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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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John Quincy Adams used to go for nude morning swims in the Potomac.

We really need a President who will reinstitute this tradition.

I grew up a stone's throw from the Potomac 10 miles downriver from D.C. and man, you really don't want to swim anywhere in the Potomac near D.C. Below the city it's a polluted mess, above is waterfalls that routinely kill people.

That said, I used to swim in the river sometimes. Unavoidable when you are sailing Lasers whilst young and restless. It was also a bit of a rite of passage on our swim team to swim across to the M.D. side and back.

Also, a friend of mine spotted and called in a corpse in the river one time.


John Quincy Adams used to go for nude morning swims in the Potomac.

We really need a President who will reinstitute this tradition.
And he once had his clothes stolen:
He rose at 5:00 a.m. each day, read the Bible, and then either took a walk or went for a swim in the Potomac River. One morning while swimming, someone stole his clothing, and he was forced to ask a passing boy to run to the White House to retrieve another suit for him.

And was a scandal machine like Hillary
Adams installed the first pool table in the White House. Initially, he billed the government for the $61 it cost for the table, cues, and billiard balls, but he was decried for such a personal purchase and later he reimbursed the government.

One morning while skinny dipping, Adams was coerced into becoming the first President to grant an interview to a female reporter. Having been refused an interview in the past, a certain Ann Royall took matters into her own hands by acting on knowledge of the President's morning routine. One morning when Adams was skinny dipping, Royall sat on his clothes and refused to leave until granted an interview. History tells us that the President valued his physical decency above his scorn for Ms. Royall, as she became the first female reporter to interview a President of the United States (naked or otherwise).
Yeah, that's what he mentioned during his speech, but I think he based that on pre-rally estimates. A volunteer outside said they were expecting 4-6k, but it looked like they were just shy of the venue's 3700 max attendance. NOLA.com's reporting 4500, and the Advocate is saying an organizer estimated around 4x Jindal's recent 1000, but there were definitely a few dozen empty seats scattered about the top.

Here's a shot my friend took while we were there:

Of course, it was way out in the western most part of the metro area:

I think the UNO's Lakefront Arena would've drawn a larger crowd, but I don't know if that was even an option. I had some friends on the west bank that couldn't be bothered to come, as much as they like the guy, given they'd have had to drive a solid 40 minutes there and 40 minutes back.

I had some friends drive down from BR to see him, but I definitely agree that Kenner was a shitty thing to inflict on people.

Here are three other pictures I took today:



I was also at the J-J Dinner at the Sheraton last night, so here's a phone shot of his talk there too:


Unconfirmed Member
Can the president rename stuff through executive order? I'm curious how many things Trump could stick his name on if he somehow became president.


Can certainly rename things established by executive order, and maybe things delegated from Congress. An example from W. Bush's executive orders:
13309 Jul. 25 Amendments to Executive Order 12994, and renaming the President's Committee on Mental Retardation as the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities


You have to wonder what normal Israelis and Iranians do on a daily basis when they hear what our elected officials say about them. You know, people not in the military or who hold a political office. Just those who go about their daily lives not bothered by conflict.

What do they think when people like Huckabee and the rest of the GOP essentially lump all Iranians in with terrorists, or what Israelis do when they hear that another country is about to commit Nazi-level genocide against them?

Do you think they roll their eyes nearly as much as we do?

My dad told me that all Muslims are terrorists, 100% serious

Talking to him about the middle east isn't very fun
My dad told me that all Muslims are terrorists, 100% serious

Talking to him about the middle east isn't very fun
I just hung out with my family for a day who are extremely conservative, and they literally said the same thing. They even said "death to America" is written in their bible and part of their religion, but I was correcting so much of their BS I didn't even get to that point that United States wasn't even colonized yet.

Anyone notice every political argument is the same?

"This is what the most educated people are saying on the topic, people that are the most credible and knowledgeable experts in their field."

"This is what some uneducated person said who doesn't understand the topic and has an invested interest against it"

Tell them why that is a bad source of information, "you are right, both sides are biased and corrupt. Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle?"

"Sure, whatever.."


So maybe there is a comparison to Hillary after all...

