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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Kaine was also governor of Virginia or do you only care about midwestern governors?
Kaine served a single term as governor as per Virginia's constitution. So he has less experience there too.

And does Hillary really want to take a Virginia Senator out of the Senate after the Warner near debacle?


Is Bill Nelson?

Can I interest you in a Patrick Leahy?

I want those two right where they're now. Leahy is a Cuban embassador in Congress.

Bill Nelson holds the fort in Florida until Democrats put out something decent in that state - taking a LONGGGGGGGGGG TIME. Boggles the mind how Democrats aren't going harder for the second most populous state. Republicans deserve the Rubio win and Scott wins.


The interesting race in California isn't in 2016. It's in 2018 when it's more of an open field. #Garcetti2018

Is he going for Senate or Governor?

Bill Nelson is running again. He has to or it will be a disater for the party to have to compete for both Senate and Governor's races. They failed hard in 2010 when the same scenario occurred.
Just a little update on Paul LePage (governor of my state of Maine)'s latest insulting message... Paul LePage strikes again! The same guy who said that a former State House Democratic leader 'liked to give it to the people without the Vaseline' (yes, he actually said something pretty much like that, and this was BEFORE LePage was re-elected) and recently vetoed several hundred bills because he's mad at the legislature, and also currently in court arguing about whether he failed to veto 65 more bills (that is a crazy story, read up on it!), now according to the Maine People's Alliance's website just insulted the whole first district (aka southern Maine), maybe because district 1 voted for Michaud in 2014, not LePage:


This apparently was a message he mailed back to someone who sent him a letter telling him to resign. The link has a picture, it's handwritten and on official paper with the state seal.


I bet you would like to see me resign.

You live in the south who exploit those who are not so fortunate, or understand the level of corruption that southern Mainers ignore and welcome!


Governor Paul R. LePage

P.S. Not going to happen!

At this point I really hope he gets impeached (sadly we can't do recall elections here). He has done things bad enough to deserve it.
Its sweltering where i live to the point where i cant go to sleep and i have to run the fan
Al gore was right

2015 is a shoo-in for hottest year on record. And we are gonna get hit by a big El Nino.

Damnit . . . I still need to go to Home Depot and buy a bigger sump pump. One of my pumps just isn't fast enough
I gotta say, paul lepage looks exactly how you would expect him to

Just a stern, crusty mofo
Just a little update on Paul LePage (governor of my state of Maine)'s latest insulting message... Paul LePage strikes again! The same guy who said that a former State House Democratic leader 'liked to give it to the people without the Vaseline' (yes, he actually said something pretty much like that, and this was BEFORE LePage was re-elected) and recently vetoed several hundred bills because he's mad at the legislature, and also currently in court arguing about whether he failed to veto 65 more bills (that is a crazy story, read up on it!), now according to the Maine People's Alliance's website just insulted the whole first district (aka southern Maine), maybe because district 1 voted for Michaud in 2014, not LePage:


This apparently was a message he mailed back to someone who sent him a letter telling him to resign. The link has a picture, it's handwritten and on official paper with the state seal.

At this point I really hope he gets impeached (sadly we can't do recall elections here). He has done things bad enough to deserve it.

LePage is a shithead. Yeah, us mucky-mucks in the Sanford-Biddeford area are really keeping the common man down with our corrupt golden boots.

The sad part is, this really isn't even all that surprising by LePage standards. This is the guy that threatened to pull funding for a school for at-risk kids because he didn't like one of the teachers there.


Just a little update on Paul LePage (governor of my state of Maine)'s latest insulting message... Paul LePage strikes again! The same guy who said that a former State House Democratic leader 'liked to give it to the people without the Vaseline' (yes, he actually said something pretty much like that, and this was BEFORE LePage was re-elected) and recently vetoed several hundred bills because he's mad at the legislature, and also currently in court arguing about whether he failed to veto 65 more bills (that is a crazy story, read up on it!), now according to the Maine People's Alliance's website just insulted the whole first district (aka southern Maine), maybe because district 1 voted for Michaud in 2014, not LePage:


This apparently was a message he mailed back to someone who sent him a letter telling him to resign. The link has a picture, it's handwritten and on official paper with the state seal.

At this point I really hope he gets impeached (sadly we can't do recall elections here). He has done things bad enough to deserve it.



but hahahahahahahaha oh my god what a shithead



Gohmert, speaking at the Washington, D.C., conference of the college chapter of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, said that Justices Ginsburg and Kagan “ought to be impeached” for participating in the marriage equality case after officiating the legal weddings of same-sex couples.

