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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Jindal is the most non-presidential looking person besides ron paul that I can remember in a long time.

Look at how he is always slumping over, hunchback. Shows such weakness. he's also so damns scrawny. He just...looks like a weakling.

Not that that should ever decide who should be President and such but it's hard to subconsciously ignore.

Also, Graham is pretty short but Pataki looks huge there.
So you're saying he looks like Obama?
So you're saying he looks like Obama?

Obama is skinny, not scrawny. Big difference. You can tell Obama was athletic. Jindal looks like a sterotypical kid that got picked on.

And I don't recall Obama's hunchback photos.

Look at Carson. He's pretty skinny, too. But he has presence. Obama did too. So does most of the people on there.

Walker and Jindal give off a "derp" vibe. Everyone else has some sort of presence, physically speaking.

edit: Santorum has also never had presence. Or Graham. But they also give off a neighborly vibe or something. Jindal just oozes weakness and Walker derpness, I guess.


My favorite laugh of the day:
people over at FreeRepublic think that Trump is going to win New York's electoral votes in a general election.
Originally Posted by HylianTom
oh man, going 1000% populist right here. Donald has gotta to be the shrewdest, smartest campaigner thus far playing his opponents like a fiddle, now striking them are their weakest: taking pork PAC money
My favorite laugh of the day:
people over at FreeRepublic think that Trump is going to win New York's electoral votes in a general election.
To be fair I just saw a dailykos "predictions" diary where Bernie demolishes Bush in a 60-40 landslide so it's not like delusions of grandeur are partisan.

Though I think that has a better chance of happening than Trump winning New York.


To be fair I just saw a dailykos "predictions" diary where Bernie demolishes Bush in a 60-40 landslide so it's not like delusions of grandeur are partisan.

Though I think that has a better chance of happening than Trump winning New York.
Wow, I need to start looking over there as well. Usually my two main politics tabs are this thread and FreeRepublic, with Kos being more of a close-to-election-day site.

60-40.. wowza.
Wow, I need to start looking over there as well. Usually my two main politics tabs are this thread and FreeRepublic, with Kos being more of a close-to-election-day site.

60-40.. wowza.
Dailykos elections (formerly Swing State Project) is great. The front pagers are often quite deluded.

I love when they sneak into the elections comments and all of a sudden it's like "Evan Bayh is a DINO, Elizabeth Warren could win Indiana!"


Ben Carson sounds like what would happen if that movie 'God Is Not Dead' came to life and ran for president. Quite possibly my last choice out of the entire field, if I had to pick a Republican (though I guess Santorum and Huckabee aren't any better).


I'm latw to this but I was just reading up on the friendly relationship between Trump and Palin. I think its fantastic that she has come out strongly in support of him. Palin might actually be able to win votes for Trump among hardcore conservatives despite his less than conservative views.


CBS Poll

Donald Trump (24 percent) leads a fractured Republican field in the race for the GOP nomination in the latest national CBS News Poll. Behind him are Jeb Bush (13 percent) and Scott Walker (10 percent).

Trump leads among a wide array of Republican primary voters. He appears to have tapped into public anger toward Washington: he holds a large lead among Republican primary voters who say they are angry. And 79 percent think Trump says what he believes, rather than what people want to hear, far higher than the other candidates tested.
Clinton losing white women voters in new wsj/nbc poll

Many Democrats have long hoped that Hillary Clinton might expand Barack Obama‘s electoral coalition by drawing in more white women voters.

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll suggests she may have a tough time pulling it off. Mrs. Clinton is losing ground with white women and many other important slices of the electorate, the poll shows, amid a spate of reports about her email practices, speaking fees and foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation.

In June, 44% of white women had a favorable view of Mrs. Clinton, compared to 43% who didn’t. In July, those numbers moved in the wrong direction for Mrs. Clinton: Only 34% of white women saw her in a positive light, compared to 53% who had a negative impression of her, the poll found.
http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/..._source%3Dtwitter.com%26utm_campaign%3Dbuffer lets see what the new iowa and nh ads do


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Jindal looks like an Indian version of Don Knotts. Same body structure and posture.


