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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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The Quinnipiac poll out this morning shows voters oppose the Iran deal 57 - 28. AIPAC, the defense lobby, and aligned interests turned public opinion around quick. It's sickening just how little stands in the way of them returning to power. Can't let your guard down for a minute.

The NBC / WSJ poll has it 35% for, 33% oppose, 32% with no opinion. Q poll seems to be an outlier all over the place.
Shumer will be in the senate long after Obama leaves the presidency. The other problem is that Obama has no relationship with congress. TPP was another example of him being unable to sell things to his party. He comes off as condescending, lecturing those who disagree with him while propping up strawmen. I'd imagine many democrats in the senate and House can't stand him.

The Black Caucus and some progressives should be able to save him in the House, but I dunno about the senate.

LOL we're back to this again


Biden kinda has to run. If something was to happen to Hilary before she is elected, the Republicans would win the presidency. You can't put all of your eggs in the same basket.


I get the feeling that since Democratic senators know how many "No" votes the deal can withstand, they're all drawing straws as to who actually gets to vote against the deal while not blowing it up.

Not drawing straws, trading horses.

Pelosi's work in the House should be educative here. Notice how many times she passed bills with the bare minimum majority necessary to get them through the House -- when the numbers cut that close, you can be confident that the Leader is giving each Democratic no explicit permission to take their principled vote, in exchange for getting their yes later on when somebody else has to dissent. Similarly, Boehner's flailing displays what happens when a party leader really doesn't think they know who's going to vote no -- rather than let the bill fail, they pull it before the vote.

Believe me, no Democrat is voting no on any Democratic bill without permission from the bosses, and they're doling out those nos carefully. Schumer may end up voting no (in fact, I kind of expect him to), but Reid's giving him the loose rein. As long as the bill passes, who cares?

At this point, I think the previous vote on the Iran deal should really come into focus, because the purpose of it was explicitly to buy breathing room by changing killing the deal from a negative action (that happens unless Congress acts) to a positive action (that requires both houses to override a Presidential veto). All the Democrats need to provide is 145 representatives in the House (they have 188) OR 34 Senators (they have 46). They don't even need to sustain the veto in both houses. The chance of the deal failing is basically zero.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Biden kinda has to run. If something was to happen to Hilary before she is elected, the Republicans would win the presidency. You can't put all of your eggs in the same basket.

Couldn't he just step in if something happened? What is the actual procedure in that case?
Couldn't he just step in if something happened? What is the actual procedure in that case?

I'm assuming super delegates would flood Biden with votes and the party would find a way to ensure he won whatever remaining states were left. Likewise Hillary's delegates would be pressed to switch to Biden.

That seems like a better solution than the backroom deals of 1960s/1970s conventions.


Biden kinda has to run. If something was to happen to Hilary before she is elected, the Republicans would win the presidency. You can't put all of your eggs in the same basket.

He's totally not running. He's been talking to people about running since like 2012. Seriously! Biden clearly wants to be President and, being Biden, he's never been secretive about it. (I guess probably the most obvious indication was when he ran twice for President, but there were other signs as well.) But it's not like Biden didn't have time to plan. If he were going to run, he would've been in motion years ago.

All signs point to Biden realizing (since he's, you know, not stupid) that Hillary had the lock on the nomination by around 2014 and giving up gracefully. This NYT story is just more effort to create an interesting story around the Democratic nomination. Personally, I'd rather they talk about Bernie more.


No Scrubs
He's totally not running. He's been talking to people about running since like 2012. Seriously! Biden clearly wants to be President and, being Biden, he's never been secretive about it. (I guess probably the most obvious indication was when he ran twice for President, but there were other signs as well.) But it's not like Biden didn't have time to plan. If he were going to run, he would've been in motion years ago.

All signs point to Biden realizing (since he's, you know, not stupid) that Hillary had the lock on the nomination by around 2014 and giving up gracefully. This NYT story is just more effort to create an interesting story around the Democratic nomination. Personally, I'd rather they talk about Bernie more.

The problem is Bernie isn't going to last the entire primary season. He'll lose the first couple of states and the money will dry up. I'd love nothing more to see him go the full 10 rounds with Hillary, but that just ain't happening.

Biden is pretty much setting himself up as an insurance run. If Hillary takes too big a hit, and Obama and the party leaders think she can't survive it, Biden will jump in and save the day.


The problem is Bernie isn't going to last the entire primary season. He'll lose the first couple of states and the money will dry up. I'd love nothing more to see him go the full 10 rounds with Hillary, but that just ain't happening.

