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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Speaking for the thread, we do get a political theory discussion every once in a while (hey benji), but most here seem to be interested in elections/political gawker.

East Lake

Talking about electoral/ american politics is fun and all. Its one of the reasons's I got into politics, but I was wondering if there are any other Political Theorists here. Right now I'm reading Mill's On Liberty so that's fresh in my mind. I also can talk about Rawls, Cohen, Nozick, Locke, Kant (though I'm more familiar with his works in ethics), and others.
Do you think Dems winning the house by vote count but losing control by seats in 2012 is undemocratic?


Speaking for the thread, we do get a political theory discussion every once in a while (hey benji), but most here seem to be interested in elections/political gawker.

Thanks for clarifying

Anyways one of the most interesting ponderings I've had is if Communism ever really existed. Now I'm not a communist, and lean far right but if I had to make the argument I would say that communism never really existed as Marx envisioned it. For Marx it was a natural progression from Feudalism to Capitalism to Communism. Marx himself admitted that Capitalism was incredible for generating wealth and economic growth and that it was a necessary precondition to communism so there would be something to redistribute. Marx wrote that revolution would break out in Germany, England, and France. These being industrialized nations. Marx didn't write about Russia, China, or North Korea. These nations had Feudalistic societies. The Problem was that these nations skipped a step so there was really nothing to redistribute.

What existed in these countries is a kind of Redistributive Feudalism. So if I had to make the argument I would say Communism never failed because it was never tried and never existed.
I don't mean to shit on a new member but hoo boy. Let's just say I find your projections a bit fanciful and bordering on Dick Morris territory.

No Republican is going to win Minnesota, Michigan or Pennsylvania in 2016, especially Minnesota.

For the record this is more or less what I believe a tied popular vote would look like:



Talking about electoral/ american politics is fun and all. Its one of the reasons's I got into politics, but I was wondering if there are any other Political Theorists here. Right now I'm reading Mill's On Liberty so that's fresh in my mind. I also can talk about Rawls, Cohen, Nozick, Locke, Kant (though I'm more familiar with his works in ethics), and others.

Sure, my business school had many required courses on the history of capitalism, classical liberalism, the enlightenment, and more modern theorists such as Engels/Keynes/Schumpeter. All of it was fascinating and more useful than I would have ever imagined.

Oh, I also need to say welcome. This place does need new blood and more diverse opinions. I'm the kind of person whose always in search of new ideas and different mindsets of seeing things, so even if I'm seemingly disagreeing with you I'm probably secretly molding some of your thoughts into useful ideas of my own.

I'll say I did agree with your point about the Democratic bench being thin, and that's one area where they're worse off. There's a few people with some very bright futures ahead of them such as the Castro brothers and Kamala Harris, but it's not their time yet. Hillary Clinton in that regard, is a very necessary bridge.


I don't mean to shit all over you but uh, let's just say I find your projections a bit absurd.

My projections for Rubio and Walker were based on the Barone article. As for the bottom 3 I don't know if I'd call them my predictions. There predictions based on models and statistical analysis. I believe them to be true, but not because I want them to be (although I do), but because the data backs them up.
It's hard to take your Walker map seriously. Barring some huge financial collapse or a Clinton scandal I'd argue that map is impossible. I didn't glance at the other maps before turning my computer off for the night (I'm on my phone) but I'll comment on them tomorrow.

Why is Illinois still blue on your map? If your answer is that Illinois is too hard to beat due to the democrat machine, why doesn't that apply to Michigan and PA? I live in Michigan...there's no way a republican can win this state in 2016 against Hillary. The vote influx from the major cities is too high to overcome. Likewise Philly makes PA nearly impossible for republicans to win. I think Michigan could become a red state in a decade due to gentrification/demographic shifts but you're not going to win here bragging about opposing the auto bailouts and being fiercely anti-union in a general election. Walker and Snyder got away with that in midterms...

Minnesota is a solid union blue state with a good economy, why would it shift for Walker under normal circumstances?

How does a republican win Virginia in 2016, given the rise of the Hispanic vote there? Warner was saved by decent enough turnout in black and brown districts. A general election would inflate that turnout.


I don't mean to shit on a new member but hoo boy. Let's just say I find your projections a bit absurd.

No Republican is going to win Minnesota, Michigan or Pennsylvania in 2016.

