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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So someone who wouldn't have run at all would be suddenly be at the head and likely to win? And who says Clinton might not be doing so well before she gets the nomination?

You can't put all of your eggs in the same basket, it's suicidal, and this is what the dems are doing so far.

Again, you seem to be thinking I said something I actually didn't.

I didn't say "Biden would be likely to win." I said he'd be in a much better position than he would if he was the also-ran who already lost in the primaries.
I have been saying this. Just because he got elected a few times doesn't mean that much.

How many times did Rick Perry get elected by a much bigger state?

Rubio is also a moron.

I love how Rubio was once hailed as the GOP's Obama when the dude has zero charisma and zero composure.

He comes across as a humorless, perpetually agitated dick.


New Fox News Poll:


Fox News said:
Businessman Donald Trump continues to gain ground in the race for the Republican nomination. What’s more, the number of GOP primary voters saying they would at least consider backing Trump has more than doubled in the last two months. Meanwhile, support for Democratic frontrunner former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains high, despite sliding to its lowest yet.

These are some of the findings from the latest Fox News national poll on the 2016 presidential race.

Trump receives the backing of 26 percent of self-identified Republican primary voters -- up from 18 percent in mid-July and 11 percent a month ago. That’s not only the highest level of support for Trump, but it’s also the highest any GOP candidate has received since the Fox poll began asking the question in December 2013.

Trump’s rise hasn’t hurt former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who garners 15 percent and is the only other Republican in double-digits. He was at 14 percent in mid-July and 15 percent in June.

Behind Trump and Bush, it’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker at 9 percent, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 7 percent, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at 6 percent each, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul at 5 percent a piece, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich get 3 percent each.

That group is followed by businesswoman Carly Fiorina and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum tied at 2 percent, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal tied at 1 percent and former New York Gov. George Pataki, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore receive less than 1 percent support.
Question, and PoliGAF seems the most likely place to get an answer - I once read an essay that claimed that Reagan's firing of the air traffic controllers in 1981 led to a comparatively atrocious decade for air safety. Is anybody aware of a statistical study or historical analysis confirming or denying this claim? The only thing I can find is a study from 1983 showing no increase in problems in the immediate aftermath of the strike, but very little either way, otherwise.
Trump has done wonders so far. I don't mean lols, just in general.

He basically took Christie's approach (being a loud mouth blowhard) and ran it to the extreme. People do want to hear a politician not talk like a politician and he's tapping into that. Can you blame people? They want honestly, not bullshit.

But his positions and bravado has also neutered Cruz, Rand, Carson, Perry, etc in the process, possibly destroying their campaigns before they get started this early which is hilarious. Those guys want to say more ridiculous things but Trump is beating them to it.

And the big gun (Jeb!) and possibly Walker can't get enough air time because of him.

All Trump has to do in the debate is look "Presidential" and not like a Bully. The guys with a real shot at the nom (ike Jeb!) need to avoid attacking him or it will bite them. Trump will play the "establishment trying to attack the non-politician card" and he will come out smelling roses.

But maybe if they ignore him and let him fuck up (which he may not do), it would be best. If anyone should attack it's the Rand/Cruz's but they probably won't.

4 years ago, I knew Mitt was gonna win the nom. I said as much here. I don't know who is winning the GOP nom this time. To me, Jeb! is a terrible choice and I don't think the base wants to go with the 100% establishment guy with a Bush name. Walker looks like this year's Rick Perry to me. He appears too much of a buffoon to pull this off. Trump is fucking Trump. The other guys are nobodies, has beens, or lols.

So I have no fucking clue what will happen. To dismiss Trump at this point seems silly. The GOP, nationally, is fast approaching a breaking point that will require a new approach. And sometimes that means weird things will happen. I wouldn't bet Trump is the nominee; I still think he eventually loses, but I won't count anything out because it's a bizarre situation in that party right now. Nobody knows what will happen, we can only buy prime tickets to the circus.

actively engage in illegal partial birth abortion procedures and conduct these abortions in a manner that leaves body parts intact so that they can later be sold on the open market.”

It does not show this. But lets take money away from poor women anyways!

The gal to have a gov. to change policy based on a lie is quite scary.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
The damage is already done, some generation in the future is fucked regardless of what we do (within reason). I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

No one cares about this stuff outside of liberals, it's kind of odd to see Obama obsess over this. Not that it matters, the courts will shitcan this.

Your are so very wrong on this count. Stop projecting your own ignorance and bias onto others. A lot of people around the world care very much, and they all aren't "liberals".

What a stupid thing to say, Phoenix.


I don't like Rubio much but I think he has more lasting power than Walker.

