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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Obligatory: http://whatismattwalshwrongabouttoday.com/


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
And how well did that work out for Romney?

In other news, Bernie Sanders expecting 9,500 people to show up to his rally in Madison on Wednesday night. Think the venue holds around 10,000(most likely just the seats) but they had an RSVP list of 12,000 which probably includes the main floor of the arena.

Bernie is going to be in professional sports arenas fairly soon if there's not an empty seat.

Yup and I'm gonna be there. =D


Unconfirmed Member

That poor guy. Maybe we should ban gay marriage after all. Sure, allowing two people that love each other to marry is nice and all, but we can't be having defenseless bloggers be harmed by mean internet comments. That's really the greatest injustice of all.
We made the playoffs last year. To us, that's like a Super Bowl victory.

I figured you'd be sympathetic since you're basically supporting the Detroit Lions of the upcoming presidential cycle.

You sound just like us Lions fans: "Bernie's really good in this one area, and if he tries really hard, and everything falls into his favor, and most democrats don't vote in the primary, and people in the general election ignore that he said he's a socialist, and voting machines break down on election day, he'll roll into the White House! See, he's not that far away!"

I've been there, friend. Let it go.

Considering I haven't said any of those things...I dunno what the hell you're talking about.
Eh, Hillary's baggage makes me think she could lose on her own, with the right leak/bombshell/October Surprise/etc. Whether you care about the Clinton Foundation stuff and emails or not, her general disregard for rules should concern you. It's the same type of blatant, petty shit that they've been doing forever. My concern is that she breezes through the primaries, gets the nomination...and then gets hit with a scandal she can't bullshit her way out of by playing the victim/gender card.

Under normal circumstances sure I think she'll win, but I'm concerned...
I think you would agree that Bill Clinton was skewered just as much as Obama on the right during the early 90's. It then makes sense to say that all of Hillary dirt is already out in the open. That's why they are still trying to nail her on things like her early career as a lawyer or some deals made in the past, but they still figure Benghazi is their best hope. Unless they find out that she swooped in Libya and killed the employees herself they are not gonna find anything. That's one of the advantages you have for being in politics so long. There's nothing really in your baggage that's not known to everyone.
So the Democrats do have a version of the Paultards.

Wonder what the Sanders version will be called.

Bernie Sanders has no chance to win the primary. And he knows it. He knows it very well. As has been stated before, Bernie's goal isn't to win but rather to push Hillary/Party left a bit more and get a conversation going on more liberal terms.

Which is a good thing. But don't mistake that for a real shot at winning.


So the Democrats do have a version of the Paultards.

Wonder what the Sanders version will be called.

Bernie Sanders has no chance to win the primary. And he knows it. He knows it very well. As has been stated before, Bernie's goal isn't to win but rather to push Hillary/Party left a bit more and get a conversation going on more liberal terms.

Which is a good thing. But don't mistake that for a real shot at winning.

someone forgot to tell Bernie that.



#AskBobby is trending on Twitter here in Louisiana. We're gonna have some fun with this!

My favorites thus far:
My sister is about to get married; what's a fair price for my father to ask? She has good childbearing hips! (Genesis 29:18) #AskBobby

#AskBobby Is it hard knowing that Kenneth the Page could've done a better job governing Louisiana than you have?

Hey @BobbyJindal is 'The Flintstones' a cartoon or a 'biblical fact'? #AskBobby #TheStupidParty

Who is a cuter horse: American Pharoah or Ann Coulter? #AskBobby

#AskBobby Now that gays are getting married do you think we'll have an above-average hurricane season?

.@BobbyJindal How does one make a dinosaur saddle? #AskBobbby

.@BobbyJindal if I sail too far will I fall off the edge of the Earth? #AskBobby

What happens when you run out of bookkeeping tricks to make your state appear solvent? #AskBobby

I love love LOVE when politicians do this!

And now NotBobbyJindal is answering questions in real Bobby Jindal's place..

