Aaron Strife
Sometimes you need a "boring" candidate.oh boy he does not look Governor material. He seems so boring looking at his announcement video.
Sometimes you need a "boring" candidate.oh boy he does not look Governor material. He seems so boring looking at his announcement video.
They've got powerful special interests and misinformation. Hillary Clinton's got you. Get the facts and help fight back against false attacks.
(This bio could probably use some work so it's not as explicit.)Correct the Record is a strategic research and rapid response team designed to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks.
Sometimes you need a "boring" candidate.
.@FrankLuntz is a low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest. Now he picks anti-Trump panels!
.@FrankLuntz, your so-called "focus groups" are a total joke. Don't come to my office looking for business again. You are a clown!
Do your fantasies involve her keeping the glasses on?
OMG these Trump treats seem like a parody but they are actually really.
Its funny how quick they turn on the guy when four years ago they were singing his praises or taking his money. They are all hypocrites. I don't blame the Trump supporters in that respect.
Is Wisconsin's Democratic Party the worst at everything? It's one thing that Scott Walker is wrong about everything, but holy shit, he's just so fucking dull. I can't imagine a single person inspired by him speaking. How do you lose three times to that dude?
Is Wisconsin's Democratic Party the worst at everything? It's one thing that Scott Walker is wrong about everything, but holy shit, he's just so fucking dull. I can't imagine a single person inspired by him speaking. How do you lose three times to that dude?
Is Wisconsin's Democratic Party the worst at everything? It's one thing that Scott Walker is wrong about everything, but holy shit, he's just so fucking dull. I can't imagine a single person inspired by him speaking. How do you lose three times to that dude?
Wisconsin voters have elected a governor from a different political party than the sitting president in 27 of the last 31 elections since 1932; only once has a Democratic candidate been elected governor in Wisconsin in the last 18 contests when a Democrat was in the White House.
How does that not sound like the exact opposite of a boring candidatehe honestly reminds me of a fusion between Doctor Eggman(Robotnik) from Sonic the Hedgehog and Teddy Roosevelt.
http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015...ying-to-take-out-trump-for-gop-establishment/Breitbarts Editor Alex Marlow: Fox News Trying to Take Out Trump for GOP Establishment
On Fridays broadcast of CNNs OutFront, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow said the first primetime debate was a great debate between the Fox News anchors and between Donald Trump with establishment Fox trying to take out the businessman and GOP frontrunner.
Marlow said that pollster Frank Luntzs declaration that the primetime debate was the destruction of a presidential campaign for Trump is wishful thinking. He continued, We saw what last nights debate was, which was a great debate. It was a great debate between the Fox News anchors and between Donald Trump. There was also, I enjoyed the [Chris] Christie-Rand [Paul] spat. That was good too. But, for the most part, we saw that Fox was on a mission: theyre trying to take out Donald Trump. He continued: Fox is positioning themselves as a centrist network, as an establishment Republican network. Theyre not interested in Donald Trump and his supporters. His supporters are grassroots conservatives, and thats why he does so well.
This is only going to feed the idea in Trump's head that the GOP establishment is trying to kill his candidacy. If more personalities of the conservative movement keep feeding this narrative (especially online folks, since Trump seems to live on Twitter), I'd hope that those chances of a third-party run go up UP UP! Whee!
True, I should've phrased it more precisely. He has more evidence in his pro-independent run column.It's not really an idea, I mean we literally saw them try to do it last night. He'd have to be the dumbest man alive not to see what was going on. FOX couldn't have been more obvious if they tried.
True, I should've phrased it more precisely. He has more evidence in his pro-independent run column.
I'm loving the backlash to Fox News by self-described conservatives. Not many folks would believed us if we were to time travel back to May to deliver this news from the future. And this RedState banishment story is only starting to get legs, as now media are starting to dig through Erickson's history of past mysogynistic statements (example: calling the 2012 DNC "The Vagina Monologues"), tarring him as a hypocrite on women's issues. Before this is over, I wouldn't be surprised if candidates are asked why they're willing to appear at this event. What a beautiful season!
Separate anecdotal update:
Had dinner last night at an uncle's house. The two women in my family who texted me during the debates reinforced their statements: this GOP craziness is going to make some women throw their hands up in the air and say, "fuck it, I'm with Hillary." They know she's probably a bit crooked, but (to quote one of them), "who isn't these days?"
I've long maintained that the gender gap is going to be one of if not the biggest story of 2016. I'm now wondering if female voters are going to have a slightly lower threshold for hitting that moment where they each point to different events/incidents/statements along the way and say, "that's it. Hillary it is."
The problem is married woman. Will a significant amount of these two groups go against their husbands and vote for Hillary? remains to be seen.
I'm guessing that she won't win white women outright, but I'd bet she improves a few points over Obama's 14% loss (2012) in that demographic. There's a lot of room for improvement, at least as insurance if minority turnout is down or if the male gap goes slightly larger.Interesting. She should win single women by a wider margin than Obama. The problem is married woman or Republican woman. Will a significant amount of these two groups go against their husbands and vote for Hillary? remains to be seen.
It will take a while for the Trump stuff to sort itself out but one thing very clear in our polling last night- Fiorina moving into top tier
The fact that so many Democrats think he did well and like him means he has no shot. It's embarrassing to keep pumping up a moderate Republican that can't win
Define "top tier"?
@KatyTurNBC: "Whole women's lib movement is exactly how he handles women. If u want to be treated equally, this is what that is."-Female Trump staffer.
Define "top tier"?
Cruz: "It is my hope that the voters currently supporting Donald Trump & all the other candidates will in time come to support us.
so he finally says it
At least Carson and Trump are good at their jobs, Fiorina...
It's not really an idea, I mean we literally saw them try to do it last night. He'd have to be the dumbest man alive not to see what was going on. FOX couldn't have been more obvious if they tried.
You guys do realize that Kaisch is this year's Huntsman.
The fact that so many Democrats think he did well and like him means he has no shot. It's embarrassing to keep pumping up a moderate Republican that can't win
Carly is a better speaker than most of the guys in the top 10. I think she'll hold up fine in the prime time debates as long as Trump doesn't attack her.
Because he could absolutely destroy her without bringing sexism into it at all if he brings up her record at HP.
What do people think of Gavin Newsom in the future of the Democratic Party?
Seems to be pretty likeable and will likely be the next governor of California. If he does well, I could see him running after Hillary.
What do people think of Gavin Newsom in the future of the Democratic Party?
Seems to be pretty likeable and will likely be the next governor of California. If he does well, I could see him running after Hillary.
Carly was fired as CEO. You have to suck ass to get fired at that level for a long time. She gone as soon as she gets near the spotlight.
He's kind of a hero in the gay marriage debate since he was one of the first people to hand out marriage licenses as mayor of San Francisco. At the time I said this is a brilliant move by him and it was.What do people think of Gavin Newsom in the future of the Democratic Party?
Seems to be pretty likeable and will likely be the next governor of California. If he does well, I could see him running after Hillary.
What do people think of Gavin Newsom in the future of the Democratic Party?
Seems to be pretty likeable and will likely be the next governor of California. If he does well, I could see him running after Hillary.