Walker is probably going to implode in one of these debates.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
4 years ago, I knew Mitt was gonna win the nom. I said as much here. I don't know who is winning the GOP nom this time. To me, Jeb! is a terrible choice and I don't think the base wants to go with the 100% establishment guy with a Bush name. Walker looks like this year's Rick Perry to me. He appears too much of a buffoon to pull this off. Trump is fucking Trump. The other guys are nobodies, has beens, or lols.

So I have no fucking clue what will happen. To dismiss Trump at this point seems silly. The GOP, nationally, is fast approaching a breaking point that will require a new approach. And sometimes that means weird things will happen. I wouldn't bet Trump is the nominee; I still think he eventually loses, but I won't count anything out because it's a bizarre situation in that party right now. Nobody knows what will happen, we can only buy prime tickets to the circus.

If Carson doesn't put his foot in his mouth (which he probably will), he has a shot if everyone else crumbles. He is polling pretty well right now.
I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

Yeah alright. Environment and costs are tied, guy. You need the environment to benefit, or your costs will go down slightly, for a relatively insignificant period of time, then balloon out of control. Unless you're old, you'll be alive when that starts happening if nothing is done.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Jindal going "repeal. fucking. everything.".

Oh my.

Can't even muster the effort to do a "stupid party" quip, sadly. Dude's simply done.


I'm a bit shocked at how quickly Rand completely disappeared. What happened to all those hyper-enthuisastic 'Paulites'?

There have been some articles about Rand recently. Basically:

1. He failed to convert Ron Paul's movement folks into becoming his folks.
2. He doesn't like raising money and has unsurprisingly raised little compared to the field.
3. His "anti-establishment" vote has been taken by Trump.
4. Establishment republicans never liked him so he doesn't get their support either. That means a weaker political staff, fewer fundraisers, fewer organized surrogates at the state level.


Switching to the Democratic side, Clinton is still the favorite among self-identified Democratic primary voters. She receives 51 percent while Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders comes in at 22 percent. Yet that is Clinton’s worst showing -- and Sanders’ best. Support for Clinton was 59 percent two weeks ago, 61 percent a month ago -- and has been as high as 63 percent in the months since Sanders entered the race. Vice President Joe Biden, who is said to be considering a run, sits at 13 percent support.

8 points loss for Clinton in 2 weeks while Sanders finally cracks the 20s in nationals. Interesting.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Didn't watch the whole thing, but I did like that Chris Christie of all people today at the republican forum said that merely enforcing heroin laws do not work. You need rehabilitation in jails and to not jail nonviolent offenders unless they are doing something really scummy like selling to kids.

Too bad he doesn't wanna legalize pot.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm a bit shocked at how quickly Rand completely disappeared. What happened to all those hyper-enthuisastic 'Paulites'?

His only strength is in promoting a different path for the republican party towards libertarian style ideals, but every time he criticizes Obama for something Republicans usually would let pass and gets momentum from that, he immediately kills that momentum by trying to let republicans know he is actually a typical republican, so as to not be pushed to the side as the crazy one like his father was.

He tried so hard to remain part of the establishment, and here comes Trump leading the polls with an anti-establishment campaign.


I'm surprised he is in the top 10. I haven't heard anything about him in months.

He's a nutty theocrat.

Yesterday on Meet the Press Chuck Todd asked him whether the constitution or the bible was the ultimate legal authority. He tried to dodge the question by saying he'd need a specific example and specific bible passage before he could answer. That pretty much gives all the answer I'd ever need, though.
I'm glad Obama is pursuing the Clean Power Plan, but at some point, nuclear power has to enter the conversation.

And I think what will ultimately bring nuclear into the conversation is China, who is looking to convert a lot of their generation over to nuclear. If they're successful and manage to slash emissions by a considerable degree, I think the U.S. will start seriously considering it.

I blame stupid, misguided environmental groups for demonizing nuclear power to an absurd degree. They're doing absolutely no favors to their cause.
No way. I don't want China to have nucular bombs!

I completely disagree with this.. The difference between the earth warming by 3 and 4 degrees is massive. Literally tens of millions of additional people would be displaced by rising sea levels, not to mention increased starvation, etc. Just because people are too short-sighted to see that doesn't mean its something the President should ignore.
Almost every claim in this post is factually wrong (I can't really say your support is false)
Your are so very wrong on this count. Stop projecting your own ignorance and bias onto others. A lot of people around the world care very much, and they all aren't "liberals".

What a stupid thing to say, Phoenix.
Stop responding to PD. This is his new troll schtick. He's a joke of a character.
Well, yeah. Given the current political discussion about candidates, all he could do is voice his support for any republican representative and get dogpiled. With good reason.