I think you would agree that Bill Clinton was skewered just as much as Obama on the right during the early 90's. It then makes sense to say that all of Hillary dirt is already out in the open. That's why they are still trying to nail her on things like her early career as a lawyer or some deals made in the past, but they still figure Benghazi is their best hope. Unless they find out that she swooped in Libya and killed the employees herself they are not gonna find anything. That's one of the advantages you have for being in politics so long. There's nothing really in your baggage that's not known to everyone.

I think there are a couple things at play. Personally I don't think Benghazi matters, whereas the Foundation issue and the emails are more dangerous. Nothing has been proven, however my fear is that something on these fronts could explode after she has won the nomination.

The other issue is Clinton Fatigue. The GOP's entire plan revolves around the idea of making people so tired of Clinton's scandals and baggage and coverage that they tune her out. I think Hillary hiding from the press is an acknowledgement that her camp knows this could be an issue. My biggest fear on this front is that someone like Rubio gets the nomination and can really run a future v past race against her. She failed when Obama did it. Granted Obama is a master politician and Rubio isn't, plus Obama had the right policy views whereas Rubio doesn't...but it's still a danger. She's out of touch and rich as fuck. If people get tired of her bullshit they might just give the other guy a shot.


This is semantics, and nothing more
So the Democrats do have a version of the Paultards.


EDIT: One thing bothers me every time I see the term "Paulbot" or "Paultard."

What idiot, when trying to think up a disparaging term for the supporters of Ron Paul, would think to replace re and ro with "Paul"? Whoever that person is, he has done a great disservice to clever internet discourse.

Same thing for Rand Paul, btw.
Of course that's the flipside. I just have a hard time understanding (and therefore sympathizing) why people would want to put political/tacky shit on their license plates anyway. Just get a bumper sticker or something. Leave the state out of it.
Sanders is polling 25% - significant but still losing hard to Clinton.

Bernie's prediction wasn't bad at all. He made 2 absolute statements; winning the first 2 contests which he very well can do. He said he "thinks" he'll win the nomination and the presidency...no declaration...just thought.


"Man Running for President Says He'll Win Presidency"

Trump is at 14% (second) in Michigan: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/...pack-in-michigan-clinton-leads-gop-field.html

Clinton beats all the Republicans, as if there would be any question of that.

Sanders is polling 25% - significant but still losing hard to Clinton.

I know he and others are going to say that. His support will drop as soon as Clinton is seen as the nominee as the nomination moves on. By the time we get to Diablos state, it will be over.
Because in this realm you don't like the outcome. I think legally, it was still the right one.

The gov't can restrict whatever it wants, IMO. It's a gov't sanctioned and distributed plate. Gov't can choose winners and losers, nothing says it can't.
From my perspective it's carte blanche for state governments to restrict freedom of speech.

Government says people can customize their plates and support causes through them, but government gets to pick and choose what it does and doesn't want to display?

What if states start banning plates for Human Rights Campaign or GLAAD?
From my perspective it's carte blanche for state governments to restrict freedom of speech.

Government says people can customize their plates and support causes through them, but government gets to pick and choose what it does and doesn't want to display?

What if states start banning plates for Human Rights Campaign or GLAAD?
Bumper stickers exist.

States already get to choose what they say, see their statements of support for gay marriage, abortion, abstinence, oil drilling, environmental protection and a whole host of other social and non-social issues

Its not restricting speech. your speech rights aren't curtailed, you don't have a right to force the government to endorse your view, the government can endorse certain views on license plates (save for specially restricted ones like religion)
From my perspective it's carte blanche for state governments to restrict freedom of speech.

Government says people can customize their plates and support causes through them, but government gets to pick and choose what it does and doesn't want to display?

What if states start banning plates for Human Rights Campaign or GLAAD?

Fine by me. The State gets to pick winners and losers. Anything else is impracticable, really.

Nobody's free speech is being restricted. If the law says "you cannot put a GLAAD" bumper sticker on, then sure.

hell, thy don't let you put curse words on the plates, either.

The only thing they can actually restrict, though, is words that may incite violence. Other than that, you can put shit on your car. But there's nothing that says they must abide by what you want on the license plate.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"Man Running for President Says He'll Win Presidency"

Trump is at 14% (second) in Michigan: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/...pack-in-michigan-clinton-leads-gop-field.html

Clinton beats all the Republicans, as if there would be any question of that.

