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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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You "get"

SUSA South Dakota poll


What are Pressler's views anyway?
What are Pressler's views anyway?
Former Republican senator - but!

According to the Argus Leader, he "is adamantly opposed to military adventurism, supports expanding background checks on gun sales, favors restricting corporate donations to political campaigns and has called for a museum honoring Native Americans wiped out by white expansion."

Also endorsed Obama.

He could caucus with the Democrats, I suppose.
It seems too high, but remember that the GOP is more likely to vote in midterms and thus Romney voters are more likely to vote, so the total gap should close or flip.

Answered that one here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=133329191&postcount=101

BTW, while I obviously want the Dems to hold as many seats as possible, there would be something massively entertaining about the idea of the Dems holding 50 seats and McConnell losing to Grimes. Oh my god, I'd nearly die.

It also is good for worker mobility. We should be cheering the delinking of health care and employment. As long as it remains accessible and affordable
Might not have been this exact one, but it's got boats and shit too: http://www.vox.com/2014/8/19/5942585/40-maps-that-explain-the-roman-empire

this is the height of data/explanatory journalism saying and providing absolutely nothing of value

a lot of them I'm like "cool... this matters or explains what?"

at least nate's site keeps a constant form of explaining things even if they cherry pick the data points.

the upshot seems to be the best synthesis of experts and data.

edit: this represents my biggest problem with liberalism as applied to politics the ability or the want of the ability to explain everything rationally.


Pressler was in that George H.W. Bush centrist but not quite Rockefeller wing when he ran for President in 1980. (Bush obviously moved towards Reagan later on.) I think he's moved a little more progressive since he left the Senate though.

this is the height of data/explanatory journalism saying and providing absolutely nothing of value

a lot of them I'm like "cool... this matters or explains what?"
THE ROMAN EMPIRE, it's right there in the title! JEEZ!

The amazing thing about Vox is that the guy who didn't understand Friday/Holiday news dumps or Netflix is so far above most of the rest of their writers.
Pressler was in that George H.W. Bush centrist but not quite Rockefeller wing when he ran for President in 1980. (Bush obviously moved towards Reagan later on.) I think he's moved a little more progressive since he left the Senate though.

THE ROMAN EMPIRE, it's right there in the title! JEEZ!

The amazing thing about Vox is that the guy who didn't understand Friday/Holiday news dumps or Netflix is so far above most of the rest of their writers.

Sounds like my parents. I think they still have a DVD from blockbuster at home (who thought this was a good idea?)

I wish there was a word to describe their complete inability to be self-aware. Barro can write similar things but doesn't come across as clueless.
BTW, while I obviously want the Dems to hold as many seats as possible, there would be something massively entertaining about the idea of the Dems holding 50 seats and McConnell losing to Grimes. Oh my god, I'd nearly die.

Who would be the new Minority Leader in that situation?

...RAND PAUL! #believe


Has there ever been a republican president in recent memory that was shunned by his party to stump for candidates in midterms? Bush in 06?


You get gay marriage! You get gay marriage! You get gay marriage! Everyone gets gay marriage! *point, point, point, skips over Benji, point*

Wow. Fox News managed to put every single conservative talking point into a single statement. God Bless America.

Time now for my take. So, should we trust the government to keep us all safe from Ebola? With the government's recent track record not being so hot, well, we learned we couldn't trust the IRS, after the targeting of conservative groups. The Secret Service, after an armed man made his way into the White House. The VA, after reports men and women who served this country died waiting to get health care. We couldn't trust the promise that Obamacare that we could keep our doctors that we wanted. And do we trust that we know all the answers yet about Benghazi? What more and more people seem to be asking about Ebola now isn't that they're necessarily scared about actually getting the disease, but that they're scared the government agencies responsible with helping us if we do get sick might not be up to the task. So if Ebola becomes a bigger issue the question still remains, will we be safe?



That yglesias post really is the nearly perfect yglesias post. The only thing that could make it better would be a bit about how everything would be inside if not for counterproductive government regulation.
So what do you guys think of the news about Wal-Mart dropping health insurance for 30,000 their sub-30 hour/wk workers?
They move from shitty low tier Walmart plans to shitty ACA bronze plans, unless they're lucky enough to qualify for Medicaid and live in a decent state.

Walmart has some good plan as well of course, but if you're part time you probably don't want a lot of your check going towards that.


There's probably gays marrying in South Carolina right now.

*pokes head out window*

No blood from the sky, no sex in the street, no lines for divorce.

Checkmate, NOM.


Did anyone catch or read up on the Kay "Terrible News" Hagan and Tillis debate?
SUSA Georgia

Perdue 46
Nunn 45

Deal 46
Carter 44

Also should mention I misread the SD poll yesterday - Pressler is actually in 2nd.

