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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I like to think the death knell moment was when he spoke in Mandarin at a Republican debate.

If there ever was a moment where a candidate clearly showed that he was running in the wrong freaking primary, that was the one.

Like, dude. You do know you're trying to appeal to republicans, yeah?


Walker seems like Trump's next target


Oh shit yes.

If the only thing Trump does is expose how weak Walker's record is in WI, his candidacy would've been worth it.

Definitely hoping he does this. Walker's a fucking clown and I want to see some clown boxing between him and Trump!


Deeply entertained that the RNC tried to get Trump out of the debate by asking Bush, Walker and Rubio to band together and boycott the debate if Trump was included.

What a surprise that they couldn't get collective action to work!
The rhetoric against the Iran deal may be working:

The new CNN/ORC poll finds 49% approve of the way Obama is handling his job, 47% disapprove, about the same as in a June survey, which found the President's approval rating at 50% for the first time since 2013. But on the President's biggest accomplishment since then -- the nuclear agreement reached between the U.S., its allies and Iran -- most say they would like to see Congress reject it. Overall, 52% say Congress should reject the deal, 44% say it should be approved.
Obama is a terrible communicator and can't sell his policies, example 5458454.

It shouldn't matter though. He only needs a handful of democrats to win this thing.

To grasp why the deal is reasonable and a good solution for now requires a fairly good understanding of the situation of the players involved, which is difficult and opaque to most people, especially when it's so easy to sink into the nationalist line of thought: "why are we even talking to Iran when we should be bombing them?"

As the ideas behind it are too cumbersome for most of the electorate, they're just going to put it out of their minds and fall into party line decision making.


By contrast, what was the gravest comment that straight up instantly killed a Republican candidate's bid for the nomination for the 2012 race? I believe it was "I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming". RIP Jon Huntsman's Presidential bid.


Don't forget Rick Perry literally saying how immigrants were human beings and deserved to be treated as such and that being governor of Texas gave him more insight then the other guys. But then he got booed and jeered off the stage. Everyone tends to forget that moment for the "Oops" debacle, but this was the beginning of the end for him as the base started to reject him.


2016 GOP Primary Debate #1| Trump Ex: Republicans Divided

Ezra Klein did a lengthy interview with Bernie Sanders that's up at Vox. As expected, 80% of it is about economics. He talks a bit about climate change and foreign policy.

Chafee literally has no media attention at all...


2016 GOP Primary Debate #1| Trump Ex: Republicans Divided

Ezra Klein did a lengthy interview with Bernie Sanders that's up at Vox. As expected, 80% of it is about economics. He talks a bit about climate change and foreign policy.

Chafee literally has no media attention at all...

cntr+f "african-american"

You know what youth unemployment is in the United States of America today? If you're a white high school graduate, it's 33 percent, Hispanic 36 percent, African American 51 percent. You think we should open the borders and bring in a lot of low-wage workers, or do you think maybe we should try to get jobs for those kids?

We have 51 percent of African-American kids who are unemployed, the poverty rates in the African-American community are far higher than whites, the wealth ownership much lower than whites, so of course we have that gap.

What we have got to do is create economic policies that improve the lives of all of our people. The white working class is disappearing, the middle class is disappearing, and it's worse in Hispanic and African-American communities. We have got to come together and develop economic policies which improve the lives of all of our people. In terms of prejudice, yeah, of course that's an extra issue. Is there racism in America? Of course there is. We've seen an explosion of that recently.
don't forget soda!

Yeah, the 2-liter bottle is an anomaly of history. Introduced in the early 1970's when the push for the metric system was moving forward. It definitely caught on.

But then the Reagan administration pulled the plug on the conversion movement.

Yet the 2 liter bottle survived. Go Figure.


2016 GOP Primary Debate #1| Trump Ex: Republicans Divided

Ezra Klein did a lengthy interview with Bernie Sanders that's up at Vox. As expected, 80% of it is about economics. He talks a bit about climate change and foreign policy.

Chafee literally has no media attention at all...

I was also going to post this. It's a pretty good read and makes clear one important point about Bernie: he isn't actually pushing any policies that are out of the mainstream.

Unfortunately I think his responses on globalization are pretty poor. I'm especially disappointed with his suggestion that immigrants make Americans poorer, which is just not correct and honestly displays the weakness of his populist approach. Vermont doesn't have to worry too much about the people of color vote.

But Bernie never talks about black issues!

(a fourth of BLM "demands" list is about economics btw).

He still doesn't. Ezra lobbed this across the plate for him -- the question is literally "you talk a lot about class, but do we need any specific policies to help deal with racial issues also?" And he pivots from that to talking explicitly about class issues again and saying "we need economic policies to help everyone." Then he remembers what the actual question was and says "also, yeah, racism is bad."

This was his opportunity to rehabilitate his message on race. Unfortunately I think that just is his actual message on race.


He still doesn't. Ezra lobbed this across the plate for him -- the question is literally "you talk a lot about class, but do we need any specific policies to help deal with racial issues also?" And he pivots from that to talking explicitly about class issues again and saying "we need economic policies to help everyone." Then he remembers what the actual question was and says "also, yeah, racism is bad."

This was his opportunity to rehabilitate his message on race. Unfortunately I think that just is his actual message on race.

Yeah, that was more the point I was trying to get across.
Sanders recently gave a passionate speech about "black issues" at SCLC; I'm not sure it was mentioned here. My point remains that he is being unfairly targeted as not speaking on black issues, when in reality he has done so one many occasions - even before the recent dust up. Even the Klein interview includes this. Not to mention the fact that the BLM platform includes a variety of economic based issues that he directly addresses.

