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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Welp this has me concerned just a little.


Clinton is a piece of shit but I'm going to assume he isn't involved in something that ridiculous. I can imagine him banging chicks on the plane, but nothing in his past suggests an interest in underage girls. He has a pretty clear type: like many black men he gravitates to bigger boned, "thick" women.

Nor do I see this mattering in 2016 outside of Fox News.


No Scrubs

Clinton is a piece of shit but I'm going to assume he isn't involved in something that ridiculous. I can imagine him banging chicks on the plane, but nothing in his past suggests an interest in underage girls. He has a pretty clear type: like many black men he gravitates to bigger boned, "thick" women.

Nor do I see this mattering in 2016 outside of Fox News.

There was an article in the Daily News either today or yesterday where they interviewed the girl that had been abused by those sick fucks and she straight out said Bill never even touched her, if I remember the article right she said he wasn't even on the same part of the island while those sickos were doing their thing. It was the cover of the paper and everything.

EDIT: Here's the article. She alleging that a lot of people had sex with her, like Prince Andrew, but never Bill.
Well don't the Dems have super majorities in the legislature? Can't they just strip out the environment cuts and keep this (admittedly decent) budget unchanged with everything else?

True. I'm not worried, I just think its rather typical. Despite being "business friendly" businesses that depend on the Chesapeake Bay are none too happy.



True. I'm not worried, I just think its rather typical. Despite being "business friendly" businesses that depend on the Chesapeake Bay are none too happy.

To be fair I was just expecting his budget to throw money at Bethesda/Chevy Chase and tell everyone else to fuck off so this is a pleasant surprise.


When OBL was killed a Republican friend of mine on Facebook posted "I hope you all realize this just means four more years of Obama"

He does something most everyone can agree upon as being a good thing and you're just griping that he'll get re-elected for it. Well yes, that's how elected positions work. 95% of the time when you do a good job the American people will reward you by letting you keep that job.

I think it's funny that after 9/11 happened Bush's approval rating surged to 90% for standing on rubble and talking tough. Obama actually catches the guy responsible and his tops out at 50% or so. There will always be partisans but I feel Democrats are willing to admit when a Republican president does a good job of something. Republicans won't give Democrats credit for anything. Obama says kids should stay in school and eat their vegetables and he gets called an uppity snob.

I feel a part of it is racism - there would be no questions about Obama's religion or birthplace if he were fully white - but largely it boils down to Republicans being entitled assholes who can't say "Yeah, things are alright" unless they're the ones in power, but in that case they're usually fucking everything up.

Well maybe Hillary can put them out of their misery. PPP did a poll in Pennsylvania and she's up double digits over all of them. Of course PA is not necessarily a swing state, but a 10 point margin there suggests 2008 levels of performance elsewhere.

They are not going to change until they're humbled. And they won't be humbled until they're locked out of the White House for a long enough time period.

I also wonder how long it'll take for their major donors to finally say "enough of this shit."


Okay, PPP/others, here are the races I need to see polling for:



Aaron did this list make you hard, it's okay if it did.
Okay, PPP/others, here are the races I need to see polling for:



Aaron did this list make you hard, it's okay if it did.
It'll make me hard if they all win.

Bill Clinton would be a much better Senate candidate for Arkansas. (lol)

Also they polled Sestak Toomey a couple days ago. Toomey leads 40-36


It'll make me hard if they all win.

Bill Clinton would be a much better Senate candidate for Arkansas. (lol)

Also they polled Sestak Toomey a couple days ago. Toomey leads 40-36

I saw that -- but I just wanted to throw it in there for completionist sake. I mean, I'm hard thinking about it.
Nothing says free trade like ten thousand pages of rules.

Probably still better than nothing. Right now the focus seems to be on non-tariff barriers to trade, so I wouldn't be surprised if working that out in a deal requires a lot of wording, but hopefully they make an effort to keep it simple.
Meanwhile in Maryland.
Republican Governor Larry Hogan presented his first budget today. Initally it sounds pretty good. He balanced the budget, avoids any furloughs or pay cuts, and even grew over all spending by .5%. As well as 1.3 % increase for education and 8% for disabilities. He even kept controversial mass transit projects going. He says there is even room for tax cuts, How did he perform this miracle? Why by cutting all environmental and conservation funding.Some might think "big deal" but at close to a billion dollars, a lot of maryland public services, such as public safety from industry, clean up, and industry monitoring were under environmental spending.