I agree, but that's fine with me. It's not like the media needs primary stories to run all the way to June. Now is a great time to write about Bernie. In February they can do postmortems when he folds shop, then they can just switch over to the GOP nomination where Trump will be hunting the other candidates down with an assault rifle from his luxury helicopter.


No Scrubs
I agree, but that's fine with me. It's not like the media needs primary stories to run all the way to June. Now is a great time to write about Bernie. In February they can do postmortems when he folds shop, then they can just switch over to the GOP nomination where Trump will be hunting the other candidates down with an assault rifle from his luxury helicopter.

I think the issue is they don't want to be seen as propping him up, which they would be if they write too many stories about him for no reason other than he's running. The big stories right now are Trump and the implosions of the GOP primary candidates, even Hillary barely registers and she's the front runner.

With Bernie they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. They should be writing about him since he's running, but they can't write too much about him since he's not doing too well and they can't be propping up weak candidates. The only reason he registers right now is because Hillary scared off all the mid-tier candidates.


The problem is Bernie isn't going to last the entire primary season. He'll lose the first couple of states and the money will dry up. I'd love nothing more to see him go the full 10 rounds with Hillary, but that just ain't happening.

Biden is pretty much setting himself up as an insurance run. If Hillary takes too big a hit, and Obama and the party leaders think she can't survive it, Biden will jump in and save the day.

Why do people continue to think over and over and over again that think Hillary is going to somehow implode? She is the only candidate I see this from. Did they write about W somehow imploding in 2000?

The Democrats have known for the longest time that they were ultimately going to put all their eggs in Hillary's basket. They have had plenty of time to cope with this reality since November 7th, 2012. The midterms only solidified their choice.


No Scrubs
Why do people continue to think over and over and over again that think Hillary is going to somehow implode? She is the only candidate I see this from. Did they write about W somehow imploding in 2000?

The Democrats have known for the longest time that they were ultimately going to put all their eggs in Hillary's basket. They have had plenty of time to cope with this reality since November 7th, 2012. The midterms only solidified their choice.

Do I think Hillary will implode? No I do not. That said, the Dems would be utter morons if they didn't plan for every eventuality. There's a lot of shit on the line for a lot of people and they can't risk leaving anything to chance, so Uncle Joe is gonna sit on the sidelines just in case someone needs to save the day.


Do I think Hillary will implode? No I do not. That said, the Dems would be utter morons if they didn't plan for every eventuality. There's a lot of shit on the line for a lot of people and they can't risk leaving anything to chance, so Uncle Joe is gonna sit on the sidelines just in case someone needs to save the day.

Just Biden his time.


Do I think Hillary will implode? No I do not. That said, the Dems would be utter morons if they didn't plan for every eventuality. There's a lot of shit on the line for a lot of people and they can't risk leaving anything to chance, so Uncle Joe is gonna sit on the sidelines just in case someone needs to save the day.

is there a precedence from either side that this has happened before on a presidential level? It has happened on a House and Senate level before. Ex: NJ 2002 Senate Race
Why do people continue to think over and over and over again that think Hillary is going to somehow implode? She is the only candidate I see this from. Did they write about W somehow imploding in 2000?

The Democrats have known for the longest time that they were ultimately going to put all their eggs in Hillary's basket. They have had plenty of time to cope with this reality since November 7th, 2012. The midterms only solidified their choice.

Probably because her and her husband have spent the last 8 years participating in shady behavior that is either illegal or simply distasteful? Right now she's taking hit after hit, but no permanent damage has been done. What if something bigger is revealed - beyond emails and donations.
Frankly Biden is a fine back-up plan. He's very charismatic and energetic - not as much as Bill Clinton but enough that he can go toe-to-toe with the GOP frontrunners.
is there a precedence from either side that this has happened before on a presidential level? It has happened on a House and Senate level before. Ex: NJ 2002 Senate Race

The closest would by Thomas Eagleton, McGovern's VP candidate, who had to withdraw after it was learned that he gone through shock treatment. One of the things that lead to Nixon being elected in '72.



No Scrubs
is there a precedence from either side that this has happened before on a presidential level? It has happened on a House and Senate level before. Ex: NJ 2002 Senate Race

On the national level? No idea, but I can't remember a primary where a candidate scared off every other possible contender. Usually there's a guy running who would take all her support if something happened, but there isn't in this case.

Frankly Biden is a fine back-up plan. He's very charismatic and energetic - not as much as Bill Clinton but enough that he can go toe-to-toe with the GOP frontrunners.