Gallup poll June 25-27, 1999:
Bush 59%, Dole 8%, Quayle 6%, Forbes 6%, McCain 5%, Buchanan 3%, Kasich 3%, Hatch 2%, Alexander 2%, Bauer 2%, Smith 1%

Gallup poll Aug 16-18, 1999:
Bush 61%, Dole 13%, Quayle 6%, McCain 5%, Forbes 4%, Buchanan 3%, Bauer 2%, Keyes 1%, Hatch 1%

Gallup poll Jan 25-26, 2000:
Bush 65%, McCain 15%, Forbes 7%, Keyes 4%, Bauer 2%


What the obsession with posting about Bernie rally sizes? That is absolutely meaningless in terms of chances to win (which for Bernie are dead zero). Ron Paul consistently pulled in 5-10k crowd sizes and look how well that worked out for him.


What the obsession with posting about Bernie rally sizes? That is absolutely meaningless in terms of chances to win (which for Bernie are dead zero). Ron Paul consistently pulled in 5-10k crowd sizes and look how well that worked out for him.

You and others have pointed this out many, many times. You're not wrong, but please let it go.

Has anyone else been watching the Daily Show Month of Zen today/yesterday? They've been covering the Walker Wisconsin stuff for the past day or so. Man, he comes off really badly. Much worse than I remember. If he gets the nomination, the Clinton campaign is going to have a wealth of material to edit into attack ads.


So I decided to visit the hillaryis44 site to see what was up, and to my surprise it seems to have turned into a Trump fan site. They're even criticizing Hillary here and there, in spite of the fact her chances of becoming the next President are pretty good. The psyche of that site would make for a nice scientific study someday. Oh, and they still hate Obama of course.


What the obsession with posting about Bernie rally sizes? That is absolutely meaningless in terms of chances to win (which for Bernie are dead zero). Ron Paul consistently pulled in 5-10k crowd sizes and look how well that worked out for him.

We know already. You seem adamant to repeat it at every chance though lol.


aka andydumi
I just don't even understand the argument. Either we have a deal that includes inspections so we can monitor the program or we have no deal and they get to do whatever the fuck they want to do. The latter seems like what Iran would really want if they were trying to build a bomb. How does the deal help them get a bomb? Because they'll have more money? It is not like money was an issue if they want to build a bomb.

The cynic in me says Republicans want Iran to go for it, so that US/Israel bombs them and another regional war starts. The war machine guarantees money for the "job creators" and Republican war hawks being elected in a variety of positions.

I even read some speculation that Republicans wanted this to happen this year or early next so that it guarantees them the presidency. The fact that Obama does not support Bibi's warmongering would then be used against Democrats because of the "real and present danger". Crazy thoughts, but not unfathomable.
What the obsession with posting about Bernie rally sizes? That is absolutely meaningless in terms of chances to win (which for Bernie are dead zero). Ron Paul consistently pulled in 5-10k crowd sizes and look how well that worked out for him.

Have you noticed how delusional and out of touch many Sanders supporters sound - not here per se, but mainly at Daily Kos and other liberal sites. Any poll with the slightest good news for Sanders gets hundreds of responses; they're currently crowing over the recent poll with him up against Bush by 1. Sorry but the man is unelectable, period. A socialist - oh I'm sorry, democrat socialist - will not be elected in 2016. Worse yet a 74 year old white guy from Vermont.


In other news, the Senate has had enough of Ted Cruz's shit

So when Cruz came to the floor looking for 16 senators to agree to hold a roll-call vote, only three raised their hands. McConnell, sitting at his desk, turned around and peered at Cruz, who looked stunned at what had just happened. The Senate dispensed with his effort by a voice vote and quickly moved on, doing the same to Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), a Cruz ally who sought to use arcane procedures to force a vote on defunding Planned Parenthood.

It all went down in an instant, but the message was clear: If Cruz doesn’t want to play nice with his Republican colleagues, they will respond in kind.


I'll be shocked if Cruz runs for a second term in the Senate.

I don't know what the hell his endgame is, but he clearly has no intention of staying in Congress long-term.