How could her favorables drop 10 percentage points in one month? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

They have been dropping in every poll released over the last month that I have seen.

The nonsense about "email-gate" seemed to have worked sadly, at least for now.
How could her favorables drop 10 percentage points in one month? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

One possibility is that liberal white women are moving to Sanders and that is dragging her numbers down from the left. If that's the case they should go back up as we move into the general election.


One possibility is that liberal white women are moving to Sanders and that is dragging her numbers down from the left. If that's the case they should go back up as we move into the general election.
That's definitely going to eat at the margins a bit.

She doesn't have to win white women outright; just outperforming Obama would go a long way. Obama lost white women by about 14% in 2012, so there's lots of room for improvement.


One possibility is that liberal white women are moving to Sanders and that is dragging her numbers down from the left. If that's the case they should go back up as we move into the general election.

Except Bernie's poll numbers seemed to peak about a month ago and have barely moved at all since.


A highly entertaining piece about Trump by Drew Magary
What’s your favorite thing he’s said?

“You’re fired!”

Who would you like him to fire, besides Obama?

“Let’s see: John Kerry, our last governor, the attorney general, every Muslim that they put in…”

Randy seemed untroubled by Trump’s lack of polish, or knowledge, or basic human grace. Far from it—these were virtues. “You don’t have to be a brain to run a business,” Randy said. “Just an ass. Sometimes you can be nice and polite, but there’s sometimes you’ve just got to be a horse’s ass with somebody to get them to do what they’re supposed to be doing.”

So far, I’d heard Trump compared—favorably—to a horse’s ass and to a laxative, and I began to imagine a Trump campaign poster that was just a big horse’s butthole spewing hot diarrhea.
I just can't get concerned about this Planned Parenthood nonsense.

I think it's 100% political theater and I can't imagine Republicans will seriously push a government shutdown over it.

They've already scored a vote to defund Planned Parenthood that they can use in the 2016 elections. That should be sufficient for many of the less insane Republicans.


They have been dropping in every poll released over the last month that I have seen.

The nonsense about "email-gate" seemed to have worked sadly, at least for now.

her numbers have been dropping consistently for the last six months. I am not worried about it. Jeb's are worse than hers.



Is anyone participating in this app called Brigade?

Apparently it's an app intending to encourage discussion about political issues and allow people to network based on that. The main goal being to increase political involvement.
Brigade beta is the first in a series of tools built to re-energize our democracy by getting people to act together. For your actions to really make a difference, you need allies.
It seems really basic, but it is just in beta. I'm wondering if this kind of thing can actually be effective in the future.
Hillary is running a horrible campaign and by ignoring the media she's letting bullshit fester. Actually giving interviews wouldn't work well either given her robotic, combative personality but she needs to do something.

She's falling even with Trump dominating the headlines. That's a problem. Obviously she should beat Sanders but perhaps Biden could indeed beat her now. And if not and she got the nomination I'm starting to wonder whether we'd be looking at a 2004 map. Clearly voters are rejecting her already, and it won't get better once two candidates are left.
Is anyone participating in this app called Brigade?

Apparently it's an app intending to encourage discussion about political issues and allow people to network based on that. The main goal being to increase political involvement.

It seems really basic, but it is just in beta. I'm wondering if this kind of thing can actually be effective in the future.

Kind of a cool idea, but it sounds like it would inevitably lead to a bunch of personalized echo chambers.


Funny thing about this article, is this part:
We’ve heard all of this before, from many, many other candidates. Every presidential election has at least one magical, imaginary OUTSIDER—that teenage wet dream of a president who rides into Washington, tells those bureaucrats what shitheads they are, and bulldozes Congress into doing cool shit simply with the power of his huge cock. I have fallen for this kind of candidate. YOU have fallen for this kind of candidate. Everybody wants this mythical Bulworth to exist even though at this level of politics, there are no outsiders, and even though the game changes its rules for no one.
I think in a way, this paragraph could easily refer to Bernie Sanders too. Less explicitly cowboy, but definitely a similar feel. People might have thought of Obama the same way.