Do you have a link for that? The Sun has an article about Hogan's budget, but it talks about 2% across-the-board cuts for all agencies. They don't mention any cuts targeting environment/conservation.


Hogan's 2 percent cut to every state agency continues budget measures taken by then-Gov. Martin O'Malley earlier this month to close a projected shortfall. The precise impacts of the cuts are unclear; Hogan's budget secretary David Brinkley said the newly installed agency secretaries will have broad discretion in how to apply those cuts.


I think we're all blind to our own flaws and biases, and I think painting that problem as partisan proves the point.

I said we're all susceptible to it. However, it seems conservatives are even more so. Hence, the echo chamber they place themselves in, the dismissal of any news source outside of it (liberal media, mainstream media, etc), and the flat out denial of facts.

Edit: the polls are skewed!


I don't post in here often much anymore but this grabbed me because I was just thinking about this the other day.

I was at the bar at a local restaraunt waiting for our table and was overhearing a conversation between what I could only surmise was a extremely tea party esque woman and her friend asking a Canadian about how much he likes his healthcare. Of course with a sarcastic tone. Expecting him to fall in line with their perceived stereotypes. He of course said he loves it, wouldn't trade it for ours. She was of course skeptical. The guy then said it was nice having X months maternity leave for his wife and himself and named all the maternity benefits from the federal government.

All of the sudden these dye-in-the-wool tea party conservatives sounded like flaming liberals. The other lady jumped in saying how tough it was when her child was born and with nothing to that level in our country. And both were explaining how great that would be.

It dawned on me that Hillary, like you said, has a real oppurtunity to syphon a lot of woman voters that traditionally vote conservative if she takes smart approaches to what liberal policies she puts out there.

I hope her team is smart enough to realize this. They got an open field with that one.


It was really funny to see the mainstream media mock Obama for allowing youtube stars to interview him while giving us wall-to-wall coverage of DeflateGate lol


Good movie. Not My Fellow Americans good, but what is?

Anybody wondering how Hillary Clinton would distance herself from President Obama in 2016 needs only to parse her post-State of the Union tweet:

The first sentence envelops Obama in an embrace—something her husband often did to his rivals before digging a shiv between their ribs. The next day, she told a Canadian audience that Obama doesn't get the credit he deserves for leading the United States out of recession.

The political media took her at face value—always a risky route with the Clintons.

This is likely the final chapter in the saga of our two-year long fight to obtain important documents regarding the non-prosecution of David Gregory for possessing on Meet the Press an illegal high-capacity ammunition magazine.

The short version is that the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department warned NBC News that it could not possess an actual high-capacity magazine, but NBC News went ahead and did it anyway. The MPD recommended a warrant for Gregory’s arrest, but that request was nixed by the D.C. Attorney General Irvin Nathan because — my paraphrase — Gregory was just too nice a guy and had no other criminal intent.

That attitude stood in stark contrast to the D.C. Attorney General’s vigorous prosecution of other lesser-known people who also were nice people and had no other criminal intent, but violated D.C.’s gun laws.

We served a Freedom of Information Act request but D.C. held back numerous documents. So we filed suit.


D.C. eventually produced more documents, but refused to give us the Arrest Warrant Affidavit. We eventually won a court decision, and today D.C. produced the Affidavit, with some personal information redacted. (Affidavit Below)

The Affidavit demonstrates the facts as to NBC News’ open defiance of the law. This was no innocent error. Yet no prosecution.


No Scrubs
This is fucking huge.

Hillary better get a divorce if this doesn't go away. I'm only partially kidding

Clinton seems to be the one guy in this mess that looks to have been in the wrong place in the wrong time. No one coming forward has accused him of anything and they're accusing everyone.


Clinton seems to be the one guy in this mess that looks to have been in the wrong place in the wrong time. No one coming forward has accused him of anything and they're accusing everyone.

Yeah, I didn't see his name mentioned anywhere near underage shit.


Clinton seems to be the one guy in this mess that looks to have been in the wrong place in the wrong time. No one coming forward has accused him of anything and they're accusing everyone.
They might be waiting until next year. It's hard to attack one of the most powerful men in the world. Also makes sense to wait until 2016 lol


No Scrubs
Yeah, I didn't see his name mentioned anywhere near underage shit.