ESPECIALLY Minnesota. The Republicans here have been campaigning as Scott Walker clones and even in 2014 they got blown out up and down the ballot.

Would it surprise you to learn that Pennsylvania is as conservative as Colorado and Minnesota is just a hair more liberal (D+2). Bush almost won it in 2000 and 2004

All it takes is a 51-49 split and the Midwestern "Blue Wall" comes crashing down

Also I'm from Minnesota too, nice to meet another Minnesotan on Gaf. I look forward to our state getting progressively redder and redder in the near to mid future.
Would it surprise you to learn that Pennsylvania is as conservative as Colorado and Minnesota is just a hair more liberal (D+2). Bush almost won it in 2000 and 2004

All it takes is a 51-49 split and the Midwestern "Blue Wall" comes crashing down

Also I'm from Minnesota too, nice to meet another Minnesotan on Gaf. I look forward to our state getting progressively redder and redder in the near to mid future.

"Almost" being the key word. Dude, I've been in arguments w/ conservatives since indeed, that 2004 election that this was going to be the year they win Pennsylvania. As PD pointed out, Philly is growing quickly and it's not red-leaning people moving there, it's hipsters priced out of New York and DC.

As for Minnesota, then you really don't understand your own states politics. Yes, parts of Minnesota, such as the Iron Range are getting redder. But, they're getting redder as they lose population. The areas of Minnesota that are actually growing, such as the Minneapolis suburbs and the actual Twin Cities shifted left sharply in the past eight years and most importantly, a nominee like Walker, who's well known in the Minnesota area for having a horrible record as compared to the Dayton administration, isn't winning it.

Uniform shifts don't happen. They just don't. But, even if they did, explain to me how any Republican candidate is going to win 51% of the vote, in the background of an economy with unemployment hovering around 5%, job growth continuing, and two of the best political campaigners of the past century backing Hillary up?


I've got to get to bed. I'm battling the worse illness I've had since I was a sophomore in High School. I'm not sure what it is but I've had it for about a week so I've got to go to health services tomorrow.

I'll just say this. I do believe that Hillary is one of the strongest non-incumbent candidates in presidential history and the republican could very well lose.

As for the blue wall its at its weakest point since 1992 when it was formed. The evidence and data backs that up. Intuitively it seems like those states are as blue as ever but the models tell a different story. Republicans ignored those models in 2012 and Democrats ignored them in 2014 and we all know what happened.

I'll try to post when I can. I'm sick and have tests coming up so it might be a while


Also I'm from Minnesota too, nice to meet another Minnesotan on Gaf. I look forward to our state getting progressively redder and redder in the near to mid future.

You do realize that's the opposite trajectory that Minnesota is on, correct?

As for the blue wall its at its weakest point since 1992 when it was formed. The evidence and data backs that up. Intuitively it seems like those states are as blue as ever but the models tell a different story. Republicans ignored those models in 2012 and Democrats ignored them in 2014 and we all know what happened.

I've got to get to bed. I'm battling the worse illness I've had since I was a sophomore in High School. I'm not sure what it is but I've had it for about a week so I've got to go to health services tomorrow.

I'll just say this. I do believe that Hillary is one of the strongest non-incumbent candidates in presidential history and the republican could very well lose.

As for the blue wall its at its weakest point since 1992 when it was formed. The evidence and data backs that up. Intuitively it seems like those states are as blue as ever but the models tell a different story. Republicans ignored those models in 2012 and Democrats ignored them in 2014 and we all know what happened.

I'll try to post when I can. I'm sick and have tests coming up so it might be a while

Democrats didn't ignore shit in 2014. First off, not a Presidential election. Second, as always, it's about turnout, not an issue in Presidential elections as much.

Your maps are like the unskewed polls stuff from 2012. The data most certainly does not back up your contentions.



I could see a map relatively similar to this happening if Obama's approval is in the low 40's or below in the RCP average and the 'time for a change' phenomenon keeps Hillary at 45% of the vote.

What keeps me from believing it's likely is John Kerry got 48.3% in a relatively unfavorable climate for Democrats and with less favorable demographics. Many election analysts see that performance almost as Democrats' baseline now. Again though, Republicans can carry your map but Obama will have to be rather unpopular and hence the outcome of the election to not be in doubt in the run-up to it.

edit: Damn it guys, you scared him off with your strong adjectives and gifs.


