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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Obama is the chief executive, not a civil rights leader, I don't know what people want from him. Besides that, as more of the evidence has come out, it's pretty clear that the reason Wilson wasn't indicted is that there was a slim chance he would have been convicted. Brown didn't deserve to die, but it's clear he also made some pretty poor decisions that led to his killing. I think that's the main reason Obama doesn't want to take too strong a stance on this particular incident, it's not really that clear cut a case of civil rights abuse. He's even been very careful to not single out Ferguson when talking about the issue, but rather frame it as a national problem.


Ginsburg had a stent placed in her heart last night. After my initial shock, I'm actually relieved.

I used to do cardiac fluoroscopy before getting into MRI, so I'm quite familiar with the procedure. The great thing about her procedure is that while the doc is in there, he/she looks at all of the major vessels of the heart, making sure they're patent. Her chances of a heart attack just dropped significantly.

Still wish she would've retired. Woman's playing with fire..
Gingsburg should have retired.

I have never suggested Obama should be a civil rights leader, I merely suggested he take a stand (not even a controversial one) and some leadership. Whatever, I lost respect for the man.


She's playing the odds. Hillary Clinton likely wins 2016 and with a more dem Senate such that way a successor more like her is more probable. Yes, there is a downside risk. But she's the Notorious RBG so don't fuck with her.
That's one thing I keep saying to keep myself calm: she probably sees the map just like we do, and is making a calculated bet that the math remains far too daunting for any Republican to win.
While I'm sure racism plays a huge part with the hatred of the rank and file GOP, I think we'd have been seeing this congressional intransigence no matter who won the Democratic nomination.
Yes, there would have still been intransigence. ..But not this bad. I honestly think we were not ready for a black president. :-(

This period will go down in history as a time when we didn't address many problems because of aholes that refused to work with the black guy (on immigration, climate, infrastructure, etc.).

Mike M

Nick N
Yes, there would have still been intransigence. ..But not this bad. I honestly think we were not ready for a black president. :-(

This period will go down in history as a time when we didn't address many problems because of aholes that refused to work with the black guy (on immigration, climate, infrastructure, etc.).

Eh, I think the stonewalling at the national level would have been just as bad from a functional standpoint. The GOP have been hellbent on never compromising since 9/11, they wouldn't suddenly be cooperative if there were a white president.

Now at a state level, it may have made things worse, but I don't know how you would gauge that. It's certainly coarsened political discourse at the least.


If Hillary is indeed the nominee, I'm going to be very interested in seeing how many folks (in real life) change their tunes about the policies/positions she advocates. If Obama's pushing for Issue X and people oppose it, and then Hillary comes along and pushes for the same thing only to find some of those people now supporting her efforts.. it'll raise some eyebrows.
Gingsburg should have retired.

I have never suggested Obama should be a civil rights leader, I merely suggested he take a stand (not even a controversial one) and some leadership. Whatever, I lost respect for the man.
He did with gates. White america/conservative america/moderate America through a fit.

TNC had a good piece
The fact is that when the president came to the podium on Monday night there actually was very little he could say. His mildest admonitions of racism had only earned him trouble. If the American public cannot stomach the idea that arresting a Harvard professor for breaking into his own home is "stupid," then there is virtually nothing worthwhile that Barack Obama can say about Michael Brown.

And that is because the death of all of our Michael Browns at the hands of people who are supposed to protect them originates in a force more powerful than any president: American society itself. This is the world our collective American ancestors wanted. This is the world our collective grandparents made. And this is the country that we, the people, now preserve in our fantastic dream. What can never be said is that the Fergusons of America can be changed—but, right now, we lack the will to do it.

Perhaps one day we won't, and maybe that is reason to hope. Hope is what Barack Obama promised to bring, but he was promising something he could never bring. Hope is not the naiveté that would change the face on a racist system and then wash its hands of its heritage. Hope is not feel-goodism built on the belief in unicorns. Martin Luther King had hope, but it was rooted in years of study and struggle, not in looking the other way. Hope is not magical. Hope is earned.
She's playing the odds. Hillary Clinton likely wins 2016 and with a more dem Senate such that way a successor more like her is more probable. Yes, there is a downside risk. But she's the Notorious RBG so don't fuck with her.
If there is shit with Clinton and it looks like shell lose by June of 2016 she'll retire and Obama will get a nominee that may not be as liberal as RBG but will be 'liberal'

I'm kinda getting tired of the liberal worry about her. Obama is still president for two years. She wants to be on the court she does amazing work and her dissents will be used by future liberal courts to over turn some of the racist and misogynistic decisions by this court.
Gingsburg should have retired.

I have never suggested Obama should be a civil rights leader, I merely suggested he take a stand (not even a controversial one) and some leadership. Whatever, I lost respect for the man.

