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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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What will be the narrative when black voters still en mass support the democratic candidate in this scenario? Last time it was voting solely based on skin color, this time it will be "it's just the government handouts they want!"

Or somehow blacks are racists against themselves for not voting for the "accomplished" black guy or simply don't know whats go for them, I can see some people saying that.

Republicans think just because a member is black he can gain black voters, but it does not work like that, plus he is kinda bad with dealing with race too much. He will be seen as an uncle tom.
Interesting lol.

The other candidates won't be ignoring it though. I expect Jeb's "it doesn't matter" response to be pumped into Iowa and SC by Cruz/Walker/etc types.
It's funny because it's so obvious the establishment wants Bush but this time the base just isn't having it. He could still very well be the nominee but even if/when Trump flames out he'll still have Walker and to a lesser extent Rubio to contend with.


“Look, you have a woman who got fired from her job. And I mean fired viciously. She got fired viciously. She then went out and lost in a landslide when she ran in California for the Senate (to Barbara Boxer in 2010). And I mean, she lost in a landslide. She got clobbered. And now she’s running for president. Now, I’m all for it. I think she’s a very nice woman. But she got fired. And, she lost in a landslide. Does that qualify you to run for president?

and she is done courtesy of Donald Trump.


In the typical vein of Republicans being against things until they benefit themselves personally*, Krauthammer was in favor of expanded stem cell research back during the bruhaha in W's first term.

*He is paralyzed from the waist down. From a diving board accident while in medical school of all things.
Whats wrong with ol chuck krauthammer, eh supports wars to spread democracy and doesnt afraid of anything

I think it is pretty interesting how the right has silently completely flip-flopped on this. Yeah, wasn't the big idea that we should spread democracy all over the mid-east? Woo-Hoo . . . invade Iraq and let a thousand flowers bloom!

Now according to that debate our best pals in the mid-east are the military dictator Sisi that took over in coup, the Saudi Kingdom, and King Jordan. And that Obama was an idiot for attacking the dictator Gaddafi in Libya!

The now completely back dictators . . . a complete flip-flop from their 'freedom agenda'.

Yeah, let's not talk about another completely failed GOP agenda I guess.
Bertram do you know how shocked i was at one point in the debate when the don was answering a question and the timer rang and he clearly had more to say, but stopped? The guy has a modicum of self control, nobody else stopped talking perfectly as it rung during that whole program. He was the only one that respected the format


No Scrubs
Bertram do you know how shocked i was at one point in the debate when the don was answering a question and the timer rang and he clearly had more to say, but stopped? The guy has a modicum of self control, nobody else stopped talking perfectly as it rung during that whole program. He was the only one that respected the format

You saw that too? I thought I was just drunk.


Gonna hit a few points covered across this thread:

1. Trump ain't nothing to worry about for the Ds. His unfavorables are absurd with most of the population. He turns lean right voters into hard left votes, hence why HRC beats him in a recent poll done in Kentucky. Fucking KENTUCKY. He gets the extreme right fringe out in droves though, and the Tea Party has turned that into the dominant force in the primaries.

2. Sanders is not Obama. Hell, Obama isn't/wasn't Obama. He was a valid candidate to be sure who got early traction with a strong showing in Iowa, but what really did Clinton (and McCain) in was that Obama's campaign was literally a decade ahead of the field in utilizing social media to rally voters, organize voting pools and, most importantly, extract funding. His outreach machine was unprecedented across the globe. It is now effectively being rolled over to HRC, I'm sure as some sort of horsetrading for Bill Clinton's ardent public support and campaigning last election.

3. Where did this "Hillary has no personality" bullshit come from? She has always been a unique, charismatic individual. She's a damn good interview, whether that is on the Daily Show/Colbert where it's superficial politics and jokes or in a hard hitting political wonk session with the more "serious" journalists. Her campaign is going to get about a year of negative/attack ad free play before the general to mend her negatives that do not stem from a lack of personality, they stem from the fact that when it comes to politics she's a cold, calculating, strategist who knows what she is doing 99% of the time. Basically, she's the HBIC but nobody actually likes the HBIC, they just respect the game. They'll soften that image before any rich white guy from the GOP starts lobbing grenades at her, and then much of it will look like angry white man syndrome run amok.

4. The best strategy the GOP has is Kasich/Rubio as POTUS/VP. The other way doesn't work because Rubio is still wet behind the ears and made a flat out statement last night that HRC's resume trounces the GOP field. Kasich has governor credentials, is moderate enough to not alienate the massive middle swath of voters, and would pull Ohio red. Rubio helps with hispanics and pulls Florida their way as well. That is the GOP ticket with a chance, but it's looking more and more like Kasich is going to get slapped down by the John Huntsman Effect (i.e. moderates and lefties consider him pallet-able, so GOP primary voters just assume he's awful).

