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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Is Democratic Underground not a good measurement of active and voting liberals? Your response is "dude"...? You better chip in a few more dollars to Hillary or better yet write her campaign and tell her to....I dunno, start campaigning.

No, it isn't.

All online polls are total bullshit and less than worthless. Every single one of them.

Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of polling and statistics knows this.
Is Democratic Underground not a good measurement of active and voting liberals? Your response is "dude"...? You better chip in a few more dollars to Hillary or better yet write her campaign and tell her to....I dunno, start campaigning.

What Bertram is pointing out is that you did the equivalent of posting a poll asking in FreeRepublic which would be their favourite candidate.

Would most likely be Cruz. Which has less than zero chance of anything.
Bernie up 90% to 10% in head-to-head with Hillary on Democratic Underground. Around 850 total vote so far.

Bernie has the liberal base(the people who vote, and most surely in a primary/caucus) and as I've said before will most likely win Iowa and New Hampshire or any other place he gets on the ground and speaks quite frequently. As the campaign progresses only the super delegates, big money from corporate interests and mainstream media will save Hillary. The base doesn't want her.

Ron Paul.
So what is Hillary's social site? DailyKOS? I've been a lurker on Democratic Underground for over 10 years... and I've never seen the most progressive candidate for President running as a Democrat get the majority of support there let alone up 90% to 10%. Truly, it has never happened.


Is Democratic Underground not a good measurement of active and voting liberals? Your response is "dude"...? You better chip in a few more dollars to Hillary or better yet write her campaign and tell her to....I dunno, start campaigning.

Bernie salt is going to be in full force in 11 months. Keep ignoring the polls my friend.


So what is Hillary's social site? DailyKOS? I've been a lurker on Democratic Underground for over 10 years... and I've never seen the most progressive candidate for President running as a Democrat get the majority of support there let alone up 90% to 10%. Truly, it has never happened.

you know good and well that sites like those and even our site are in no way indicative of the support a candidate ultimately gets.
So what is Hillary's social site? DailyKOS? I've been a lurker on Democratic Underground for over 10 years... and I've never seen the most progressive candidate for President running as a Democrat get the majority of support there let alone up 90% to 10%. Truly, it has never happened.

What was Romney's social site in 2012? What about McCain's in 2008?

The far left doesn't make up the majority of the democrat base, especially now. Most of the base loves Obama and likes Hillary. Bernie Sanders doesn't appeal to the parts of the base that caused Obama to beat Hillary, specifically minorities and young people (especially young women). Bernie is doing quite well with white college students right now...but will that last? I don't know.

Sanders simply isn't talented or charismatic enough to pull off what Obama did. He united liberals, non political people, minorities, young people, moderates, etc. I see Sanders fans constantly posting anecdotes about republican friends supporting Sanders but that doesn't make a trend. The Clinton machine can be beaten, Obama proved that. But the Hillary machine now employs the architects of Obama's victory...
Bernie salt is going to be in full force in 11 months. Keep ignoring the polls my friend.

The poll that had him down 8 in NH by CNN, down 10 by Suffolk, 12 by Morning Consult? Or the one one down 32 by Bloomberg? Which quite frankly seems made up when you consider the other 3.

Then you have Bloomberg's Iowa poll(where Bernie is doing best amongst the polls released so far...only poll in Iowa in the last month)...where Bernie is doing better than their NH poll as he's only down 26 in Iowa.

So let's say Bernie is down 10 points in NH, the average of the 3 polls to the one that doesn't make sense from Bloomberg. That means Bloomberg is ripping Bernie off by 22% in NH, 10 compared to 32. Most likely they're doing the same shit in Iowa. Let's boost their Iowa poll to +22 Bernie. Now he's only down 4% in Iowa and 10% in NH.

I'm not ignoring the polls. The data provided tells me Bernie is trailing slightly at the moment. Sure, we do need more polls from Iowa and that's a total guess based on Bloomberg's shitty poll from NH which doesn't match the other 3, so why believe the Iowa one? We'll soon find out whenever someone that's not named Bloomberg decides to drop a poll from Iowa.


Obama 50-47 approval in CNN/ORC poll.

