office, his role changed. Real civil rights leaders are still dragged through the mud and made a mockery off (look at Jackson and Sharpton and their image in white america, especially in conservative media). You want Obama to follow in that? I'm sure you can say he can do stuff different and sharpton and jackson have done some stuff that justifies some of the reaction but to think Obama will be free from that vitriol?

I wish obama could do that and give a speech which can explain the situation to the millions ignorant of it. But he can't and its green latern thinking to think he can.

Civil rights movement has never come from politician lead movements. Emancipation came from years and year and years of agitation from anti-slavery activists which included violence and severe suppression before any sort of 'free-soil party'was formed, civil rights took years and years before the courts would even begin to change things, let alone politicians. The police and justice by and large in the American public discourse have been held to be role models, it is only in smaller communities where these issues have been tackled. Its just started to leak over.

I can't tell someone who's been harrassed by the police, looked at fearfully, etc to 'be patient' or 'understand'. Its not my place and I'm not the victim of the violence and inhuman actions go a head and be angry, protest, complain, fight for change, but these changes have happened and what many are asking for by going to the president ignores how every other change has come about which is through people organizing and forcing change not politicians changing hearts and minds

No one is suggesting Obama should be MLK. Let's get that out the way first.

Nor do I subscribe to the idea that a speech will solve any or everything. My problem is that Obama is a historical figure whether he likes it or not, yet time and time again has shirked from any of the responsibility (or advantages) this gives him. I'm not sure exactly what he would say at Ferguson, but I believe he should go to meet with the Wallace family and speak with some of the city's youth and citizens who clearly feel like they've been abandoned. Obama's mere existence proves those who claim "nothing" has been accomplished wrong.

The nation's racial lines won't be healed anytime soon, I know that. However the image of weak, waffling president unwilling to tell a city under siege whether he's coming or not struck me the wrong way to put it lightly. Obama is not a magician, I don't feel he should have said anything last night, given that all he could say was the usual "on one hand x, on the other hand y." Ferguson would be a perfect place to talk about this issue earnestly. And to not just trot out the whitewashed MLK quotes, but also discuss MLK's views on riots and how it relates here. Yes there are agitators who are pieces of shit looking for any excuse to riot, however the majority of those protestors struck me as the helpless striking out the only way they could.

I don't give a shit what Fox says, and clearly the WH doesn't either when it comes to a variety of divisive issues. Except issues of civil rights or just about anything relating to black people.

I'd rather have Obama just sit down and talk with these people instead of talking over them with out of touch, robotic speeches. He is on fucking record saying he was shocked that many younger black people don't know his story, and how he saw how powerful it was when he sat down with a group of young black men/teens. I don't care whether cameras are there or not - that's the type of stuff I'd want to see. Yet it took him 5 years to realize that - that's pathetic to me. And since announcing the Brother's Keeper "program" he hasn't done much of anything with it. In short, another half measure that pleases no one.
No one is suggesting Obama should be MLK. Let's get that out the way first.

Nor do I subscribe to the idea that a speech will solve any or everything. My problem is that Obama is a historical figure whether he likes it or not, yet time and time again has shirked from any of the responsibility (or advantages) this gives him. I'm not sure exactly what he would say at Ferguson, but I believe he should go to meet with the Wallace family and speak with some of the city's youth and citizens who clearly feel like they've been abandoned. Obama's mere existence proves those who claim "nothing" has been accomplished wrong.

The nation's racial lines won't be healed anytime soon, I know that. However the image of weak, waffling president unwilling to tell a city under siege whether he's coming or not struck me the wrong way to put it lightly. Obama is not a magician, I don't feel he should have said anything last night, given that all he could say was the usual "on one hand x, on the other hand y." Ferguson would be a perfect place to talk about this issue earnestly. And to not just trot out the whitewashed MLK quotes, but also discuss MLK's views on riots and how it relates here. Yes there are agitators who are pieces of shit looking for any excuse to riot, however the majority of those protestors struck me as the helpless striking out the only way they could.

I don't give a shit what Fox says, and clearly the WH doesn't either when it comes to a variety of divisive issues. Except issues of civil rights or just about anything relating to black people.

I'd rather have Obama just sit down and talk with these people instead of talking over them with out of touch, robotic speeches. He is on fucking record saying he was shocked that many younger black people don't know his story, and how he saw how powerful it was when he sat down with a group of young black men/teens. I don't care whether cameras are there or not - that's the type of stuff I'd want to see. Yet it took him 5 years to realize that - that's pathetic to me. And since announcing the Brother's Keeper "program" he hasn't done much of anything with it. In short, another half measure that pleases no one.


Ezra echos me, you should care what FOX thinks if you want to do anything to change any views white america has.

