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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Scott Walker didn't need to say very much at all. I am genuinely flabbergasted at how little they poked him. His very first question:

"You're pro life -- really pro-life. How are you so pro-life?"
"I'm that pro-life."
Audience cheers.

At this point in the debate: Donald "Somebody's doing the raping" Trump deflected two bombs and Jeb! was explaining how being the brother of an extremely unpopular president doesn't hurt him and how he earned his nickname (which is just his initials) by cutting taxes (or something). Scott Walker did well.

Yeah, Walker was thrown a COMPLETE SOFTBALL. (Though it could hurt him in the general).

And Bush got asked THE SAME QUESTION THAT HE HAD ALREADY BEEN ASKED THREE TIMES ON FOX NEWS. Could it possibly been more of a softball?
That debate is the highest-rated non-sports cable program of all time, by the way.

I think you know who to thank for that.



Yeah, Walker was thrown a COMPLETE SOFTBALL. (Though it could hurt him in the general).

And Bush got asked THE SAME QUESTION THAT HE HAD ALREADY BEEN ASKED THREE TIMES ON FOX NEWS. Could it possibly been more of a softball?

You are right about Bush. I forgot what the question was because he started talking about his various faux nicknames.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yeah, Walker was thrown a COMPLETE SOFTBALL. (Though it could hurt him in the general).

And Bush got asked THE SAME QUESTION THAT HE HAD ALREADY BEEN ASKED THREE TIMES ON FOX NEWS. Could it possibly been more of a softball?

It's incredibly worrisome that Fox has hit the point where they think they have the right to actively manipulate and rig an electoral process.


Honestly, Trump did pretty fucking great.

He even had a solid rebuttal for why he's been so cozy with the Clintons and other Democrats.

He's as repulsive as ever, but he's much better at this than I thought he'd be.

That was his best response. He needs to do more of that, continue to play on the money influencing politician issue, the base will eat that up.


It's incredibly worrisome that Fox has hit the point where they think they have the right to actively manipulate and rig an electoral process.

The Democratic Debate will be just as softball. They are going to give Hillary easy questions and press Bernie hard I bet.
Kinda thought Rand Paul was a cunt for going after Christie because he hugged Obama.

This. There's a pretty huge sentiment among the GOP base that Christie is a traitor who handed Obama the election when he worked together with him during the hurricane. Apparently Christie should have spurned the president and put his people at greater risk just to help Romney. It's pretty disgusting.


It's incredibly worrisome that Fox has hit the point where they think they have the right to actively manipulate and rig an electoral process.

Umm....they have been at it for as long as I can remember.

The Democratic Debate will be just as softball. They are going to give Hillary easy questions and press Bernie hard I bet.

The worse thing they could do is press Bernie hard and get owned in the process. That will propel him instead. I am betting they will be smart on how they go about it.


They are most certainly going to hit Bernie on him being an independent but running for the Democratic Nomination as well as the obvious socialist claim. Hillary is certain to get questions on her foundation as well as emails. O' Malley will get hit with the black lives matter piece and Chafee will be ignored for most of the debate.


Isn't Scott Walker the subject of a criminal investigation? You would think that might get brought up.

Umm....they have been at it for as long as I can remember.

The worse thing they could do is press Bernie hard and get owned in the process. That will propel him instead. I am betting they will be smart on how they go about it.

Pushing Bernie could absolutely backfire; but he's not that good of a speaker so he might miss perfectly good opportunities. Definitely when it comes to guns; I can see Bernie tripping hard. But aside from that -- are they going to grill him on single payer? Free education?

Although I really don't appreciate how dishonest Bernie has been when asked about what socialism means.


Isn't Scott Walker the subject of a criminal investigation? You would think that might get brought up.

He was.

He also denied he was a subject of the investigation, but then it came out really recently he actually was.

He wasn't found guilty of anything though apparently.


Unconfirmed Member
I still can't believe Scott Walker is for a ban on abortion even in the case of the baby risking the mother's life. That's one of those things you need dwell on to truly understand the implications of this, as unpleasant as that be. Really put yourself in the shoes and imagine your spouse or your daughter or your sister, and imagine telling her that the doctor should sacrifice her life for an unborn baby that likely has a very small chance of surviving anyway. And don't just imagine that moment, but imagine every single day living without that loved one gone, and living with that choice every single day.

