Macho Madness
Walker looks like the middle manager you sit next to on the airplane who reads SkyMall.
So I looked up Danny Casolaro and I admit it is a bit strange. Duder claimed that he found evidence of an Illuminati organization and suddenly committed a very bloody "suicide" despite being squeamish of blood.
A bartender there told police that he had seemed lonely and depressed. Under Casolaro's body, paramedics found an empty Milwaukee beer can, two white plastic liner-trash bags, and a single edge razor blade. There was a half-empty wine bottle nearby.
According to Looney, Casolaro claimed that his source was scheduled to arrive by 9:00 p.m. Around that time, Casolaro left Looney, explaining that he had to make a telephone call. He returned a few minutes later and said that his source might have "blown him off."
Toxicology analysis uncovered traces of several drugs: antidepressants, acetaminophen, and alcohol. He wrote: "There was nothing present in any way that could have incapacitated Casolaro so he would have been incapable of struggling against an assailant, let alone been sufficient to kill him."
Ron Rosenbaum, a journalist acquaintance of Casolaro's, speculated in Vanity Fair that Casolaro may have intended his suicide to appear to be murder triggered by his research, in order to have others look into the story after his death
He looks a bit like the dorky guy in the RapidAdvance commercials.Walker looks like the middle manager you sit next to on the airplane who reads SkyMall.
There needs to be a rule that after a certain point you stop including unannounced candidates in polls.
How much do we think the Clinton and Bush names will effect the outcome of the election? Surely the l Bush name is still surrounded by negativity? And obviously both candidates will try to separate themselves from their families so they can run on their own merits.If Hilary attacks GWB's legacy by comparing Jeb to him("We dont need another Bush" etc.), it would make her seem petty which is why she will attack failed GOP policies over a failed Bush.
BuzzFeed News
.@Potus: "If you give a woman, or a man, a drug then have sex with that person without consent...that's rape"
"Mostly True"PoliFact rates this: True
"Mostly True"
The poll brings into perspective the popularity of candidates on the Democratic side, too. Hillary Rodham Clinton has ticked back up slightly, moving from a net negative position in May of 45-49 favorable-unfavorable to a net positive position of 52-45 favorable-unfavorable.
Bernie Sanders, the independent socialist Vermont senator making a run for the Democratic nomination, is largely unknown at this point with ratings that split 27 percent favorable to 28 percent unfavorable. A 45 percent plurality are unable to rate him. Sanders has generated a lot of intensity from the furthest left wings of the Democratic party, with rallies attended by thousands on college campuses.
Sanders has gained ground in New Hampshire and Iowa according to some recent statewide polls, but he still trails Clinton by very wide margins in national popularity. Even among his supposed base of liberal Democrats, Clinton's favorable ratings are nearly twice as high as Sanders — 86 percent favorable for Clinton to 48 percent for Sanders. In fact, Clinton's strongly favorable ratings are equal to Sanders's overall favorable ratings among liberal Democrats.
good news for Clintonites. As for Joe Biden most of his support I suppose falls to Hillary when he confirms he is not running.
Sanders' big problem is that his support among non-whites is like 5%. His entire campaign plan is apparently to pull out an upset in NH or Iowa and hope it snowballs, even though statistically speaking that never actually happens.
Which comes when you're a senator from one of the whitest states in the nation versus the wife of the first black president.
Damn, Obama in his press conference was as blunt as I've ever seen him.
It's basically one of those things where you know you're right and you're hoping somebody tries you.
Obama and Biden are like "I wish a motherfucker would."
Obama better get that veto pen ready, because the GOP is already firing up their repeal legislation I am sure.
There is no Romney in this cycle. IE a candidate with a monopoly on cash, PAC support, and endorsements. There are multiple candidates this time with money/PACs and could presumably be the nominee. Bush, Walker, Rubio, and Ohio's governor. Each could be the nominee, whereas only Romney could have been the 2012 nominee.Bush is this cycle's Romney.
Although I can see an argument that this election cycle no-one wants another Romney
Obama and Biden are like "I wish a motherfucker would."
Warren G Harding's wife is running?Which comes when you're a senator from one of the whitest states in the nation versus the wife of the first black president.