Also, the nature of the "Blue Wall", as its called, is always changing. Michigan will become easier for Republicans to compete in -- the same is probably true of Ohio. But states like Virginia and eventually North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and eventually Arizona and Georgia will become much easier for Democrats to win/carry. And those states aren't the ones that lose electoral seats every 10 years.


Talking about electoral/ american politics is fun and all. Its one of the reasons's I got into politics, but I was wondering if there are any other Political Theorists here. Right now I'm reading Mill's On Liberty so that's fresh in my mind. I also can talk about Rawls, Cohen, Nozick, Locke, Kant (though I'm more familiar with his works in ethics), and others.
No one can talk Rawls. The original position is nutbaggery gibberish.

Thanks for clarifying

Anyways one of the most interesting ponderings I've had is if Communism ever really existed. Now I'm not a communist, and lean far right but if I had to make the argument I would say that communism never really existed as Marx envisioned it. For Marx it was a natural progression from Feudalism to Capitalism to Communism. Marx himself admitted that Capitalism was incredible for generating wealth and economic growth and that it was a necessary precondition to communism so there would be something to redistribute. Marx wrote that revolution would break out in Germany, England, and France. These being industrialized nations. Marx didn't write about Russia, China, or North Korea. These nations had Feudalistic societies. The Problem was that these nations skipped a step so there was really nothing to redistribute.

What existed in these countries is a kind of Redistributive Feudalism. So if I had to make the argument I would say Communism never failed because it was never tried and never existed.
Marx didn't invent communism, he just proved its inevitability with science. What he was wrong about was historical dialectics.

His theory of communism is based on the idea that it's historically guaranteed to come about because "science" and it's why he refused to define how the steps of the transition would work. (And got pissed at Engels when he tried to do so.) Lenin eventually worked out the "steps" which had the effect of disproving Marx's historical "scientific" guarantee which is all that underlies Marx's notion of how communism would work or exist.

This is part of the same reason his economics (but not his critiques) are garbage, he doesn't account for time properly.

Soviet support wasn't the only reason Marxism-Leninism was the dominant ideology of the Communist Bloc.

As an aside, communism isn't about redistribution in as much as it's about abolishing all classes and then immediately setting up a second elite class with totalitarian powers.


Also, the nature of the "Blue Wall", as its called, is always changing. Michigan will become easier for Republicans to compete in -- the same is probably true of Ohio. But states like Virginia and eventually North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and eventually Arizona and Georgia will become much easier for Democrats to win/carry. And those states aren't the ones that lose electoral seats every 10 years.

Don't forget Texas. My prediction is future POTUS Castro flips it blue in 2024.
Also I'm from Minnesota too, nice to meet another Minnesotan on Gaf. I look forward to our state getting progressively redder and redder in the near to mid future.
You'll be waiting a very long time then. Just look at the 2014 results. Six years ago who would have predicted that Al Franken would coast to re-election by double digits while Mark Warner in Virginia would only hang on by a point? The only upshot for Republicans is they were able to win the House of Representatives by pitting the rural communities against the Twin Cities, but this is only the flip side of this - the Twin Cities are now big enough that they can outvote the rest of the state. We saw this in 2012 with the Vote No campaigns and we saw it again in 2014 with the Franken/Dayton campaigns.

Our state will be getting progressively more something but it certainly won't be "redder." For one "redder" implies that there was any red here to begin with.

Zimmy64 said:
Would it surprise you to learn that Pennsylvania is as conservative as Colorado and Minnesota is just a hair more liberal (D+2).
"As conservative"

you know the highest vote-getters in both states in 2014 were Democrats right


You'll be waiting a very long time then. Just look at the 2014 results. Six years ago who would have predicted that Al Franken would coast to re-election by double digits while Mark Warner in Virginia would only hang on by a point?
Not the best example, we all thought until like six hours before that Warner was going to coast.
Not the best example, we all thought until like six hours before that Warner was going to coast.
Even then Franken looked safer. Plus it doesn't matter how we perceived it at the time - the final results are what we should analyze.

Apparently Warner's internal polling showed a much tighter race, he just didn't say anything because why would he contract the narrative that he was in the lead?


Would anybody have noticed inbetween all the other Democrats' "WE'RE IN A CRISIS WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, please send $3" e-mails?