This guy tho
At one point, Trump boasted about how much veterans adore him. To prove it, he trotted out a gorgeous brunette who was carrying a perfect stack of white paper topped with a bow. I swear it looked like an unwrapped package of blank Hammermill printer paper. “In one day,” Trump blared, “many hundreds of letters from Vietnam vets, thanking me. This is from veterans. Each page, a different letter. It’s amazing.”

Couric: Climate change: Do you believe in it?

Huckabee: I think climate has been changing over the entire history of the Earth.

Couric: Do you believe Man contributes to global warming?

Huckabee: He probably does, but a volcano in one blast will contribute more than a hundred years of human activity.

Couric: That’s very nice, but do you think that Man contributes basically to climate change.

Huckabee: Could be. Y’know, I don’t pretend to know. Here’s what I do know: When I was in college we were told that climate was changing but we were about to enter a deep freeze and if we didn’t make urgent changes in the way we live we were all gonna be Popsicles within another single generation.

Y’know, I don’t pretend to know. Here’s what I do know: Mike Huckabee's an idiot.
It looks like that people that were supporting Hillary are becoming more concerned, but not supporting anyone else much. Bernie and Biden numbers have either stagnated or went up slightly in some polls. Although, it could be that the rumors of Biden running are costing her poll numbers to go down a little.

It doesn't really seem that Hillary is trying all that hard to improve her appeal besides some a few speeches, announcing her agendas, and doing that one ad. Other candidates on the other hand are doing much more in getting themselves out there. Her campaign seems more passive than others, and seems to be purposefully like that. But that strategy, it seems, is letting her appeal falter over the months and not addressing the supporters concerns at all. I guess the campaign isn't concerning itself with the media or the would be supporters and other voters yet, but instead announce agendas, raise money, and lay everything out to than campaign on them later. If that is the plan not sure if it is going to work out.

Y’know, I don’t pretend to know. Here’s what I do know: Mike Huckabee's an idiot.

The Volcano thing is also complete bullshit. Annual volcano emissions are much less than human CO2 emissions annually. The 100X is one of those right-wing echo chamber things like a woman "having a way to shut that down".




I think in a way, this paragraph could easily refer to Bernie Sanders too. Less explicitly cowboy, but definitely a similar feel. People might have thought of Obama the same way.
I think that's true to a degree, except Bernie has actual policy proposals that could work if he had a cooperative congress to help enact them.

Trump is talking about strong-arming China by siccing Carl Icahn on them.


Anyone catch this?

Car set on fire at Planned Parenthood construction site in New Orleans

Republicans need to seriously watch themselves with this Planned Parenthood rhetoric. It's not like the pro-life movement is entirely nonviolent.
Holy shite.. that's along my path to & from work every day.

Kinda surprising that more of this type of thing hasn't happened around here. The "preaux life" folks are pretty kooky.

It looks like that people that were supporting Hillary are becoming more concerned, but not supporting anyone else much. Bernie and Biden numbers have either stagnated or went up slightly in some polls. Although, it could be that the rumors of Biden running are costing her poll numbers to go down a little.

It doesn't really seem that Hillary is trying all that hard to improve her appeal besides some a few speeches, announcing her agendas, and doing that one ad. Other candidates on the other hand are doing much more in getting themselves out there. Her campaign seems more passive than others, and seems to be purposefully like that. But that strategy, it seems, is letting her appeal flatter over the months and not addressing the supporters concerns at all.
Her campaign at moments almost seems to take this stance:
"If I quietly build my state orgs, digital team, GOTV team, etc.. and gather voter info in the background, the numbers will work for me in the end. Just don't fuck up and let the clownshow on the other side take the spotlight; no one but the polysci nerds will remember this boring-ass Democratic primary season come next October.."

It's one of the most relaxed Presidential campaigns I've ever watched.


Holy shite.. that's along my path to & from work every day.

Kinda surprising that more of this type of thing hasn't happened around here. The "preaux life" folks are pretty kooky.