“I think they ought to be impeached, I think ought to be removed, and until Congress shows that we do have some say in the Constitution over the courts the abuses are just going to get worse,” Gohmert lamented. He warned audience members that the Supreme Court wants you to “forget what Moses said God said, forget what Jesus said God said, we’re God and you go by what we say.”

He then suggested a study to prove that same-sex couples can’t have “the preferred marriage”:

We could take four heterosexual couples, married, and put them on an island where they have everything they need to sustain life. Then take four all-male couples and put them on an island with all they need to sustain life, take four couples of women, married, and put them on an island, and let’s come back in 100 to 200 years and see which one nature says is the preferred marriage.

Gohmert also told the audience that there’s “a case to be made” for impeaching President Obama, although he admitted he “hadn’t really thought about it” until reading a book by extreme conservative author Andrew McCarthy.
based louie


My favorite Firing Line recurring gag is when Buckley gives his tongue-in-cheek intros and the person takes offense and immediately pushes for a correction.

Alinsky does that iirc.
Imagine the self doubt tea partiers feel when they find this video of the Big Bad speaking in his own voice, advocating a conservative position on welfare. "How could the intellectual father of the Foodstamp President be opposed to welfare," they mutter as they grind their teeth.
The full episode is pretty amusing, Alinsky seems to intentionally not understand half of Buckley's questions and denies he said/wrote half the things he's said/wrote. But it's also amusing for how uncontroversial conservatives would find half his positions.

All while Alinsky chain smokes through the whole thing.


America’s anchors have spoken: the shooting of one lion vastly outweighs the trafficking of baby parts by a taxpayer-funded abortion giant.

In other words, the broadcast news shows spent more time in one day on Cecil the Lion than they did on the Planned Parenthood videos in two weeks.

The three broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS censored the third video released Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting aborted baby parts -- censored it at Planned Parenthood’s urging. But the news shows did find more than 14 minutes for a more important story: the “outrage” over the shooting of Cecil, a famed African lion, by an American dentist.

Tuesday, the networks spent 5 minutes, 44 seconds during their evening news shows on Cecil -- and that’s not even counting the teasers. Wednesday morning, ABC, NBC and CBS lamented over the lion for 8 minutes, 17 seconds.

But they couldn’t do the same for a story of babies “picked” apart by tweezers.

On July 29, Good Morning America co-anchor Lara Spencer highlighted the “very disturbing story” with “international outrage” before turning to ABC correspondent David Wright for the full story on the lion-shooting by an American, now, according to Wright, “pretty much the most hated man on the internet.”

“There are no words,” Spencer added at the end of the segment. Again, we’re talking about a lion.

For CBS’ This Morning, co-anchor Gayle King commented, “The more you hear about it, the more upsetting it is.”

For the shooting of a lion, yes. For the weekly videos exposing the trafficking of baby parts, no.


"VP for life" sounds like a punishment more than anything else, frankly.

And I've always felt that having the runnerup be the vice president was just encouraging assassination attempts. Ideally, your VP should be someone your enemies want in charge even less than you.

Considering this has never happened (as far as we know), it seems like an odd concern to have.

That's the thing though. I reject that argument, which tbh seems less like an actual argument than a shut down of the intellectual thought process.

Cops killing black people is not the main problem in black America, and neither is black on black crime for that matter. They're symptoms of the actual problem, which is socioeconomic in nature. Institutional racism and structural, designed poverty; stuffing people in a box with guns and drugs. But surely we should also talk about personal responsibility and how we can tackle these constructs as well - a discussion that doesn't require a list of demands from white people, but instead requires personal action on our part. But every time someone tries to have that type of comprehensive discussion they're shouted down - either by emotional blacks or white guilt riddled liberals. The Cosby comparison is automatically made, or the comparison to Fox News shit tier race agitators who use "black on black crime/personal responsibility" as an excuse. I have no interest in being compared to strawmen, I want to debate the issue seriously.

And given that reality this forum makes it even harder to have that discussion, due to the players/posters involved; I already know who's going to waltz in the thread with glib retorts, who is going to waltz in attempting to police language and tell me what I can and can't say (more than a few of whom will be white, I might add), etc. It's frustrating. I'm frustrated watching what I deem to be a very low, unimpressive level of discourse garbled into 140 characters of pure emotion. With no solutions or room for debate.

You're better off saving your sanity and not posting the thread, mate. You have people in the Cincinnati thread saying that asking questions about the finer details of the case means you're trying to say it wasn't murder or that you're just the second coming of Patrol.