Please tell me what the uncontroversial stand on Ferguson is. I haven't seen it yet. You've already lambasted the speech he did give! And as pointed out, you had respect for Obama? lol


I don't envy Obama regarding Ferguson.

I don't know what Obama could have said regarding Ferguson that wouldn't be interpreted as racially charged. Every time Obama says any about race, the conservative media pounce on him, decrying that he's purposely sowing racial discord. I mean, people are blaming Obama's mere existence for their own racism. To many people, Obama talking about race at all IS taking a stance, and it is a stance that is against them.
Trollbama is best Obama . . .

Obama on Wednesday took "action fully within my legal authority, the same kind of action taken by Democrats and Republican presidents before me," to pardon the National Thanksgiving Turkey, a 49-pound bird named Cheese. He also spared an alternate turkey, a 47-pounder named Mac. Both came from Cooper Farms in Oakwood, Ohio.


Obama last week announced a series of highly anticipated executive actions immigration that have left Republicans crying "fowl."

Joking about his poultry action, Obama said: "I know some will call this amnesty. But don't worry. There's plenty of turkey to go around." Later Wednesday, Obama was taking the family to a neighborhood food pantry to donate a pair of turkeys "that didn't make the cut."


That's one thing I keep saying to keep myself calm: she probably sees the map just like we do, and is making a calculated bet that the math remains far too daunting for any Republican to win.
First of all there is no guarantee Hillary has a cakewalk to the WH. The GOP has a really compelling group of people. Namely Walker, Haley, Christie, Jeb, Paul, Snyder, Kasich...

On top of this the next two years are critical. If Obama's approval keeps tanking it's going to take a lot of Democratic votes with him. It's foolish to think otherwise.

Democrats literally have Hillary and no one else. Biden will make for some good debate banter but he's not going to win the nomination no matter what.

Outside of that there is also:
-An unprecedented crisis (economic, terror, something) that makes for bad optics politically and impacts people's lives.
-SCOTUS potentially ripping away the subsidy from millions of people which voters will ultimately blame the President for. This hurts Democrats big time if it happens. In fact this might be the one thing that kills their momentum in 2016 with the exception of another crash or a terror attack.
-Gerrymandered EV's in states like MI, WI, OH, FL, maybe even PA before Corbett leaves. They could really get carried away with this. They have a really depressing stranglehold on state legislatures across the nation.
-Democrats continuing to run shitty campaigns and refusing to learn from what Organizing for America taught the party in terms of, like, being able to fucking win.
-Hillary's campaign being an utter disaster. We saw enough of this in 2008 early on; my first impressions of what we've seen from her lately suggests perhaps she didn't learn her lesson well enough.


First of all there is no guarantee Hillary has a cakewalk to the WH. The GOP has a really compelling group of people. Namely Walker, Haley, Christie, Jeb, Paul, Snyder, Kasich...

On top of this the next two years are critical. If Obama's approval keeps tanking it's going to take a lot of Democratic votes with him. It's foolish to think otherwise.

Democrats literally have Hillary and no one else. Biden will make for some good debate banter but he's not going to win the nomination no matter what.

Outside of that there is also:
-An unprecedented crisis (economic, terror, something) that makes for bad optics politically and impacts people's lives.
-SCOTUS potentially ripping away the subsidy from millions of people which voters will ultimately blame the President for. This hurts Democrats big time if it happens. In fact this might be the one thing that kills their momentum in 2016 with the exception of another crash or a terror attack.
-Gerrymandered EV's in states like MI, WI, OH, FL, maybe even PA before Corbett leaves. They could really get carried away with this. They have a really depressing stranglehold on state legislatures across the nation.
-Democrats continuing to run shitty campaigns and refusing to learn from what Organizing for America taught the party in terms of, like, being able to fucking win.
-Hillary's campaign being an utter disaster. We saw enough of this in 2008 early on; my first impressions of what we've seen from her lately suggests perhaps she didn't learn her lesson well enough.

Diablos, you're diablosing again.


All of these things are quite possible, some if not all will prove to be likely.

Democrats have lost their ability to campaign if this year is an indication, EV gerrymandering has to look more attractive now than it ever has before to the GOP, King v. Burwell is no joke, and Hillary is not a lock for 2016 outside of winning the nomination.


All of these things are quite possible, some if not all will prove to be likely.

Democrats have lost their ability to campaign if this year is an indication, EV gerrymandering has to look more attractive now than it ever has before to the GOP, King v. Burwell is no joke, and Hillary is not a lock for 2016 outside of winning the nomination.

Dont do this to us man. Your overreacting. She may not be a lock, but I'd rather be in her position than the Republicans due to the objective EV advantage the Democrats have soooooo... stay cool.