There is no Romney in this cycle. IE a candidate with a monopoly on cash, PAC support, and endorsements. There are multiple candidates this time with money/PACs and could presumably be the nominee. Bush, Walker, Rubio, and Ohio's governor. Each could be the nominee, whereas only Romney could have been the 2012 nominee.
Might even be able to add Cruz to that list considering he raised 50mil. The establishment would never approve but I've never seen a fringe/outsider candidate do what he's doing in terms of fundraising and grassroots support.
We're going to see that you can't really buy votes. Sure money helps but it's not the dominant factor when multiple candidates have money. Bush is going to learn this the hard way. I don't see any legit grassroots excitement for him.
There is no Romney in this cycle. IE a candidate with a monopoly on cash, PAC support, and endorsements. There are multiple candidates this time with money/PACs and could presumably be the nominee.
We're going to see that you can't really buy votes. Sure money helps but it's not the dominant factor when multiple candidates have money. Bush is going to learn this the hard way. I don't see any legit grassroots excitement for him.
Kasich and Martinez are the best choices for the GOP VP.
Lel whats wrong with hildawg? I hope yeb never becomes unhip
15 months out, Nevada isn't looking like much of a true swing state. The path to 270.. hmm.
Clinton 48/43 over Marco Rubio
Clinton 48/42 over Donald Trump
Clinton 48/41 over Scott Walker
Clinton 49/37 over Jeb Bush
Senate race essentially tied, 42-41 for Masto.
Jeb! sounds like an Earthbound enemy - will we encounter a palette swapped Jeb!!! as our journey towards election day comes closer to an end?
This report was not designed for a man of Mr. Trump's massive wealth. For instance, they have boxes once a certain number is reached that simply state $50 million or more. Many of these boxes have been checked. As an example, if a building owned by Mr. Trump is worth $1.5 billion, the box checked is "$50,000,000 or more."
Mr. Trump stated, "First people said I would never run, and I did. Then, they said, I would never file my statement of candidacy with the FEC, and I did. Next, they said I would never file my personal financial disclosure forms. I filed them early despite the fact that I am allowed two 45 days extensions. Now I have surged in the polls and am fighting to Make America Great Again. I look forward to the challenge of winning the presidency and doing a fantastic job for our country. I will make the United States rich and strong and respected again, but also a country with a 'big heart' toward the care of our people."
Was this posted yet? Donald Trump files financial disclosure, says he is worth 'TEN BILLION DOLLARS' Yes, the caps are his campaigns, as are these quotes:
15 months out, Nevada isn't looking like much of a true swing state. The path to 270.. hmm.
Clinton 48/43 over Marco Rubio
Clinton 48/42 over Donald Trump
Clinton 48/41 over Scott Walker
Clinton 49/37 over Jeb Bush
Senate race essentially tied, 42-41 for Masto.
►Catherine Cortez Masto, 42 percent; Joe Heck, 41 percent
Oh lord, they can't keep him out of the debates now!
Full steam ahead to amazing television!
Paint Nevada blue if the best result for the GOP is still a 5 point loss.15 months out, Nevada isn't looking like much of a true swing state. The path to 270.. hmm.
Clinton 48/43 over Marco Rubio
Clinton 48/42 over Donald Trump
Clinton 48/41 over Scott Walker
Clinton 49/37 over Jeb Bush
Senate race essentially tied, 42-41 for Masto.
Paint Nevada blue if the best result for the GOP is still a 5 point loss.
I'd call New Hampshire Lean D as well. Then we just need Virginny.
Also undecideds for the Senate race are heavily Obama voters. All the Senate drama will be in GOP-held seats.
Hillary Clinton is weak in Virginia she's only up by 50 points. Clinton leads Webb 79-3 among African American primary voters in Virginia. Webb is only 6 points behind- Bernie Sanders for 2nd place- in his home state
NH is elastic but it's been quite stable in presidential elections since the 96 election. Bush only won it by a few thousand votes in 2000, but Kerry won it by a smidge and Clinton (96) and Obama won it by convincing margins.Sabato gave a reason for why NH is a toss up.
Because reasons... It's the same as Minnesota, no one should have any doubt it'll go blue.ivysaur12 said:Obama beat Romney by 12 points in Oregon in 2012, why are we considering this a likely blue state?
I wonder if he stands to make more money in his businesses in a democratic government than a republican one and this is just his way of making sure that takes place.