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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump's going to end up running as an independent. Fox was hardcore trying to crush him with those loaded questions.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fox is destroying Trump in the post-show. They absolutely hate the guy.

Edit: This is clearly rigged. I can't believe they're doing this. It's bizarre.
1) It's clear the moderators went into the debate with an agenda to damage Trump. He brushed off their attacks effortlessly but he also exposed himself as a blowhard. But then again I'm not sure the people who support Trump give a shit about policy in the first place, or else they wouldn't be supporting him

2) I thought Kasich was the clear "winner," if one must be picked. Perhaps it was the home court advantage but he did very well for himself and sounded sensible more often than not, without damaging himself.

3) Other winners were Christie and Rubio. Christie is easily the best politician on the stage IMO; he has a Bill Clinton-esque slickness. He actually debated people, and easily embarrassed Huckabee on entitlements. Obviously I don't agree with Christie's solutions, but he did a good job of exposing Huckabee's weaksauce populism approach ("cut government official's benefits to solve the problem"). Rubio was perhaps the best speaker on the stage.

4) Cruz was a big loser. Not because he said anything wrong - he's a very good, deceptive debater and clearly has conservatives on his side ideologically. But Trump has effectively sucked all the attention away from him. He barely had any speaking time tonight.

5) Bush wasn't impressive. He reminds me of Hillary TBH...just not a good politician, and relying on his last name. I think his answer on Bloomberg's foundation board is going to get him in trouble with social conservatives.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think what bothers me most is that we have the nation's most influential news organization outwardly trying to rig this primary against a candidate.
Plausible deniability. They asked challenging questions of almost everyone, but i buy that fox is the standard bearer of conservatism and are displeased with the mockery trump is making of their primary and so are giving him the business harder than the others.


No Scrubs
Plausible deniability. They asked challenging questions of almost everyone, but i buy that fox is the standard bearer of conservatism and are displeased with the mockery trump is making of their primary and so are giving him the business harder than the others.

No, it's pretty obvious that they were going after Trump. You literally saw it with the first question.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Even if they take Trump out it means the entire thing was a pointless wash then, because no-one else on that stage stood out in front of the pack at all except for Trump. Maybe Cruz, but even then not in a way you'd hope to see out of an event like this


I think what bothers me most is that we have the nation's most influential news organization outwardly trying to rig this primary against a candidate.

Yeah, if anybody for some reason didn't believe that Fox is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, hopefully tonight should have made that pretty clear.

I'm excited to see whether it matters at all.


Unconfirmed Member
As someone who missed the debate and is going solely from the post debate analysis across the board, it seems like the most universal analysis is that Walker did poorly. No one really rose as the clear winner.

Fox News really went hard on Trump, but I can't tell if that translates to everyone. The clips that are floating around seem like usual Trump to me.

Hannity still seems nice to Trump.


No Scrubs
As someone who missed the debate and is going solely from the post debate analysis across the board, it seems like the most universal analysis is that Walker did poorly.

Fox News really went hard on Trump, but I can't tell if that translates to everyone. The clips that are floating around seem like usual Trump to me.

Hannity still seems nice to Trump.

You really need to watch the first hour, I laughed so hard at Trump's shit I started to cry.
Trump raising his hand in defiance of fox news and rand telling christie to go hug obama again (go get your fuckin shinebox for republicans) were the most hype moments of the debate
I agree with whoever said Rubio did well but was boring as fuck. Kasich was my fav but that has to do with my liberal bias. I thought trump did well against the barrage, Cruz did well and Jeb sounded the like one of the more reasonable on immigration but won't win on that and generally blew the rest.

The Christie / Rand fight was cool, but in general I felt both are irrelevant. Huckabee is insane.
I said this in the debate thread, but out of the debate, I honestly think only Jeb and Kasich have actually put serious thought into their positions - sure, they're the absolute wrong positions and in many cases, come from bad information, but I think you could ask either of those guys about almost any policy position, and get an reasonably informed answer. It wouldn't be an answer I liked, but it'd be answer that had more substance than a bumper sticker. They'd both be horrible President's, but on their own terms.