I echo you on calling for him to do things off camera. I think that's important, but a speech isn't an answer. I think he should invite a group of activists to the white house and give an off the record type talk to them.

And Obama does care about polarization. He just picks and chooses when to polarize since he's realized that's what his speeches do. Polarization of Immigration marginalizes its opponents and hurts the opponents of reform. Polarization of racial issues prevents any progress and probably hurts because the south and republicans will even more forcefully deny there is a problem.
I disagree with Ezra. The only slight hope for truly improved race relations will be in 40-50 years when whites are a minority, but even that isn't a given. You can't combat Fox in the moment because they reach people who will never change their minds, specifically older whites.

A speech isn't the answer, as I said. I'd feel better to have a president who would just straight up say yes, I'm coming. And I'm going to sit down with the people of Ferguson. That's something Obama can do that no other president in US history could.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What the fuck are you doing, Harry??

Under the terms of the $444 billion agreement, lawmakers would phase out all tax breaks for clean energy and wind energy but would maintain fossil fuel subsidies. Expanded eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit would also end in 2017, even though the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that allowing the provisions to expire would push "16 million people in low-income working families, including 8 million children into—or deeper into—poverty." The proposal would help students pay for college by making permanent the American Permanent Opportunity Tax Credit, a Democratic priority.

Meanwhile, two-thirds of the package would make permanent tax provisions that are intended to help businesses, including a research and development credit, small business expensing, and a reduction in the S-Corp recognition period for built-in gains tax.

Good god, save some for fuckery for the Republicans. Why would you want to give these asshats ANYTHING now that you're losing the senate? Now is more important than ever to hold every piece of leverage you can. UGH.

Fortunately Obama's said he'd veto this if it comes to his desk, but why is this even a thing to begin with??!


What the fuck are you doing, Harry??

Good god, save some for fuckery for the Republicans. Why would you want to give these asshats ANYTHING now that you're losing the senate? Now is more important than ever to hold every piece of leverage you can. UGH.

Fortunately Obama's said he'd veto this if it comes to his desk, but why is this even a thing to begin with??!
Dude's already trying to hold off Sandoval.


Boehner said he was ready to appoint a new committee for BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENGAZI when the new congress meets.



Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has reached a compromise with House Republicans on a package of tax breaks that would permanently extend relief for big multinational corporations without providing breaks for middle or lower-income families, individuals with knowledge of the deal tell ThinkProgress.

Under the terms of the $444 billion agreement, lawmakers would phase out all tax breaks for clean energy and wind energy but would maintain fossil fuel subsidies. Expanded eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit would also end in 2017, even though the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that allowing the provisions to expire would push “16 million people in low-income working families, including 8 million children into — or deeper into — poverty.” The proposal would help students pay for college by making permanent the American Permanent Opportunity Tax Credit, a Democratic priority.

Meanwhile, two-thirds of the package would make permanent tax provisions that are intended to help businesses, including a research and development credit, small business expensing, and a reduction in the S-Corp recognition period for built-in gains tax.

The costs of the package will not be offset.

“This Congress seems willing to give huge tax cuts to big businesses—who are already doing better than ever—but somehow can’t prevent tax increases on 50 million working Americans that will occur when expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit expire,” Harry Stein, the Associate Director for Fiscal Policy at American Progress Action Fund, told ThinkProgress. “This is a great deal for CEOs and a terrible deal for struggling families.”

On Monday, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew also blasted the emerging agreement as “fiscally irresponsible” and doing “very little for working families.” He said, “Any deal on tax extenders must ensure that the economic benefits are broadly shared. We are committed to working with Congress to address the issue in a manner that is fiscally responsible and extends critical tax benefits for working families.”

In April, the Senate Finance Committee extended most of the 56 expiring tax provisions through 2015, while the House voted to make permanent breaks that primarily benefit businesses.

Congress is expected to vote on the package next week.



I was talking with an old white guy the other day who was saying that Obama had brought America's race relations 50 years back, and that everything was fine before he took office.

I don't know how to deal with that kind of person.

We will in 5-7 years from now look back and realize just how much insane racism Obama faced during his presidency. Obama will be seen like Jackie Robinson is today.


Obama takes the black vote for granted, just as democrats have for 30+ years. From the asinine comments he makes to shame black people into voting to the utter disinterest in discussing black issues, I'm just tired of it. I understand he can't say what Holder says, I get that. But he looked like an utter fool last night, a man with little conviction. Are you going to Ferguson or not.

No wonder some people actively complain that he shows love to Hispanics and gay people yet won't even do basic things with the black community, didn't seem to recognize the power of his mere presence until his second term, etc. How's that Brother's Keeper program going. I've had enough.

Maybe it's not my place, but I think after seeing how conservative media and conservative politicians wrap their arms around every single non-black person who kills black people you should be more attached to the Democratic party. Peter King fucking suggested Obama should invite Officer Wilson over and thank him for his fucking bravery.