5. People seriously under-estimate the "first woman president" pull HRC is going to get, or the bounce she'll see from older democrats who secretly didn't want to pull the lever for a black guy with a weird name. If you think black voter turnout is going to decline shortly after cops have been murdering black kids in the streets of most major metropolitan areas while the GOP claps from the sidelines you're fucking high.

Everything is queued up, HRC and Bill are too damn good on the big stage and this time she's running effectively unopposed. They didn't see the coming of social media as a major political force. Obama and Axelrod did. That is the one time they've ever been tripped up. You're talking about a couple who took Jeb's daddy's job when he was the sitting POTUS on the heels of St. Ronnie and actually had the country headed on a decent enough path. They live for that Red v. Blue chess match.

I can agree with this.
Bertram do you know how shocked i was at one point in the debate when the don was answering a question and the timer rang and he clearly had more to say, but stopped? The guy has a modicum of self control, nobody else stopped talking perfectly as it rung during that whole program. He was the only one that respected the format
I remember that. He was the only one to respect anyone's time.

Anyone else remember when Al Franken rustled John McCain's jimmies by cutting off Joe Lieberman during a Senate hearing for going overtime? And McCain was like "But we always go overtime!" and Franken's just like (very pragmatically) "uh-uh NOT WHEN I'M IN CHARGE"

Maybe entertainers are just more considerate than career politicians.


The amount of viewers for the first debate is insane.

No one is worried about this? Sure, lots of political junkies and people who love to see the dysfunctional Republican clown car tuned in, but I had to do a double take when I saw the ratings today.

I think the GOP has a lot of momentum at their side this time around. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, and could prove to be bland and uninspired compared to whoever the GOP nominates.

Lots of young people seem to like Rubio. As in, teens/early 20s.


No Scrubs
The amount of viewers for the first debate is insane.

No one is worried about this? Sure, lots of political junkies and people who love to see the dysfunctional Republican clown car tuned in, but I had to do a double take when I saw the ratings today.

I think the GOP has a lot of momentum at their side this time around. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, and could prove to be bland and uninspired compared to whoever the GOP nominates.

Lots of young people seem to like Rubio. As in, teens/early 20s.

They literally tuned in for the Trump shit show and nothing else. This was the biggest comedy event of the year.
Ah yes. She dyed her hair for a few months now. Why? I'm not sure. Definitely a step down for my muse. :(

Would still smash though.

Albeit grudgingly, with far less enthusiasm.
I would pay any price, bear any burden.
We will smash on the beaches! We will smash in the streets



The amount of viewers for the first debate is insane.

No one is worried about this? Sure, lots of political junkies and people who love to see the dysfunctional Republican clown car tuned in, but I had to do a double take when I saw the ratings today.

I think the GOP has a lot of momentum at their side this time around. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, and could prove to be bland and uninspired compared to whoever the GOP nominates.

Lots of young people seem to like Rubio. As in, teens/early 20s.

Hillary will be fine. Obama did not have a primary in 2011 for obvious reasons and he still won. Enthusiasm will come in the fall.

and this:

Gonna hit a few points covered across this thread:

3. Where did this "Hillary has no personality" bullshit come from? She has always been a unique, charismatic individual. She's a damn good interview, whether that is on the Daily Show/Colbert where it's superficial politics and jokes or in a hard hitting political wonk session with the more "serious" journalists. Her campaign is going to get about a year of negative/attack ad free play before the general to mend her negatives that do not stem from a lack of personality, they stem from the fact that when it comes to politics she's a cold, calculating, strategist who knows what she is doing 99% of the time. Basically, she's the HBIC but nobody actually likes the HBIC, they just respect the game. They'll soften that image before any rich white guy from the GOP starts lobbing grenades at her, and then much of it will look like angry white man syndrome run amok.

5. People seriously under-estimate the "first woman president" pull HRC is going to get, or the bounce she'll see from older democrats who secretly didn't want to pull the lever for a black guy with a weird name. If you think black voter turnout is going to decline shortly after cops have been murdering black kids in the streets of most major metropolitan areas while the GOP claps from the sidelines you're fucking high.
The amount of viewers for the first debate is insane.

No one is worried about this? Sure, lots of political junkies and people who love to see the dysfunctional Republican clown car tuned in, but I had to do a double take when I saw the ratings today.

I think the GOP has a lot of momentum at their side this time around. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, and could prove to be bland and uninspired compared to whoever the GOP nominates.

Lots of young people seem to like Rubio. As in, teens/early 20s.