The other eight clowns? They have their one or two pet issues, but on everything else, they're getting their policy positions from right wing radio, SuperPAC's, or various members of the right wing welfare train.
Jesse, let me disabuse you of that notion. Rand paul was the only candidate that didnt state he would destroy the iran deal if he was elected when asked, and he could have pandered to the audience for his own benefit, but he did not. Respect for rand +1


I think the biggest impact on the actual horserace tonight was the fading of Walker. Guy was just invisible. He didn't have Huckabee's silver tongue, Cruz's indignant conviction, Kasich's earnestness, or Trump's bombast. The point of debates is to be somebody that people will want to talk about afterwards, so candidates have to be interesting.

Rubio might can get himself back into the top tier in the polls. Maybe Kasich stood out, but he has no focus on his answers, he just improvises generic feel good garbage. Carson and Huckabee looked good for the target audience, but they have no shot at the nomination so it doesn't matter. Rand Paul looked desperate tonight with his tart and shrill tone, always trying to interject into the conversation.
I don't know why conservative are mad at Fox News, this is pretty standard "Fair and Balanced" treatment like everything else they report/oversee on.

Here's my assessment.

I thought the RNC controlled that debate. They clearly tried to screw Trump. They also tried to push Cruz and Carson to the corner so they wouldn't make headway.

Here's my opinion. If I were a Republican Primary voter, ignoring substance of what was said generally, I'd have thought Rubio performed the best. Cruz/Carson were invisible, Huckabee was himself. I would have thought Christie did decent, Rand was awful, and Huckster was just the Huckster.

On Trump, I would have been upset at how the moderators went at him, thought he held his own, but kind of overall not great. He "passed," I suppose.

Jeb! was mediocre to start, better at the finish, but he's clearly not at good at this as his brother was. I don't think he did well.

Walker I would have been disappointed in. He seemed too invisible and such. He didn't stumble or anything, so he didn't lose or wasn't awful, but he didn't show me anything special.

Kasich is the wild card for me. Personally, I thought he performed best but if I was a GOP primary voter I might think differently. I'm not sure how to process this one. He definitely was very good in appearance and how he approached the debate but the hardliners might have hated the substance.

Personally, I feel like Rubio gained the most from the debate and possibly Kasich. Trump did enough, Walker didn't. Jeb! is the hardest to pin down in terms of if he gained, lost, or stayed the same. Rand lost the most, and the rest are mostly irrelevant going forward.

edit: I'd say there's only 4 actual contenders now. Trump, Jeb!, Rubio, Walker.
BTW, if you were a moderate voter, the ONLY one who looked good was Kasich.

He didn't get into economic details, but he highlighted his record in Ohio (which is a good record, regardless of how it got there), looked like a pragmatist, seemed Socially fine, and generally seemed to care for working people.

Everyone else generally came off as the lolgop rich people only club with old ideas except for maybe Huckabee.

The whole debate showed how much the party is away from the median voter. Only one guy actually appeared to be moderate tonight. One. And I'm guessing that's out of 17. Yikes.

Sidenote: Walker and Cruz ignored almost every question given to them. And lol @ Carson saying "tithe" during a Presidential debate.

Walker's Iran answer was fucking nonsense too. Basically "tear up the deal, put in sanctions, convince allies to agree." LOLOLOL.


will gain confidence one day
I'm trying to figure out what the most competent ticket would be out of this group. Kasich/Rubio is what comes to mind. I'd probably go with Kasich as the VP out of the two. Would give them decent chances in both Ohio and Florida too.


Really hoping that Kasich doesn't take off. He'd start with Ohio in his pocket, and then he'd probably pick Rubio to help in Florida. And his answer on gay marriage demonstrated that he's clearly got the language on this issue down pat, allowing him to cut into margins among younger voters; he seemed really comfortable in handling the topic.

Thankfully, Governor Doofus seems to occupy the space on the playing field where Kasich should be. Kasich could make it a nailbiter.

(annnnnd Cygnus beat me to it. poopie.)
I didnt see any new idea from huckabee but then again my stream lagged a lot. I did see him say the military is not a social experiment for women and transgenders, and spent two minutes saying that health care doesnt work when asked how he would fix healthcare without making any cuts or increasing the retirement age like he said he would, to distract from the fact that he probably had no idea how to do it and was talking out of his ass.
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