Sanders is polling 25% - significant but still losing hard to Clinton.

Carson's favorability through the roof again. I still say he's a darkhorse. He just has to go up there and play the Romney/primary game--don't say dumb things, be personable.
Fine by me. The State gets to pick winners and losers. Anything else is impracticable, really.

Not really. The state either lets all causes or no causes (at least the ones that aren't connected to government agencies/services/institutions).

I'd guess that many states, if not all, would opt for getting rid of sponsored/custom plates entirely, and I think that's a more than suitable outcome. Certainly preferable to the one we got, which will result in all sorts of state government bullshit.

Nobody's free speech is being restricted. If the law says "you cannot put a GLAAD" bumper sticker on, then sure.

hell, thy don't let you put curse words on the plates, either.

The only thing they can actually restrict, though, is words that may incite violence. Other than that, you can put shit on your car. But there's nothing that says they must abide by what you want on the license plate.

And if a GLAAD or Planned Parenthood plate had prompted this lawsuit, rather than a Confederate sympathizers organization's plate, would PoliGAF really have sided with the State of Texas over GLAAD or PP? I find that extremely hard to believe.
Bernie is going to be huge news over the next couple of days if he can fill that stadium in Madison(the optics will be mind blowing) plus post a strong second quarter of 2015 to his campaign. Guess he's supposed to be over 10 million....wouldn't be shocked if it's closer to 15 million.

Checking back to 2007...Obama raked in 31 million off 154,000 donors. Bernie already has 200,000 people signed onto his campaign...and I guess donating as well.

Do we get the numbers tomorrow, or do we have to wait until July 2...like the article I linked?
Jeb's tax returns from the last 33 years have been released.


Mr. Bush said his total net worth is between $19 million and $22 million, most likely less than Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, who, in addition to millions in assets, has reported earning $25 million with her husband in speaking fees over a recent 16-month period. On the other hand, Mr. Bush is likely wealthier than many of his GOP rivals, with a net worth of 14 times what he reported when he left the Florida governor’s office in 2007.

His effective federal tax rate, meanwhile, hovered around 36% over more than three decades of earnings. The average rate for middle-income households was projected to be 12% in 2013, the latest available data. The top 1% of U.S. earners paid an effective rate of 33%.


Yeah. They made a comment about the left making fun on her, but called her brave for keeping the baby and taking the pain onto her for keeping it

The focus shouldn't be on Bristol, but on the failure of abstinence.

However I can't imagine an alternative reality where one of Obama's daughters had two out-of-wedlock pregnancies and Fox's reaction would be the same.
Not really. The state either lets all causes or no causes (at least the ones that aren't connected to government agencies/services/institutions).

This has never been an accepted legal position in the US and I see nothing that

I'd guess that many states, if not all, would opt for getting rid of sponsored/custom plates entirely, and I think that's a more than suitable outcome. Certainly preferable to the one we got, which will result in all sorts of state government bullshit.

And if a GLAAD or Planned Parenthood plate had prompted this lawsuit, rather than a Confederate sympathizers organization's plate, would PoliGAF really have sided with the State of Texas over GLAAD or PP? I find that extremely hard to believe.

I can't speak for PoliGAF on this one, but I can speak for myself and the answer is "yes." I have always held this position and it's been the long accepted position of the Courts.

the gov't can't endorse religion and it can't endorse something that is will likely cause imminent danger/violence, but other than that it can endorse whatever it wants to endorse.

What, other than what I've mentioned, legally restricts the gov't from choosing what messages to endorse?


Ron Paul was the best of the Republicans anyhow. Good for him.

Wait, wait, wait. What are your policy preferences, exactly? Is it just "none of the above?"

For the record, if Bernie Sanders wins Iowa and New Hampshire I will absolutely support him as the Democratic presidential candidate. But I don't see that happening.


I'm not sure if comparing Bernie to Ron Paul is entirely fair. His ideas are mainstream -- or at the very least I don't think he's crazy.


All Donald Trump done since entering the race is burn business relationships that will lose him money. His presidential run is doing the exact opposite of what it was aimed to do, which was to enhance his brand.

Where did the notion come from that he was a great business man?
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