City-Journal is a conservative leaning magazine, but they occasionally have some good long form pieces on oft-ignored topics, if you can get past the usual lines like "job-killing Obamacare" and so on. I thought this one on union tensions was pretty interesting.

Over the past few years, Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel has enraged public-sector unions by closing failing public schools and calling for pension reform. The head of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, went so far as to offer a local labor official $1 million in union campaign support to take on Emanuel, up for reelection in February. But private unions have a different view of the mayor. Building-trades groups like the Construction and General Laborers’ District Council have benefited from his infrastructure spending and have donated heavily to his reelection, while the hotel workers’ union, Unite Here, has openly endorsed him for boosting Chicago tourism. “There’s a lot of support I have from working men and women,” Emanuel retorted last year when asked about the public-sector-union opposition to his mayoralty.

Chicago’s labor rift isn’t unique. The goals of public and private unions are diverging. Government employees, determined to hold on to their pay and benefits, are fighting to defeat political leaders and candidates advocating fiscal reforms, such as limits on tax increases. Private unions, by contrast, see the nation’s sluggish economic growth as a threat to their members and are increasingly encouraging politicians to focus on private-sector job creation.


These disputes have roiled Democratic primaries and even pushed some labor groups into the arms of Republican candidates. The face-off among labor groups could have significant long-term consequences if it becomes a struggle for the future of the Democratic Party—and judging by the battles among labor groups in last year’s elections, that struggle may be under way.
Today’s labor divide is actually a new twist on older conflicts. Decades ago, when public-sector workers first began to push for the right to organize, many private labor leaders were skeptical that collective bargaining could work in government employment; government officials tended to agree. Unionized public workers, they felt, could easily hold the public hostage. One consequence of that widespread attitude was the exclusion of public employees from many early federal labor laws, including the 1935 Wagner Act, which gives private workers the right to organize and bargain collectively. In an oft-quoted 1937 letter, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt explained to an angry Luther Steward, president of the National Federation of Federal Employees, that, while it was acceptable for federal workers to organize into associations or trade groups to represent their interests, “All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service.”

By the late 1950s, however, AFL-CIO boss George Meany and some other prominent labor leaders had reversed course. Giving government workers the right to bargain collectively, they now contended, would strengthen labor’s clout. Labor promoted—and swiftly achieved—collective bargaining for government workers in states and municipalities across the country. But that success soon proved a double-edged sword. Meany had worked hard to convince the American public that organized labor had no interest in big government, since an expanded state wouldn’t help unionized workers, who had traditionally worked in the private sector. Now he had a faction within the labor movement that did benefit from big government—and that lobbied continuously for it.

A struggling economy and blown-out state and local budgets, burdened with heavy government-worker costs, have brought to the surface the old enmity between private and public unions. Nowhere has this been more visible than in New Jersey. In 2006, as a budget crisis rocked the state, Democratic state senator Stephen Sweeney, an ironworkers’-union official, declared that public employees should take a 15 percent pay cut to prevent looming tax hikes. “My guys haven’t gotten a raise in two years because their entire raise went to their health and pension costs,” Sweeney complained. “New Jersey has a government that we can’t afford any longer.” A union war of words ensued, with one public-sector labor leader likening Sweeney to a “right-wing Republican.”

Tensions simmered for years, in part because then-governor Jon Corzine, also a Democrat, refused to ask government workers for significant concessions, even as New Jersey taxes soared. In 2011, Sweeney and other Democratic state legislators who also were private-union officials voted for a bill, promoted by new Republican governor Chris Christie, that scaled back government-employee benefits. Later that year, the state’s AFL-CIO refused to endorse the private-union officials for reelection. Representatives of building-trades unions stalked out of the AFL-CIO endorsement meeting in protest.

The controversy reverberated in New Jersey’s 2013 gubernatorial race. Some two dozen private unions endorsed Christie for reelection, shunning his Democratic opponent, State Senator Barbara Buono; public-sector unions aggressively opposed Christie. Private-union leaders liked the way Christie had restrained tax increases and restarted job growth. In its endorsement of the governor, one New Jersey local of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers noted that, between 2001 and 2009, the number of hours its members worked had declined more than 50 percent, to 3 million—but during Christie’s tenure had rebounded by about 1.5 million annual hours. “Our men love him,” the local’s business manager, Patrick Delle Cava, said. A CNN exit poll on the election, which Christie won with 60 percent of the vote, showed that he did well among voters in union households, capturing 46 percent of their ballots.

