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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Yeah, the 50-49 is a typo. It was 59-40.

Actually there were 2 amendments that failed. One was by Hoeven that failed 59-40 ("human activity contributes to climate change")
and the other one was by Schatz that failed 50-49 ("human activity significantly contributes to climate change")
Kasich is recorded...maybe in secret?

But guess what. It's him defending the medicaid expansion to Montana lawmakers...even calling them irresponsible for not taking the medicaid money to treat the less fortunate. Argues it's an ideological position that isn't practical with reality.

He talks about how being a conservative means the gov't is the last resort, not that it isn't a resort.

Fuck man, wish the other governors could take a stand like this and support the medicaid expansions.



Pretty much. Every day that passes without the world imploding, their chances drop.

Thinking more about logistics of 2016, I was also looking forward to convention speech comparisons. On one side, you'll have:
the GOP nominee
George W Bush, maybe?
and then who?

On the other side, you'll have:
Hillary - who can be pretty decent
Barack - remarkable
and Bill effing Clinton - one of the best of all time?

That's almost not fair.

Unless its Jeb, Bush isnt going to set foot at a convention again.
I can't wait for this generation of politicians (read: baby boomers and some Gen X) to die so I and my children and their children's children can spit on their graves.

Pfft . . . you youngin's have only yourselves to blame. Show up the polls if you want to make a difference. Those old cranks show up rain or shine.


Actually there were 2 amendments that failed. One was by Hoeven that failed 59-40 ("human activity contributes to climate change")
and the other one was by Schatz that failed 50-49 ("human activity significantly contributes to climate change")

Ah, ah, gotcha.
Pretty much. Every day that passes without the world imploding, their chances drop.

Thinking more about logistics of 2016, I was also looking forward to convention speech comparisons. On one side, you'll have:
the GOP nominee
George W Bush, maybe?
and then who?

On the other side, you'll have:
Hillary - who can be pretty decent
Barack - remarkable
and Bill effing Clinton - one of the best of all time?

That's almost not fair.

They should wheel a casket out there then have it open up and Dick Cheney sit up to speak. He could give his whole address sitting in the casket. Then close it and wheel it out. That would be awesome.

BTW, I went to one of my daughter's school functions and one of the moms was wearing a Notorious RBG T-shirt. I had to compliment her on her great shirt.


It never fails to amaze me the stupidity of people who deny man's impact on the climate with arguments like "how ARROGANT are you to think mankind can change the climate?"

Like, have they never in their life heard of the endless on record manmade environmental disasters? For example, the dust bowl... a preventable environmental disaster which killed over 7000 Americans caused by failure to apply proper dryland farming methods which, when coupled with wind erosion and a drought, caused catastrophic damage.

Chernobly, Love Canal. Both had massive environmental impacts that rendered entire swaths of land unusable.

Why therefore is it difficult to make the next simple leap (which we can for sure with indisputable evidence) wherein we can catalogue the unprecedentedly fast rise of green house gases caused by the explosion of the industrial revolution and since then getting worse every year?

If those environmental disasters can happen with only small scale poor decisions, what happens when the entire planet colludes to make shit decisions regarding stuff like this? It's not like we don't know what we output into the environment. And it's not like we don't know that these things (even when man is not involved) cause this issue. So put 1+1 together and...?
Freshman Republican Sen. Joni Ernst from Iowa unintentionally fed the Twitter beast on Tuesday night in her response to the State of the Union speech, all but guaranteeing a “Saturday Night Live” parody.

It began with her talking about wearing bread bags around her feet when she was a little girl. (It’s a Midwestern thing, folks. Just stop it.)

Very quickly, people started tweeting photos of their feet wrapped in bread bags.

And #BreadBags became a hashtag.

(She’s very lucky that people couldn’t see the camouflage high heels she was wearing.)

A smattering of reactions to how she said what she said, most of them delivered at the hashtag, #JoniErnst:

“We had to use our bread bags for mittens.”

“Next time it snows or rains, I'm gonna try wearing bread bags like Joni Ernst once did.”

“I was waiting for her to ask me for my account number and something about my patronage being important to her.”

“No doubt #JoniErnst just made #LorneMichaels a VERY happy man!! Looking forward to @nbcsnl Saturday night!”

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/entertain.../stargazing/article7838844.html#storylink=cpy
Certainly not as awful as some of the other ones, but luls were had.