Only 39% of whites think he's doing good. That's just silly.
Fucking ridiculous.

It sounds overstated, I know, but there's no denying Obama's race is preventing people from being able to objectively evaluate his performance as President and react accordingly. People are letting racial bias cloud their judgement, really. It's so stupid.
TPP sucks, but that's not the reason.

I'm sorry but you are coming off as being completely delusional in here. Get a grip.

That greater democratic outreach to minorities would come at some degree of expense of white popular opinion should be no surprise to anyone.

Especially in times of heightened racial tension.
Maybe he shouldn't be in support of the TPP.

Because that's the main reason white people don't support Obama. Come on.

I doubt race plays the main role but it's certainly a factor. Another is the economy; a lot of poor to working class whites aren't doing well. The other issue is racial tension.

Few more decades until you guys are a minority. Can't wait until I can cross the street when I see a white person walking towards me. Maybe gender roles will be such that I'll be carrying a purse then, and can also clutch it while crossing the street.
Obama 50-47 approval in CNN/ORC poll.

Only 39% of whites think he's doing good. That's just silly.
He's had a good week. Hope he finishes his term at around 51% approval. Or you know, higher.

Every time I talked about Obamacare building a positive legacy for him I had to add "unless SCOTUS guts it" which isn't the case anymore. The only thing that could sink him at this point is something completely unforeseen. And the time is running out on that one.


I'm happy to see Obama's poll boost, I've been hoping he could climb to a consistent 50% for the rest of his Presidency.
One thing that would be nice to see is Obamacare favorable ratings rise. I think there was a poll recently that showed it rated more positively than negatively for the first time since they started polling on it. Democrats don't seem to hide from it as much (Pryor especially defended it pretty well in 2014) but it would certainly give Hillary less reason to.


The poll that had him down 8 in NH by CNN, down 10 by Suffolk, 12 by Morning Consult? Or the one one down 32 by Bloomberg? Which quite frankly seems made up when you consider the other 3.

Then you have Bloomberg's Iowa poll(where Bernie is doing best amongst the polls released so far...only poll in Iowa in the last month)...where Bernie is doing better than their NH poll as he's only down 26 in Iowa.

So let's say Bernie is down 10 points in NH, the average of the 3 polls to the one that doesn't make sense from Bloomberg. That means Bloomberg is ripping Bernie off by 22% in NH, 10 compared to 32. Most likely they're doing the same shit in Iowa. Let's boost their Iowa poll to +22 Bernie. Now he's only down 4% in Iowa and 10% in NH.

I'm not ignoring the polls. The data provided tells me Bernie is trailing slightly at the moment. Sure, we do need more polls from Iowa and that's a total guess based on Bloomberg's shitty poll from NH which doesn't match the other 3, so why believe the Iowa one? We'll soon find out whenever someone that's not named Bloomberg decides to drop a poll from Iowa.

"My candidate isn't down 30 points! He's only down 10 points! That means he'll definitely win! He's also extremely popular on this fringe liberal website! No, not this fringe liberal website, a different one."


Fucking ridiculous.

It sounds overstated, I know, but there's no denying Obama's race is preventing people from being able to objectively evaluate his performance as President and react accordingly. People are letting racial bias cloud their judgement, really. It's so stupid.

He's probably doing close to average with whites in the west and northeast, but his 20% or so approval rate among whites in the deep south does tend to skew his numbers downwards.
He's had a good week. Hope he finishes his term at around 51% approval. Or you know, higher.

Every time I talked about Obamacare building a positive legacy for him I had to add "unless SCOTUS guts it" which isn't the case anymore. The only thing that could sink him at this point is something completely unforeseen. And the time is running out on that one.

You mean a republican victory in the 2016 election (although I doubt a President Bush or Rubio would repeal the law). It would be dangerous to take healthcare from 20+ million people...but then again they don't vote consistently enough to really punish republicans.


The poll that had him down 8 in NH by CNN, down 10 by Suffolk, 12 by Morning Consult? Or the one one down 32 by Bloomberg? Which quite frankly seems made up when you consider the other 3.