Weiland do the right thing

Wilsongt said:
Did anyone catch or read up on the Kay "Terrible News" Hagan and Tillis debate?
Heard Hagan kicked ass. Bad news for Hagan.


Unconfirmed Member
New election night map.


Two independents undecided on who to caucus with, and two run off elections to wait for.
I might go with something like that only giving Iowa and Alaska to the Ds. I also don't think Arkansas and Kentucky are done. Pryor released an internal poll today showing him up 3 (hoping this is just like a Nevada 2010 case where the public polls are off the mark and the internals get it right, though Suffolk also had Pryor leading recently) and McConnell bombed pretty spectacularly in an interview today where he was a complete dick to the host. He'll be debating Grimey soon and I'm hoping he loses his cool there too.

It would be so great for Democrats and Independents to run the tables and end up with 55-56 Senate seats. I don't think that's even remotely plausible but goddamn.


Unconfirmed Member
I might go with something like that only giving Iowa and Alaska to the Ds. I also don't think Arkansas and Kentucky are done. Pryor released an internal poll today showing him up 3 (hoping this is just like a Nevada 2010 case where the public polls are off the mark and the internals get it right, though Suffolk also had Pryor leading recently) and McConnell bombed pretty spectacularly in an interview today where he was a complete dick to the host. He'll be debating Grimey soon and I'm hoping he loses his cool there too.

It would be so great for Democrats and Independents to run the tables and end up with 55-56 Senate seats. I don't think that's even remotely plausible but goddamn.

Yeah, this year is crazy because so many races are so close that any small flub could make CO or NC go red or AR or KY to go blue. Makes things impossible to predict. Also makes it rather unlikely for either side to clean sweep everything, unless some national news mixes things up.


Local news seemed to be falling all over itself trying to defend Tillis & make Hagan look bad.

I'd expect nothing less from NC news.



Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Hahahahahaha


During a sermon delivered in West Monroe, LA, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson warned churchgoers that the “orthodox liberal opinion” was responsible for STDs in America, and the only way to protect oneself from the STDs is to have “biblically correct sex.”

“Biblically correct sex is safe,” Robertson said, according to CNS News. “It’s safe. You’re not going to get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS — if you, if a man marries a woman, and neither of you have it, and you keep your sex between the two of you, you’re not going to get ever sexually transmitted diseases.”

“The Bible said one man, one woman: that’s what [God] made to begin with,” the reality star added. “For this reason, we have a male and a female. For that reason, those two can come together and be married…They can procreate, fill the Earth with offspring – they need to stay together just like that. You know what those two will never have? They will never have a sexually transmitted disease. You know why? They keep their sex between the two of them. They can’t catch a sexually transmitted disease.”


I'd expect nothing less from NC news.



Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Hahahahahaha


Technically correct except for the part that implies that people in the Bible were faithful to one another, because I'm not sure there's even one example of that.

Even Mary doesn't qualify.


Technically correct except for the part that implies that people in the Bible were faithful to one another, because I'm not sure there's even one example of that.

Even Mary doesn't qualify.

Not necessarily. You can have HPV or HSV without having gotten it sexually.


Correct. Plus you can get diseases through IV drug use. HIV/AIDS is one such major one that he specifically mentions.

Yep, so moral of story: All sex is risky. Even missionary, no kissing, eye contact, only until he is done and rolls off to do be the Man of the House.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd expect nothing less from NC news.



Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Hahahahahaha


Why is a minister lecturing me about health matters? Is the bible only anti gay sex because of health reasons? If so, then great, just let me grab a condom, and have monogamous sex under wedlock with another confirmed healthy guy, and the bible and me would still be on the same side, right?


Why is a minister lecturing me about health matters? Is the bible only anti gay sex because of health reasons? If so, then great, just let me grab a condom, and have monogomus sex under wedlock with another confirmed healthy guy, and the bible and me would still be on the same side, right?

You know, a friend of mine put up a good thoery that sanitation could be a reason for the animosity against gay sex in the bible.

But, we know that's not the case. It's too logical and doesn't have enough hate to support it.


Why is a minister lecturing me about health matters? Is the bible only anti gay sex because of health reasons? If so, then great, just let me grab a condom, and have monogamous sex under wedlock with another confirmed healthy guy, and the bible and me would still be on the same side, right?

A lot of folks don't realize that the gay sex playground, even when it's a closed system/monogamous, is like a battlefield in a Dynasty Warriors-style game - the bad guys (germs in this case) can just spawn out of nowhere.


Duck guy also omitted that if you're two men who don't have the disease and keep it within your couple, you're probably not going to get STDs.


