CBS news poll:
GOP nominee: Donald "Please don't feel so stupid or insecure" Trump 24%, Jeb 13%, Walker 10%
GOP nominee you would be most dissatisfied with: Donald "All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me" Trump 27%, Jeb 18%
GOP nominee with best chance of winning the general: Donald "Some, I assume, are good people" Trump 26%, Jeb 23%, Walker 8%
Donald "When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo?" Trump favorables among GOP: 47% fav, 37% unfav, 16% unsure
Jeb favorables among GOP: 47% fav, 22% unfav, 31% unsure
Walker favorables among GOP: 37% fav, 4% unfav, 45% unsure
FOX news poll:
GOP nominee: Donald "I'm starting to wonder myself whether he was born in this country" Trump 26%, Jeb 15%, Walker 9%
GOP nominee second choice: Jeb 14%, Donald "We need global warming" Trump 12%, Walker 10%
GOP nominee if every Jeb voter switched to their second choice: Donald "@BetteMidler is an extremely unattractive woman" Trump 28%, Walker 9%, Carson 8%
Donald "I am the only person who immediately walked out of my 'Ali G' interview" Trump "voting favorability" for GOP nomination: 34% definitely vote for, 22% might vote for, 33% never vote for (up from 8% definitely, 15% might, 59% never in May-June)
Donald "I think I am a nice person" Trump isn't just winning in the polls temporarily. He's the most popular candidate in the Republican Party. He is within a few good debate zingers of being the next Republican candidate for President of the United States of America.