In a sign of battles to come, trade-union groups at the 2013 meeting called for AFL-CIO member unions to engage in more bipartisan political action and to seek “greater political independence.” The trades have become especially restive over public-sector unions’ monolithic support for Democratic candidates. In the 2014 election cycle, the American Federation of Teachers gave $1.7 million to 202 Democratic congressional candidates and $5,000 to one Republican. AFSCME contributed nearly $1.5 million to 195 House Democratic candidates and to 26 Senate Democratic contenders, as well as $6,000 to three Republicans. The American Federation of Government Employees contributed $525,000 to 178 Democrats and $41,750 to 19 Republicans. These figures are part of a long-running pattern. Since 1990, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, the AFT has given $34.5 million to Democrats and $308,250 to Republicans. AFSCME contributed $51.4 million to Democrats and $643,655 to Republicans over those years, while AFGE spent $7.8 million on Democrats and $390,552 on Republicans.

By contrast, in 2014 congressional races, the Carpenters and Joiners Union, which led the charge within the AFL-CIO for a more bipartisan approach, contributed $418,000 to 46 GOP candidates and more than $1 million to 150 Democrats. The Operating Engineers Union contributed $1.4 million to 213 Democratic congressional candidates and $425,000 to 51 Republicans. Other blue-collar unions are following suit. The New Jersey Building and Construction Trades Council, a labor umbrella group, touted its endorsement of four 2014 GOP congressional candidates as part of a “commitment to a broad, bipartisan approach to solving our nation’s economic problems.”

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Jack, I won't take your continued belittling comments any more seriously than I've taken BM's. If you want to discuss this, I expect at least a modicum of respect from you. I have already explained to you (on this very page, no less) that I discuss this topic because it interests me. You, on the other hand, seem to discuss it only to attempt to get a rise out of me. If you cannot carry on this conversation like an adult, without resorting to ad hominem or substanceless snark, then I won't discuss it further with you.

Hey, I just want to tell you that while I do not agree with you quite a bit of the time, I respect your perspective. You always have very well written posts and it's nice to read about your thoughts on a given subject. You bring a much needed counterpoint to this thread and having legitamate discussions and debates is what this place is about.
If we want to know what the statute means, we can read it. That's why it's written.

Not so. The textualist, when confronted with a silent text, will not impose his or her views on that silence. He or she will recognize that the statute does not answer the question before the court. Here's Justice Scalia's approach, as explained in the book, Reading Law, which he co-wrote with Bryan Garner:

Except... we can't, in this case. There's clear ambiguity in how the law was enacted and interpreted and how it strictly reads. Thus, King*. That's why we acknowledge that lawmakers are neither prescient nor perfect, and we seek further clarification. This can be by seeking "self-serving post-hoc justifications," or we can examine how the law was enacted, or we can seek day and date explanations from lawmakers. The point is, strict textual analysis denies the ambiguity entirely, which is frankly bunk.

Scalia is, essentially, a troll who believes that by holding to a strictly literal interpretation he can better support and conceal his back-asswards beliefs (no offense). A strict textualist may pretend, even try to avoid imposing their views on the text, but that's not actually possible in anything but the most tortured of legalese. There's almost always going to be some ambiguity, and that's where perception fills the void.

*Well, technically, King is just the latest in a long-ass line of partisan attempts to derail the ACA. But that's another discussion.

EDIT: Also, looking over the previous page... didn't we just have a discussion about how PA is "Republican Fool's Gold?" It looks flippable, because the margin is pretty small, but there's really not much elasticity there.
A 2016 loss for democrats is possible, but it would take some major event to overwhelm demographic shifts.

1) A terrorist attack. I think the table is set for a really nasty media and public response to any attack on US soil. Obama's recent behavior (golf, softball interviews, Buzzfeed video) could easily be used to paint the WH as unserious during a dangerous time. Personally I don't care about those things I mentioned, my point is that the media is serving as a propaganda tool for war, highlighting every ISIS move to stir concern amongst people. One attack and we'll be in ugly territory, with the public looking for a "strong" leader and response. Since Obama is neither of those things, expect people to look to the Republican Party.