Unconfirmed Member
Duck guy also omitted that if you're two men who don't have the disease and keep it within your couple, you're probably not going to get STDs.

Yeah, it's just crazy that basically the same argument used to force marriage on straight couples is also being used to force gay people to never get married.



The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office announced Wednesday that the projected deficit for the 2014 fiscal year is $486 billion, which is the lowest annual deficit during President Obama’s time in office. It is also $195 billion less than the deficit from fiscal 2013. It also continues the trend of the deficit declining as a percentage of GDP every year since 2009’s record $1.4 trillion.


The new projections are good news for the Obama administration with less than a month to go before the midterm elections, when Republicans could win the majority in the Senate.

The CBO report comes after the government’s positive September jobs report released Friday. The unemployment rate fell to 5.9 percent last month, which was the lowest in six years.

Cutting spending leads to lower unemployment. World view legit shook.


Unconfirmed Member
I was being facetious.

Couldn't tell, because it's at least a somewhat reasonable statement based on an actual statistic, compared to the unsubstantiated theoretical crap we're used to seeing come out of these free market economists.


Couldn't tell, because it's at least a somewhat reasonable statement based on an actual statistic, compared to the unsubstantiated theoretical crap we're used to seeing come out of these free market economists.

Fair play.

Speaking of unsubstantiated theoretical crap, I heard yesterday on On Point that Art Laffer (of the Reagan-era Laffer curve) had briefed the KS state congress on the revenue benefits of cutting taxes. Now that the results are in and he KS economy is a bust I'm sure Art has gone back to the drawing board.
This is what happens when you choose to run away from your own policy successes. A vacuum is created where the other parties FUD can come in and define the narrative.

The fact that Grimes has run away from this from her campaign is just sad.

She doesn't even have to say Obamacare or the ACA, she could just refer to the law as Kynect and she would still be able to get her point across.


A lot of folks don't realize that the gay sex playground, even when it's a closed system/monogamous, is like a battlefield in a Dynasty Warriors-style game - the bad guys (germs in this case) can just spawn out of nowhere.

In this model, what are the pork buns?


Was Tillis a Democrat plant? Dude is one of the worst Senate candidates I've ever seen, he never had a chance against even a below-average politician like Hagan.
DSCC is going big in South Dakota, spending a million on Weiland in ads and ground game.

Shit just got real

Also Democrats think Pressler would caucus with them if he won, which is probably true - he endorsed Obama twice.
Weiland will be an awesome Senator if he manages to get elected, he's definitely another Elizabeth Warren or Sherrod Brown.
Weiland will be an awesome Senator if he manages to get elected, he's definitely another Elizabeth Warren or Sherrod Brown.
I agree. I'd be okay with Pressler winning, but Weiland winning would be even better.

CNN has Roberts beating Orman by 1 which is a bit of an outlier at the moment. I've always thought their likely voter screen is extremely tight so for right now I'll consider it an effect of that.


Unconfirmed Member
DSCC is going big in South Dakota, spending a million on Weiland in ads and ground game.

Shit just got real

Also Democrats think Pressler would caucus with them if he won, which is probably true - he endorsed Obama twice.

Correction, democrats are spending big on Pressler. A "vast majority" of them are negative (AKA not pro Weiland), and Pressler happens to be in DC at the time of this announcement.

Could be Weiland preparing to drop out, but it could also match up with the animosity Reid has towards Weiland that I mentioned earlier.

If they were really supporting Weiland, they would not focus on negative ads, since that could easily just split the gains between Pressler and Weiland.

I agree. I'd be okay with Pressler winning, but Weiland winning would be even better.

CNN has Roberts beating Orman by 1 which is a bit of an outlier at the moment. I've always thought their likely voter screen is extremely tight so for right now I'll consider it an effect of that.

Look at the undecideds. Either a ton of undecided people decided to vote for Roberts and only for Roberts, or that poll is an outlier.
Correction, democrats are spending big on Pressler. A "vast majority" of them are negative (AKA not pro Weiland), and Pressler happens to be in DC at the time of this announcement.

Could be Weiland preparing to drop out, but it could also match up with the animosity Reid has towards Weiland that I mentioned earlier.

If they were really supporting Weiland, they would not focus on negative ads, since that could easily just split the gains between Pressler and Weiland.
Legit analysis, bro. Although there is another PAC spending a million on positive ads for Weiland, so maybe the DSCC just doesn't want to be redundant.

Pro-Weiland ads could move Pressler voters to Weiland, anti-Rounds ads could move Rounds voters to Pressler.

Daily Kos endorsed Weiland. Any liberal should be pleased with his questionnaire.

Fox News polling dump tonight: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky. Their last round showed results fairly close to other pollsters with the exception of Louisiana.
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