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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Did you not read the rest of the article. Where the white house got pissed at him for overblowing isis?

You mean they got pissed because he trotted out their bullshit fear mongering earlier than planned? Hagel's comment isn't far off from what Obama and admin officials say about ISIS now.
Hagel didnt really do a stellar job of being a secdef. He wasn't able to create trust between the president and himself, hence why he constantly pissed over the WH talking points.

This is all in an utter and stark contrast to John Kerry, who has easily been an amazing Sec state. Granted the Iran deadline has been pushed back, but if he can pull it off he can easily go down as goat sec state.



A new Latino Decisions poll finds 89% of Latino voters support President Obama’s decision to give temporary legal status to nearly five million undocumented immigrants.

Also interesting: 85% of independents and 76% of Latinos who identify as Republicans support Obama’s move.

Said pollster Matt Barreto: “This is the most unified we have seen Latino public opinion on any issue… The White House was smart to put this step to protect parents — almost nobody in the Latino community is going to say they don’t support a policy to keep parents and children together.”


Hagal stepping down

US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel resigned under pressure Monday, the first shake up of President Obama’s Cabinet after the Democratic party lost control of Congress following the midterm elections.

Hagel has been an exemplary defense secretary, Obama said from the White House, noting that he led the department through a time of transition. But, the president said, now is “the appropriate time to complete his service.”



GOP's fucked.

How can they argue against the EO without damaging their already meager stance with Latinos?
Yup. There's an article out where Michelle Bachman says that the GOP's reaction to Obama's order is to not react.

Even the lack of a reaction is poisonous for the GOP. No easy answer for them.
Yup. There's an article out where Michelle Bachman says that the GOP's reaction to Obama's order is to not react.

Even the lack of a reaction is poisonous for the GOP. No easy answer for them.

Honestly, there's really no way for them to win this, or even come out looking okay. I almost wonder whether the Democrats deliberately threw the midterms, just so they could spend the next 2 years putting the Republicans into binds like this.
John McCain will be chair of the armed services committee. Oh boy.

Well, that might be good. It is not like he'll have control of the military from there but he may continue his calling for endless wars and thus emphasize the GOP are crazy military adventurers view and stoke a fight between the neocons and the isolationists in the GOP.

Ultimately this will become a 2016 litmus test. At one point or another the 2016 GOP candidates will be asked at a debate to raise their hand if they will rescind the EO within their first term. What choice do they have but to pledge to end it, for fear of being outflanked by Ted Cruz/Ben Carson/etc?

Worse yet I think this is an area where governors suffer. Ted Cruz and fellow senators/congressmen who run will be able to say they fought the EO by attempting to shut down the government. Meanwhile I'd imagine some deep red state governor will find a way to take a meaningless act against the EO with a state action/nullification/etc. Jindal seems like the perfect fool to try something like that. Meanwhile Walker and Christie won't do shit and will be criticized.

2012 was a perfect example of a candidate ruining his viability just to win the nomination. I was shocked that Romney really went at Rick Perry, outflanking his right. It doomed him in November, and the same will happen to Walker, Christie, or whoever wins the 2016 nom.


Ultimately this will become a 2016 litmus test. At one point or another the 2016 GOP candidates will be asked at a debate to raise their hand if they will rescind the EO within their first term. What choice do they have but to pledge to end it, for fear of being outflanked by Ted Cruz/Ben Carson/etc?

Worse yet I think this is an area where governors suffer. Ted Cruz and fellow senators/congressmen who run will be able to say they fought the EO by attempting to shut down the government. Meanwhile I'd imagine some deep red state governor will find a way to take a meaningless act against the EO with a state action/nullification/etc. Jindal seems like the perfect fool to try something like that. Meanwhile Walker and Christie won't do shit and will be criticized.

2012 was a perfect example of a candidate ruining his viability just to win the nomination. I was shocked that Romney really went at Rick Perry, outflanking his right. It doomed him in November, and the same will happen to Walker, Christie, or whoever wins the 2016 nom.