2) economic collapse. Banks are once again playing around with junk mortgages, student debt is at astronomical heights, Europe could plunge into another recession, etc. I don't expect a collapse to happen but if one does and wrecks our economy, Obama gets the blame. And by proxy so will his successor.

3) Clinton or Obama scandal

Republicans are currently searching for any dirt on Hillary. An obvious route would be through Bill. There was discussion of an affair in 2008, which the Clinton campaign was worried about. I would assume Bill still has someone on the side; he hasn't slept with Hillary in years, their marriage is more of a friendship/partnership, etc. Perhaps another scandal could create the Clinton fatigue republicans want.

Obama has avoided scandals for the most part. I still think the NSA leaks hurt his presidency, but outside of that he has avoided trouble. But what if a cheating scandal embroils him over these last couple years, with republicans in control of the house and senate? He has seemed more reckless lately, at least to me; bucking Israel, slapping Christian hypocrites, executive actions that might get struck down, etc. Or maybe the scandal could be something else.

The flip side is that things continue as they are. Gas prices increase but remain relatively low, job growth remains strong, wages increase a bit, Obama continues to vex republicans with popular executive orders, the country remains safe, no military involvements outside of airstrikes, etc. If we remain on this cruise control he could have good approval rates into 2016, democrats will take a victory lap, and Hillary will win big. However I'm always cautious of stuff like this. Multiple posters here had ridiculous expectations for the future after the 2012 election. What we got was two ugly years of failure and a slow economy. We'll see how 2015 and 2016 go.
I am new like zimmy but Im treated like the 2nd coming of Diablos. x(
Its because you panic. Diablos was diablosing in 2008 elections, forget 2012.

Anyway, I agree with PD. The GOP certainly has a way to whitehouse, a way which absolutely does not depend on the GOP candidate's qualities but rather externalities. An economic collapse for one. I dont know about a terrorist attack. Such attacks have rally around the flag effect, and it wont matter what Fox will be yelling. Another externality is if something like the Iran Hostage Crisis occurs, or something just as bad. ISIS is potentially one of them, but as far as they do not reach US interests, they wont matter.


Thanks for clarifying

Anyways one of the most interesting ponderings I've had is if Communism ever really existed. Now I'm not a communist, and lean far right but if I had to make the argument I would say that communism never really existed as Marx envisioned it. For Marx it was a natural progression from Feudalism to Capitalism to Communism. Marx himself admitted that Capitalism was incredible for generating wealth and economic growth and that it was a necessary precondition to communism so there would be something to redistribute. Marx wrote that revolution would break out in Germany, England, and France. These being industrialized nations. Marx didn't write about Russia, China, or North Korea. These nations had Feudalistic societies. The Problem was that these nations skipped a step so there was really nothing to redistribute.

What existed in these countries is a kind of Redistributive Feudalism. So if I had to make the argument I would say Communism never failed because it was never tried and never existed.

Because you admit to certain political leanings I won't bore you with specifics, but if you want to talk about far-left socio-political theory above APKmetsfan tier you shouldn't conflate agrarian economies with feudal modes of production if you're trying to analyze history through Marx's materialist conception of history.

Additionally, the primitive accumulation of capital wasn't (according to Marx) a natural progression from feudalism, but the result of globalization and, in particular, the plundering of Africa and the Americas.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Hey, I just want to tell you that while I do not agree with you quite a bit of the time, I respect your perspective. You always have very well written posts and it's nice to read about your thoughts on a given subject. You bring a much needed counterpoint to this thread and having legitamate discussions and debates is what this place is about.

Thanks. I'm glad to hear that you think so.

Except... we can't, in this case. There's clear ambiguity in how the law was enacted and interpreted and how it strictly reads. Thus, King*. That's why we acknowledge that lawmakers are neither prescient nor perfect, and we seek further clarification. This can be by seeking "self-serving post-hoc justifications," or we can examine how the law was enacted, or we can seek day and date explanations from lawmakers. The point is, strict textual analysis denies the ambiguity entirely, which is frankly bunk.

The "ambiguity" you've identified is a difference between what the law says and what you would expect it to say. That's not an ambiguity, and certainly no reason to disregard the text of the statute. A poorly written law is still the law (most of the time). Your approach invites judges to ignore Acts of Congress in favor of their own policy preferences. Textual analysis certainly ignores the distinction between the text and judicial expectations about the text, but that's as it should be. The text is what was voted on and signed into law.