The New Yorker re-upped a profile they did on Biden back on 2014, where they pretty much predicted this would happen if Hillary were to run. That Biden would sit on the sidelines, not wanting to risk his legacy or place advising Obama, and would be the back-up plan.
@SabrinaSiddiqui: Scott Walker agreed to take a pic w/this guy whose sign said "Walker 4 president," but then he flipped it around... http://t.co/UlhyLtDnNZ



Edit. Beaten whoops. Still funny


Probably because her and her husband have spent the last 8 years participating in shady behavior that is either illegal or simply distasteful? Right now she's taking hit after hit, but no permanent damage has been done. What if something bigger is revealed - beyond emails and donations.

What is this "bigger" scandal? Scandal is thrown around but no specifics. What scandal could kill her? Why stop at a campaign scandal, what if she is elected and a big scandal happens in her White House?
That Iran poll by Quinnipiac is weird. I mean, 85% of people having any opinion on the Iran deal seems odd. I just can't believe that number is so high


Couldn't he just step in if something happened? What is the actual procedure in that case?

Yeah, stepin a few weeks before the election without having campaigned for the post, in a relatively tight race against Bush. I'm sure he'd get the presidency on a silver plate. Remember they need to win against the Republican candidate, not just Hilary.

If it was as simple as that, there would be no campaign. And anything could cause Hillary to step out, such as medical issues. Right now only she has a chance at winning the presidency, you need a backup plan.


That Iran poll by Quinnipiac is weird. I mean, 85% of people having any opinion on the Iran deal seems odd. I just can't believe that number is so high

There was a Washington Monthly post recently about the Iran polling. Basically, it's heavily dependent on wording.

In the abstract, if you ask if people are in favor of making a deal with Iran, they aren't. Iran is evil!

More specifically, when you ask if they're in favor of a deal to limit Iran getting a nuclear weapon in return for lifting sanctions, they are.


I am so tired of hearing what the GOP has to say about climate change. I wish the media would grow a spine and just stop asking those chucklefucks to comment about it.
Scott Walker doesn't get enough flack for being a complete fucking moron.

Like, he's seriously stupid. I can't see him performing well in the debates.
I am so tired of hearing what the GOP has to say about climate change. I wish the media would grow a spine and just stop asking those chucklefucks to comment about it.

I wish everyone would stop talking about it. No one cares outside of some people on the left.

The entire concept reminds me of someone cutting a couple cans of pop out of their diet and thinking that's enough to lose weight.
There was a Washington Monthly post recently about the Iran polling. Basically, it's heavily dependent on wording.

In the abstract, if you ask if people are in favor of making a deal with Iran, they aren't. Iran is evil!

More specifically, when you ask if they're in favor of a deal to limit Iran getting a nuclear weapon in return for lifting sanctions, they are.

Yup which is why all the two sides aren't even discussing the same thing. All the anti deal ads on my twitter are "Iran cheats! Say no to a deal!" and just generally say "Iran = bad, they say death to america!". The proponents of the deal are speaking about the limits and restrictions and on the specifics of the deal.


I wish everyone would stop talking about it. No one cares outside of some people on the left.

The entire concept reminds me of someone cutting a couple cans of pop out of their diet and thinking that's enough to lose weight.

Typical. "It's not my problem." Well, it fucking is your problem because you're fucking it up for the next generation.
I'm glad Obama is pursuing the Clean Power Plan, but at some point, nuclear power has to enter the conversation.

And I think what will ultimately bring nuclear into the conversation is China, who is looking to convert a lot of their generation over to nuclear. If they're successful and manage to slash emissions by a considerable degree, I think the U.S. will start seriously considering it.

I blame stupid, misguided environmental groups for demonizing nuclear power to an absurd degree. They're doing absolutely no favors to their cause.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yeah, stepin a few weeks before the election without having campaigned for the post, in a relatively tight race against Bush. I'm sure he'd get the presidency on a silver plate. Remember they need to win against the Republican candidate, not just Hilary.

If it was as simple as that, there would be no campaign. And anything could cause Hillary to step out, such as medical issues. Right now only she has a chance at winning the presidency, you need a backup plan.

First, I never said it would be easy.

Second, there's no such thing as a "backup plan" in that case. That's ridiculous. He'd have a better shot stepping in after something like that happened instead of running and losing.

At that point, it's like, "Hey, remember that guy who ran and couldn't even get the nomination? Look, he's now the guy." How does that draw votes? He'd be much better off as the guy who valiantly stepped in when the country needed him as opposed to the also-ran who already lost.
Typical. "It's not my problem." Well, it fucking is your problem because you're fucking it up for the next generation.