I think it's kinda weird and insensitive to mock the bread bags things. My only complaint is that people rely on past hardship to completely crap on the poor and middle class now. " Things were rough when i was a kid so we have to cut taxes for the rich"


I think it's kinda weird and insensitive to mock the bread bags things. My only complaint is that people rely on past hardship to completely crap on the poor and middle class now. " Things were rough when i was a kid so we have to cut taxes for the rich"

That's… exactly what she's doing and why people are so annoyed by it.


OBAMA MAKES FORMAL REQUEST FOR TPA: President Barack Obama on Tuesday night urged both Democrats and Republican to give him “trade promotion authority” to bring home new trade deals in the Asia-Pacific and Europe while acknowledging some past agreements haven’t “always lived up to the hype.”

”Twenty-first century businesses, including small businesses, need to sell more American products overseas,” Obama said in a State of the Union speech to Congress that tied trade policy into a broader appeal for Congress to take action to strengthen and build the middle class.

"I’m asking both parties to give me trade promotion authority to protect American workers, with strong new trade deals from Asia to Europe that aren’t just free, but fair,” he said.
Hearing Obama try to sell people on TPP is infuriating. He's so full of shit. You don't "protect workers" by having them compete with third world wages.

Unfortunately, Bill Clinton seems to have gotten off scott-free with rank and file dems after pushing for NAFTA, so it's not like there's a reason for him to worry about the backlash to his "legacy".


It comes from the idea that only a super being can change the climate, that we're too "small" to change something as "big" as the Earth. When our ecosystem is actually fragile as all hell and actually not at all that big.

So this guy actually believes that there is a god that is micromanaging the climate? That it purposefully put a hole in the ozone layer and then started to heal it when we cut back on CFCs, but those ozone depleting chemicals had nothing to do with it?

Serenity now!


I'd imagine TPP will pass the House. If so will senate democrats filibuster it? I hope so.

I wouldn't count on it. Senate dems generally tend to fall in line when the president demands it. I think your best hope with this is actually the tea party caucus in congress. They've helped liberal dems torpedo plenty of garbage policy proposals over the years. A conservative party that always says "no" to everything works out for liberals from time to time.


It never fails to amaze me the stupidity of people who deny man's impact on the climate with arguments like "how ARROGANT are you to think mankind can change the climate?"

Like, have they never in their life heard of the endless on record manmade environmental disasters? For example, the dust bowl... a preventable environmental disaster which killed over 7000 Americans caused by failure to apply proper dryland farming methods which, when coupled with wind erosion and a drought, caused catastrophic damage.

Chernobly, Love Canal. Both had massive environmental impacts that rendered entire swaths of land unusable.

Why therefore is it difficult to make the next simple leap (which we can for sure with indisputable evidence) wherein we can catalogue the unprecedentedly fast rise of green house gases caused by the explosion of the industrial revolution and since then getting worse every year?

If those environmental disasters can happen with only small scale poor decisions, what happens when the entire planet colludes to make shit decisions regarding stuff like this? It's not like we don't know what we output into the environment. And it's not like we don't know that these things (even when man is not involved) cause this issue. So put 1+1 together and...?
Some of these people had to be alive when lead poisoning and lead in the environment was a big problem.
Free trade is good generally, so I'm not sure why so many of you seem to be so against it. Let's see what the final proposal is like that Congress gets to vote on before we decide it is bad.


Some of these people had to be alive when lead poisoning and lead in the environment was a big problem.

Naturally. On top of that, every year we can point to devastating impacts mankind has on their environment, from massive deforestation to oil spills in Yellowstone River. These things are actually common place.

The thing is mankind can calculate its exact output of greenhouse emissions. We know what we're putting into the atmosphere. Why is this so complicated for Republicans? In 100 years, humanity is going to look back at itself and be like "damn we dumb."

and then there's the Cuyahoga River in PA


ugh don't remind me :(


Oh boy (girl?).

Looks like the House GOP has caved on the big abortion bill.

Washington (CNN)Mark it down as a rare win for House GOP moderates. After scrambling into the evening on Wednesday, House Republican leaders decided to scrap a vote on a controversial anti-abortion measure scheduled to coincide with an annual gathering of anti-abortion advocates on Thursday because they couldn't round up enough support.

Two senior House GOP aides tell CNN that after discussions with members on Wednesday night they are no longer voting on the late-term abortion bill and are now voting instead on a bill banning taxpayer money for abortions.