Teens/young adults are easily swayed by bullshit (see: 2008). But I don't see Rubio pulling it off. There's a Palin dynamic going on in terms of trying to make identity politics appeals while being completely out of touch with your group. A lot of Hispanics don't support abortion, sure. But they do support a variety of leftist economic views, and sure as hell support immigration reform. Young people support gay marriage, abortion, and a host of other shit Rubio opposes.

I think he could beat Hillary under perfect circumstances (bad economy, Hillary being a weak nominee, unstable foreign policy situation, etc)...but under normal circumstances he'd lose. Which is why his rape/abortion stance is so puzzling. That shit is NOT going to work unless the cards end up entirely in the GOP's favor. Is he simply doing it to undercut/flank Bush, as a hail mary? And if it works he'll worry about the consequences later?
The amount of viewers for the first debate is insane.

No one is worried about this? Sure, lots of political junkies and people who love to see the dysfunctional Republican clown car tuned in, but I had to do a double take when I saw the ratings today.

I think the GOP has a lot of momentum at their side this time around. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, and could prove to be bland and uninspired compared to whoever the GOP nominates.

Well, you know WHY so many people tuned in, right? To see the Donald Trump shitshow. And he certainly delivered. I'm happy that so many people watched. Lots of Dems to learn why they really NEED to vote. Lots of GOPers to fall in love with the Donald. It's all good.

Lots of young people seem to like Rubio. As in, teens/early 20s.
Pffft. Hey, a fresh young face . . . to sell all the shitty old policies that your crazy uncle wants! No abortion . . . even in cases of rape & incest! I know what Amazon.com is! Kill the Estate tax! I'm on the inter-webs! Cut taxes on rich people! Deny climate change and do NOTHING about it! But all with a fresh young latino face!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol seriously?


The amount of viewers for the first debate is insane.

No one is worried about this? Sure, lots of political junkies and people who love to see the dysfunctional Republican clown car tuned in, but I had to do a double take when I saw the ratings today.

I think the GOP has a lot of momentum at their side this time around. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, and could prove to be bland and uninspired compared to whoever the GOP nominates.

Lots of young people seem to like Rubio. As in, teens/early 20s.

lol what?

As many have already explained, there's one and ONLY one reason those ratings were that high, and it's because of Trump. This is not indicative of any surge in popularity among the Republican party. I believe the last round of debates did pretty well in the ratings too. This means nothing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I got your back bro.


Do your fantasies involve her keeping the glasses on?




Speaking of SE Cupp. I ventured across her instagram. Never read the comments applies to there too. She had a Pic of Toure with her who she worked with on The Cycle. How can some people be so vile out in the open on a PUBLIC website for the world to click on your profile and see?

Tell him to pay his taxes...

Isn't that embracing evil it not just a friendly exchange of ideas

Dude is such a tool. I don't think he can generate an original thought on his own. Everything is a liberal talking point.

"Touré: the tax-dodging talking-head.. Because hey, when he lectures about 'paying a fair share' he really just means YOU."
If you can cheat the government out of taxes more power to you

If more Progressive's paid their taxes they wouldn't want to raise them, kinda like their views on the Constitution, they pick & choose what they obey...
The amount of viewers for the first debate is insane.

No one is worried about this? Sure, lots of political junkies and people who love to see the dysfunctional Republican clown car tuned in, but I had to do a double take when I saw the ratings today.

I think the GOP has a lot of momentum at their side this time around. Hillary is a very polarizing figure, and could prove to be bland and uninspired compared to whoever the GOP nominates.

Lots of young people seem to like Rubio. As in, teens/early 20s.

I would worry about a lot of people turned in to see Donald Trump and mostly him. What they got out it is basically knowing who some of these people are, but those people didn't say much of anything.

Hillary Clinton hadn't been campaigning as much and is basically just announcing her plans on different issues. Once she actually starts to campaign it could improve her image. Most teens and young adults don't know shit about politics and most likely go to whatever politician that talks about issues they want and say it in a way that can get them to vote and that's only Bernie and Hillary. Bernie does not have the recognition, but can energize people. Once Hillary does what she needs to do she will have the recognition and that will help her to get people on her side once she actually campaigns.
Glenda Ritz dropped her bid to oppose Pence in IN. Appears she struggled to raise money.
Probably for the best. John Gregg has a better chance at beating Pence - more centrist, has been an absolute juggernaut for fundraising (raised more than Pence), and almost won in 2012 in a race most everyone wrote off.

Maybe she can be Gregg's running mate. He picked a liberal woman in 2012.


Probably for the best. John Gregg has a better chance at beating Pence - more centrist, has been an absolute juggernaut for fundraising (raised more than Pence), and almost won in 2012 in a race most everyone wrote off.

Maybe she can be Gregg's running mate. He picked a liberal woman in 2012.

oh boy he does not look Governor material. He seems so boring looking at his announcement video.
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