Dont do this to us man. Your overreacting. She may not be a lock, but I'd rather be in her position than the Republicans due to the objective EV advantage the Democrats have soooooo... stay cool.
Sorry, let me edit my post before the PA state GOP works with Corbett to gerrymander the electoral votes in my state.



All of these things are quite possible, some if not all will prove to be likely.

Democrats have lost their ability to campaign if this year is an indication, EV gerrymandering has to look more attractive now than it ever has before to the GOP, King v. Burwell is no joke, and Hillary is not a lock for 2016 outside of winning the nomination.

I doubt you'll actually see any gerrymandered EV states. It doesn't make sense if you believe your state to be a swing state, and you lose so much clout/campaign funds that come from being a swing state in an election. If they couldn't pass it in Michigan before, they're not going to pass it anywhere now. Especially not Florida.

If you were to ask yourself in 2010 about the Democrats ability to campaign, you would've said the exact same thing you said now.

King v. Burwell, while terrible, won't be a campaign issue, and will probably spurn more red and purple states to set up their own exchanges if the statute is interrupted in the ways in which Halbig Truthers think it does.

There are so many unknowns this far out that worrying about campaign strategy or the possibility that a state might change its EV laws or maybe the possible effects of a SCOTUS case is waaaaay too obstract at this point in time and thus shouldn't be treated as impending disasters.

The economy could crash. There aren't any real signs that it will. They could pass EV laws, but there aren't any tangible red flags that anyone definitely will. Hilary might run a shitty campaign, but her campaign barely exists so there isn't really anything to be excited or be worried about.

Soooooo. Yeah, I mean, those things might happen, but they're obstract it's not even worth worrying about in the winter of 2014.
I keep hearing and seeing the same names pop up for potential GOP nominees for presidency. (lol Romney, really?)

The only person that I think could give Hilary a run for her money would be my governor Brain Sandoval. I know that he wouldn't win the primaries, but he could very well win the presidency. He is pretty moderate and forces crazies within the GOP to step down and/or keep them in check. He's extremely popular in my swing state; hell, I voted for him for reelection.

He's actually one of the few GOP governors that is actively trying to fix budges and create jobs; especially in this broken-ass state.

It's a shame that his race + moderate views won't get him the nomination.
I keep hearing and seeing the same names pop up for potential GOP nominees for presidency. (lol Romney, really?)

The only person that I think could give Hilary a run for her money would be my governor Brain Sandoval. I know that he wouldn't win the primaries, but he could very well win the presidency. He is pretty moderate and forces crazies within the GOP to step down and/or keep them in check. He's extremely popular in my swing state; hell, I voted for him for reelection.

He's actually one of the few GOP governors that is actively trying to fix budges and create jobs; especially in this broken-ass state.

It's a shame that his race + moderate views won't get him the nomination.

Sandoval is a Hispanic who looks like a white man. That's good enough of for the GOP


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I really wish Hillary wasn't the accepted frontrunner. Of all the problems I've had with Obama, the one thing you can't really criticize him for is that he's remarkably disciplined when it comes to keeping gaffes to a minimum. The amount of dumb sound bites you heard him say since he started campaigning in 2007 can probably be counted on one hand. And half of those are are things I'm willing to assume the public at large might care but is mostly given a shit only by Republicans (i.e. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", and that "clinging to guns and religion thing in 2008).

Compared to Obama, Hildabeast is a complete goddamned mess on that front. There is no doubt in my mind she's going to have a ton of (additional) stupid sound bites once she starts running. She's the Democrats' Mitt Romney.


I really wish Hillary wasn't the accepted frontrunner. Of all the problems I've had with Obama, the one thing you can't really criticize him for is that he's remarkably disciplined when it comes to keeping gaffes to a minimum. The amount of dumb sound bites you heard him say since he started campaigning in 2007 can probably be counted on one hand. And half of those are are things I'm willing to assume the public at large might care but is mostly given a shit only by Republicans (i.e. "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", and that "clinging to guns and religion thing in 2008).

Compared to Obama, Hildabeast is a complete goddamned mess on that front. There is no doubt in my mind she's going to have a ton of (additional) stupid sound bites once she starts running. She's the Democrats' Mitt Romney.

That's expected from a strong woman though, to speak out of turn.


My entire world is turning into a lie. First Mississippi is not the last night to have its gay marriage ban overturned, and now a Chick-Fil-A is doing something pro-gay?

Well, this is something that we never thought we'd see...

A Chick-fil-A franchise based in Hollywood, California made a surprising move last week when the business held a fundraiser to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth. The initiative reportedly benefited Campus Pride, one of the leading national LGBT nonprofits committed to making college campuses safe for LGBT youth.

The percentage of sales at the Nov. 22 fundraiser donated to Campus Pride were reportedly unspecified, but went towards raising money for an anonymous $10,000 matching grant.