New Poll by Quinnipac

Donald Trump leads the GOP presidential field by a significant margin, according to a new Quinnipiac University national poll released Thursday. The poll also indicates that Ohio Gov. John Kasich could ride a post-announcement bump onto the stage for next week’s debate in Cleveland, despite fears that Trump’s wall-to-wall media coverage had overshadowed his late entry into the race. Fully 20 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said they would vote for Trump if the primary were held today — the largest share any single candidate has received in Quinnipiac’s seven surveys over the past two years. That puts the brash real-estate magnate ahead of the two other candidates who earn double-digit support: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at 13 percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 10 percent.

In the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton maintains her wide advantage over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 55 percent to 17 percent — with Vice President Joe Biden, who was included in the survey, at 13 percent. That is statistically unchanged from two months ago, when Clinton led Sanders, 57 percent to 15 percent. (Biden has not indicated he is running, though he has not ruled it out.)
But there are warning signs for Clinton beyond the primary. Her favorability rating reached an all-time low in the new survey: 41 percent. Fully half of voters now view her unfavorably. Among male voters, only one in three views her favorably — and female voters are split on Clinton: 47 percent favorable, 43 percent unfavorable. Two months ago, similar percentages of all voters viewed her favorably (45 percent) and unfavorably (47 percent). Clinton now runs neck-and-neck with the top GOP contenders other than Trump, whom she would defeat, the poll shows. Bush leads Clinton by 1 percentage point, while she edges Walker by 1 point. But she would beat Trump by 12 points. Biden runs virtually even with Clinton against the Republicans, while Sanders would trail Bush and Walker each by 5 points.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/...ush-slump-2016-poll-120795.html#ixzz3hNiJgiF1



They're trying that same goofy-ass thing where we assume fewer Dems than GOPers will vote next year. Cute.

Subsamples of 681 Democrats and 710 Republicans have margins of error of plus or minus 3.8 and 3.7 percentage points, respectively.

But look at that gender gap. Female voters are going to be THE story of 2016. They're going to anchor Hillary's numbers.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I find it hilarious that Fox News is already loading their webpage with anti-Hillary stories. We're like a year and a half out. They don't even try to hide it: the second headline on their webpage was an editorial titled, "Hillary Clinton lies again."


I find it hilarious that Fox News is already loading their webpage with anti-Hillary stories. We're like a year and a half out. They don't even try to hide it: the second headline on their webpage was an editorial titled, "Hillary Clinton lies again."

They've gotta compete with the new york times


Clinton's favorables are terrible, she's at 33% with men. I suppose this is just a trough in her support, she'll have a better few weeks ahead and be above water again.
I don't expect her numbers to improve. Stories will continue to come out and fester. Her saving grace is the expectation that whoever the GOP nominates will be nigh unelectable. She's simply not a good candidate and most people sense her arrogance sense of entitlement to the presidency.


Perry's apparently actually talking about policy.


The headline here is that Perry comes close to calling for a breakup of big multi-line financial conglomerates, with his fact sheet saying that "requiring banks to separate their commercial lending and investment banking practices should be considered." This is something liberals have made a lot of noise about since the financial crisis, and that Hillary Clinton has declined to endorse even as Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders have. But Perry's backup idea — "alternatively, require these banks to hold a significant additional capital cushion for their trading activities" — is probably a better idea.

What this means is that Perry would make a more complicated bank be more cautious about borrowing money than a similarly sized but less-complicated entity would have to be.

This would make complexity less profitable and create a financial incentive to shrink and simplify unless you're really reaping massive efficiency gains. At the same time, it would ensure that a complicated bank is especially unlikely to go bust — and thus that difficult questions about how to deal with the failure of such a bank are unlikely to arise.


Her numbers will improve once she gets the nomination and their is a Republican nominee to consolidate the focus on.

She pretty much has the nomination though, so I don't think that will affect her.

Next year, there will be no Donald Trump to suck the air out of the news cycle and I'm assuming her email shit will die down. In a 1v1 match, I'd expect her favorable to slightly increase, but I dunno. I'm no psychic!!


Don't most dems poll poorly with men?

Usually not that badly. Kerry got ~44% in 2004, Obama did about the same in 2012 and won the male vote outright in 2008. Favorables don't equal final vote tallies though and maybe she's just having a bad couple of weeks, but it is a worryingly low number at the moment.


Man here, voted for Obama twice, and if I were to be polled right now regarding my opinion of Hillary I'd be one of those in the "unfavorable" camp. There are many things I don't like about her, but just as a contrast with Obama he never ran on "I'm black and I'll be making history bitches" whereas Hillary is all about Imma break that glass ceiling, feminism fuck yeah.


No Scrubs
Usually not that badly. Kerry got ~44% in 2004, Obama did about the same in 2012 and won the male vote outright in 2008. Favorables don't equal final vote tallies though and maybe she's just having a bad couple of weeks, but it is a worryingly low number at the moment.

Remember that being a woman will hurt her here as well.
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