Nothing the GOP does will please anyone at this point on this issue. My guess would be the established GOP will try not to touch it and let the Tea Party faction destroy themselves with this issue. Boehner and McConnell have already thrown their support in with the Tea Party, so good luck to them. Ted Cruz has already crucified Obama, and Obama even took a quote from Rubio.

So, good luck to all of those hopefuls in 2016. Carson, Rand Paul, Cruz, and Rubio are already sunk on this issue.
2012 was a perfect example of a candidate ruining his viability just to win the nomination. I was shocked that Romney really went at Rick Perry, outflanking his right. It doomed him in November, and the same will happen to Walker, Christie, or whoever wins the 2016 nom.
I vehemently disagree. Romney shifting to th right of Perry did not doom him in November. The media gave Romney a free pass on his u-turn on every major issue during his first debate with Obama. In fact it set a clear precedent for the GOP to become extreme right in the primaries and position back to center in the general without any fallout from the press.

What doomed Romney was Romney.


aka andydumi
Ultimately this will become a 2016 litmus test. At one point or another the 2016 GOP candidates will be asked at a debate to raise their hand if they will rescind the EO within their first term. What choice do they have but to pledge to end it, for fear of being outflanked by Ted Cruz/Ben Carson/etc?

Worse yet I think this is an area where governors suffer. Ted Cruz and fellow senators/congressmen who run will be able to say they fought the EO by attempting to shut down the government. Meanwhile I'd imagine some deep red state governor will find a way to take a meaningless act against the EO with a state action/nullification/etc. Jindal seems like the perfect fool to try something like that. Meanwhile Walker and Christie won't do shit and will be criticized.

2012 was a perfect example of a candidate ruining his viability just to win the nomination. I was shocked that Romney really went at Rick Perry, outflanking his right. It doomed him in November, and the same will happen to Walker, Christie, or whoever wins the 2016 nom.

One way out is for congress to legislate it out before 2016 races start going. To remove it as a presidential issue for 2016. Highly unlikely, but it's a way to take it off the table.

Realistically, accepting the main changes but toughening the requirements (taxes, time limits) or coupling it with tougher side things like enforcement/border protection could be put forth as a realistic bill. It's also a relatively safe way for Republicans to save some face while not throwing it out altogether.


Slight bit of homerism but I liked Hagel in his current position. I guess it was too good to be true to have a quasi-anti-war veteran in charge of the Pentagon for very long.

Knowing him though, it's probably a lead up to declaring a run at President. Not sure how he'd survive the primaries, though.
Ultimately this will become a 2016 litmus test. At one point or another the 2016 GOP candidates will be asked at a debate to raise their hand if they will rescind the EO within their first term. What choice do they have but to pledge to end it, for fear of being outflanked by Ted Cruz/Ben Carson/etc?

Yep. The GOP's chances to win the presidency in 2016 are pretty damn slim. The base will force the candidate to take a lot of unpopular positions. The GOP will be misguided by their view of their 2014 successes which were not due to their positions so much as it was due to lazy-ass Dems that don't show up to the polls in mid-term elections.

Our government is fucked. We are stuck in a whipsaw pattern back & forth every 2 years and one of the parties has decided on a "NO COMPROMISES!" policy such that no deals are made. We've been in gridlock since 2010 and I don't see things changing in the foreseeable future. What a disaster.
The poll found that 89% of Latino voters support Obama’s decision to give temporary legal status to nearly five million undocumented immigrants. That level of support surprised Latino Decisions co-founder Matt Barreto, who noted the figure is higher than initial support of the president’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protected undocumented youth brought to the country as children from deportation and allowed them to receive work permits.

He said 85% of independents and 76% of Latinos who identify as Republicans support Obama’s move.
Altogether, 80% of voters and 60% of Latino Republicans don’t think the GOP should attempt to cut funding of his order.