I've seen many assume the Senate isn't an acceptable endgame to Cruz because he doesn't get along with anyone, or that he can't possibly be enjoying himself and won't run for reelection. Maybe being the skunk at the party is how he always envisioned himself and he's enjoying making life difficult for everyone else. I imagine he'd be just as obstinate as President, vetoing bills sent to him by a Republican Congress for lack of purity on this or that issue.


Bucket list Obama says:

Speaking from Ethiopia during his African trip, President Barack Obama criticized GOP candidate Mike Huckabee for his comments about the Iran nuclear deal, especially the regrettable remark in which he claimed Obama was leading Israelis to the “door of the oven.”

“The particular comments of Mr. Huckabee are, I think, part of just a general pattern that we’ve seen would be considered ridiculous if it weren’t so sad,” Obama said.

“I mean, we’ve had a sitting senator call John Kerry Pontius Pilate. We had a sitting senator who also happens to be running for president suggesting that I’m the leading state sponsor of terrorism. These are leaders in the Republican party.”

“Part of what, historically, has made America great is particularly when it comes to foreign policy, there’s been a recognition that these issues are too serious, that issues of war and peace are of such grave concern and consequence that we don’t play fast and loose that way,” he concluded.

How long until the GOP establishment rallies behind Fuckabee since Obama has denounced what he said?

Not long at all!

Here’s something you weren’t expecting: Donald Trump is being asked to respond to an offensive remark made by another GOP candidate. It’s been the other way around for so long we didn’t know it could work like that.

New Day host Chris Cuomo asked Trump campaign head Michael Cohen Monday morning whether the celebrity plutocrat thought Mike Huckabee’s remark — that President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal was leading Israeli’s “to the door of the over” — was offensive.

“I don’t think so,” Cohen said.

“My father’s a Holocaust survivor,” he explained. “There’s that old statement, ‘Never again.’ What Trump is saying is a nuclear Iran is the destruction of the world…I think what he’s doing is he’s really making the point that what Secretary of State [John] Kerry is doing in trying to push this agenda for Iran is a disaster.”


I'll be shocked if Cruz runs for a second term in the Senate.

I don't know what the hell his endgame is, but he clearly has no intention of staying in Congress long-term.

Rubio is already out. I doubt he ever goes back to the Senate for the rest of his career. At this point its either President, Vice President, Cabinet Position or if all else fails Governor of Florida in 2018 or later.
I'll be shocked if Cruz runs for a second term in the Senate.

I don't know what the hell his endgame is, but he clearly has no intention of staying in Congress long-term.

It seems to me that Cruz thought he could pressure the senate and not face much blow back. That would let him build his profile among the far right and still get things done when needed. What he didn't expect was the negativity that would build among other Republicans. He can't back down now and just keeps escalating the issue.


I wonder how the history is going to look back at the Tea Party. Yeah, they won a lot of state and local elections, but when it comes to actually crafting and passing legislation, they've done less than nothing. Total flop of a political movement.

Well, I guess it depends on how you separate the tea party from the fringe right. Without the tea party, would we have had Hobby Lobby, the resistance against same sex marriage or the restrictions against abortions that are going on in state governments?


I wonder how the history is going to look back at the Tea Party. Yeah, they won a lot of state and local elections, but when it comes to actually crafting and passing legislation, they've done less than nothing. Total flop of a political movement.

Passing legislation was never the goal of the Tea Party, though. They're a populist protest movement -- their goal was to prevent government from functioning. Admittedly they failed at this too, but they certainly made government function notably worse.
I've seen many assume the Senate isn't an acceptable endgame to Cruz because he doesn't get along with anyone, or that he can't possibly be enjoying himself and won't run for reelection. Maybe being the skunk at the party is how he always envisioned himself and he's enjoying making life difficult for everyone else. I imagine he'd be just as obstinate as President, vetoing bills sent to him by a Republican Congress for lack of purity on this or that issue.

Cruz loves being an instigator, but he can't be an effective instigator in the Senate once he's been completely marginalized by his own party.

And if he does intend to be a multi-term senator while continuing down this path of increasing irrelevance, eventually he'll face a legitimate primary challenge from someone tired of Texas wasting a Senate seat on a pariah.