But note that even judges who consult legislative history do so only when the text itself is ambiguous. If the text is clear--and I think the text in the ACA regarding credits is--then no judge would permit legislative history to override the clear meaning of the statute. (Not that the legislative history of the ACA is all that helpful, one way or the other.)

Scalia is, essentially, a troll who believes that by holding to a strictly literal interpretation he can better support and conceal his back-asswards beliefs (no offense). A strict textualist may pretend, even try to avoid imposing their views on the text, but that's not actually possible in anything but the most tortured of legalese. There's almost always going to be some ambiguity, and that's where perception fills the void.

This isn't the case. A textualist can't transform a progressive statute into an enactment of libertarian ideals. A progressive statute would be given a progressive effect, in accordance with its text. Here's Scalia again:

Scalia and Garner said:
To enable the reader to evaluate pure textualism with an open mind, we must lay to rest at the outset the slander that it is a device calculated to produce socially or politically conservative outcomes. Textualism is not well designed to achieve ideological ends, relying as it does on the most objective criterion available: the accepted contextual meaning that the words had when the law was enacted. A textualist reading will sometimes produce "conservative" outcomes, sometimes "liberal" ones. If any interpretive method deserves to be labeled an ideological "device," it is not textualism but competing methodologies such as purposivism and consequentialism, by which the words and implications of text are replaced with abstractly conceived "purposes" or interpreter-desired "consequences." Willful judges might use textualism to achieve the ends they desire, and when the various indications of textual meaning point in different directions, even dutiful judges may unconsciously give undue weight to the factors that lead to what they consider the best result. But in a textualist culture, the distortion of the willful judge is much more transparent, and the dutiful judge is never invited to pursue the purposes and consequences that he prefers.

If pure textualism were actually a technique for achieving ideological ends, your authors would be counted extraordinarily inept at it. One of them, a confessed law-and-order social conservative, wrote the first Supreme Court opinion protesting the "enhancement" (i.e., increase) of criminal sentences on the basis of factual determinations made by judge rather than jury and dissented from such "conservative" majority opinions as those setting a constitutional limit on the amount of punitive damages, preventing tort suits against nonmilitary personnel by persons injured in active military service, and imposing criminal punishment for "using a firearm" on a defendant whose "use" of the gun was to trade it for drugs. He has cast the deciding vote or written for the Court in such "liberal" majority opinions as the one holding unconstitutional laws prohibiting the burning of the American flag and the one overruling the case allowing un-cross-examined hearsay to be introduced in criminal prosecutions. Your other author holds many opinions commonly seen as "liberal." He is pro-choice, for example, and supports same-sex marriage; but he finds nothing in the text of the Constitution that mandates these policies. He also favors gun control and deplores the Second Amendment, but he believes that the majority opinion in Heller correctly interpreted that amendment as establishing a person right to bear firearms.
Republicans once again displaying their mastery of projection:

"[Hassan] will use this platform as a way to increase her own visibility and run for the next job," said Gov. Chris Christie, the former Republican Governors Association chairman and presidential candidate, at a local GOP dinner in Concord on Monday. "Let's be careful. We've got enough of those types in Washington, D.C., already. We don't need you to send any more there."

I hope he's not too choked up when she's the next senator of New Hampshire.
I think some Americans are interested but the whole Euro currency issue is a bit odd from an american perspective. It would be like if all the states here used the dollar but had no federal government or national unity to control it. Everyone knows it's stupid aside from Paul Ryan types who may find some use for it in debt or economic fear mongering.

I read it, and it's interesting no doubt.
The reason I don't often respond to PoliEuro threads is that I haven't really kept up with European politics all that much the last couple of years. I often have gut feelings on the subject but in all honesty it's 90% based on my political bias.

I think your outside perspective could be valuable. I think we ourselves are stuck digged in too far in our trenches to be looking at it objectively, and it just turns into a Germany vs Southern Europe flamewar.
Poodlestrike said:
"Local politician will only use position to seek higher office," says Governor of New Jersey on the campaign trail in New Hampshire.
Also the Republicans' last Senate candidate in NH was a Senator from Massachusetts so like, what the actual fuck.