Then you have Bloomberg's Iowa poll(where Bernie is doing best amongst the polls released so far...only poll in Iowa in the last month)...where Bernie is doing better than their NH poll as he's only down 26 in Iowa.

So let's say Bernie is down 10 points in NH, the average of the 3 polls to the one that doesn't make sense from Bloomberg. That means Bloomberg is ripping Bernie off by 22% in NH, 10 compared to 32. Most likely they're doing the same shit in Iowa. Let's boost their Iowa poll to +22 Bernie. Now he's only down 4% in Iowa and 10% in NH.

I'm not ignoring the polls. The data provided tells me Bernie is trailing slightly at the moment. Sure, we do need more polls from Iowa and that's a total guess based on Bloomberg's shitty poll from NH which doesn't match the other 3, so why believe the Iowa one? We'll soon find out whenever someone that's not named Bloomberg decides to drop a poll from Iowa.



We can keep this going all the way until June 2016 or Bernie drops out beforehand. I will be enjoying this every step of the way.




We can keep this going all the way until June 2016 or Bernie drops out beforehand. I will be enjoying this every step of the way.

Is there a runner-up prize for the Democratic primary that I'm not aware of? Do they think Hillary is gonna have a stroke or something? This is obscene.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bernie up 90% to 10% in head-to-head with Hillary on Democratic Underground. Around 850 total vote so far.

Bernie has the liberal base(the people who vote, and most surely in a primary/caucus) and as I've said before will most likely win Iowa and New Hampshire or any other place he gets on the ground and speaks quite frequently. As the campaign progresses only the super delegates, big money from corporate interests and mainstream media will save Hillary. The base doesn't want her.

"Perry/Santorum has the conservative base!"

Didn't work out that well.
You mean a republican victory in the 2016 election (although I doubt a President Bush or Rubio would repeal the law). It would be dangerous to take healthcare from 20+ million people...but then again they don't vote consistently enough to really punish republicans.
They vote in presidential elections.

Frankly Hillary will only lose if Obama's presidency collapses in the eleventh hour - which at this point would be something unforeseen. The Republican victory would be a consequence of that unforeseen something.

The country is too polarized for a 2000-esque situation where you had a bunch of swing voters who liked Clinton but were still willing to give Bush a chance. Hillary just needs to turn out the base, who likes her a lot more than internet liberals give her credit for (see that poll above). All she needs to do is this

Chris Christie is less popular than Donald Trump...in Michigan.

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 1h1 hour ago

Chris Christie's overall favorability on the Michigan poll we're going to release shortly- 19/57. Even Trump's at 28% favorability
They vote in presidential elections.

Frankly Hillary will only lose if Obama's presidency collapses in the eleventh hour - which at this point would be something unforeseen. The Republican victory would be a consequence of that unforeseen something.

Eh, Hillary's baggage makes me think she could lose on her own, with the right leak/bombshell/October Surprise/etc. Whether you care about the Clinton Foundation stuff and emails or not, her general disregard for rules should concern you. It's the same type of blatant, petty shit that they've been doing forever. My concern is that she breezes through the primaries, gets the nomination...and then gets hit with a scandal she can't bullshit her way out of by playing the victim/gender card.

Under normal circumstances sure I think she'll win, but I'm concerned...
"Perry/Santorum has the conservative base!"

Didn't work out that well.

And how well did that work out for Romney?

In other news, Bernie Sanders expecting 9,500 people to show up to his rally in Madison on Wednesday night. Think the venue holds around 10,000(most likely just the seats) but they had an RSVP list of 12,000 which probably includes the main floor of the arena.

Bernie is going to be in professional sports arenas fairly soon if there's not an empty seat.
Eh, Hillary's baggage makes me think she could lose on her own, with the right leak/bombshell/October Surprise/etc. Whether you care about the Clinton Foundation stuff and emails or not, her general disregard for rules should concern you. It's the same type of blatant, petty shit that they've been doing forever. My concern is that she breezes through the primaries, gets the nomination...and then gets hit with a scandal she can't bullshit her way out of by playing the victim/gender card.

Under normal circumstances sure I think she'll win, but I'm concerned...
That's fair I guess - I probably overrate Clinton as a candidate.
And how well did that work out for Romney?