"Some concerns were raised by men and women members that still need to be worked out," one of the aides told CNN. "Tomorrow we will vote to advance the pro-life cause and remain committed to continue working through the process on pain capable to make sure it too is successful."

A similar measure that calls for banning taxpayer money for abortions passed the GOP-controlled House last year.

The rebellion was initially headed up by a group of female House Republicans that pointed out the vote could threaten the party's efforts to reach out to women and young people.

I return to my theme for the GOP's next two years:
damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The FreeRepublic reaction should be entertaining. I can hear them whining now about being stabbed in the back by RINOs.


Oh boy (girl?).

Looks like the House GOP has caved on the big abortion bill.

I return to my theme for the GOP's next two years:
damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The FreeRepublic reaction should be entertaining. I can hear them whining now about being stabbed in the back by RINOs.

Just came in to post this.

Awesome stuff. FREEP already had their mind melted when Boehner was not overthrown as speaker so this is just delicious.


I just realized, if Hillary (but it really should have been something Obama did) put emphasis on the idea that benefits such as childcare or paid maternity leave will allow more families to form and help reverse the trend of falling birthrates, she'd get a good support from right-leaning undecided voters and center ones. It fits with the right's "we need to make more white babies!" train of thought, and the left's equal chances/benefits stance.

I really think this could be a huge beneficial issue on which Republicans would be forced to lean left. The PR folks just have to hammer it properly. Plus, Hillary is a woman, so she can sell it big time.


So poligaf Democrats, explain yout path to senate victory in 2016. For argument sake, the great female savior is the nominee, kirk toomey and johnson are taken out. Who is your fourth and final seat?

Caution: Reid & Bennett need defending & you may need two extras IF you win the presidency & they fall.


It comes from the idea that only a super being can change the climate, that we're too "small" to change something as "big" as the Earth. When our ecosystem is actually fragile as all hell and actually not at all that big.

Seriously, flying in a plane puts everything in perspective. There's hardly an inch of land of America that isn't the way it is for a reason, and that includes government and wildlife preserves.


Unconfirmed Member
As in, it needed 60 to pass. So probably all Dems voted yes.

Seriously? Even completely meaningless statements get filibustered? Why not just rewrite the constitution and make it official that 60 votes are required for literally anything to pass.


So poligaf Democrats, explain yout path to senate victory in 2016. For argument sake, the great female savior is the nominee, kirk toomey and johnson are taken out. Who is your fourth and final seat?

Caution: Reid & Bennett need defending & you may need two extras IF you win the presidency & they fall.

Ayotte. Then, take your pick of either Rubio, Portman, or Burr, with a potential pickup if there's an open seat in Arizona (or even if McCain runs). Maybe even Roy Blunt, looking at the 2010 spread. Also, unless Sandoval runs (and why would he?) Reid and Bennett probably won't lose.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Man, it feels so fucking weird and depressing watching the Daily Show without watching Colbert immediately after. :(
So poligaf Democrats, explain yout path to senate victory in 2016. For argument sake, the great female savior is the nominee, kirk toomey and johnson are taken out. Who is your fourth and final seat?

Caution: Reid & Bennett need defending & you may need two extras IF you win the presidency & they fall.
Well for one I feel like it'd take something pretty unfortunate for Reid and Bennet to go down in a presidential year.

ivysaur12 said my answer more or less. Ayotte would be the next incumbent to fall, although Burr could as well. I can easily see Rubio losing, I think of him as sort of a paper tiger, although if the seat became open it would be much easier and probably trump NH/NC as a fourth pickup. Then there's Ohio which is tougher because Portman is seen as more moderate which might give him an assist. Arizona I feel is winnable even if McCain doesn't retire - Iowa is only winnable if Grassley retires.

If Hillary is the nominee and trounces whoever the Republican is, I can see a seven seat pickup pretty easily (PA/IL/WI/FL/NH/NC/OH or AZ)

Btw NY-11 is gone. The Eric Garner stuff is poisoning the Dem brand on Staten Island. Fuck them.


Hillary Clinton will likely carry whatever seats that are competitive in 2016. The Republicans have done nothing to expand their base or improved their outreach to minorities, and demographics are only getting worse for them. Unless the economy tanks in 2016 or something, this is basically a shoe-in.


Free trade is good generally, so I'm not sure why so many of you seem to be so against it. Let's see what the final proposal is like that Congress gets to vote on before we decide it is bad.