I can't tell if this is just white guilt or something else going on here, but I'm done defending Sanders from these types of attacks. Makes me sound like a Sanders supporter.


Sanders recently gave a passionate speech about "black issues" at SCLC; I'm not sure it was mentioned here. My point remains that he is being unfairly targeted as not speaking on black issues, when in reality he has done so one many occasions - even before the recent dust up. Even the Klein interview includes this. Not to mention the fact that the BLM platform includes a variety of economic based issues that he directly addresses.

I can't tell if this is just white guilt or something else going on here, but I'm done defending Sanders from these types of attacks. Makes me sound like a Sanders supporter.

because you are one. Didn't you say you were voting for him in the primary?


Sanders recently gave a passionate speech about "black issues" at SCLC; I'm not sure it was mentioned here. My point remains that he is being unfairly targeted as not speaking on black issues, when in reality he has done so one many occasions - even before the recent dust up. Even the Klein interview includes this. Not to mention the fact that the BLM platform includes a variety of economic based issues that he directly addresses.

I can't tell if this is just white guilt or something else going on here, but I'm done defending Sanders from these types of attacks. Makes me sound like a Sanders supporter.

Embrace it, man.
Welp. Looks like planned parenthood is dead.

Why do you say that? Anything really that bad come out?

But let's assume that the GOP actually kills all PP funding.

They are gonna reap the whirlwind from that. When people realize that means cutting off funding for birth control to low income women such that we end up with a flood of babies born on medicaid to mothers that will collect more welfare . . . well the backlash won't be pretty.

A technician who said she worked for a company that partnered with Planned Parenthood to harvest fetal tissue said there’s “incentive to try and get the hard stuff ‘cause you’re going to get more money,” in the latest undercover video targeting Planned Parenthood.

The new, graphic video from the Center for Medical Progress appears to show technicians using tweezers to pick through aborted fetal tissue for baby parts. After one person in the video picks out a pair of intact kidneys someone off-camera laughs and says, “Five stars!”

Planned Parenthood has denied selling fetal tissue for a profit, which is against federal law.

“If you can somehow procure a brain or a heart you’re going to get more money than just Chorionic villi or umbilical cord,” O’Donnell said.
What a distasteful story. Planned parenthood's reputation is in tatters.
There's a grotesque documentary accompanying the article in which people are discussing how to get the most money out of what they're doing.
Also, they got hacked and an anti abortion group is taking the credit


No Scrubs
There's a grotesque documentary accompanying the article in which people are discussing how to get the most money out of what they're doing.
Also, they got hacked and an anti abortion group is taking the credit

I know, but no one is going to run with it because they remember the ACORN tape and how that was faked. Only FOX is dumb enough to fall for the same trick four times.
Obviously the track record of these conservative fuckboys deserves to be questioned...but that video is disgusting and I'd be fine with an investigation. If it's a handful of people selling shit under the table, that's one thing. But if it's actually Planned Parenthood being directly involved and can be proven, they should suffer the consequences.


Okay, Trump's whispering more sweet nothings to the GOP base, and they're loving it.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would “love” to have former Alaska Governor and GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in his campaign in an official capacity on Monday’s broadcast of “The Palin Update” on Mama Grizzly Radio.

Trump said of Palin being “along in some official capacity, “I’d love that.” He continued, “Because she really is somebody that knows what’s happening, and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person, and I think people know that. And she’s got a following that’s unbelievable. … Everybody loves her.”

He added that the other GOP candidates are “weak” and “ineffective,” and “the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.”

They tried this with the Philly doctor's trial. And have been showing shocking photos and videos since forever, have you ever walked by an anti-abortion rally? People aren't going to radically change their minds. Yes, abortion is a horrifying thing to witness and some people make horrible comments, but remember this is just the right trying to control women's bodies. It's them trying to bolster their efforts to defund planned parenthood. Its not going to work unless they want to shut down the government (which they won't do)


There's a grotesque documentary accompanying the article in which people are discussing how to get the most money out of what they're doing.
Also, they got hacked and an anti abortion group is taking the credit

A grotesque documentary which is 90% one person's interview and the rest taken out of context. Like I said.


Is this factually incorrect?

D: House & D: Senate
R: House & D: Senate
R: House & R: Senate

The only one Obama never got to face was a

D: House & R: Senate
A grotesque documentary which is 90% one person's interview and the rest taken out of context. Like I said.
Dr Ginde, verbatim: "No, and the, I think a per item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it." (Discussing the pricing of fetal tissue)
Of course, the legitimacy of the source is suspect, and so on, but i fail to muster a sense of context where that sounds like a reasonable statement.


Dr Ginde, verbatim: "No, and the, I think a per item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it." (Discussing the pricing of fetal tissue)
Of course, the legitimacy of the source is suspect, and so on, but i fail to muster a sense of context where that sounds like a reasonable statement.

I mean, it seems pretty straightforward to me. Obviously if fetuses and abortion techniques differ in different situations, different amounts of tissue will be harvestable, so a per item charge rather than a per fetus charge is just better accounting. This is utterly consistent with Planned Parenthood's explanation that they charge only what's necessary to cover their costs -- more tissue means more cost.

I fail to see the outrage? If there was a quote where the doctors talked about whether FedEx or UPS was a better choice for shipping the samples, would that also horrify you?


Dr Ginde, verbatim: "No, and the, I think a per item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it." (Discussing the pricing of fetal tissue)
Of course, the legitimacy of the source is suspect, and so on, but i fail to muster a sense of context where that sounds like a reasonable statement.
They're efficiently using their resources and taking utility into account!
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