Not only that but the girl herself says Clinton wasn't anywhere near her when that shit was going down and the guys that were doing stuff never did anything around him. I linked the Daily News article with her saying that above.

They might be waiting until next year. It's hard to attack one of the most powerful men in the world.

Diablos, the girl herself is saying he didn't do anything. She's the one saying he was halfway across the island and the guys wouldn't even touch her with him around. She's accusing a goddamn Prince, I don't think she gives a shit about politics.

EDIT: Here's the article again, it was the front page of the Daily News when it ran.
Okay, PPP/others, here are the races I need to see polling for:



Aaron did this list make you hard, it's okay if it did.

Would it be a good idea to run Hagan again, or should the Dems put a brand new challenger up against Burr?


Another historical oddity since I seem to post them a lot no matter what people think about it: The story for a long time has been that H.W. originally intended Jeb to be the "next-in-line" and never thought of W. as a serious (or tough enough) politician let alone President. But he lost in 1994 (which had been unexpected) while W. upset Ann Richards. So when Jeb and W. both won in 1998, W. had an extra term on Jeb and so he went forth into 2000.

Until things went sour on W. starting around 2005-ish and then on the GOP in general in 2006+, H.W. was even pushing Jeb to follow up his brother and then went pushing him for 2012. Barbara notably has taken the stance that there's been too many Bushes so has tried to tamper Jeb running and was never in favor of W. running other than outside of motherly love, see your sons accomplish things, etc.

It's long been suspected that Barbara never liked H.W.'s endless pursuit of the Presidency and taking every job under Nixon he could grovel for. (His son becoming President was also dream for Prescott.) And that she preferred her sons not head down the political path too far. IIRC, W.'s adopted the same stance for his daughters (probably encouraged by Laura who's been open from the start about not liking politics, even though she seems pretty shrewd and talented for it to me), but supports his brother because, well, he's his brother. And Neil because he's his nephew.

lol political families and their dynasty obsessions (see: Rockefellers, Kennedy's*)

*Joe Sr. originally considered his own stab at the Presidency but FDR ruined it, and then thought Joe Jr. was the ideal son to setup for the Presidency, but after he died, turned to Jack and after he died to Bobby and after he died Joe Sr. died himself because of Chappaquiddick and realizing Teddy was done for a while. (Okay, maybe I made up that last part.) It's amusing that the media picked up that baton though and was in love with practically every fucking Kennedy spawn after that and wrote stories about their potential future Presidencies.

P.S. George magazine. lol
P.G. Sittenfeld running for U.S. Senate in Ohio. He's a Cincinnati councilman. Here's an ad from his 2013 campaign

Knowing only that ad, he seems charismatic and likable enough. I'd still like to see someone more tested like Tim Ryan or Ted Strickland but Democrats could certainly do worse.

Sittenfeld is probably running primarily to get his name out statewide. Can't imagine he has a legit shot at getting the Democratic nomination, though he seems like a solid dude.

I don't really like the idea of two Cincy candidates, though that's probably just my intense dislike of Southwest Ohio clouding my judgment somewhat.

Ehh, who cares? Fuck Southwest Ohio.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
God, so much stupid shit yesterday on social media about abortion.

I love how every conservative pro-life woman who is either pregnant or has been pregnant thinks they have such a unique perspective on the issue.

As a soon-to-be mom, this issue is particularly sensitive for me. I simply can't imagine killing this wonderful baby inside of me.


God, so much stupid shit yesterday on social media about abortion.

I love how every conservative pro-life woman who is either pregnant or has been pregnant thinks they have such a unique perspective on the issue.

As a soon-to-be mom, this issue is particularly sensitive for me. I simply can't imagine killing this wonderful baby inside of me.

I have one kid with another due to arrive in the next week or so, and both my wife and I are still adamantly pro-choice. When I hear people act like having children is the GUARANTEED path to see that abortion is the Great Evil, it infuriates me.

People look at me like they've seen a ghost if I tell them I am pro-choice after finding out I have kids.
I think it's time we unite the fight against climate change with the pro-abortion party.

A cap and trade system for babies is probably our best bet at stopping climate change.
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