You're not going to get to see it before it passes which is the problem. And setting up an international court that allows companies to sue sovereign nations for perceived loss of profits or imposing US's assbackwards IP protection laws on the rest of the world has jack shit to do with "free trade".

The bolded is meaningless, btw. It's like "big gubamint vs small gubamint". Free trade is a vague concept that means something different to every person you ask.


Man, it feels so fucking weird and depressing watching the Daily Show without watching Colbert immediately after. :(
Seriously, wtf. Colbert made a huge mistake. I watched The Nightly Show; it's not bad, it has some potential. But I still don't understand why Colbert thought taking Letterman's job was a better fit for him (besides money).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Oh boy (girl?).

Looks like the House GOP has caved on the big abortion bill.

I return to my theme for the GOP's next two years:
damned if you do, damned if you don't.

The FreeRepublic reaction should be entertaining. I can hear them whining now about being stabbed in the back by RINOs.

I have said for years that the GOP establishment doesn't actually want abortion banned. If it was, it takes away a gigantic campaign piece.

Also, LOL at Joni Ernst's family receiving nearly $500000 in Federal farm subsidies when she was younger. "Bootstraps," ladies and gentlemen.


Seriously, wtf. Colbert made a huge mistake. I watched The Nightly Show; it's not bad, it has some potential. But I still don't understand why Colbert thought taking Letterman's job was a better fit for him (besides money).
I miss him badly. And I really, really regret that he won't be on the air during the whole gay marriage court fight over the next few months - he did, hands-down, the very best comedy on that topic. Whenever some big news happened, one of the first people whose reactions I'd look forward to was Stephen's.

Still, he's been absolutely exceptional in every comedic format I've ever seen him in, so I'm not willing to give-up on him yet. If CBS is smart, they'll let him make that time slot his into his own image. They've gotta realize that they have probably the best satirist of our era.. right?

His show is going to be a test for late-night TV: can it evolve beyond the current stale format? If Colbert doesn't/can't overcome network resistance to change in that time slot in order to make it better, then I fear no one can. Either that, or the execs at CBS would be incredibly tone-deaf/dense/dumb to not realize that he should be trusted.

It'll be interesting, regardless of how it shakes-out. We could get a few decades of exceptional late-night comedy from him, or the whole thing could fail and then he'd move on to the next project.


So there's a piece out today that says Christie is a political version of the Sixth Sense, where he's dead but doesn't realize it yet.

(Sorry for the lousy source)

Add this to Jeb and Mitt meeting privately in Utah this week, and I'd say we might see one establishment candidate for the donors to line-up behind (I'm still betting that it'll be Jeb). Either that, or they'll agree to a mutual peace treaty before the primary festivities begin.



I think it's kinda weird and insensitive to mock the bread bags things. My only complaint is that people rely on past hardship to completely crap on the poor and middle class now. " Things were rough when i was a kid so we have to cut taxes for the rich"

On that note.

“America’s lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence,” Greene said in an interview today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Greene, who flew his wife, children and two nannies on a private jet plane to Davos for the week …


I just realized, if Hillary (but it really should have been something Obama did) put emphasis on the idea that benefits such as childcare or paid maternity leave will allow more families to form and help reverse the trend of falling birthrates, she'd get a good support from right-leaning undecided voters and center ones. It fits with the right's "we need to make more white babies!" train of thought, and the left's equal chances/benefits stance.

I really think this could be a huge beneficial issue on which Republicans would be forced to lean left. The PR folks just have to hammer it properly. Plus, Hillary is a woman, so she can sell it big time.

I don't post in here often much anymore but this grabbed me because I was just thinking about this the other day.

I was at the bar at a local restaraunt waiting for our table and was overhearing a conversation between what I could only surmise was a extremely tea party esque woman and her friend asking a Canadian about how much he likes his healthcare. Of course with a sarcastic tone. Expecting him to fall in line with their perceived stereotypes. He of course said he loves it, wouldn't trade it for ours. She was of course skeptical. The guy then said it was nice having X months maternity leave for his wife and himself and named all the maternity benefits from the federal government.

All of the sudden these dye-in-the-wool tea party conservatives sounded like flaming liberals. The other lady jumped in saying how tough it was when her child was born and with nothing to that level in our country. And both were explaining how great that would be.

It dawned on me that Hillary, like you said, has a real oppurtunity to syphon a lot of woman voters that traditionally vote conservative if she takes smart approaches to what liberal policies she puts out there.