In other news, Bernie Sanders expecting 9,500 people to show up to his rally in Madison on Wednesday night. Think the venue holds around 10,000(most likely just the seats) but they had an RSVP list of 12,000 which probably includes the main floor of the arena.

Bernie is going to be in professional sports arenas fairly soon if there's not an empty seat.
So Howard Dean in Summer 2003 numbers.

We all know how this is going to end.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
And how well did that work out for Romney?

You do realize that the entire point of that post was that those guys didn't even get out of the primary, right?

Also, the word is "milquetoast." Not "milk toast."


With the media killing Bernie? Unfortunately for the media...broadband internet is far more accessible now than it was 12 years ago, people are more aware of the media's conservative bias, Bernie is actually running on legitimate stuff that only he espouses...Howard Dean was milk toast.

Everyone here knows I am a staunch Hillary supporter but the difference between you and others here who support Bernie is they are in touch with reality.


No Scrubs
Eh, Hillary's baggage makes me think she could lose on her own, with the right leak/bombshell/October Surprise/etc. Whether you care about the Clinton Foundation stuff and emails or not, her general disregard for rules should concern you. It's the same type of blatant, petty shit that they've been doing forever. My concern is that she breezes through the primaries, gets the nomination...and then gets hit with a scandal she can't bullshit her way out of by playing the victim/gender card.

Under normal circumstances sure I think she'll win, but I'm concerned...

Honestly it would have to be something huge with real evidence at this point. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times when it comes to Hilary over the last few years.
With the media killing Bernie? Unfortunately for the media...broadband internet is far more accessible now than it was 12 years ago, people are more aware of the media's conservative bias, Bernie is actually running on legitimate stuff that only he espouses...Howard Dean was milk toast.
Howard Dean didn't lose because of the media. The Dean Scream came after his campaign had begun to collapse and he came third in Iowa.

The NYT knew what it was talking about in August 2003:
Holding oceans of blue Dean placards at every stop were nearly all white hands, a homogeneity the campaign tried to counter with a rainbow of supporters on stage, which only drew more attention to the lack of diversity in the audience. The feisty crowds were filled with Birkenstock liberals whose loudest ovations always followed Dr. Dean's antiwar riff — there were few union members, African-Americans, or immigrants.

It remains unclear how such untraditional rallies will translate into the nuts-and-bolts of nominations like endorsements, voter registration, fund-raising and debates. The campaign also may have trouble keeping people interested and preventing its events in coming weeks from seeming mundane.

The Iowa caucuses are about three things: organization, organization and organization. There's a reason it routinely predicts the eventual Democratic nominee (unlike New Hampshire which is routinely contrarian). It's the single best test of a campaign's ground game, GOTV operation, advocacy group outreach, endorsement game etc. The Deaniacs couldn't compete with Kerry's experienced staff and volunteers. They were too young, too amateur, too inexperienced and had little grasp of the inside politics of the caucus system compared to Kerry's old-hands. In 2008 Clinton actually ran a very good Iowa campaign, but Obama ran the best caucus operation in history. On just about every level it raised the bar and showed how he could take down the Clinton machine across the country. And guess who Obama's team is working for now?

Hillary's so far ahead right now on the ground in Iowa it's unreal. Bernie's got 10 staff out there and 1 office open, Hillary has just opened her 10th office and has 150+ highly trained volunteers pounding the pavements already. Bernie might close the gap in the polls there but on caucus night her team will destroy his. As the NYT said, it's one thing touring liberal utopias like Denver and Madison and Seattle and Portland and drawing huge (homogeneous) crowds seeking their latest savior, it's quite another to be able to put together a viable campaign.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Says the guy with the Lions avatar....oh god.

We made the playoffs last year. To us, that's like a Super Bowl victory.

I figured you'd be sympathetic since you're basically supporting the Detroit Lions of the upcoming presidential cycle.

You sound just like us Lions fans: "Bernie's really good in this one area, and if he tries really hard, and everything falls into his favor, and most democrats don't vote in the primary, and people in the general election ignore that he said he's a socialist, and voting machines break down on election day, he'll roll into the White House! See, he's not that far away!"

I've been there, friend. Let it go.
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