Quinnipiac polls of Colorado, Iowa, Virginia for 2016


Clinton 43 Paul 41
Clinton 43 Christie 34
Clinton 44 Bush 36
Clinton 42 Walker 40
Clinton 44 Huckabee 39


Clinton 45 Huckabee 38
Clinton 45 Paul 37
Clinton 44 Christie 34
Clinton 45 Bush 35
Clinton 45 Walker 35


Clinton 44 Bush 44
Clinton 44 Paul 42
Clinton 44 Huckabee 41
Clinton 44 Christie 39
Clinton 45 Walker 40

Clinton as usual is the most well-known of the candidates, followed by Christie and Bush. Walker is more of an unknown quantity and that might be holding down his numbers a bit. It's comforting to know that Clinton is doing great in Iowa which people seem to be very rashly writing off along with Wisconsin and Ohio.


City-Journal is a conservative leaning magazine, but they occasionally have some good long form pieces on oft-ignored topics, if you can get past the usual lines like "job-killing Obamacare" and so on. I thought this one on union tensions was pretty interesting.


That was an interesting article, thanks for sharing. Republican intraparty fights seem to get all the media attention (since they've been having open races for the nom while Dems have been and will for the foreseeable future be pretty united behind Obama/Hillary), so it's nice to read something about that side of the spectrum.


Also the Republicans' last Senate candidate in NH was a Senator from Massachusetts so like, what the actual fuck.

Quinnipiac polls of Colorado, Iowa, Virginia for 2016


Clinton 43 Paul 41
Clinton 43 Christie 34
Clinton 44 Bush 36
Clinton 42 Walker 40
Clinton 44 Huckabee 39


Clinton 45 Huckabee 38
Clinton 45 Paul 37
Clinton 44 Christie 34
Clinton 45 Bush 35
Clinton 45 Walker 35


Clinton 44 Bush 44
Clinton 44 Paul 42
Clinton 44 Huckabee 41
Clinton 44 Christie 39
Clinton 45 Walker 40

Clinton as usual is the most well-known of the candidates, followed by Christie and Bush. Walker is more of an unknown quantity and that might be holding down his numbers a bit. It's comforting to know that Clinton is doing great in Iowa which people seem to be very rashly writing off along with Wisconsin and Ohio.

Those numbers will tighten as time goes on -- but comforting starts for HilDawg.


Brendan Johnson (US Attorney, son of former Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota) resigning, thought to be considering a congressional bid. A response tweet thinks he's setting himself up for a Senate run in 2020 or earlier if Thune retires.

And compete against Kristi Noem's hair?!?!





Reading through some sections of the Affordable Care Act again, the idiocy of King v Burwell becomes even more apparent.

What we have isn't just a "typo", it's a series of instances in which "the state under 1311" seems to refer to any and all exchanges.

The text is here: https://democrats.senate.gov/pdfs/reform/patient-protection-affordable-care-act-as-passed.pdf

1311 comes up 40 times, in all sorts of contexts.

1321 comes up 5 times after the table of contents, and every one of those mentions is related to the HHS' authority to set national standards that would override state standards. That is literally the only context in which "1321" appears.

So what you have, apparently, is a scenario in which the bill's authors did not find it necessary to go back and insert "or HHS under 1321" after every instance of "by the state under 1311". It seems like they just stipulated that an exchange created by HHS would function as a state exchange (such exchange), and left it at that.

This might be the most ludicrous high-profile Supreme Court case in history.

It's gotta be up there. This is forgetting the fact that none of the actual plaintiffs have a legitimate claim to being damaged by the IRS rule. Or that this entire thing started it's life as a legal case over the constitutionality of the alleged "threat", before morphing into a lawsuit demanding it be carried out. Or this,

Michael F. Cannon @mfcannon
I'm happy saying every single R was clueless. So were *most* Ds & CBO. So was I. So were you. @brianbeutler @jadler1969

that they want us to believe the language itself was inserted by a clandestine cell of Democrats who wanted to sabotage the law for ...... reasons? All in the name of damaging the legacy of our first black President and denying healthcare to millions of Americans, thousands of which who would die as a direct result of an adverse ruling. It doesn't just stain the intellectual credibility of anyone who's siding with challengers, it paints them as sociopaths who just want to be right at all costs. A real trainwreck for all involved.
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