Her campaign at moments almost seems to take this stance:
"If I quietly build my state orgs, digital team, GOTV team, etc.. and gather voter info in the background, the numbers will work for me in the end. Just don't fuck up and let the clownshow on the other side take the spotlight; no one but the polysci nerds will remember this boring-ass Democratic primary season come next October.."

It's one of the most relaxed Presidential campaigns I've ever watched.

you seem so confident. If you and Aaron start panicking I might join you.

you seem so confident and unphased by her poll woes. The campaign must really know what they are doing.
you seem so confident. If you and Aaron start panicking I might join you.

It seems that way though she is not really trying to address her unfavorable at all and not campaigning or ( make much statements ) that much in comparison to other candidates. It looks like the campaign team is not all that concerned, but the poll numbers. I guess they expected the drop.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They have been dropping in every poll released over the last month that I have seen.

The nonsense about "email-gate" seemed to have worked sadly, at least for now.

Email-gate has nothing to do with it.

This is more about republicans saying "Oh wait, the election is coming soon and now she's actually running so I better act like I don't like her because I don't want her to win."


Email-gate has nothing to do with it.

This is more about republicans saying "Oh wait, the election is coming soon and now she's actually running so I better act like I don't like her because I don't want her to win."

but how much of a percentage is that due to Republican and Republican leaning independents? I think her unfavorable floor will always be at 35-40%.


you seem so confident and unphased by her poll woes. The campaign must really know what they are doing.
I'm oddly stumped/shruggy about the status of this race.

We're in new territory, where Hillary almost seems to have incumbent-like expectations assigned to her, but this kind of standard doesn't quite fit. And then there's the whole Bill thing: I don't know where and how he will fit into the equation down the road.. this is a huge question mark in my head. He's a huge asset; he'll probably be more effective at selling Hillary (or the concept of a Clinton co-Presidency) than she ever could. So long as his numbers continue to defy gravity, I'll admit that this feeds into my confidence a bit.
{Hell, I don't even know if I'm right to consider him in this regard.. that's part of the fun of this uncharted territory.}

The GOP field's weakness also helps. Hillary can have pretty mediocre approval/disapproval numbers, so long as she stays ahead of their probable candidates. She can run a safe, boring campaign without too many screw ups that'll turn into deadly soundbiteable commercial fodder while the GOP folks put up kooky images on an almost daily basis. She'll look like The Adult next year when these images of chainsawed tax codes, blended cell phones, Donald Trump in general, and not-really-machine-gun bacon come back in montage commercial form.

It's also just too early for me to experience anything beyond amusement at the whole process. If the time comes where I need to panic, I'll start freaking around here and change the ice-in-my-veins avatar to something more appropriate. =P
What story in the non-political sphere has been positive about clinton in the past month?

These things fluctuate with the new cycle.
I'm not sure exactly what she could do to make it positive. (I'd like someone to voice support for Medicare4All but it's probably much too early to unveil stuff like that)


aka andydumi
Her campaign at moments almost seems to take this stance:
"If I quietly build my state orgs, digital team, GOTV team, etc.. and gather voter info in the background, the numbers will work for me in the end. Just don't fuck up and let the clownshow on the other side take the spotlight; no one but the polysci nerds will remember this boring-ass Democratic primary season come next October.."

It's one of the most relaxed Presidential campaigns I've ever watched.

It's cruise control. Which is not bad with so many opponents tearing each other apart.


It seems that way though she is not really trying to address her unfavorable at all and not campaigning or ( make much statements ) that much in comparison to other candidates. It looks like the campaign team is not all that concerned, but the poll numbers. I guess they expected the drop.

Probably because there is no drop. She's +34 for the nomination in the new WSJ poll, which is right in line with existing polls. So there's no news in the poll, which is why they wrote an entire story about favorability numbers instead. But if her favorability numbers move but her actual poll numbers stayed the same, why should we care?

I'm not sure what people are expecting to happen here. Hillary is in this race in the position of an incumbent. Were people criticizing Obama in late 2011 because he wasn't making enough ads? There's no reason for Hillary to do anything or spend any money now, over a year before the election. What possible benefit would she get? Waiting until next year or even later next year is the obviously rational thing to do. I'm glad she's doing it.
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