Surely there are plenty republicans that would not be alive today, or would have lost a cherished family member or friend if Scott Walker had his way on this.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I remember NPR looking at ADP numbers released yesterday and saying the economy slowed down etc. ADP said only 180k jerbs were filled. Idiots everywhere.

Also Oblivion you havent answered my question about Sippy Cupp.

Oh sorry what question was that?
That was his best response. He needs to do more of that, continue to play on the money influencing politician issue, the base will eat that up.

Honestly, the idea that he might actually make at least part of the Republican base CARE about money's influence in politics is kind of exciting.


Jeb Bush: "Please don't run as a third party and screw me over like Perot did to my father"


Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says Republican rival Donald Trump's controversial rhetoric reminds him of President Obama.

"I want to win. I want to win the presidency. A conservative has to win to fix these things. Language that divides us... this reminds me of Barack Obama. Not as a candidate, but Barack Obama as president," said Bush in an interview with Fox News's Neil Cavuto.

"All he does is push people that don't agree with him down to make his side look better, and the divide makes it hard to solve problems. I don't think we're going to win that way," he added.
Bush, who is polling second only to Trump in several recent surveys, has managed to avoid a public feud with the real estate tycoon, unlike other GOP contenders.

"I got enough on my own plate to sort out. To try to analyze Donald Trump is way above my pay grade," Bush said on Fox, before taking a shot at his rival.

"He garners attention with his language, he's larger than life, but this debate last night showed he doesn't have a lot of specifics."

During Thursday night's first GOP debate, Bush denied a report that he described Trump in an interview with a donor as an "ass----," noting he has described Trump's remarks as divisive. Trump showed his appreciation after Bush denied the report, saying he was a "true gentleman."

"Did it get under my skin, did it anger me that he retweeted a tweet saying that I'm soft on immigration because my wife is from Mexico?" Bush asked during the Fox News interview.

"That is outrageous, unfair," he said of a tweet that Trump later deleted. "My wife is an American, by the way, an American by choice. She loves this country. She wants this border to be secure as well."

Bush also said that it was "premature" to say how Trump's campaign will unfold, with the billionaire businessman refusing to rule out a third-party bid.

"I hope he stays as a Republican," Bush said.


I don't remember them doing anything like this at all in the last election cycle.

Well I think the candidate that is Trump does deserve those kinds of questions if we're going to honestly talk about it. His comments are crazy beyond measure. From the sidelines the GOP totally deserves the sabotage that is Donald Trump so......in that sense, they were "unfair" wink*


So in terms of looking reasonable, Kasich and Water boy came off the best. Everyone else looked like fools.

Rand had the sickest burn on the night, followed by trump.
It's really fucking disturbing how the right is moving even further to the right on abortion.

I can't believe these people are genuinely scared to say they're okay with abortions for rape and incest victims. The GOP rank-and-file was traditionally fine with that stance.

They're really banking on Planned Parenthood's videos giving them cover to move far right. Although even before that republicans won some races in 2014 despite "war on women/abortion" rhetoric from democrats. Maybe they're feeling confident.

IMO they're overreaching. Most people agree with republicans when it comes to restricting abortions after a certain amount of weeks, but rejecting the rape/incest exception is pure madness.
They're really banking on Planned Parenthood's videos giving them cover to move far right. Although even before that republicans won some races in 2014 despite "war on women/abortion" rhetoric from democrats. Maybe they're feeling confident.

IMO they're overreaching. Most people agree with republicans when it comes to restricting abortions after a certain amount of weeks, but rejecting the rape/incest exception is pure madness.

If Rubio wins the nomination he's absolutely fucked. A stance like that will be pure poison in the general election.

What a myopic dumbass.
They're really banking on Planned Parenthood's videos giving them cover to move far right. Although even before that republicans won some races in 2014 despite "war on women/abortion" rhetoric from democrats. Maybe they're feeling confident.

IMO they're overreaching. Most people agree with republicans when it comes to restricting abortions after a certain amount of weeks, but rejecting the rape/incest exception is pure madness.
They are totally overreaching. Those videos will be forgotten in a month or two.

I wonder if they are pushing harder on abortion because they can't bash gays anymore. Or perhaps all their antiabortion success in red states has given them a false sense of confidence. Either way, it's not gonna fly nationally.
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