More Cruz here

Sabo tells The Hollywood Reporter that the [Stop Iran] rally's organizers asked him to remove the posters, but he refused. "Right off the bat, the organizers asked me to take my signs down because they wanted a consultant message [that] my posters didn't follow," Sabo says. "I told them the First Amendment didn't say anything about a common voice. [So the posters] stayed up. Now, they are carried by people in the crowd."


Ted Cruz posters at Allen West's party and what you gonna do about it, punk?
I think Cruz will stay. His game all along has been to increase the amount of far right senators in the senate and bolster his own influence. Why not stay and continue that, while opposing a President Hillary and being praised/revered for nothing. The other option is to do what DeMint did and leave to take over a conservative organization, but DeMint did something Cruz isn't willing to do: step out of the spotlight. DeMint is now behind the scenes and not receiving the type of donations or coverage Cruz gets.

Cruz has also managed to do something DeMint and other agitators never could in terms of influencing the senate. There are more far right House members than far right senators, and Cruz has had more success fucking Boehner than McConnell.
Y'see, the problem is that you're assuming that he's trying to make an argument. He ain't. He's just telling the base what it wants to hear.

But why do they want to hear that? It makes no sense.

But I guess that is the GOP's thing . . . they have no respect for pragmatism . . . it is all blind-faith ideology.
More guns doesn't work . . . it's just blind faith ideology.
Abstinence only education doesn't work . . . it's just blind faith ideology.
Betrayed our country:

Lincoln Chafee: "Let’s join the rest of the world and go metric. It's easy...it doesn't take long before 34 degrees is hot."

I support this!


It is pretty silly that we don't. It would help us export stuff. The military is already metric due to NATO. Medicine is already metric. Science is already metric. Just finish the job.


GOP are the master's of going extreme.

Another shooting at a theater? "we should allow guns in theaters!"

An illegal immigrant murders someone? "defund sactuary cities!"

heavily edited PLanned parenthood videos appear. "DEFUND. EVERYTHING."


I support this!


It is pretty silly that we don't. It would help us export stuff. The military is already metric due to NATO. Medicine is already metric. Science is already metric. Just finish the job.

Meh, we'd end up like a UK worse situation. Anyone saying the UK is metric is off their rocker, still use MPH officially and imperial unofficially.
How long until the GOP establishment rallies behind Fuckabee since Obama has denounced what he said?

Not long at all!

Not Jeb.

Jeb Bush Scolds Mike Huckabee for Holocaust Comment

Jeb Bush rebuked Mike Huckabee on Monday for invoking the Holocaust in criticizing President Obama over the nuclear agreement with Iran, arguing that Republicans needed “to tone down the rhetoric” if they hoped to recapture the White House next year.

“The use of that kind of language is just wrong,” Mr. Bush told reporters after a town-hall-style meeting here. “This is not the way we’re going to win elections and that’s not how we’re going to solve problems. So, unfortunate remark — not quite sure why he felt compelled to say it.”


So this particular meme popped up in the "crazy things your right-wing friends share on facebook" thread over in the OT. About the confederate flag and Planned parenthood and who killed more black babies.

Guess who is bringing it up again!

Go on! Guess!



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So this particular meme popped up in the "crazy things your right-wing friends share on facebook" thread over in the OT. About the confederate flag and Planned parenthood and who killed more black babies.

Guess who is bringing it up again!

Go on! Guess!


I see this a lot, and I don't quite understand. I thought PP killed babies of all races?

FL Senate:

McCollum: 22%
Jolly: 11%
DeSantis: 8%
Lopez-Cantera: 7%
Miller: 6%
Wilcox: 1%
Undecided: 45%

Graham: 11%
Grayson: 24%
Murphy: 26%
Undecided: 39%

Cross tabs are non-existent, but my guess is most of that Graham support would go to Murphy.
33-32 Grayson/Murphy without Graham

I really hope Florida Democrats don't piss away the Senate race on a Grayson candidacy. He isn't even that liberal.


Mark Halperin on Clinton's unfavorables:
"She's never going to win a referendum up or down do you want Hillary to be your next president. What she is counting on is disqualifying who the Republican nominee is going to be as an unacceptable alternative."
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