Is it just me or is cognitive dissonance a huge issue with conservatives? Disproportionately so. I get that we do this as humans, everyone. However, the mental hoops conservatives jump through to believe the things they believe are borderline insane. From global warming to Obama. It also explains their love of Fox News, talk radio, drudge report, etc and their disregard for facts. They literally cannot fathom the thought that they're wrong.
Is it just me or is cognitive dissonance a huge issue with conservatives? Disproportionately so. I get that we do this as humans, everyone. However, the mental hoops conservatives jump through to believe the things they believe are borderline insane. From global warming to Obama. It also explains their love of Fox News, talk radio, drudge report, etc and their disregard for facts. They literally cannot fathom the thought that they're wrong.
I was just thinking about this in the Netanyahu thread. They are PATRIOTZ but have higher allegience to foreign leaders because the current POTUS is a democrat. Remember when Fox News was fawning over Putin when he invaded Crimea? Nice shoutout to that in SOTU by Obama on that one. I'm also terribly glad that bitchface Cantor is not in Congress. He'd be giving Netanyahu a tug and a blow.


I was just thinking about this in the Netanyahu thread. They are PATRIOTZ but have higher allegience to foreign leaders because the current POTUS is a democrat. Remember when Fox News was fawning over Putin when he invaded Crimea? Nice shoutout to that in SOTU by Obama on that one. I'm also terribly glad that bitchface Cantor is not in Congress. He'd be giving Netanyahu a tug and a blow.

Exactly! Bin Laden's death is another. They cannot give Obama credit because it doesn't fit with their belief that he's the worst president ever and does nothing good.

It's like saying Bush didn't invade Iraq, the troops did. Same logic but you'd never hear them say that.
Meanwhile in Maryland.
Republican Governor Larry Hogan presented his first budget today. Initally it sounds pretty good. He balanced the budget, avoids any furloughs or pay cuts, and even grew over all spending by .5%. As well as 1.3 % increase for education and 8% for disabilities. He even kept controversial mass transit projects going. He says there is even room for tax cuts, How did he perform this miracle? Why by cutting all environmental and conservation funding.Some might think "big deal" but at close to a billion dollars, a lot of maryland public services, such as public safety from industry, clean up, and industry monitoring were under environmental spending.
Exactly! Bin Laden's death is another. They cannot give Obama credit because it doesn't fit with their belief that he's the worst president ever and does nothing good.

It's like saying Bush didn't invade Iraq, the troops did. Same logic but you'd never hear them say that.
When OBL was killed a Republican friend of mine on Facebook posted "I hope you all realize this just means four more years of Obama"

He does something most everyone can agree upon as being a good thing and you're just griping that he'll get re-elected for it. Well yes, that's how elected positions work. 95% of the time when you do a good job the American people will reward you by letting you keep that job.

I think it's funny that after 9/11 happened Bush's approval rating surged to 90% for standing on rubble and talking tough. Obama actually catches the guy responsible and his tops out at 50% or so. There will always be partisans but I feel Democrats are willing to admit when a Republican president does a good job of something. Republicans won't give Democrats credit for anything. Obama says kids should stay in school and eat their vegetables and he gets called an uppity snob.

I feel a part of it is racism - there would be no questions about Obama's religion or birthplace if he were fully white - but largely it boils down to Republicans being entitled assholes who can't say "Yeah, things are alright" unless they're the ones in power, but in that case they're usually fucking everything up.

Well maybe Hillary can put them out of their misery. PPP did a poll in Pennsylvania and she's up double digits over all of them. Of course PA is not necessarily a swing state, but a 10 point margin there suggests 2008 levels of performance elsewhere.
Meanwhile in Maryland.
Republican Governor Larry Hogan presented his first budget today. Initally it sounds pretty good. He balanced the budget, avoids any furloughs or pay cuts, and even grew over all spending by .5%. As well as 1.3 % increase for education and 8% for disabilities. He even kept controversial mass transit projects going. He says there is even room for tax cuts, How did he perform this miracle? Why by cutting all environmental and conservation funding.Some might think "big deal" but at close to a billion dollars, a lot of maryland public services, such as public safety from industry, clean up, and industry monitoring were under environmental spending.

Well don't the Dems have super majorities in the legislature? Can't they just strip out the environment cuts and keep this (admittedly decent) budget unchanged with everything else?
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