You'll win the Presidency...someday.
I vehemently disagree. Romney shifting to th right of Perry did not doom him in November. The media gave Romney a free pass on his u-turn on every major issue during his first debate with Obama. In fact it set a clear precedent for the GOP to become extreme right in the primaries and position back to center in the general without any fallout from the press.

What doomed Romney was Romney.

I think you put too much emphasis on the press/media here. "Self-deportation" ended any chance Romney had with Hispanics, and thus any chance at winning; the media didn't ignore that comment, but more importantly the media Hispanics pay attention to kept pounding him on the subject. Romney was not able to run from his position, and the Obama admin did a good job of tying him to the more extreme members of the GOP on the subject.

2016 won't be any different. Hispanic media is even more powerful and prominent than it was two years ago, and will be even more prominent in 2016. This is the type of issue that will make sure Colorado stays blue, for instance.


No Scrubs
McCain encouraging Lindsey Graham to run for president. Lol.

Oh well I do declare, why this is just a dream come true. What is a southern belle to do with such exciting possibilities floating about! How exciting! I do think I've got a case of the vapors. Someone bring me a Robert Palmer before I faint.
Columbus is an awesome city. It's like mini Chicago.

put it in columbus so i can post all through campaign season about how fucking garbage COTA is

This is true, but look at it this way: Win or lose, it will finally get this city to take public transportation seriously.


The fucking persecution complex of these people. Goddamn.

Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), last week said that Christians need to "take back society" from "the progressives."

"The blood of 57 million babies is crying out to God, just like the blood of Abel cried out to God. But you know, what we need to do is turn the tables on the progressives," the elder Cruz said in an interview with bishop E.W. Jackson, according to audio posted by the Raw Story.

Cruz said that the real "war on women" is abortion.

"Fifty-seven million mothers are walking around with the emotional scars of abortion, that only Jesus can heal. That’s the real war on women, we need to turn it on them. When they talk to you about the ‘right to choose’ who chooses for that baby?" he asked.

He then charged that "pro-choice" should really be called "pro-murder."

He then called on Christians to get involved in politics and restore Christian teachings in the U.S.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
“Business leaders, labor unions, governors, mayors, congressmen and presidents have complained about a lack of funding for years, but aside from a one-time cash infusion from the stimulus program, nothing much has changed. There is still no consensus on how to solve the problem or where to get the massive amounts of money needed to fix it, just another example of political paralysis in Washington.

“Tens of millions of American cross over bridges every day without giving it much thought, unless they hit a pothole. But the infrastructure problem goes much deeper than pavement. It goes to crumbling concrete and corroded steel and the fact that nearly 70,000 bridges in America – one out of every nine – is now considered to be structurally deficient.”

Kroft talked to Ray LaHood, the former Republican congressman who served as President Obama’s Secretary of Transportation, who did his part to raise the alarm. “Our infrastructure is on life support right now,” LaHood said. “That’s what we’re on.”

What is the Republican solution for fixing infrastructure again?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Leave it to charity, I think.

I know it sounds rhetorical cause Republicans are Republicans, but while they could make a BS argument with charity when it comes to helping poor people, it's a much harder sell when it comes to building/fixing roads and bridges throughout the country.
Also tort reform and selling across state lines.

Something something free market something something trickle down.

I know it sounds rhetorical cause Republicans are Republicans, but while they could make a BS argument with charity when it comes to helping poor people, it's a much harder sell when it comes to building/fixing roads and bridges throughout the country.

I was just joking, but amusingly, there was a "young republican" type I was friends with in elementary school who tried to argue that charities should, in fact, be responsible for all that. "Nuns with jackhammers" was the mocking response he generally got :p


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I was just joking, but amusingly, there was a "young republican" type I was friends with in elementary school who tried to argue that charities should, in fact, be responsible for all that. "Nuns with jackhammers" was the mocking response he generally got :p

Yeah I knew you were joking but I have heard that excuse floated around by actual Republicans. Though unlike the welfare thing, it doesn't appear to be as unified a position.
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