The damage is already done, some generation in the future is fucked regardless of what we do (within reason). I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

No one cares about this stuff outside of liberals, it's kind of odd to see Obama obsess over this. Not that it matters, the courts will shitcan this.
The damage is already done, some generation in the future is fucked regardless of what we do (within reason). I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

No one cares about this stuff outside of liberals, it's kind of odd to see Obama obsess over this. Not that it matters, the courts will shitcan this.

I completely disagree with this.. The difference between the earth warming by 3 and 4 degrees is massive. Literally tens of millions of additional people would be displaced by rising sea levels, not to mention increased starvation, etc. Just because people are too short-sighted to see that doesn't mean its something the President should ignore.
We need to accept that we're not going to be able to make the necessary structural changes in time to 'naturally' avoid the most destructive changes coming from temperature increases. Even if some genie magically made no more CO2 get emitted, we would still have catastrophic temperature increases occur based on the latent amount already in the atmosphere. We need to focus on geoengineering solutions to help give us the extra time to change our infrastructure. It can be crude like just shooting sulfur into the atmosphere to mimic a large scale volcanic eruption, or perhaps microscopic reflective materials to increase the earth's albedo.

It's crucial that we do this before the temperature increases so much that it triggers cascading feedback loops. Arguably we've already set this in motion in Antarctica (but if we can draw it out over hundreds of years as opposed to decades that's huge), but we cannot let the permafrost melt for example. We just need to buy ourselves enough time for Carbon Recapture to become feasible, and then we can start reversing the process (coextensive with slow but steady reduction in fossil fuel reliance).
The damage is already done, some generation in the future is fucked regardless of what we do (within reason). I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

No one cares about this stuff outside of liberals, it's kind of odd to see Obama obsess over this. Not that it matters, the courts will shitcan this.

Almost every claim in this post is factually wrong (I can't really say your support is false)


First, I never said it would be easy.

Second, there's no such thing as a "backup plan" in that case. That's ridiculous. He'd have a better shot stepping in after something like that happened instead of running and losing.

At that point, it's like, "Hey, remember that guy who ran and couldn't even get the nomination? Look, he's now the guy." How does that draw votes? He'd be much better off as the guy who valiantly stepped in when the country needed him as opposed to the also-ran who already lost.

So someone who wouldn't have run at all would be suddenly be at the head and likely to win? And who says Clinton might not be doing so well before she gets the nomination?

You can't put all of your eggs in the same basket, it's suicidal, and this is what the dems are doing so far.


The damage is already done, some generation in the future is fucked regardless of what we do (within reason). I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

No one cares about this stuff outside of liberals, it's kind of odd to see Obama obsess over this. Not that it matters, the courts will shitcan this.

This is absolute bullshit, and you know it. There isn't a need to troll something as serious as this.
The damage is already done, some generation in the future is fucked regardless of what we do (within reason). I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

No one cares about this stuff outside of liberals, it's kind of odd to see Obama obsess over this. Not that it matters, the courts will shitcan this.
haha what


The damage is already done, some generation in the future is fucked regardless of what we do (within reason). I support solar energy, electric cars etc because of the potential of cost cuts. If they help the environment then that's cool, but ultimately the economic value far outweighs whatever environmental benefit given the long term reality at hand.

No one cares about this stuff outside of liberals, it's kind of odd to see Obama obsess over this. Not that it matters, the courts will shitcan this.

"we're all inevitably fucked so why even bother trying to fix the environment at this point" - The People who Fucked Up The Environment in The First Place and are Continuing to do so for Profit


Republican presidential candidate and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal announced Monday that he was ending his state’s Medicaid contract with Louisiana’s two Planned Parenthood affiliates.

“Today, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals informed Planned Parenthood it is exercising its right to terminate Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid provider agreement,” the governor’s office’s press release reads. “In recent weeks, multiple videos have surfaced showing Planned Parenthood Federation of America senior personnel and other employees describing how they actively engage in illegal partial birth abortion procedures and conduct these abortions in a manner that leaves body parts intact so that they can later be sold on the open market.”

Jindal himself offers a quote in the same press release: “In recent weeks, it has been shocking to see reports of the alleged activities taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. Planned Parenthood does not represent the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life. It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state.”

Scott Walker doesn't get enough flack for being a complete fucking moron.

Like, he's seriously stupid. I can't see him performing well in the debates.
I have been saying this. Just because he got elected a few times doesn't mean that much.

How many times did Rick Perry get elected by a much bigger state?

Rubio is also a moron.
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