I'm Armenian, Obama promised us he'd recognize the Genocide and it's been 6 years with absolutely no peep from him. In about 6 months' we're going to be at the 100 year anniversary. I don't expect him to keep his promise. Lots of Armenians are pissed.

But ffs...do you see these people on the conservative side? Jim Crow era segregationist level mentality, ALL OF THEM. You can't even argue it's just old people. My facebook has been littered with posts from people in their 20's and 30's who reliably vote Republican doing and saying the same exact shit.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

The Wall Street Journal’s Damien Paletta reported on Twitter that the deal was falling apart and that a White House spokesperson said President Obama would veto it anyway. Sen. Reid’s office also contacted ThinkProgress and denied it “signed off” on any deal without commenting on the specifics of the story.

THIS is why a democratic president is so important. The republicans look to screw over anybody who isn't rich any way they can.


Maybe it's not my place, but I think after seeing how conservative media and conservative politicians wrap their arms around every single non-black person who kills black people you should be more attached to the Democratic party. Peter King fucking suggested Obama should invite Officer Wilson over and thank him for his fucking bravery.
That's a reason to not vote for the GOP (and therefore to vote Democrat) but it isn't and shouldn't be a reason to give them free pass on this crap.
No one is suggesting Obama should be MLK. Let's get that out the way first.

Nor do I subscribe to the idea that a speech will solve any or everything. My problem is that Obama is a historical figure whether he likes it or not, yet time and time again has shirked from any of the responsibility (or advantages) this gives him. I'm not sure exactly what he would say at Ferguson, but I believe he should go to meet with the Wallace family and speak with some of the city's youth and citizens who clearly feel like they've been abandoned. Obama's mere existence proves those who claim "nothing" has been accomplished wrong.

The nation's racial lines won't be healed anytime soon, I know that. However the image of weak, waffling president unwilling to tell a city under siege whether he's coming or not struck me the wrong way to put it lightly. Obama is not a magician, I don't feel he should have said anything last night, given that all he could say was the usual "on one hand x, on the other hand y." Ferguson would be a perfect place to talk about this issue earnestly. And to not just trot out the whitewashed MLK quotes, but also discuss MLK's views on riots and how it relates here. Yes there are agitators who are pieces of shit looking for any excuse to riot, however the majority of those protestors struck me as the helpless striking out the only way they could.

I don't give a shit what Fox says, and clearly the WH doesn't either when it comes to a variety of divisive issues. Except issues of civil rights or just about anything relating to black people.

I'd rather have Obama just sit down and talk with these people instead of talking over them with out of touch, robotic speeches. He is on fucking record saying he was shocked that many younger black people don't know his story, and how he saw how powerful it was when he sat down with a group of young black men/teens. I don't care whether cameras are there or not - that's the type of stuff I'd want to see. Yet it took him 5 years to realize that - that's pathetic to me. And since announcing the Brother's Keeper "program" he hasn't done much of anything with it. In short, another half measure that pleases no one.
Well ask yourself if George W Bush or a hypothetical Mitt Romney should do all those things you mentioned if they were President? Obama is not the president of just black people. Obama can talk about "Black issues", and he HAS done so in a thoughtful manner so far. He did not go to the Texas border with the flood of guatemalan kids, and he won't go to every city that becomes a flashpoint for racial tension. I listened to his speech again, and he spoke to the legacy of slavery in the south and also the problem of law enforcement in minority communities. I mean the dude is from Chicago, he knows it first hand. Is there something more he could have done more to stop the STL riots? Maybe. But what more can he say or do to the protestors without sounding like Bill Cosby?


That's a reason to not vote for the GOP (and therefore to vote Democrat) but it isn't and shouldn't be a reason to give them free pass on this crap.

Voting for the party of NOT Neo Nazi's is pretty damn good reason.

This isn't the lesser of two evils. This is 1) evil or 2) just not as good as we'd like.

My anger towards white racists far exceeds the country's as a whole. My anger about the Armenian Genocide far exceeds the countries as a whole. No one is suggesting giving them a free pass, but I am suggesting that unrealistic expectations given the mood and state of the country isn't cause for abandoning or being pissed off about a party.


Voting for the party of NOT Neo Nazi's is pretty damn good reason.

This isn't the lesser of two evils. This is 1) evil or 2) just not as good as we'd like.

My anger towards white racists far exceeds the country's as a whole. My anger about the Armenian Genocide far exceeds the countries as a whole. No one is suggesting giving them a free pass, but I am suggesting that unrealistic expectations given the mood and state of the country isn't cause for abandoning or being pissed off about a party.
That's true if your totality of political engagement is voting.
But I think there's a whole lot of value in criticism the party you're voting for.
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