“We’re not going to turn away anyone who wants to be an ally and help us fundraise," Campus Pride Director Shane Windmeyer said in a statement. "Activism is dirty work. It’s work that some people don’t always agree on the journey or the past and today we were just trying to be positive, to move forward and to do things that are common ground issues.”

Sick of the irritating chatter about Ferguson at the office. I mean, normal, non-opinionated people are blaming Michael Brown for riots....so much misinformation. I can only imagine their facebook feeds must be lighting up with racist nonsense. So glad I dont have to go to work for next four days.

Anyways, finally got a sweet blackfriday deal on a PS4. Yall should do the same.
Sick of the irritating chatter about Ferguson at the office. I mean, normal, non-opinionated people are blaming Michael Brown for riots....so much misinformation. I can only imagine their facebook feeds must be lighting up with racist nonsense. So glad I dont have to go to work for next four days.

Anyways, finally got a sweet blackfriday deal on a PS4. Yall should do the same.

I got a Xbox One if any one on poligaf has one and wants my gamertag.

I have a PSN account but only a 3 and vita for now if anyone wants my PSN name. I'll probably get a ps4 after e3


Sick of the irritating chatter about Ferguson at the office. I mean, normal, non-opinionated people are blaming Michael Brown for riots....so much misinformation. I can only imagine their facebook feeds must be lighting up with racist nonsense. So glad I dont have to go to work for next four days.

Anyways, finally got a sweet blackfriday deal on a PS4. Yall should do the same.
Most people I've talked to either have no opinion on Ferguson or lean towards a general distrust of police in cases like this, but i don't really associate with many people outside of my group of college aged liberals. And i stopped using Facebook about two years ago so i haven't seen any of the racist shit that I'm sure some of my family and high school classmates are posting.

Also i just came home from college for thanksgiving weekend and my friend and his roommate just got a PS4 (which i hadn't played until tonight) so I've spent all night drinking and playing far cry 4.


King v. Burwell, while terrible, won't be a campaign issue, and will probably spurn more red and purple states to set up their own exchanges if the statute is interrupted in the ways in which Halbig Truthers think it does.
Yeah, right. If the Republicans have any say they won't allow for an exchange.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Sick of the irritating chatter about Ferguson at the office. I mean, normal, non-opinionated people are blaming Michael Brown for riots....so much misinformation. I can only imagine their facebook feeds must be lighting up with racist nonsense. So glad I dont have to go to work for next four days.

Anyways, finally got a sweet blackfriday deal on a PS4. Yall should do the same.

I am very surprised by some of the comments and likes of conservative blogs from some of my friends on Facebook. All of a sudden. Some of the comments are revolting. I had no idea these people thought this way. Completely changed my perspective on a few friends. :/
George will is writting about rape again

Before the tryptophan in the turkey induces somnolence, give thanks for living in such an entertaining country. This year, for example, we learned that California’s Legislature includes 93 people who seem never to have had sex. They enacted the “affirmative consent” law, directing college administrators to tell students that sexual consent cannot be silence but must be “affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement” and “ongoing throughout a sexual activity.” Claremont McKenna College requires “all” — not “both,” which would discriminate against groups — participants in a sexual engagement to understand that withdrawal of consent can be any behavior conveying “that an individual is hesitant, confused, uncertain.”

I am very surprised by some of the comments and likes of conservative blogs from some of my friends on Facebook. All of a sudden. Some of the comments are revolting. I had no idea these people thought this way. Completely changed my perspective on a few friends. :/

ah, the old realization white american desires peace and stability over any kind of justice or reckoning over our racist history/present.
The response to the grand jury no true bill from nominally progressive people has me convinced of my depressed thesis about the future of America.

We'll get gay rights, latinos will become whites but blacks will be left behind like they always are. We can't grapple with our treatment of them. And a minority majority won't automatically help because my understanding is the percentage of african americans doesn't really rise. Its mostly asians and latinos driving non-white growth. And judging by what I've seen on facebook and in person. They aren't always friendly to blacks.


Yeah, right. If the Republicans have any say they won't allow for an exchange.

Republicans don't exist as a monolith group that vote lock-step with each other, especially in state legislatures. We've started to see this with the Medicaid expansion and I'm assuming that if there is a King ruling that does not go the way most here would want, we'd see a few more states expand their exchanges out of necessity.


Republicans don't exist as a monolith group that vote lock-step with each other, especially in state legislatures. We've started to see this with the Medicaid expansion and I'm assuming that if there is a King ruling that does not go the way most here would want, we'd see a few more states expand their exchanges out of necessity.
There are people in deep red states who won't get shit other than health coverage that goes from something affordable to like $600, $800, $1000+ a month, or even higher, who would otherwise die if they could not get coverage. These people would literally become a casualty of a potential SCOTUS raping of textualism, common sense and human decency.
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