So why bother with that?





If he votes against it it should cost him Senate Minority/Majority leader when Reid leaves office.

It won't, but it should.




Damn I've missed so much today. lmao.


Democrat Vow to Fight Gerrymandering well into 2020.


The Democratic Governors Association is creating a fund dedicated to winning races in states where governors have some control over congressional redistricting, the party’s first step in a long-range campaign to make control of the House more competitive.

Billed as “Unrig the Map,” the effort will target 18 of the 35 states in which governors play a role in redistricting, and where new congressional maps could allow Democrats to win House seats that are now drawn in a way to favor Republicans. The fund will be used for governors’ races over the next five years, leading up to the 2020 census.

Democratic officials said that they hoped to raise “tens of millions” for the effort and that they believed they could gain as many as 44 House seats if lines were more favorably redrawn in the 18 battleground states. Many of those states still have Republican-controlled legislatures, but with Democratic governors in place they could at least veto the next round of congressional maps and send the disputes to the courts.

The fund-raising effort is to be overseen by Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia and Stephanie Schriock, the president of Emily’s List, a group that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights.

Even if a Democrat like Hillary Rodham Clinton captures the White House, Mr. McAuliffe said in an interview, it will be difficult for her as president to move an ambitious agenda through a House that is still likely to be controlled by Republicans.

“We’re going to tie this to the presidential campaign because the next president will need more Democratic members of Congress to work with her to get things done,” said Mr. McAuliffe, a former Democratic National Committee chairman and a longtime friend of the Clintons.

The push is rooted in the 2010 elections, which were devastating to Democrats not only because they suffered deep losses but also because Republican victories in governors’ races and gains the party made in controlling state legislatures that year enabled Republicans to dominate redistricting in many states, achieving what could be a decade-long hold on the House.

“What we saw in 2010 was a wave election,” said Ms. Schriock, referring to Democratic losses, “at the absolutely worst time.”

Two years later, Democrats won over a million more votes in House races than Republicans but still could not reclaim a majority, in part because of Republican-led redistricting.

Gerrymandering is not entirely to blame for Democrats’ House woes. The shift to Republicans among voters in much of the South and parts of the Midwest and Mountain West, along with Democratic votes being concentrated in urban areas, have also made most House races tougher for Democrats.

But Democrats have also been badly outplayed and outspent in the battle for statehouses. Both parties operate networks of political committees intended to channel national money into governor and state legislative races. But the Republican version is far better financed: The Republican Governors Association, for example, spent $170 million during the 2014 cycle, compared with $98 million for the Democratic Governors Association.

Democratic governors and strategists have often complained that their donors are too focused on more glamorous presidential and Senate races, while Republicans have been pouring money into state-level contests.

But Mr. McAuliffe acknowledged that the Democrats had not pushed their donors enough, either. “This effort is the first time the party has really taken a serious effort at winning these races,” he said.

Peter Emerson, a leading Democratic donor in New York who said he would raise in the “seven figures” for the fund, acknowledged that he wished “the clarion call had come earlier.”

“We’re late to the game, but we don’t have to come up with a new strategy — we just have to adapt to their strategy,” he said of Republicans.
Jindal is the most non-presidential looking person besides ron paul that I can remember in a long time.

Look at how he is always slumping over, hunchback. Shows such weakness. he's also so damns scrawny. He just...looks like a weakling.

Not that that should ever decide who should be President and such but it's hard to subconsciously ignore.

Also, Graham is pretty short but Pataki looks huge there.


Unconfirmed Member
"What do we do with our hands?" picture


Of course Lindsey the debutante has all the class.
Is that Jeb(!) on the far left? I thought this was the also ran debate?

Also Perry has got to regret running again this cycle. He was a serious candidate in 2012 now he is at the kids table.

(FWIW adult table is overrated IRL kids table is where it is at)

Perry isn't wearing a flag pin. Nor is Lindsey.

Had them surgically implanted inside their hearts.
Anything less is essentially communist sympathy.

EDIT: Christie be like "Who has an ill fitting suit AND a grotesque inward finger curvature? This guy!"
Kinda surprised how fat Christie is considering he got that surgery, right?

Jindal is hopeless.
Lindsay is short.
Walker barely made it in.


I may be the only one that this bothers, but Jeb's posture is always one of the least presidential postures one could possibly have. One certainly shouldn't vote for or against a candidate purely based on their visual appeal, but seriously, has no one on his campaign ever told him to stand up straight? The man is constantly hunched over with his head hanging low. Hell, he should get some tips on proper posture from his brother. At least Dubya knew how to stand up straight.
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